The Righteous

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, September 24th, through this daily blessing word.

Let us read Psalms 5:12, “For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favour You will surround him as with a shield.” The Lord blesses a righteous man to flourish like a palm tree. Some people do not progress after a certain level and become stagnant. Their growth becomes stunted after a certain level. But that is not God’s plan at all. Just like David prospered day by day, the Lord wants us to flourish day by day. Have you seen a palm tree? You cannot look like this at a palm tree, not in surprise; you must look up in amazement to see the palm tree. A righteous man thrives like a palm tree means that he will be so blessed that everyone will be amazed at him. Today if your blessings are stagnant, for God to bless you to flourish like a palm tree you should be a righteous person. You should be God’s beloved. You should be a person of integrity in your work. You should not fall for some insignificant gift. We should be careful not to lose our birthright like Esau lost his for a mere bowl of stew. Be a righteous person truthful, and full of integrity in front of God, and you will flourish like the palm tree. You will be blessed. You must have heard people commenting, “When you fall from a small height, you may only break your hand or leg. But when you fall from a greater height not even your bones will remain. That is why God says when a righteous man flourishes like a palm tree the favour of God will surround him as with a shield. When you thrive as a righteous person, wherever you go you will not fall because the favour of God will surround you like a shield. A protected progress. Submit to righteous living so that the Lord might grant you a safe progression. God will work wonders.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. According to the verse, “For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor, You will surround him as with a shield.” Noah was a righteous man, and to protect him, Lord You made an ark. In the same way, let Jesus be their ark and protect them and take them to the highest places on this earth. Let their blessings not become stagnant but let them progress day by day. For Mordecai was great in the king’s palace, he became increasingly prominent and became second in rank to the King. Mordecai who sat within the King’s gate like a poor man became great and increasingly prominent as the second in rank to the King. Let there be open doors for my children, this is my wholehearted blessing. Remove every crisis, debt, and scarcity from my children. May they live in peace. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Good things

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, September 23rd, through this blessed word.

Let us read Psalms 103:5, “Who satisfies your mouth with good things So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” When we receive a blessing, our mouth continues to sing psalms. It will keep praising God. When we do not receive a blessing, our mouths will continue to lament. He will satisfy your mouth with good things so that your lamenting mouth will now begin to praise God with joyous lips. He will do many good things in your life, which will make you glad and your mouth satisfied. Dissatisfaction will cause lamentation. Contentment will cause happiness. And a happy person will sing psalms. People remark, “The sound of music indicates some celebration, it seems he is in a jubilant mood.” When something good happens, the heart naturally rejoices and begins to praise God. When anything good or satisfying happens in life, the heart is filled with songs the next minute. As the verse says, “Who satisfies your mouth with good things.” Wherever you are dissatisfied, you will become content. You are dissatisfied with your wife, isn’t it? God will transform her into a new human being. How am I going to live my life with this talkative wife? Today her tongue will be satisfied with good things, and God will transform her into a praying wife. How am I going to spend my life with this husband? I’m only recently married, yet I can’t stand his unjust, nasty behaviour or listen to his words. God is going to completely transform him after today. An unbelievable great change will come upon him, and God will make him a good person. He will do a miracle. God will perform a miracle in the thing you are bemoaning – your husband’s bad behaviour and low income. He will work wonders! The verse says, Who satisfies your mouth with good things So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

The Eagles have a new lease of life in their old age. When it becomes old, it will lose the feathers from its body. But God has a special grace for them, the feathers will grow back again. And once the feathers grow back, it will fly again. God renews the strength of the eagles to mount up and fly swiftly as their youth is renewed, won’t He do it for you? Hasn’t He made man as His amazing creation? God says, don’t think you will perish with this disease if He renewed the strength of the eagles so that they fly again. You will be healed, and you will become as active as you were in your youth. The chords of death have been destroyed. God sends His strength into your weak body and makes you run with the strength of a rhinoceros.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. I bless them in the name of Jesus Christ. Satisfy their mouth with good things. May good things happen in their family, let their hearts be filled with a sense of gratitude, and let sounds of praise arise from their tongues. Moreover, You said, your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. May the damaged organs be revived in the name of Jesus, and let my children jump and walk, and achieve great feats as they did in their youth. Let Your strength be made perfect in all their weaknesses. With the strength of the rhinoceros let them run, walk, and toil. In Jesus Name. Amen.


My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day, September 22nd, through this daily blessing word.

Let us read Proverbs 18:12, “And before honour is humility.” To reach the pinnacle of your profession, business, ministry, or trade, you must first completely humble yourself. Today, many people perish due to pride. I have seen many people perish due to pride and arrogance. They would be quite successful, and when God brings them to the heights of fame, they puff up in pride, saying, “Everything happened because of me, everything happened because of my talent, everything happened because of my hard work.” God resists the proud. When you face problems in the world, the only person who can save you is God. But God stands against a man; do you know who it is? The proud. Children of God, please come out of your pride. Many are proud of their caste; others are proud of their beauty. Some are proud of their complexion. They are proud of their fair complexion. Some are proud of their education. Many are proud that they have their own house. Others are proud of their government jobs. The Lord says you are impeding your advancement by being proud of one of these. What is God’s formula? If you humble yourself, He will lift you up. Before honour is humility. The Lord has clearly indicated that there is no prospect of reaching the peak until you humble yourself.

King Nebuchadnezzar had won great victories in war. He built the famous hanging gardens. He became arrogant. He said, “This great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honour of my majesty.” He lauded his own brilliance in the Babylon hanging gardens. That instant he ate grass like oxen. That was the Lord’s punishment for his arrogance. Many times, we are not able to comprehend why we are suffering. Why did this happen? Arrogance and pride caused it. The Lord says even if you are perishing due to pride, He will give you a second chance. Henceforth humble yourselves completely, God will raise you. For many years I suffered as a tenant in rented houses. Later the Lord blessed me with my own house, called Glorious Palace. An independent four-floor bungalow. Bro Sam Jebadurai came and dedicated the house, after the dedication service I gave my testimony. I looked back at the path I had travelled, came to Chennai, and worked in a small hotel washing plates, cleaning tables, and removing the dirty plates. I moved on to become a driver, from there as an owner of a taxi company, after which God gave me a car company called Stephen Cars. I was doing part-time ministry those days and used to share my testimony in several places. My business was flourishing those days. Many friends who were Hindu, Muslim, and Christian and did business with me had come, to the function and they listened to my testimony with tears. This is what I shared, “I came empty-handed with nothing to the city of Chennai, faced many hurdles, and the only person who is responsible for raising me to this level is the Lord Jesus Christ whom I worship. He is the reason for my progress. It is because of Him that I am a businessman. I am the owner of this bungalow because of Him. All this honour is due to Him. I humbled my heart shared my testimony and praised God in front of the people.

After the dedication ceremony, a nice meal was given and later everyone left. A close friend who was with me in business called me after reaching his place, “Everything was fabulous but in the end, you spoilt it. The function was grand, the house was beautiful, the food delicious but at the end, you spoilt it.” I could not understand what he meant. He said, “The whole city thinks you are a wealthy person for many generations and a successful businessman. Why did you say, ‘I cleared the plates, cleaned the tables, worked as a cleaner’ and defamed yourself? Why did you throw dust on your face? All of us have placed you on a pedestal. Why did you do this disgraceful thing? Everyone has some background like this, but after reaching a certain status we should not think about these bygone days. To establish your name, you should have spoken about your present flourishing status. I allowed him to speak for a while after which I said, “Whatever I shared is the truth. God is the reason for my honour. Won’t you acknowledge the person who helped you in your life, the same way God was the only one who was there to help me in the city of Chennai? Neither relatives nor friends were affluent enough to help me. Only God raised me. He is the reason for my excellence. That is why I shared these things. Because of this, It is fine with me if someone speaks disparagingly about me. I only want to glorify God’s name.”

After hearing this he said, “You are a selfless man!” He had questioned me like this just to check me out. He did not think of me badly. He wanted to check how I would answer the question and what I would reveal through it. He said, “This is why you are progressing fast. This is missing in many people. I am very proud of you. I salute you. I was feeling very happy. Perhaps God has prospered you from a state of nothingness. Please do not forget what the Lord has done. Wherever you get to a stage, don’t forget to share the goodness of God. Exalt the Lord. He will exalt you to the extent that you exalt Him. That is why this verse says, Humility before Honour. As you humble yourself, God will exalt you. God has raised me even in the ministry. Do you know the reason? Even today I look back at the path I have taken. I respect those who are going through what I went through. When I listen to their problems, I have tears as I respect them and consider their sufferings as mine. When I pray for those who are suffering my eyes are filled with tears. In this world, you are not going to gain anything by being proud. Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord saying, “All I have is because of You.” God will want to exalt you more. From today bury your pride and arrogance and humble yourself before God.

Dear Lord, we thank You. We thank You for speaking to us that the greatest blessing of humility is honour. I offer you a million thanks
for raising me from the dirt to the mountaintop. Every honour has come from You, all glory be to You. Now I pray for my children who are suffering and are in agony, let them humble themselves in the presence of God and receive blessings, honour, and fame. Make them a channel of blessing to many. In Jesus Name. Amen.

You Can Do All Things

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 21st of September. It is a great pleasure to meet you all through this auspicious message. May the Lord bless you all. Let’s read Philippians 4:13, which says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

There are many of you who say, I don’t have the strength to do even a small job. I cannot carry or lift even this thing. I have no strength to lift it up. My hands have become weak. I have no strength to walk. No strength to breathe. Saying like this many of you are sitting very sick and weary over your helpless condition. And you are murmuring and lamenting over your situation. So in order to strengthen you, the word of God comes to you. saying “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Repeat this verse as a mark of faith in the Lord. Keep repeating this word so that you will be strengthened by the word of GOD. It will establish you, it will encourage you. This word will go inside of you and create healing in you. It will strengthen your weak and stumbling knees. It will strengthen your hands that have grown weak and weary. Your legs will be strengthened. What are you going to say? You should say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Strength to do everything. Strength to study. Grace to achieve victory. Strength to do your business, anointing to do your ministry. You need to express words of faith that you will be able to do all things. Today many children say only negative words. They are talking without faith. It shows their faithlessness in God. If You talk negatively then you will never witness anything glorious. You will not be able to see any progress in your life also. What does the word of God say, “If you believe you will see the glory of God. My dear daughter God is looking at you and saying this. Son God is looking at you and saying this. ”So if you believe you shall see the glory of God. If you want a miracle to happen in your life then you should believe in God. You need to confess words of faith. Though you don’t have strength, you just repeat these words saying “ I can do all things that strengthen you, then you will find an unknown strength in you, because God who looks at things that do not exist, as though they existed. Then you will receive as if it existed, when you praise God. Therefore from today there should not be any negative talk, or negative thought and pluck it out of your mind. Strengthen your faith in the Lord, Think by faith But as it is written, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”
Now what is the Strength of Christ? Or strengthened by Christ’s meaning? This means God who strengthens you. Today many of you think that if you eat this food it will give you strength, or if you take that food, you will be strengthened. Taking good food and being strengthened is not a matter or a problem. Some are saying, if you drink this wine you will be strong. If you eat this stuff you will be strengthened. You will get good health. Saying like this many of the children are taking the wrong food, for such kinds of children the Lord is directly rebuking You. My dear children of God, it will only cause weakness in you. When a drunkard goes to the doctor, he immediately asks whether he has the habit of drinking or smoking. Not to give you a certificate but if you have such habits, then he cannot write prescriptions with mild dosage, because you will not be healed. The poison will enter into your body and cause damage to your health. He has to give you strong or heavy dosage that is why the doctor is asking whether you have such habits.

It is not to find out whether you are a good or bad person. My dear children of God today many eat wrong food, such as drugs and brown sugar, and lose the strength that God has given you. You stand having lost your good health. For some of you who drink, your liver has been badly affected. So you are slowly dying. As you say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” And as the Lord instructs, if you destroy or spoil your body with uncleanness. I tell you, don’t touch anything that destroys you. The person who drinks poison is similar to the one who drinks alcohol. Because the one who takes poison dies immediately, but the one who drinks dies gradually. Both are committing suicide. My dear children of God, the life that God has given to you, or the body which is the temple of God, that the Lord has given you, you have no right to spoil it. God says, if someone destroys your body then God will destroy your life. So what does that mean? That you have destroyed the temple of God which has been given to you by God. Therefore today make some good decisions, and stand firm in it, and take food that is good for your health. Eat the word of God more earnestly. As soon as you receive it, take it and eat it. Then the Lord will give you good strength, health and might.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who read this message. Lord by the strength of God and the power of His word, you have strengthened us to do all things. Lord, we confess that we have strength and good health in the name of Jesus. Lord for those who have no strength grant them sufficient strength, and for those who do not have might Lord grant them might, for those who say they do not have strength to lift anything, Lord give them the strength of the animals such as Rhino or the Unicorn. For those who say that they have no strength in their legs, give them the feet of the deer and honor them. Lord in case they suffer from sickness that leads to death, or if they suffer from a small disease, change all their diseases and do miracles for them. I bless all the children from the bottom of my heart.
In Jesus Name We pray.

Humble Yourselves

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 20th of September, It is a great pleasure to meet you through this auspicious message. Let’s read I Peter 5:6 says, Therefore humble yourselves, under the mighty hands of the Lord. That He may exalt you in His time. “

God expects you to humble yourselves, under the mighty hands of the Lord. Everyone likes to be exalted. We desire that we should progress in our life day by day. I need to grow and multiply day by day. This is a thing to be desired by all and it is justifiable. It is not wrong. But, what does the Lord says.” At the appointed time. I will exalt you. “So you need to humble yourselves under the mighty hands of the Lord until then. But at times in order to grow fast, or progress in life, or reach the zenith we ourselves, take certain steps in our physical strength, and therefore instead of growing higher, or progressing ourselves, we would only go to the bottom level. Then you may have to meet losses, financial crisis, and finally we are filled with shame. This is because he does not have the habit of waiting patiently before the Lord, FOR God to exalt you. But that doesn’t mean that you should remain quiet. You need to pray and make an effort, regarding your progress. And at the same time you should humble yourselves under the mighty hand of the Lord for Him to exalt you. God says to be patient and humble yourselves and then make an effort. Since there is no patience in the lives of many children, they have ruined their lives. They are brought to destruction. So today ask the Lord to grant you patience.
The Bible speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ, saying that He was patient and longsuffering, meek, humble. and gracious.

You need to have the quality of patience and long suffering. When Mother Mary told the Lord Jesus that the wine was running out in the wedding at Cana, Jesus did not react immediately to her saying. Instead He said, my time is not yet come. He was patient and at the appointed time He got into the matter and performed a miracle and fulfilled the desire of the inmates of the house. So in order for God to exalt you, God wants you to humble yourselves under the mighty Hands of God. At the appointed time, at the appointed season says the Lord, So my dear children of God, for every one of you God has set a right time. In that appointed time whether you say or not, whether you will ask for or not, God will exalt you. He will beautify you and exalt you. He will admire you. Therefore my dear children of God, So don’t be hasty. Some In selection of their life partner they would be hasty. You make some wrong decision in a hasty manner and you fall into it. Some of you are hasty while making a particular decision. So you need to have a good presence of mind. When you are in a confused state, then you should not make decisions. But wait prayerfully. When you make a decision when you are confused then it will end up in failure. With good presence of mind, wait on the Lord in prayer, and then proceed, with whatever thing you need to make a decision. Then it will be successful and prosper. So God says, in order that you may be exalted, you better remain in the hands of the Lord in a humble manner. Maybe till yesterday there was no progress in your business, in your ministry. In your education, you have been totally down in all phases of your life. Today you ask the Lord, dear Lord, have I hastily made any decision or anything. And if I have gone out of your presence, and have degraded myself then please forgive me and give me patience and long suffering. God will not only give you patience but also exalt you and admire you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord you have said, that in order to exalt you, humble ourselves in the mighty hands of God. As per your word, the Lord helps us to humble ourselves. And bless all those who humble themselves in your hand, with regard to their progress in their life. And are waiting patiently for an upliftment and for a greatness in their life, Lord as per this word, today you do a miracle for them and exalt them. And bless them. In whichever area, they have been lagging behind, I pray that you will lift them up and help them to progress in their lives. The Bible says, David became greater and greater and the Lord of hosts was with him. In the same manner the Lord helps all the children to grow greater and greater. And day by day let them progress. Let them grow and multiply day by day. May they be a blessing to the people around them. Lord breaks all the barriers and hurdles that prevent them from progressing in their lives. Help them to clear all their debts and take baskets of leftovers.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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