Your Righteousness Goes Before

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Isaiah 58:8, “Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”

The verse says, “And your righteousness shall go before you. The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” And as a result your healing shall spring forth speedily. Your healing shall spring forth, and your welfare will also spring forth. Your ministry will also bloom, Your education will bloom, Your business life will also spring forth. The time of bloom is coming. The Bible says, when the autumn season comes you shall know that a blooming season is ahead of you. This a verse from the Bible, spoken by God. So the blessings which you have may go off your hand like the autumn season. All the blessings are dropping away from your hand one by one like the dry leaves from the tree. The wealth from your house is going away from your hand. They wither away from your hand , like the flowers and they keep dropping off from your hands. But God says, once the autumn season comes it is understood that soon the season of bloom is going to spring up. All this cannot be seen in India. But in America and Australia, the four seasons will be seen. When the autumn season comes then the leaves on the tree will change its color from green to dry brown and finally fall off the tree. This is known as the autumn season. At this period of time when the tree has shed all the leaves it will appear like a skeleton. Only the twigs will be seen on the tree.

Then the spring season will begin to bloom. And nobody would have watered the tree or put manure for it, but you will find new fresh green leaves on the trees. It will be green all over. In the same manner, just as your life had been like that of the autumn season, all this while, the lord is giving you a spring season in the coming future. Then your healing shall spring forth speedily, your ministry will spring forth, your job and business will spring forth. When these things will spring forth, then your righteousness will go before you. And the glory of the Lord will guard you from behind. In front of you will be your righteousness. And behind you will be the glory of the Lord. Center you stand safe with your righteousness in front of you and behind you will be the glory of God. From the center you will bloom and bring forth flowers and fruits, and you shall live happily on the face of this earth. On that day, Ruth who had lost all the life of her youth, God gave her a period of spring season, and gave her a life of wellbeing. God who rejuvenated her life, will rebuild your life. Your life which had been ruined, will be rebuilt again. The ruined future of your children will brighten up and God will cause them to shine in their life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, We thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you said , “Your healing will spring forth speedily.” Lord in the life of their wellbeing, their health, and those who have lost their business life, for such kind of children, who have lost everything like the tree which has shed all its leaves and stands bare, and for those who have lost all their wealth, let them be able to obtain a thirty, sixty, hundred and ten thousand, lakhs, million, fold of harvest, and honor them. Help the children to gather many baskets of leftover. Let them prosper in abundance. Keep them away from famine and poverty, and change them into rich and wealth persons. From today may all that they touch be turned to gold. May they prosper in all that they do.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God’s Mercy Is Very Great

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Psalms 103:11, “For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy, toward those who fear Him.”

The grace of God is new every morning. What is the meaning of grace? To receive a gift from someone who is unworthy to receive, is known as grace. You might think, “I am unworthy to get this job, I am unworthy to sit in a house of my own. I am not so worthy to receive the gift of power. But I have the desire to get these things. ” God is saying, for you who is unworthy to receive all these things, my gift of Grace will make you worthy.” To whom will he show this grace? To one who lives in fear of God, “I will give this gift.” So today God is saying, for those of you who say, that you have not received, or have not obtained, or have not attained, to get this gift of grace there is a simple way, that is you need to live in the fear of God. You need to fear your conscience. If you fear the commandments of the Lord then immediately, the gift of grace, will come into your house as a blessing. The blessing of the gift of Grace will make you worthy in all the things that you were found to be unworthy. That grace will recommend on your behalf and get all that you desire which you hadn’t received.

The angel of the Lord appeared before Mary and said, “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God.” Blessed are you among women. The Savior of the world shall be born in your womb. It was this grace that made her worthy, to conceive and caused the savior of the world to be born in her womb. That is why it is said, “Blessed are you who found favor.” Early this morning, many of you are sitting so worried because though you have been married for ten years, for eighteen years, twenty-five years, yet you say, “I have not received a child. I don’t have the blessing of begetting a child; all the doctors have said that there is no possibility for me to get a child.” There is no possibility naturally or artificially. Have they said in this manner? Well if you have the gift of grace, then this grace shall obtain the blessing of a child for you from the Lord. The angel appeared unto Mary and said, “Mary, you have found favor with God.” And blessed her. And the gift of grace brought the birth of Jesus, the savior of the world in her womb, that grace which blessed Mary will bless you too. God is going to bless you with the gift of a child on the base of Grace. God is going to give you a good government job based on the grace. He is going to bless you with a house of your own based on the gift of grace. So you carry this God, the one who gives this grace. Then all the barriers will be broken and you will sing songs of praise. Today the Lord will bless you with good things.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I bless and pray for all the children who read this message. The fear of the Lord will bring grace and the gift of grace will get us all that we desire though we are unworthy to receive it. Help us to fear you and get your grace for us to succeed in our life. May all the barriers be broken. Lord grant to them all that they need or desire through the gift of grace.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Will Come Besides You

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 12th of July, For those of you who are anxiously waiting to know that the auspicious word of God is for you today, kindly read with me from the book of EZEKIEL 36:9, “For Indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you.”

The Lord says, I will be with you, besides you, or near you, and will govern over you. or take care of you. I will keep seeing or watching over you. If God comes near us and keeps a watch over us, and if we fall in the sight of God, then it means that all our difficulties in our lives have changed or disappeared. All those who came in contact with the Lord Jesus Christ, or came in the sight of Jesus, 2000 years ago, were blessed with good things. If today God comes near you, and keeps a watch over you, says the Lord, If the Lord looks at you, the Bible says, “His eyes see, His eyelids test the children of men. He looks at the problems in our body and the problems in our mind. And what are the problems surrounding us? There is nothing hidden from His sight. And we don’t know what happens behind us or behind our backs. We don’t know that the person very close to us is digging a pit behind us. If the Lord comes near your side and keeps a watch over you, then, God will know what exactly is happening behind you. Therefore in order that you may lead a secured life, God is drawing close beside you and is keeping a watch over you. Since His view is upon you, the disease in your body will change, and because His view is over you, God will meet all the creditors from whom you have borrowed money, and He will make a way for you to close your debts.

In case any creditor comes to your home and shouts at you, then God if He is at your side, then He will see what is happening at your home since He will be watching. He will be listening to all that the creditor is speaking to you. He will feel sorry to know that you are suffering in the hands of all these people. And that you are answerable to all these kinds of people. And realizing that you are being pained by these kinds of people, and immediately God will release you from all those debts. 2000 years ago there was a widow in the city of Nain. And her only son died and she was on her way to the cemetery to bury her only son, along with a few men. At that time both she and her dead son who was being carried to the cemetery were noticed by Jesus who happened to pass that way. God immediately came close to them. God came very close to those who were carrying the dead body of her only son, and looking at the dead body spoke, saying “young man arise.” He looked at the dead body and spoke. Immediately the young man got up and sat. He handed him over to his mother and carried on his journey or walked away from that place. God came near , He looked at him and knew that he was in a dead condition, and immediately performed a miracle for the widow. He immediately released her only son from his dead condition. Today God is coming close to you to see you. What is your problem? Is there any damage in any of your organs? Your kidney may have been dead, your uterus may have died not ( functioning properly. )Or any organ could not have been functioning. There may be a problem in your brain. Whatever it may be, since you have been seen by God or since you have come in contact with God you will be released.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message, in the name of Jesus. Lord the Bible says, that you came near unto us and that you keep a watch over us. Lord, according to this verse, I pray that you will go near the children. Whether they are in their house or in the car, or in their workplace, wherever they may be, I pray that you will pass through them. Pass close to them. Go near their side, and destroy all the weapons formed against them and destroy all the enemies working behind them. And I thank you for giving them a peaceful life. Thank you Lord. Look upon them and deliver them from their disease. Deliver them from their poverty and from their debts and take them to a broad place. For those who say that there is no way I pray that you would open new ways for them. And Honor them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The Lord Will Keep You

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God for today is taken from the book of Numbers 6 :24 “The Lord Bless you and keep you.”

The Lord is going to give you two blessings Firstly God will bless you; secondly God will keep you or protect you. In many of the families, because of the curse, in the family all the works of their hands end up in failure. Many of you are toiling very much. You are suffering much. So you are saying, “Lord though I am working so hard yet I haven’t got the benefit of it. In spite of my hard work, I have gained only loss. It is a long time since I harvested any profit. Saying in this manner, many of the children are so worried. Some children are saying that at a particular age the curse of the family is destroying everyone in the family. Some kind of curse is attacking or chasing the children and their children not able to see any blessing. We are longing for the blessing. But everything is happening against us. Things are happening opposite to us. Nothing is in favor of us. Neither men are in favor of us nor is nature in favor of us. Are you crying in this manner? That day Isaac sowed seeds during the famine, since God was in favor of him and though nature was unfavorable, he reaped a hundred fold and he became great and became a very rich and wealthy man and he was blessed very much.

I pray that the Lord bless you with that kind of blessing which Isaac enjoyed, and God will remove all the curse from your family. All that you need to do is just one thing. Tell the Lord, “ Lord You had, died for us on the cross, You have given your life for us on the cross, Lord you have paid all our curse upon the cross for us, should we carry the curse any further ? We should not carry the curse any more. You have crushed all our curse on the cross, You have nailed all our curse upon the tree, just tell the Lord in this manner, then all your curse will be removed from you and you shall attain blessings immediately. God will bless you. So you will receive a job that adds blessings, you shall receive the blessings of a child, you will be blessed with a good life partner. You shall be blessed with spiritual gifts. God will provide you everything and bless you. To preserve these blessings and enjoy the same you need protection for your blessings. The devil should not snatch your blessings that God provides for you. That is why the Lord is saying that He will keep you. A special protection is being placed upon your children. Some parents are thinking, in spite of saying not to buy the bike your son has purchased it by persuading adamantly. Lord my son should not be in any trouble and he needs protection. Many of you are thinking in this manner, aren’t you? The Lord will sprinkle his precious blood upon the bike and will give your children a divine protection. They will be blessed in their going out and in their coming in. May God grant you a peaceful life.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I pray and bless all the children who are reading this message, Lord I request you to change their curse into a blessing. And I confess on behalf of all the children that you died on the cross and have nailed all our curse upon the cross. Therefore crush every form of curse in the family, and may a great blessing rest among them. As a result may all the loss and death change, let all their debts change, may all their failures change, let a divine light shine upon their family. Let there be no interference of the Devil, nothing should touch them in any way. I place them in the fort of blood, and may they be covered with your blood as shield of protection.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Has Placed An Open Door

My Dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Revelation 3: 8, “ See I have set before you an open door,and no one can shut it.”

God says that today, He is going to keep an open door before you. An open door that cannot be closed by anyone. If God keeps an open door, nobody can close it. If God closes the door then no one can open it. But if man closes the door God can open it. The door closed by a magician, can be opened by God. May be in the past, all your doors from all corner could have been closed. So You are saying, “No door is open for me. “And if you are reading this message with tears in your eyes, then today God is saying, that God is keeping a door that cannot be closed. You would have heard people say, “I am not able to stay in any particular job for two or three or one months, continually , cannot remain in that job, for more than five months. Either they shut down their door or I myself shut the door and come out of my job. Why is such things happening in my life?”. If God gives wealth and riches to a person He will not add sorrow with it. If God opens the door for a man, then no one can close it. In case God decides to promote you to a better position and take you to another company then He will close this door and open the next door of the company. But, man cannot close it .You may be thinking, “I have been working in a company for a very long period and working for a very small scale of payment. Are you saying that there is no progress, no elevation in your career, and then God can lift you up in the very same company in which you are working right now. God can place you in a higher position in the very same place of your work. But if God wants to place you in a higher position, which you have never thought about, God himself will close this door and open another door and he will place you in a higher position and admire you. Certain people will call it switch over or breakthrough. So in case you are trying to switch over or waiting for a break through, today is your turn day. God will open a way for you. God will open a door for your income, He will open the door for your education, He will open the door for you to go abroad. He will open the door for you to receive the gift of a child. And also open the door for you to get settled in your marriage life. Therefore God will open all the closed doors and will give you a big surprise. Hereafter, you shall receive a permanent income. He will open all the doors that had been closed until today. Hence cheer up. God bless you.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you said that you will grant an open door for all the children who have been crying since all the doors had been closed from all corner or all sides of their life. Open all the doors for permanent income, for permanent anointing, for permanent doors to receive wealth and riches and honor them. The children should not say that they are unemployed, or they have been separated from the office location, or nature of work. Let all situations change and may they get a permanent job, a permanent income, and permanent ministry, permanent business and honor the children. Your children should not borrow money from others, but make them a nation or people, who will lend to others. In Jesus Name we pray.

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