Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in 1 John 4:4, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
Today, many of you may have a huge debt list. You have great plans but lack the necessary investment. Perhaps a sudden medical expense has arisen, or an unexpected financial burden has come upon you. You may feel overwhelmed, thinking, “I have nothing in my hands. I am poor. I am living day by day with what little I earn. How can I bear such a heavy load?”
Do not worry at all. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. The Lord will do great things. It may seem impossible for you, but with Him, all things are possible. All you need to do is surrender it to Him. Say, “Lord, You have said that You will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. I cannot handle this burden alone. I surrender it to You; take care of it.” He will work a great miracle and satisfy your needs. He will transform your fear into faith so that you may say, “How did this great need get met? I can hardly believe it myself!” Remember the Lord who fed the 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish, and yet there were twelve basketfuls of leftovers. In the same way, He will provide for you abundantly.
If you’re facing overwhelming medical expenses, trust in your Heavenly Father. He is alive and will redeem you. If you’ve suffered a sudden loss, hold on to the Lord who turns loss into profit. He expanded the borders of Jabez; He will expand your borders, pay off your debts, and bless you with abundance. If sickness has struck you like a thunderbolt, do not fear. Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals, will grant you free healing and deliverance from disease. Remember, He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Testimony: Brother V. Nataraja, 70 years old, from Sri Lanka, was once unable to make an important decision and was in great distress. Early one morning, he prayed in God’s presence and listened to the “Anudhina Mangala Vaarthai Prayer.” Through Brother Stephen, God revealed a prophetic word. Brother Nataraja held onto that word and prayed. He also asked God to confirm the prophetic message during the “Anbarin Paathathil Fasting Meeting.” Amazingly, the Lord spoke the same word again through Brother Stephen during that meeting. Filled with courage, Brother Nataraja made his decision, and God blessed him with victory. Praise God for His faithfulness! Even today, if you are struggling to make a decision, trust in the Lord, and He will perform a miracle for you because He who is in you is greater.
Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank You. You who dwell in us are greater than he who is in the world. Do great things for Your children. Cancel their debts. Turn their shame into honor. Meet their every need. Descend, Lord, and arrange weddings for those waiting. Provide abundantly, so that they may gather basketfuls of blessings. Grant children to the childless. Raise Your children to high positions. Open doors for them to dwell in great nations. Grant them long life, health, and prosperity. Bless and honor Your children. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
Beloved children of God, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Genesis 15:1, “Do not be afraid. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”
Are you waking up with fear and worries about what might happen today? The Lord is telling you: do not be afraid. Surrender your fears to Him, for He is in control. Just as He spoke to Abraham, God promises to be your shield — your protector — and your great reward. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Whether you fear accidents, illness, or the power of witchcraft, the Lord will surround you and your family with a wall of fire. He will bless the work of your hands and bring forth a harvest of blessings.
Sister Priscilla Banu from Chennai works at the airport. For five months, she took a break from work due to a severe mental battle. After completing a task, she felt compelled to repeat it over and over again — sometimes up to 14 times. For example, after taking a bath once, she would feel the need to bathe repeatedly. Even after returning from work, she would feel the urge to go back to the office. Her family noticed her struggle and took her to the hospital. The doctor prescribed medication to help her sleep, but while she slept well in the mornings, she remained awake at night. In this desperate state, her mother brought her to God’s Love Ministries Prayer Centre. There, a prayer warrior earnestly prayed for her deliverance. The Lord heard that prayer and set her free from the torment in her mind. From that day forward, the Lord became her shield and reward. She is now healed and able to work confidently. The devil had bound her mind, causing her to repeat tasks endlessly, but through prayer and the power of God’s Word, those chains were broken. Today, she stands as a testimony to His miraculous healing.
Loving Lord, thank You for being our shield and reward. Bless Your children with abundance, prosperity, and overflowing joy. Let their hard work bear fruit, and may they experience Your protection and favor. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge? Knowledge is something we acquire through education — we pay fees and attend school to learn about specific subjects. However, wisdom is a divine gift, freely given by the Lord to those who live in the fear of the Lord. Today, those who possess God-given wisdom, even without formal education, find success. On the other hand, those who have knowledge but lack wisdom often face failure. Therefore, wisdom is far more important than knowledge.
To receive this divine wisdom, what must we do? We must live in the fear of the Lord, guided by our conscience. We should flee from evil, avoid association with wrongdoers, and walk in righteousness. The Bible teaches us not to follow the path of the wicked nor sit in the company of scoffers. The Lord alone is our hope. If you live as God’s obedient children, your life will be blessed — your relationships, career, and income will flourish. Divine wisdom will work within you, guiding you in every aspect of life.
Brother M.S. John Xavier from Chennai shares this powerful testimony, “My son James completed his B.E. and started working, but his workplaces were not suitable. He changed jobs multiple times, each ending in disappointment. This left him depressed and sorrowful. We sought an appointment to meet and pray with Brother Stephen. When the time came, we shared our son’s struggles as a family, and Brother Stephen prayed for us. During the prayer, through prophetic words, Brother Stephen said, ‘Business is not your path. You will get a job in a big MNC, and you will travel to many countries.’ Later, James took an exam along with 20,000 others and secured the 46th rank. He then completed his MBA in Coimbatore. By the grace of God and through Brother Stephen’s prayers, my son received a job in a prestigious Australian company. Today, he works there with a good salary, and from his first month’s earnings, we offered Rs. 1,80,000 to God’s Love Ministries as thanksgiving. God fulfilled His promise and made his name great abroad. He will do the same for you.”
Loving Lord, we thank You. According to Your Word, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” May each of Your children arise and shine with divine wisdom. Open doors for permanent jobs and bless them to lead their families responsibly. Bind those who have been separated from their spouses in Your divine wisdom, and bring unity to their families. Bless them with wise progeny and break all barriers of the womb. Let Your children receive divine healing and long life.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Proverbs 13:23, “A poor person’s farm may produce much food.”
“A poor person’s farm may produce much food.” This means that the Lord knows your struggles. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. Just as Isaac sowed seeds and reaped a hundredfold harvest, so shall the Lord bless you abundantly. In the very place where Isaac sought to survive, God made him prosperous, wealthy, and great. Today, wherever you have gone to survive — whether in a city, village, or foreign land — the gracious hand of the Lord is descending upon you. Though you once sowed much and reaped little, the Lord promises that hereafter, even if you sow little, you will harvest abundantly. The times of Rehoboth and the blessed days of Isaac will shine upon your life.
If you have faced losses in business, hold on to this word and pray. Cry out, “Lord, I am poor. Once, I was better off, but my business failed. I was middle-class, but now I am below the poverty line. Help me, Lord!” The Lord will help you. The Lord will then entrust you with greater responsibilities. For those expecting government jobs or opportunities abroad, trust that these blessings will come to pass. Jobs that were taken from you will be restored, and you will experience abundance.
Testimony from our Anbarin Paathathil meeting: Many years ago, a father, mother, and young boy named Sam attended the meetings regularly. They were a struggling family, but they remained faithful. Whenever I prayed for Sam, the Lord revealed that He would take him to nations and make his name great. Sam worked diligently, and by God’s grace, he secured a good job in Belgium at a young age. He later bought land in Chennai, built a house, and I had the privilege of dedicating it. Today, Sam is married and blessed. The same God who lifted him will lift you. As I prepared this message, the verse “A poor person’s farm may produce much food” reminded me of Sam. Today, the Lord has exalted him. Very soon, we are launching the God’s Love Ministries App, and Sam has sponsored the entire project. In Belgium, the Lord has established him in a great position because he feared God, obeyed his parents, and honored the church. Live as a witness like Sam, and the Lord will do the same for you.
Loving Lord, we thank You. Today, You said, “A poor person’s farm may produce much food.” Let this promise come to pass. Though they sowed much and reaped little, may Your helping hand prosper all that they do. Bless their businesses, their jobs, and the work of their hands. Open the floodgates of heaven so that they may lend and not borrow. Do miracles in their lives. Safeguard them from debt and grant them surplus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible says, in the prophetic book of Malachi 4:2, says, “But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.”
The “Sun of Righteousness” is one of the identities of God. It reveals our Lord as a just and righteous judge. On whom does the Sun of Righteousness arise? On those children who fear His name, who live in reverence of their conscience. The Sun of Righteousness will arise upon children who live according to the commandments of the Lord. This means the Lord’s Holy Spirit will come and dwell in them. Our Lord Jesus Christ will reside in them as the Sun of Righteousness and will do justice for them.
Today, for all those who have not received justice and are in tears, the Lord says that receiving justice is simple: submit yourself today to live a life in the fear of the Lord. Live in reverence to your conscience. During these days of meditating on the cross, these Lent days, we should examine ourselves deeply in our spiritual lives and use this time to transform ourselves. If you say, “I have not received justice in the court, in my family, at my workplace,” know that today, to receive justice, you must submit yourself to righteous living. Live in the fear of the Lord and have a heart to walk according to His commandments, and the Lord will surely bring justice to you.
Luke 18:7-8 says, “And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.” Today, if your family case is in court, the Lord is saying He will do justice. Whether it is a property case, an ancestral wealth dispute, a workplace issue, or a legal heir job case, no matter the nature of the case, submit yourself to righteous living, and the Lord will perform a miracle.
Sis. Kiruba Rani from Chittoor shared her testimony: “My daughter had severe stomach pain. Though we went to the hospital, the pain did not reduce, and she continued to suffer. During that time, we contacted the God’s Love Ministries prayer center through telephone. I requested them to pray for my daughter’s healing. The prayer warrior prayed earnestly, and from that moment till now, the stomach pain has not returned. She is completely healed. Not only that, but my neighbor also caused many problems against my family, robbing us of our peace and leaving us in great sorrow. I contacted God’s Love Ministries again and requested prayer for these issues. The Lord heard the prayers offered by the prayer warrior and granted us peace. The Lord, the Sun of Righteousness, did justice in the problems that arose against us. He will do the same for you.”
Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I greet and bless Your children. Transform them into children who live in the fear of the Lord and walk in His ways. Let repentance take place, and may they submit to righteous living. Through this submission, I pray that they receive justice. Wherever they have been denied justice, my Lord, the Righteous Judge, contend and battle for them. Redeem what is rightfully theirs and do justice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.