Praise the Lord. I have been suffering from diabetes for quite a long time. I came to attend the meeting Anbarin Paathathil Oru Naal. During the time of prayer, Brother told all those who are suffering from diabetes to raise their hands and that he would pray for them. I raised my hand and prayed along with Brother. While I was praying, I had a strong feeling that God would heal me completely. A few days later, I had gone for my regular check-up. The first time that I checked, my sugar levels were normal. I then decided to come again after a few more days and get myself checked once more. To my surprise, the next time that I checked-up, my sugar levels were absolutely normal. I was completely delivered from this illness.
I thank and praise God for giving me deliverance form diabetes. I also thank Bro. Stephen for his prayers.
Praise the Lord. I am working as an attendant at the hospital “Stanley”. While attending to a case, I fell down and dislocated my knee. I was operated immediately. My knees have been replaced with steel rods. Even after having spent nearly two lakhs for the operation and the treatment, I was not healed. The pain in my leg worsened. My children were upset.
During that time, I attended the meeting Anbarin Paathathil Oru Naal. After the time of message, while Brother was praying for the sick, I told the Lord, “Lord, if you give me complete deliverance from this pain in my leg, I will testify in this meeting.” God heard the prayers of Brother and healed me completely. Now I do not have any pain in my leg. I am healed completely. I thank and praise God for healing me. I also thank Brother Stephen for all his prayers.
Praise the Lord. I come from Rajyapalayam. While I was watching Brother Stephen’s program on Sathiyam T.V at 11:30 p.m, he said, ‘God will save you from every form of evil’. At that time, I prayed for the safety of my family. While I was praying at home, an incident took place at my husband’s work place.
My husband is a conductor. That night, he was at the Trichy bus stand. He had finished his duty and was taking a short nap. He kept his bag of money (Rs.1 lakh), a 3 pound chain, a debit card, ATM card, debit card and other belongings with him and slept off. All of a sudden, a man had stolen the bag of money and was getting away with it. My husband felt like someone was waking him up. When he woke up, he found the bag was missing and saw the man running with the bag. At once, my husband ran after him and got the bag. All glory to God for being with my husband.
Similarly, my son lost his mobile phone at his college. He insisted that I pray along with uncle during the meeting so that he will be able to get his phone. God answered even that prayer and we got back the lost mobile phone. I praise and thank God for His protection upon our family. I also thank Brother Stephen for his prayers.
Praise the Lord. My son and daughter-in-law have been married for seven years and have been struggling ever since. The problem between them got worse and went to the level of getting divorced. The only hope I had was prayer. When I attended the meeting (Anbarin Paathathil Oru Naal) last month, Sister Josephine (Brother Stephen’s wife) sang a song that says “The King who breaks the barrier is going before us.” I had great faith and prayed with much burden. Today, by the grace of God, my son and daughter-in-law are united and are leading happy life. All glory to God.
We have also been struggling with a debt of Rs.2 Lakhs. In two years the Lord enabled us to pay back the debts in portions and we are very happy. I praise God for helping us pay back this debt and uniting my family. I thank Brother Stephen for his prayers.
Praise the Lord. My name is Sharada. I am a contractor. I was to take up a mega project and had got the necessary permission; but did not take any further step towards the construction. I was slightly hesitant whether I would be to complete such a mega project or not.
A few days later, I watched Brother Stephen’s program on Sathiyam TV, where Brother said, “Our God is a counselor and that we must not take any decision on our own but we need to pray and do the will of God.” The next morning I prayed and asked the Lord to reveal His plan for me. I told the Lord, “If I get the loan I will do the construction”. The following week, Brother prophesied saying, “Our God is a God of all riches. You need not go in search of anyone. God will send to you all that you need”. I believed this word and held onto this word.
I got an appointment to meet Brother. The time I went to meet Brother, I got a call saying thatmy loan was sanctioned. As I had an appointment with Brother at that time, I told them that, meeting Brother was more important that getting the loan. After meeting Brother, the one who was to give me the loan came and met me. We did not know each other. I felt like as if God had sent an angel to sanction the loan even without me asking for it. Within a week all the formalities were done and I got the loan for the construction. By the grace of God, I have started the construction process. I thank and praise God for this blessing. I also thank Brother Stephen for praying for me.