My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Early this morning you are eagerly and longingly waiting for the Auspicious Word from God. Let us read Joel 2:26 “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you.” A miracle is going to happen today so that you can eat completely and be satisfied. Today many are languishing – my job is not giving me any satisfaction, my Business is not growing satisfactorily, the ministry is not growing well, my education is not proceeding satisfactorily. Henceforth God is giving you a special blessing – The grace to eat and be satisfied and live a satisfied peaceful life. Do you know where dissatisfaction will lead a man? It will spoil his sleep. Only when a man is content, he can sleep peacefully at night. When he is discontent his mind will be confused and worried. Too many worries suppress sleep and depress the heart. Without sleep, he will lose his sanity. Lack of sleep causes depression. Sleep deprivation causes mental instability.
From today God is blessing you with sound sleep without sleeping tablets. How is He going to do it? A content life causes sound sleep. Sound sleep cures many diseases. Minimises expenses. After a night’s sound sleep when he starts his business, his mind will be creatively productive, work constructively, more than his expectations, he will be innovative. That is the blessing of a sound sleep. Many of you have been soaking your pillows with tears due to a life of tears, a life of failure, a life of shame. Henceforth as the verse says, I laid down myself to sleep, and my sleep was sweet to me. God is going to perform certain miracles for you to enjoy a sweet sleep and slumber. This word says A miracle for you to eat in plenty and be satisfied. This implies a miracle in your income. Some may have an income but are unable to eat due to various diseases. Then a miracle from these diseases will happen. For some, the blessing may be at hand but still, they cannot enjoy it. It was within reach, but they could not relish it. Before they could enjoy it, it slipped their hand.
Once a real estate businessman came to meet me. After laboring for a month and coordinating between the buyer and seller for a piece of land he was promised the advance the next day. So, that night I can have a sound sleep. Good, tomorrow I will receive the advance and I will get a good commission for the deal with which I can pay these loans, and pay the fees for my children, with all these expectations I would have gone to sleep. The next morning, the person who promised the advance will not turn up as he would have a small accident which he would sentimentally consider bad luck and cancel the deal. Like this something or the other would happen and the income which was due to me will get postponed. This was that brother’s cry.
When I prayed for that brother claiming this verse. After today He should eat in plenty and be satisfied. Do a miracle, Lord! His blessings should not be unreachable anymore. He should praise the name of the Lord for leading him miraculously. He should stop lamenting like this. Do a miracle so he can praise God. I also gave him a small counsel, wherever you go for business do not rely upon your skill or the commitment of the other party, tell the Lord I am going believing in You, You be with me and finalise the deal. And God will do it. From that day onwards that brother was greatly blessed in his real estate business with a huge harvest. Even today this brother is a strong supporter of our ministry. Beloved children of God, this is the same chance God is going to give you today. God will give you a life where in you eat plenty and are satisfied.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Give my children a satisfied income, a satisfied job, a satisfied ministry, and bless my children. I break every barrier the enemy brings into this. Bless the work of their hands and increase their wealth and riches. Give them a perfect income for them to eat with satisfaction. Honour them. To peacefully enjoy the income, they receive protect them from all diseases. Let my children henceforth be the ones to praise the name of God and not the ones to lament. I bless them wholeheartedly to become people who praise. Do miracles! In Jesus Name. Amen.
My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus . What auspicious word does the Lord have for us today? Let us read Nehemiah 2:20, “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us.” Was the job offer unsuccessful? Are you not doing well in your studies? Did your marriage not go through yet? Whatever it may be, God of heaven will make you succeed in everything. An event that didn’t happen, doubtful matters, something that you are yearning for in your dreams God will make it happen and grant it to you. Hitherto these might have been in your prayers, as expectations, and every effort you made to achieve them was a failure. Today God is bringing it to pass. He will fulfill it, give it in your hand and make you happy. He will grant you success. When He grants success, He will overturn every circumstance that is contrary to it. And do a miracle for you. In the past, everything seemed to be going well but at the last-minute things went wrong. Whatever you ‘just missed’ will be granted ‘just immediately’ this is the prophecy from God. The marriage seemed to be coming together but failed at the last minute. God is going to make it succeed. You went up to the last round of the interview but missed it, but God will make you succeed again.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Whatever things were missed/lost let them get it back successfully. Let them receive success in whatever they are waiting for. Expected job, expected seat for education, expected own house, expected life partner, expected gift of a child, May the God of heaven give success in everything. Let my children enjoy these blessings, live happily and be well. In Jesus Name. Amen.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Isaiah 32:2, “As rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord says, that he will be like the rivers of water in a dry place, and as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. So the Lord will be like a great rock, and as a shadow, and further like the rivers of water. There is a beautiful term used in this verse namely dry place. If you need harvest from a dry land, there you need rivers of water. This is a known truth to all. Land is available but, there is no harvest. Today God is saying that the dryness in the land is the cause for no harvest. In order to change the dryness in your family, the dryness in your job, the dryness in your ministry. God is opening the rivers from heaven towards your life, towards your job, towards your business, towards your ministry, God is turning the canals towards the need of your life. He is a God who turns the streams in the South. Why is God turning the streams towards the dry land is because, at least in the future the land would become fertile. Incase your life is like the dry and parched land, and your future is almost dry and weary, and you are in tears because of these conditions that you are going through, God is turning the heavenly streams and rivers towards your life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, there is another beautiful verse which says, since He is concerned about you, or he has sympathy for you, he is leading you beside the still waters and near the streams. God is sympathetic towards you, that means he is a God of mercy. Therefore he is leading you towards the good streams. In a good government job, in a good business. God is saying that he will lead you to a better place, he is assuring you with his word for today. That will help you to change your dry and parched life into a life of greenery. When streams begin to flow in the dry and weary land then, there will be a plentiful and good harvest.
All your debts will be cleared. Today even though you have many crores of rupees as debts, believe on the Lord who holds gold and silver in his hands. Hold on to him firmly. Tell the Lord, ‘I am your child. You alone must help me pay off my debts. Sometimes, when children having debts come to me for prayer, I will tell the Lord, the worldly father sells his own house to help his daughter pay off her debts, because he thinks his daughter is more important than his own house. “A mother also will do the same; she would sell all that she has, in order to pay off her daughter’s debts. She will try to redeem her daughter from her debts and help her live peacefully. Lord aren’t you more loving and great than the earthly father? Lord just one more time relieve them from debts, Aren’t they your children? I have cried and prayed in this matter. For such kind of children, the Lord has given them a beautiful harvest, gave them wonderful job, and business, and helped them to rise up in their business, and they were able to pay off all their debts, and I have seen that, today God has changed them to lend money to others instead of borrowing.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, once, a brother gave his testimony in our fasting prayer meeting. He was going through a dry and parched state of life, struck with poverty and famine. Much loss , debts, and failures in the family. It seems someone guided him to attend this fasting prayer, He was told that lunch was offered after the meeting gets over. He carried tiffin along with him so that he can eat in plenty and also take home some food for his wife and children. That brother who came to the meeting only waited for the food that would be offered after the meeting. So he to thought in his mind that he would fill his stomach and also take home some food for his wife and children. But in that meeting he happened to listen to the word of God and it worked in him mightily. That word of God changed his life completely. The word of God brought streams of water into his dry and parched life. It brought a great blessing to him. He ate food after the meeting and also took some food for his wife and children.
On the very next day the business which had been dry until then, and he received a contract business which was a great blessing and now he has nearly 90 employees working under him. He has now become a business magnet or business proprietor. That day he came to the meeting to have lunch, but today the Lord has blessed him to sponsor food for many thousands of people. As a result nearly 90 families are being fed by him. 90 families are living because of him.He said, “I came as a single man to have food but today the Lord has blessed me to provide food for many.” The Lord who blessed him asks you to hold on to Him. Believe Him. Claim all that you need. Tell Him, “Lord I am your child give me.” Then He will give you. Once your poverty is over then the Lord will accompany you as a shade in your life. That is what the verse says, shade means something that follows us is our shade. The Bible says, He is a shade who protects us. That is the shade will follow you wherever you go. In the same manner God is going to follow you, will be a shade to you, and will give you the grace to retain all the blessings. So hereafter you will not borrow, but will lend to many.
Prayer: Dear Lord We Thank You. Lord I pray and bless all the children reading this message. Lord you said, that you will come as rivers of water in a dry place. There is dryness in their lives. And they have been experiencing much draught, debts problems, and pain, in sufferings, in hunger. Lord please look at your children for one more time, and in their business center, open the heavenly walls, in their work spot, in their ministry, let the heavenly river flow down below. As the word of God says, the oil from heaven poured like the river, let it flow into their families, like the heavenly river of oil. As a result let their debts, famine and draught come to an end. And let them not borrow from anyone. Put a hedge of fire all around them, and take good care of them. Lord fulfill all the desires and expectation of their heart.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Isaiah 58:8, “Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
The verse says, “And your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” And as a result your healing shall spring forth speedily. Your healing shall spring forth, and your welfare will also spring forth. Your ministry will also bloom, Your education will bloom, Your business life will also spring forth. The time of bloom is coming. The Bible says, when the autumn season comes you shall know that a blooming season is ahead of you. This a verse from the Bible, spoken by God. So the blessings which you have may go off your hand like the autumn season. All the blessings are dropping away from your hand one by one like the dry leaves from the tree. The wealth from your house is going away from your hand. They wither away from your hand , like the flowers and they keep dropping off from your hands. But God says, once the autumn season comes it is understood that soon the season of bloom is going to spring up. All this cannot be seen in India. But in America and Australia, the four seasons will be seen. When the autumn season comes then the leaves on the tree will change its color from green to dry brown and finally fall off the tree. This is known as the autumn season. At this period of time when the tree has shed all the leaves it will appear like a skeleton. Only the twigs will be seen on the tree.
Then the spring season will begin to bloom. And nobody would have watered the tree or put manure for it, but you will find new fresh green leaves on the trees. It will be green all over. In the same manner, just as your life had been like that of the autumn season, all this while, the lord is giving you a spring season in the coming future. Then your healing shall spring forth speedily, your ministry will spring forth, your job and business will spring forth. When these things will spring forth, then your righteousness will go before you. And the glory of the Lord will guard you from behind. In front of you will be your righteousness. And behind you will be the glory of the Lord. Center you stand safe with your righteousness in front of you and behind you will be the glory of God. From the center you will bloom and bring forth flowers and fruits, and you shall live happily on the face of this earth. On that day, Ruth who had lost all the life of her youth, God gave her a period of spring season, and gave her a life of wellbeing. God who rejuvenated her life, will rebuild your life. Your life which had been ruined, will be rebuilt again. The ruined future of your children will brighten up and God will cause them to shine in their life.
Prayer: Dear Lord, We thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you said , “Your healing will spring forth speedily.” Lord in the life of their wellbeing, their health, and those who have lost their business life, for such kind of children, who have lost everything like the tree which has shed all its leaves and stands bare, and for those who have lost all their wealth, let them be able to obtain a thirty, sixty, hundred and ten thousand, lakhs, million, fold of harvest, and honor them. Help the children to gather many baskets of leftover. Let them prosper in abundance. Keep them away from famine and poverty, and change them into rich and wealth persons. From today may all that they touch be turned to gold. May they prosper in all that they do.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Psalms 103:11, “For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy, toward those who fear Him.”
The grace of God is new every morning. What is the meaning of grace? To receive a gift from someone who is unworthy to receive, is known as grace. You might think, “I am unworthy to get this job, I am unworthy to sit in a house of my own. I am not so worthy to receive the gift of power. But I have the desire to get these things. ” God is saying, for you who is unworthy to receive all these things, my gift of Grace will make you worthy.” To whom will he show this grace? To one who lives in fear of God, “I will give this gift.” So today God is saying, for those of you who say, that you have not received, or have not obtained, or have not attained, to get this gift of grace there is a simple way, that is you need to live in the fear of God. You need to fear your conscience. If you fear the commandments of the Lord then immediately, the gift of grace, will come into your house as a blessing. The blessing of the gift of Grace will make you worthy in all the things that you were found to be unworthy. That grace will recommend on your behalf and get all that you desire which you hadn’t received.
The angel of the Lord appeared before Mary and said, “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God.” Blessed are you among women. The Savior of the world shall be born in your womb. It was this grace that made her worthy, to conceive and caused the savior of the world to be born in her womb. That is why it is said, “Blessed are you who found favor.” Early this morning, many of you are sitting so worried because though you have been married for ten years, for eighteen years, twenty-five years, yet you say, “I have not received a child. I don’t have the blessing of begetting a child; all the doctors have said that there is no possibility for me to get a child.” There is no possibility naturally or artificially. Have they said in this manner? Well if you have the gift of grace, then this grace shall obtain the blessing of a child for you from the Lord. The angel appeared unto Mary and said, “Mary, you have found favor with God.” And blessed her. And the gift of grace brought the birth of Jesus, the savior of the world in her womb, that grace which blessed Mary will bless you too. God is going to bless you with the gift of a child on the base of Grace. God is going to give you a good government job based on the grace. He is going to bless you with a house of your own based on the gift of grace. So you carry this God, the one who gives this grace. Then all the barriers will be broken and you will sing songs of praise. Today the Lord will bless you with good things.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I bless and pray for all the children who read this message. The fear of the Lord will bring grace and the gift of grace will get us all that we desire though we are unworthy to receive it. Help us to fear you and get your grace for us to succeed in our life. May all the barriers be broken. Lord grant to them all that they need or desire through the gift of grace.
In Jesus Name We Pray.