God Is Abundant In Mercy

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day August 1st through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you. Children of God waiting expectantly let us read Nehemiah 9:17. Lord You are ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abundant in kindness, And did not forsake them. “

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you seem to have been forsaken by the doctors. And to be reading this word of God. Some women who have been forsaken by their husbands are reading this message. Some parents who have been forsaken by their children but have been badly disappointed by them. Such people too could be reading this message. On this first day of the month God is giving you a good word that would evoke confidence in you. This word is not given by man, but by God. Who created the entire universe, and who rules mankind. Our loving Lord Jesus is saying this word to you.

Today we don’t know who will forsake you or desert you. Friends and close relatives, who assured you that they will be with you till the end of your life, will leave you aside or forsake you when you are caught up with debts and go through difficulties. But our Lord will not forsake you /us. Under any circumstances. He will remain with us till the end of our life, until death. The Lord said, “And lo I am with you till the end of your age. “He says, I will neither leave you nor forsake you. God who says “I will not forsake you, what kind of God is He? He is a God of mercy. Only because God has shown mercy to a person, we are alive even today. Since His mercy is His abundant mercy with us, the word of God says, Since the Lord is merciful He leads you beside the still waters. He leads you beside the stream or springs of water.

You have not been able to see the spring or streams of water. You couldn’t see a good income. Or could you see any progress in your life? For those of you who are crying my dear children of God. Today God is bringing good news to you. He says, “I am preparing a stream of water for you.” Did not God create a spring of water for Hagar who was crying for water in the wilderness to quench the thirst of her son? That same God is going to open up a spring of water in your life of wilderness.

God is meeting such children or youngsters and is going to grant them new life. How is this God who promises you never to forsake you? He is patient, long-suffering, meek and humble in nature. Today your child or husband may be a very short tempered person. Or your wife and your friend may be very hot tempered. God is going to transform them into humble and patient people. There is going to be a great change in the character of these people.

Finally how is this God who never ever forsakes you? He is gracious. God who will not forsake you, will change your nature completely. The quality of grace will get you all that you need. The blessing of grace is new every morning. God is going to pour this blessing of grace abundantly upon you on the 1st of August.

Prayer. Dear Lord We Thank You. Lord I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message.Lord today August 1st you are talking face to face by this auspicious message. So we are thankful to you. For those who are jobless in this new month, I pray that you will open new ways, and opportunities for them to secure good jobs. For those who are afraid of facing the creditors on the first day of this month and are worried as to how they would face the odd situation, grant them help by performing them a miracle, and grant them the capacity to clear off their debts. And help them to gather baskets of leftovers. Give them surplus blessings. Jesus Name We Pray.

Depart from evil and do good

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day July 31st through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you. This month just began but now we are on the last day of the month. If you are disappointed that none of your expectations were met this month even now it is not too late, on this last day of the month, God will meet all your expectations.

Let us read the Mangala Vaarthai for today Psalms 37:27, “Depart from evil and do good, And dwell forevermore.” Dwell forevermore! Early this morning many are ruminating, I am not able to sustain myself in my field, not able to sustain myself in my business, not able to sustain myself in my ministry, not able to sustain myself in my family. Children of God, God is sustaining you through this verse. There is only one thing that you must do to sustain yourself, then you will be rooted and established in your field and become an achiever. Many of you are asking “What is it brother, we are ready to do it?” That is found at the beginning of this verse, “Depart from evil and do good.” When you don’t do evil to others but do good to others, automatically you will be established in your field. If you are doing evil to others, you cannot be established in your field!

When you do evil to others, evil will occur in your field, and you will face losses and unwanted disappointments. When you do good to others, that will come as a blessing to establish you in your field. When you help other children, your children will receive help! When you do good to others, that will come as a blessing to establish you in your field. According to the verse, “Jacob you will be firmly planted” Henceforth you will be firmly planted in your field. Only for a short time, I could shine in my field, after which there was no market for it, so I went out of my field. This should never be the case. You should be firmly planted in your field, like cedar, you should be firmly planted. The specialty of the cedar tree is however strong the winds blow, or if it rains it will not be shaken. As it has established its root in-depth and supports its branches and leaves beautifully. No one can shake it. Similarly, instead of evil do good to others, it will firmly plant you in the field, business it will be a blessing and establish you. Your ruined life will be firmly planted. My child’s life is in ruins. My business is in ruins. I am in ruins. The God who establishes you is giving you a good opportunity. Make use of it, and progress in life. God will do mighty things.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. You said, “Depart from evil and do good; And dwell forevermore.” My children’s family is in turmoil. Their family life is in ruins. Their businesses are ruined. Henceforth let it be firmly planted. We pray that every ruined ministry will be rebuilt and firmly planted. You are the one who firmly plants. Lord the good that my children did to others and the blessing due to this, may it reach their businesses and family to firmly plant them today. This is my blessing for them. Break every barrier. According to the verse, “The breaker goes before you.” Lord break every barrier in my children’s life and do good for my children. With this I bless them. In Jesus Name. Amen.

God’s favour

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day July 30th through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God Bless you. Are you wondering what auspicious word the Lord has for you as we have reached the end of this month? Before entering the new month will something good happen to me? Children of God waiting expectantly let us read Psalms 102:13, “You will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favour her, Yes, the set time, has come.” The time for God to favour you and to have mercy on you is here. When will I see God’s mercy in my life, when will I progress, When will my life become bright, When will my life shine? Children of God who were questioning when? When? The Lord says today! The time to favour you, and the set time, has come! There is a beautiful verse in the Bible, “Praise be to God who has not cut off the lineage but victoriously provided an heir.”

In the life of Ruth, after her husband died, she thought she had no life to live anymore . In this circumstance when God’s time to show favour came, every barrier was broken and God gave her a new lease of life. He gave her the gift of a child, and God blessed her descendants in a special way. The same God will show mercy on you today. Ruth never imagined that she would be blessed with a new lease of life. The God who blessed Ruth with a good life, and a child is an impartial God, He will do the same for you today.

Dear Lord, we thank You. We praise and thank You Lord for the time to favour us, Yes, the set time has come. Whichever area my children are waiting for God’s favour in that very thing let God’s mercy do a miracle for them. Perhaps it’s favour with men, or favour with God, or favour with superiors, favour with mother-in-law, God give my children the favour and let their lives bloom and blossom, let their lives progress, bless them, exalt them. Thank you for blessing them with progeny and establishing them on this earth. May all the barriers in their lives be broken. Let all the promises given to them this month which are yet to be fulfilled be accomplished before the end of this month. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Renewed Strength

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day July 29th through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you! Many of you are lamenting early this morning that you don’t have any strength in your body or any peace of mind. To encourage you this morning God meets you with a beautiful auspicious word. Let us read Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles.” When the eagle reaches a particular age, all the feathers from its body will drop off and it cannot fly. Just like the wings of an airplane help it to fly, for any bird its wings are necessary for it to fly. The feathers in its wings help it to soar and fly. At a particular age when it sheds its feathers it cannot fly. It may still have wings but no feathers. Even in an airplane, the wings will be folded till the plane starts, When the engine is switched on and the wheels are raised, the wings spread out and the plane will take off.

Similarly, the birds with no feathers cannot fly. God will cause the feathers that were shed to be replaced by new ones. Now when the wings are covered by the feathers it can fly. Are you unable to rise and shine because your spiritual strength, physical strength has been depleted completely? You are unable to fly just like the eagle and are in utter confusion. Today God is making the lost health, the lost well-being, the lost power, the lost willpower, and the lost anointing sprout. He will cause you to spread your wings and fly higher and higher and progress once again.

Today God is granting you a new strength, new anointing, new power, new gifts so that no more will you be like a fallen lamenting person. He will help you to achieve great things by reaching new heights where no one can pull you down. Till now you were not able to do mundane things, but henceforth God will bless you to accomplish mighty things, flying higher and higher.

Dear Lord, we thank You. If you renewed the strength of an eagle, won’t you renew the strength of my children? Bestow on them new grace, new strength, new anointing, new gifts. Grant them a new job, and new income so that my children fly higher and higher and progress well. I bless them wholeheartedly. Do a miracle. The feathers that fell – the feather of anointing, the feathers that fell from their body, heart, and life all the anointing, power, and gifts. Let them sprout again. Let the anointing overflow, we offer a million thanks to the God who is making all the fallen anointing, and gifts sprout afresh in my children. No more can anyone stall the progress of my children. Make them sit in high places. In Jesus Name. Amen.

House of Prayer

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day July 28th through this daily Auspicious Word program. The special Mangala Vaarthai from the Lord today is Isaiah 56:7, “And make them joyful in My house of prayer.” Today if your house is transformed to be a house where God lives, where God abides, a house which pleases God then God will cause you to dwell happily in that house. Many of you complain that your house is like a mini hell, with no happiness. The house is full of irritation, smoldering, fighting, and ego. We are unable to live in peace in this house. We were at peace even in the rented house, but now there is no peace in our own house. We are not able to live in peace in this leased house. We only faced continuous losses, scarcity, and failures since we came into this house. Children of God saying these things, transform this house into a house of prayer where the Lord resides. If there are shouts of joy, salvation, and prayer then automatically there will be joy in that house. I will make them joyful in My house of prayer. Maybe there have been continuous sad events in your family. You have been continuously crying. Today onwards many happy events, and joyous occasions will happen in your family. Every separation in the family will be removed. All the quarrels in the family will come to an end. All crying will cease and there will be joyous celebrations in the family. Transform your family into a house of prayer, a house of praise for God to dwell in it. You can expect great miracles in your house.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. You said, “I will make them joyful in My house of prayer.” They have been facing continuous struggles, loss, failures, and pain. God listen to our prayer and bless my children. Call Him, “Jesus come into our homes.” Lord come as the head of this house; Let it become your house of prayer, your house of praise. My children who are praying like this, transform it into a house of prayer, a house of praise, and gladden my children in that house. Let them enjoy good health and well-being in that house. The Bible says Peace be within thy walls, And prosperity within thy palaces. Let their homes be filled with peace, health, and prosperity. Filled with happiness a mini heaven – This is my blessing for them. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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