My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 20th of June, it is a great pleasure to meet you all through this message. Today’s Auspicious word of God for you is taken from the book of Habakkuk 2:4, “But the just shall live by his faith.”
My dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse we understand that the just shall live by his. faith. Today many of you are sitting so worried since you don’t have the means of living. There is no way for income, there is no way to secure a job, there is no way for permanent income, So you are sitting so sadly and thinking very seriously about these issues. You are saying, “What am I going to do for my food for today? What am I going to do without a job? Will someone call and offer me a job? You are sitting and thinking in all these ways. My dear children hereafter, all these things will come in search of you. You shall be blessed with a good job, good income, and will be blessed with a better life. Please believe these words and say, Amen. To receive all these things God is instructing you to do a small thing. That is to have faith. Believe that you will get a job. Think that a way will open for you to secure an income. God is not going to leave you in this manner. That kind of faith you should have. This verse says that a man who is just shall live by his faith. He should have that kind of faith in him. If one does not have faith then his life becomes a disappointed one, and he becomes a coward. I have noticed certain people. They won’t have anything but still they will be happy. They believe that the Lord will surely lead them .
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If you see many missionaries in the village, they live their life only by their faith. When I see the missionaries serving the Lord in the villages I am really surprised to see how they live by their faith. There in the village, very few people come forward to help and support these poor missionaries. Even if they desire to support they will not have sufficient means to help these missionaries as most of them are poor. But even in that situation, they live cheerfully by faith. They live trusting in the Lord. God is feeding them. It is very surprising. I have rejoiced in the Lord, when I learnt how these missionaries are being taken care of by God. Once when I met one of the village missionaries and he said, “ Brother, I was just thinking as to how I was going to manage, for food today. Though if only I had some rice I could make some porridge. But all of a sudden a brother came from somewhere and gave 25 kilos of rice and went away. He is not a known person to me. I don’t know from where he came and how he returned.” He was very happy. When he was wondering how he was to meet one day’s meal, to receive a bag of 25 kilos of rice is unbelievable. Like this I have heard many incidents. Someone will say, “ I thought there was no vegetables at all and how I was going to manage, the day without vegetables.” But suddenly a farmer came and gave us fresh vegetables. He brought tomatoes and threw in heaps at my doorstep. Many would say in this manner. That is how God leads his people. Because he knows that he just lives by his faith.
My Dear Children of God. In case your faith has been shaken due to certain reasons, then learn to increase your faith in the Lord. God has said in his word, “ I who clothe the flowers of the wilderness, won’t I clothe you ? I who feed the ravens, wont I feed you? Does the raven cook its food ? Or does it suffer in any way to get his meal? No, not at all. The raven wakes up and keeps on moving. We have sometimes seen people calling out to ravens saying, “ cah, cah,” and offering food for it. Or they would place some food somewhere and it would come and eat it as well. And if not these ravens would eat the mangoes and guavas from the trees and fill their hunger. God has kept them safe by providing their needs. Today If you think that there is no way for a job, there is no way for a good income, or there is no way for food, then ask God to provide your daily bread with faith. God will surely meet your needs. Just say a small prayer. God will open ways and means for you to meet your needs. And then a day will come when God will exalt you to such an extent, that you will be able to feed a number of people. So for those of you who say that there is no way for food, for a job or for permanent income. God will provide permanent jobs for those who have temporary jobs. And for those who have no income through their business, God will cause them to earn more income through their business hereafter. God will meet all your needs and cause you to live. So hereafter you shall not borrow money from others but you will lend to many others. You should say, when you ask the Lord to remember all those who do not have food. God will provide food for you and also, to all those who do not have food. He will feed you also in case you do not have food to eat.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. I pray for all the children who read this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you said, “ That the just will live by his faith.” The foundation for one’s livelihood is his faith. Faith is the Belief in God. Lord let not your children place their faith on themselves, or on their talents, or on their wealth, but let them place their faith on the living God, and let them be fed daily by the heavenly manna. Let them not lack any more for their food and water. Take care of them, Lord. You know all about the tight corner situation of your children, their debts, famine, and so deliver them from all their tight corner situations. And you who saved David from all the struggles, by which he was surrounded from all four corners, please save or rescue even your children. Cause them to experience the wonders in their life. Lord, this morning if there is someone who needs to attend an interview, for a job, or interview for the tender, may their journey and effort be fruitful. May they lead a glorious life. In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. On this day, the 19th of June, it is a great pleasure to meet you all through this message. Today’s auspicious word of God for you is taken from the book of Psalms 126:5 “Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord says, in this verse that those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. Many of you have invested your effort in your business, at your work spot, in your ministry and You are going to work in tears. But you have not received sufficient gains or harvest in spite of the hard effort you have invested. Many of you are therefore suffering. Some of you are saying, Brother, Somehow some income is coming. But I don’t receive sufficient income for all the effort I take. “ Well Brother, we are putting so much of effort, but we are suffering, because we are not receiving good income. ”Some of you are saying, “We are putting great effort but we are not receiving any profit. You are saying, “ I am putting much effort but the management does not understand.” Some of you are saying, “Though I have worked hard, and taken effort to do my best, my work has not been recognized by the higher authority, and therefore my effort has not reached my Boss as it should have been. My hard work and my invention, my achievement, and the effort I have invested in this company does not reach the higher authority. The officers in authority take all the glory and honor that is due unto me for the effort I have taken. Many of you are worried over this situation. You are going to experience a great change in your life from today.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Since you are working so hard with tears, and you have put so much of effort, hereafter you shall enjoy the fruit of your hard work. You will eat the labor of your hands. There will be no one to eat the labor of your hands anymore. You alone will eat the labor of your hands. You shall be happy and it shall be well with you. In this verse we read, that “ Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy.” This is the kind of assurance that God gives to you this day. If you think that you never had any profit or gains until today, and say “ I am unable to even take the amount that I have invested. I am unable to draw back even the investment that I have put into this business. I am eating only the seed or I am eating from the principle amount that I have invested.” You are seriously thinking as to what might happen if the days go on like this without any profit. But from now onwards there is going to be a change, God is going to bring about a change in your situation. Hereafter you shall receive the reward of your labor. You shall eat the labor of your hands.
You might have experienced a lot of disappointment in your business, at your work spot too. Someone could have taken you to court for no wrong of yours. All this is known to God. Today God is saying, “ I will intervene in that matter in which you are struggling.” And he is going to help you eat the labor of your hands, and according to the effort you have taken to do your business, God is going to provide you the profit or the harvest which you are expecting. Hereafter you shall receive the reward for the effort you have taken to do well in life, and you shall be blessed.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you said that those who sow in tears will reap in joy. Lord grant them the joy of reaping in plenty. May that good harvest remove all their poverty and clear all their debts. Let there be a change and deliverance from their famine, and may they be able to save some money and buy a house, and property, gardens and groves, vehicles and other essential things, and may they settle well in their life. May their harvest be a great blessing to the descendants, from generation to generation. Whatever your children have desired may the Lord help them to obtain. May they prosper and flourish in their life. In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Isaiah 64:8, “O Lord You are our father. We are the clay. And You are our potter. All we are the work of Your hand.”
We see that Prophet Isaiah considered the Lord our God, who is the Lord of Heaven as his Father. So we also can consider our God as the Father according to this verse. He says, “Lord You are our Father.” Today God looks at you and says that he has given you a worldly father. But God the Father, who has given you the worldly father, is a loving Father. If your worldly Father has sacrificed so much for you, then the Heavenly Father has done much more by giving His only son Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for us on the cross. For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him shall be saved. This is how the Lord loves every representative, man and woman, every mankind. He is a loving God a loving Father. Very beautifully Isaiah says, “Lord You are our Father. And we are just like the clay in your hands.”Only a Father knows how to modify his child to a good personality. So Lord it is you who molds us. We are the workmanship of your hands. What is God trying to tell us, from this verse is that, the worldly father whom God has given to you are trying to shape you into good human beings.
The word of God says, the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. Father not only begets a child but grooms the child. Just as the potter shapes and molds the clay into a useful vessel, he will draw a line over the vessel. While drawing the line there will be pain for the clay but only through drawing lines fine shapes will be created. While shaping the vessel as per the potter desires or decides, there may be lumps of clay here and there and the potter very carefully removes all the unwanted lumps of clay to bring the vessel into proper shape. Only after he is satisfied with the shape and size and finishing of the vessel, he will stop his work. In the same manner the worldly father will also, while bringing up his child, will check and correct him so that he will be a better child. But while doing so the child will be hurt. This the father does in order that the child will not commit any mistake in life. The child may have unwanted bad behavior, so the Father by correcting the child will help the child to grow as a better person, only such a person can be a good Father.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Sometimes I have heard people say when they come for counseling, “ Brother, “I have not been educated at least let my children study well. Kindly pray for them. My child should speak well in English. I cannot speak English, but would love to see my child speak well in English.” This is the desire of many fathers. They expect that their child should be a great achiever. Father desires that his child should become a collector of a district. So the Father spends more money and puts a lot of effort to see that their child do well in life. You need to know something; the mother’s love is beyond understanding. It is unique. The mother carries the baby in her womb for ten long months. It is a real sacrifice. They cannot eat properly, they cannot move about as they like. They sometimes suffer from morning sickness, much trouble they endure. For ten months they themselves make sacrifices in order to beget a beautiful child. The mothers beget her child in the tenth month, and after the baby is washed the nurse brings the baby and hands it over to the father of the child. The nurse would ask, where is the father? Where is the father of this child? When the Father receives the child what a great joy he is filled with. When the Father receives the child it would be a difficult and delicate situation yet he will be filled with great joy to see his child in his arms. The person feels such a joy to think that God has granted or blessed him with a child and that he has become a Father. From the day the father carries the child in his arms, till the very end the father cares for his child. The father will carry not only his child but also carries his troubles. The Father meets all the needs of his child too. Mother bears the child in her womb for ten months, and begets the child and gives it to the Father. Till the end of his life the Father toils for his child.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, A father is one who carries his child. So on this Father’s day, may each one of you be good Fathers. I salute all the fathers. I remain in the Father’s place and salute all the fathers. Seeing your sacrifice God will bless your children. In whatever manner you want your child to be, you grow them. In case your child is caught up in some bad behavior, then you try to check it out and remove the bad behavior just as the potter removes all the unwanted lumps from the clay. Pray to the Lord regarding your child. Then He will remove all unwanted behavior of your child and clean up your child and hand it over to you. Then a day will come and you shall say,’ Behold I and the children which God has given me: and they shall be for signs and wonders in the house of Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwells in mount Zion. Many of you are reading this message, try to understand your father and learn to love and respect your father. Why is your father being stern with you? It is because he wants you to grow as a good child. He wants to bring up a good child. Children must shine. So if a father admonishes his child do not consider him as a terrorist. Today after you read this message I wish you run up to your father hug and kiss him and honor him with gifts. Encourage your father. A small gift will bring great joy to your father. Tell your father that in case you had made any mistake and ask him for his forgiveness. After all you are a small boy or a small girl. So tell your father, I’m sorry dad. And your father will be so glad and will immediately forgive you of your mistake. I have heard certain children talk like this. When fathers fail to get their child what they need, then they would say, why did this man become my father?
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, What certain children talk about their parents is really painful. All your fathers are doing their best as much as they can. They are giving you the best education. I remember a family who came to the meeting. The father was not there. So I asked the girl, “Why hasn’t your father come to the meeting?” She said, I have completed my +2 and entering the college. So in order to pay my fees my father works the whole day. He drives the auto during the day, and during the night he would take up security work. My father doesn’t sleep properly in the night, because he needs to earn extra money to pay my fees. I am going to the college. So he has to pay my fees. Her father’s desire was to make his daughter, secure a government job. This is the longing of the father. Many fathers are like that. In case your father beats or shouts at you, but the next moment he would cry regretting to have beaten you. He would say, “Oh I have beaten my child.” The father might even be crying, because of his behavior. He would say, “It is for his good that I beat him. But I have beaten him with my own hands.” But the children cannot understand the tears of their father. Try to understand your father who cares for you. Just as the Father carries his child so the Lord carries each one of us. The Father carries the burden of his child’s education. Then later he bears all the cost and expenditure of his child’s marriage. The Father also does all that he should be doing for his child even after their marriage. He takes care of his grandchildren and does all his best for them. So it is this grandfather who goes and stands for them in time of needs. That burden is also carried by this aged old grandfather. If the grand child is having some kind of trouble then it is this grandfather who will be attending to the needs of his grandchild. If the child is in trouble then he thinks that he should sell what he has, to help out his daughter. He will be trying to sell what he has in order to help his child.
All the fathers think in this way. What is the use of having money and wealth and property if they cannot help their child. They would say, “My child is in debts what the use of this property is if I cannot sell the property and help my child who is in great debts. ’’ This is what the father thinks about his child. There are so many fathers who considered their house as their dream and treasure but have sold it for the sake of their child who is going through financial crisis. Many fathers mortgage their property and educate their children. Because they think that their child should do well in his life. Their child should lift up their head and walk like other people. Father thinks that his child should live a respectful life on the face of this earth.
So my dear children, keeping all these things in mind, you should be always honest in your life. You should love them for what they are. You should encourage them saying, “Father do not be worried, I am there for you.” I will grow up and close all your debts. ’’ In case for some reason if you are angry with your father, then go straight to your father and ask your father for forgiveness. Say “I’m sorry. I have been so stubborn that I did not talk to you all these days. You must have been hurt so badly because of my behavior. Kindly forgive me.” Make your parents happy. Give a small gift to your father. Your father is carrying you, He is carrying your burden, Your father is carrying all things concerned about you to help you for a better future. May God help you to live a life of testimony as an honor to your father. So give a surprise visit to your father and make him glad. Give him a surprise gift. Pray for your father’s wellbeing. Thank God for giving you such a wonderful father. Keep your parents very happy.
Prayer: Dear Lord we Thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord you are our heavenly father. Since you loved us so much you gave your only Son Jesus Christ, to be sacrificed on the cross. Thank You Lord for giving each one of us a worldly father. You have blessed our father with the capacity to earn their living and thus meet all our needs, so we thank you. Answer the prayers of all the fathers and on this Father’s day, I pray that they will be happy and cheerful with their family. Lord in case there are children who despise their parents, who don’t understand their parents. Make them to understand their parents. May the Father and their children have a cordial relationship, from this day onwards. I ask this in Jesus name. In case there are fathers, who are pleading to God regarding their children’s settlement, and also if no good events have taken place in their homes for various reasons, and if such fathers are crying to God regarding this matter, I pray that you will bless the fathers as per the desire of their hearts. Give their children good life partners. Give their children a bright future. May the children shine in life, So that their fathers may be able to see them shine. I bless all the fathers from the bottom of my heart. May the Lord Perform great miracles in their life .
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word is taken from the book of Psalms 130:7, “For with the Lord, there is mercy. And with Him is abundant redemption. ”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, there is mercy and abundant redemption with the Lord. Many of you getting up in the morning are thinking, “What eligibility do I have to possess this blessing. I don’t think I have any eligibility, so I don’t think I will get it.” Or you might be saying, “I don’t have any eligibility to sit in this Government post. Therefore I won’t get a government job.” So you are condemning yourself by saying that you are not eligible. “I am not eligible for this and I am not fit for that.” And so you have not been selected. And you are sitting with much sorrow and you are worried too, thinking about your condition. But God is assuring you with His word by saying that for those who are not eligible, God is giving you a Gift, called His Mercy. God is giving you the blessing called Mercy to one who has no eligibility to make you eligible to obtain God’s blessing.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters so based on this blessing called Mercy, God makes you who are unfit to obtain a particular blessing. That day the angel met Mary and said, “Highly favored one, The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women.” The Angel spoke to her saying, You are highly favored because you are going to conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son who will be the savior of this world. For the savior of the whole universe, to be born in the womb of a woman, requires favor from God. What did the angel tell Mary, “Highly favored one, blessed are you among women.” That means, “Mary, because of God’s mercy you have received the favor of God to beget the Savior of the world.” That Grace or Mercy is the quality of God that was granted to Mary to conceive and bring forth Jesus the Savior of the world. Today that grace is going to offer some great blessing for you. In case you are thinking about all your education qualification, or your eligibility, your credibility, and think that you are unworthy then, the word of God says, His grace is new every morning. So today you ask the Lord, to give you that job by his grace. Lord grant me by your grace the gift of a child. Lord grant me a house of my own by your grace. Today you call upon God as a God of grace, He will surely perform a miracle for you.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Sometimes we think we have no money. But you say, “I desire to have a house of my own.” It is a faith that God will give what you desire. And later if you ask them, it would be surprising to know how they got a house of their own. They would finally say, “We really don’t know how we got a house of our own. “ This is the work of God and it would be marvelous to our eyes, it is there that God’s grace would be found. At times we would ask God to give us something by His grace. You know for sure that you can’t get it. But you would say, “Lord if it is your grace please grant it to us.” Lord if you desire then by your grace we know that we can get it. This is what we might say. So in case if you think that you never got this or you never got that, based on God’s grace you shall receive all that you desire. How many of you will believe that God will do it for you. Yes, God will do it. Secondly the verse says, that not only does God have grace and mercy, but he has abundant redemption or Salvation. So in case if someone in your family has not received salvation then God will intervene and grant them salvation by His grace. Surely the Lord will redeem the members of your family. One member of your family will be saved and later through him all the members of your family will be saved. According to the verse which says, if you believe in the Lord you and your household will be saved. Keeping this verse you believe and pray then God will do great things in your life.
Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord I pray for all the children who read this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have come into the house of your children with grace and mercy in your hands. I thank you Lord for making them eligible though they are unfit to receive the blessing. In case your children have lost their government seat by losing one or two mark, be gracious to them and grant them the grace mark they require, to obtain the government job, to receive the order for the admission of college, and help them to obtain a seat, and honor them. May be the Doctors would have said that they could not beget any children. But I pray that you will be gracious to them and grant them the ability to conceive and bring forth children by your grace. In case there are children who are waiting to be blessed with marriage life, but they do not have any qualification such as beauty or color, or education or job security or riches and wealth yet because of your grace, I pray that you will grant to them the best life partner more than their expectation. Honor them and help them to secure their own house. We cover their entire family with the robe of salvation. May an extraordinary miracle happen in their life. In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s auspicious word of God for you is taken from the book of Psalms 72:12, “For He will deliver the needy when he cries. The poor also, and him who has no helper”.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Firstly the verse says, that God will deliver the needy when he cries. Through this verse I request you all as an Evangelist that you need to inculcate the habit of calling on the name of God. We will have to face problems, dangers, accidents, but at that time, we need to call upon the name of God because men, who may desire to help you, will not be able to help you as you expect, when you call them. Therefore this verse says that it is better for you, to call upon the One who is prepared to help you and is powerful to extend help immediately to those who call upon him. The Lord will hear the needy when he calls. No matter how poor he is or how needy he is, or what poverty he goes through. Why does God deliver the needy when he cries? Today many who are rich and are in high position, the rich and wealthy when they call for help, others will come once they are called and they will attend to them with great care, saying “Shall I do this or shall I do that. ” But when the poor and needy call for help most of them will not bother about them. That is why the Lord is saying that when the poor and needy call upon God, He says that He will come and deliver them.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are living in a painful world. We are living in a world which is running towards destruction. Today we have many inventions that cause destruction instead of creating health and healing to the people. So we are living in a world which is insecure. So while we live on this earth, we need a God who will deliver us. Isn’t it? We need Him, is it not? There is no certainty that a man who has gone out, will return safely. If children who go to school, only if they return safely it is certain that they have returned home. In this sort of circumstances, God is today giving you an assurance, that if you call upon Him He will come running to deliver you from your troubles or to help you. Whether it is danger, whether it is plague or deadly disease, or maybe you are in a fretting state of life. God is ever willing to come, help and protect you. Like birds flying about, so will the Lord of hosts, defend Jerusalem. He will also deliver it. Passing over, He will preserve it.” So whether you are poor or needy, if you call upon the Lord, God will come running to help you. Therefore please take this good habit from the presence of God and apply it in your lives that you may be blessed in the coming days. Secondly the verse says, the Lord will help the poor also, and him who has no helper. This means that one who is poor and helpless, having no one to help him such kind of people also will be helped by God. God helps the one who is poor and needy and despised by all. God bless you.
Prayer : Dear Lord we thank you. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord help all those children who prostrate at your feet, and who call upon your name in need of help. And in case they are caught up in any court case and other issues Lord be merciful to them and deliver them. In case they are caught up in any kind of sickness or disease, deliver them. If they are caught up in some kind of curse then Lord release them from the curse and liberate them. Lord break every form of curse and bondage they are going through. You come down as per this verse, I pray that you liberate them O God. Bring them out from all their hurdles into a broad place.
In Jesus Name We Pray.