God blessed me with a grand daughter

Praise the Lord. I attended the meeting Anbarin Pathathil Oru Naal in 2017 for the New Year service. While praying, I asked the Lord to bless me with a granddaughter. Later Brother Stephen prayed for me and said, “An extraordinary miracle will happen and God will give it according to the desire of your heart”.

The same month my daughter conceived.  When the baby was in the womb, there were many complications. The baby neither grew  nor gained weight. During her eighth month, the doctors diagnosed that one of the arteries that carry blood, had got blocked entirely. She had to undergo a treatment called Doubler.  I informed Brother about what had happened. He prayed for us. Doctor said that they would take the baby out and would be kept in the incubator. I prayed earnestly. God heard all our prayers.

My daughter was blessed with a normal delivery. God miraculously blessed me with a granddaughter with a weight of 2.4 pounds. I give all the praises to God, who performed this miracle. I thank Brother for his earnest prayers.

God Healed my Father

Praise the Lord. My father is 75 years. Four years ago, he had an open heart surgery. Last year he was diagnosed with mouth cancer and was operated. Recently he was diagnosed with pulmonary effusion (collection of fluid in the lungs). Things got critical as his body could not withstand medication. The doctors said that he should be kept in the ICU and it was difficult to save him because he was aged.

I went to the God’s Love Ministries Prayer Tower to meet Brother Stephen. I requested him to pray for my father. I told him that I wanted my father to live longer. Brother prayed with much burden for my father. God answered the prayers.  My father was shifted from the ICU to the normal ward. I praise God for the good health the Lord has given to my father. I also thank Brother Stephen for praying for my father.

God blessed me with a Job

Praise the Lord. It has been nearly eight years since my husband passed away. He was working at BSNL. I did not get the job of my husband after he passed away. I used to go to the office almost every day hoping that they would give me that job. The moment I entered the meeting Anbarin Pathathil Oru Naal, I heard Brother say, all those who did not get a job will get a job.  All those who did not get an appointment order will get it. In the same month, I got my appointment order. I thank Brother for the promising word he gave at the meeting.

Likewise, last month I had pain on my left hand.  For nearly three months, I couldn’t lift my hand.  I had severe pain.  Brother Stephen prayed for me. Now I am able to lift my hand without pain. I thank God for healing me.

I also thank Brother Stephen for praying for me.

Jesus Is Victory

Praise the Lord.

I am Vino John coming from Nagercoil. I met and got prayed from our beloved Brother T.Stephen in a convention meeting held at Valliyur Deliverance Festival in the year 2014 for the first time. From that day, I have been experiencing victory after victory. In the year 2015, before my marriage, I was elected as a Deacon in the church in a place named kottaram. In the year 2016, I got married in a place named Marthandam. In the year 2017, on the 27th of July, the Lord blessed me with a beautiful baby boy.  We named him Rudolph De John.

I thank the Lord for blessing me. I also thank Brother Stephen for all his prayers.

The Lord placed a new heart

Praise the Lord.

I am Packia  Mary Amala from Kanyakumari District.  I had some problem in my heart and I collapsed without my knowledge. I was unconscious for a long time. In this situation, my daughter took me to the hospital for the checkup. The doctors told that my heart rate was only 35 and that my condition was getting worsened. They told my daughter that they had to do an operation and place a pacemaker in my heart. After coming back from the hospital , I prayed with tears for my deliverance. I called Brother Stephen and prayed. Brother told, “Lord Jesus Christ is placing a new heart for you.” When I went for a checkup after 5 months, the doctors told me that my heart was in good condition.

I thank the Lord for giving me a new heart. I also thank Brother Stephen for praying for me.

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