God will not forget you

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word of God for you is taken from the book of Isaiah 44:21, “O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.”

God looks at each one of you this morning and says, “You will not be forgotten by Me.” Many of you are saying that your husband has forgotten you. Others are saying, “Brother, My wife has forgotten me.’’ Some are saying that your father has forgotten you. While others are saying, “Well even my mother has forgotten me.’’ I have heard certain parents say, “Brother my children have forgotten me.” In this manner many of you are weeping because you have been so badly disappointed and neglected by your children. You are saying that all have forgotten you. When you had money all were with you. But the moment you said that you don’t have money or authority or job then all left you. The entire town has rejected and neglected you. Saying this, you are crying and sobbing bitterly. While you have been badly neglected by everyone, God looks at you and says, “O Israel you will not be forgotten by Me.” You should be worried only when God forgets you. God says, you will not be forgotten by Me. Whether man remembers you or forgets you, the Lord will always support you. He will never forget you or forsake you.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God gives you an assurance saying that whether others forget you or not, God will always remember you. He will not forget you. There is another verse which says, “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me. “God will never forsake you. He will always receive you unto Himself and will never reject you. Many of your people have rejected you. They have taken you out of their list. They have deleted your name from their mobile. They have taken your name out of their contact list. They have chucked you out of the prayer cell. They have thrown you out, don’t worry. Always remember that there is a plan behind it. There is a lesson for you to learn from it. You should know that this is the world and these are the kind of people who live around you. But the Lord will gather you once you are thrown out by the people whom you trusted very much.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, There was a man called Jephthah in the Bible; he was thrown out of his family. His brothers and all the leaders threw him, out. They rejected him and despised him because he was born of wrong relationship. The members in the family thought that it was disgraceful to have him. They felt shameful to consider him as one of the family member. So they cast him out. But the Lord remembered him and made him the leader of a gang of mighty warriors. He became a great man of valor and power. Since he was thrown out of the family, Jephthah became an Outlaw King. Jephthah settled in a place called Tob, on the edge of the desert. When He was doing very well in his life, the people in his own family who once rejected him, who despised him and cast him out of the family was now going through a tight situation. They were in great trouble. They wanted someone to help them. Then they realized that Jephthah the Gileadite was the right person. So, all of them including the elders and leaders approached him for help. Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty warrior. His father was Gilead; He agreed to help his brothers provided they considered him as the leader of the battle. Jephthah led the Israelites in battle against Ammon.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord was with him and he won the battle. Thus God exalted him who was rejected by his people. His brothers were thus saved from the hands of their enemies. And they lived in peace. Jephthah who was rejected became the corner stone. You need to know that this is the world in which you are living. No one needs you. You are rejected by all. You have been cast aside for no reason. They have thrown you out. But dear children of God, the Lord has considered you. And just as He exalted Jephthah, He will exalt you before those who condemned you and rejected you. All those who despised you and rejected you will come in search of you one day. They will soon come back to you. They will regret for mistreating you. So like Jephthah, learn to submit yourself in the mighty hand of God, and at the appointed time God will exalt you. Allow God to mould you and then you will be a great achiever.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord we thank you for saying, “O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.” When all others have despised and rejected them and have forgotten them, and refused to join them together, with their family, instead they have cast them out. They have been thrown away from their house. For those children who are crying out for being thrown out. Let them be comforted through Your word. They threw Jephthah out of their house. But God made him a great warrior. I thank God who has gathered all those who have been thrown out of their families. You are one who embraces them upon your heart, one who blesses them and moulds them for better purpose. For those who have been chucked out, God has turned them into the corner stone. Let those who threw them out, come back and include them as members of their family. Let them boldly confess that God is with them, and they need them and may they say that by including them they would be blessed. Mould them, do great things for them, make them to be great achievers.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Will Be With You

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word of God for you is taken from the book of Genesis 26:3, “I will be with thee and bless thee. “

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse we see how God speaks to Isaac and confirms His word to him. He assures to Isaac that He would be with him and bless him. He instructs Isaac to stay in the place where he assigns. He says,” Don’t go to the place where you like, but remain in the place I tell you to stay.” Isaac obeyed the voice of God. Because God said, “Reside in the place I tell you, Remain in this place, I will be with you and bless you. What does this mean? It simply means that God knows where it will be good for you to stay. Many will say all kinds of slogans, That place is greener than this place. And they would go there and only on reaching that place they will realize that the former place was better than the latter place. To put an end to all this God is counseling to you, “Live in this place or country. Then I will be with you and bless you. “God asked him to live in Gerar and also promised him that He would remain with him and bless him. When did God tell him this word? He told him when the country was going through a great famine in the land.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, since he obeyed the Lord and stayed in the place where he was asked to live, whatever he touched turned gold. Wherever he dug wells water sprang forth. And as a result He cultivated the land and he prospered as a farmer during famine, he made hundred fold good harvest. The Bible says, “The man began to prosper. And continued prospering until he became very prosperous. “He became greater and greater. He grew great and became more and more great. He became famous and popular in the country that God has chosen for him. So if God has instructed you to stay in a particular place you need to stay there to receive His blessings. If God tells you to do this business or that which is suitable for you then you need to do that business only then you will find growth, blessing and an increase in your business. It will be certain. But if you do something of your own, then you will experience destruction. That day God instructed Jonah to go to Nineveh but he went to Tarshish. So he got into a ship that was bound to Tarshish and he quietly went off to sleep. But you all know how much he suffered after that. Only after he got to his sense, he went back to Nineveh the place where God had instructed him to go. That land was blessed and he too was blessed. So you need to live in the place where God tells you to stay. What does that mean? So you always have to ask the Lord for direction whether to go to a particular place or not. Whether to take up a job or not whether to do the business or not, Whether to buy the property or not. You need to take all the decision from God. Many fail to take God’s direction. Suppose you take a job and then you get another job better that the present one. It is better to ask God whether you can take up the new job or not. May God give you the grace to obey the direction of God only then you will be able to enjoy the blessings of God.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Isaac stayed where God told him to be and he prospered. In fact the country was affected with severe famine. Nature was against him. There was no rain, yet God was with him. The land was parched and completely dry. Since God was His support, springs of water came forth from dry and parched land. Wherever he dug wells, water sprang up and therefore he did farming and reaped a hundred fold of harvest. God told him “I will be with you and bless you. “ Just as he had said, He was with Isaac and so he prospered. It was beyond comprehension. As a result the king and his ambassadors came up to him and said, we know that God is with You. And that your God has blessed you. What does this mean? That, if God remains with you, then you shall be blessed. You and your land in which you live shall be prosperous in such a way that others may see that you are blessed and that God is with you. Your glory shall be revealed and people from across the sea will come to meet you from all round the world. May the Lord grant you that kind of blessing for you today.

Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you told Isaac to stay in Gerar and promised to be with him and bless him. Since he obeyed you and stayed in that place you exalted him. The man began to prosper and continued prospering until he became very prosperous. He became greater and greater. As per this verse,Lord let all those who arereading this message learn to be like Isaac and obey the Lord and live in the place, in the city or country, and may they increase through your blessings. Let them expand to the left and to the right. And let them receive the blessings of God, and may their families be blessed. Let there be a growth in their progress. Let them gather a lot of leftover from the surplus they get. Help them to live without debts. Let them do so well in life that even great personalities will come and visit them . Let other people be able to look at them and say with their mouth, that they have been blessed by God. May the blessings of God shine upon them and allow them to live a bright future, and live a peaceful life without debts. May they prosper in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

Your Barns Will Be Filled

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word of God for you is taken from the book of Proverbs 3:10, “So your barns will be filled with plenty. And yourVats will over flow with new wine.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, last month the Lord said that your threshing floor shall be filled with grains. But this month he says that your barns will be filled with plenty. And your Vats will overflow with new wine. What is the difference between threshing floor and barns? Threshing floor is the place where the grains are brought and separated from husk and waste material and later they are gathered together and stored in barns. Barns are very large containers where these separated grains are being stored. They are specially made to store grains. So in this new month God is going to fill all the barns in your house with grains and the vats will be filled with new wine. Hereafter God is going to bless you and save from what you have gathered. You might have heard people say, “So many years have gone by but there is no savings. God is going to bless you to take the remains from the overflowing vessels. There is going to be an abundant overflow of grains in the barn such that God will help you to gather all the remains that are left over.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters. Till yesterday you suffered from famine, poverty and debts. You were managing your home, by borrowing money from others. But hereafter you shall have sufficient to manage your family. God will bless you in such a way that you will be able to clear all your debts, and will be able to take the left over or the surplus. God who fed the five thousand men, along with women and children with five loaves and two fishes, and they were able to collect twelve baskets of bread as left over. Such a mighty God is still with you to perform miracles. Submit your job, your business or your trade, or your ministry in the hands of the Lord, and ask Him to bless you and your profession whatever it may be. Then God will bless you in such a manner that you shall be able to take the remaining leftover. Those of you who are reading this message now seem to be happy. Because all these days, till today you were, experiencing waste of money, as if you were dropping your earnings in a pocket with holes. All the coins seem to have fallen away from your pocket gradually. God is closing all the holes in your pocket and God is going to bless you all with good income, so that you may experience an overflowing blessing in your family. Your cup will overflow.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord you have given a blessed and wonderful promise on the third of this month. All these days, your children have been suffering from lack of finance, famine, and poverty. But hereafter you have said, that their barns will be filled with plenty. That means your savings which you have stored in your barns will be full, with overflowing blessing. May all the children be blessed with an overflowing experience. Let them save sufficient finance. To manage their family and for their future purpose. As a result may they enjoy happiness and joy in their families. I pray and bless that peace prevail in their homes. May all famine poverty and debts come to an end. And let the blessings overflow in their lives in an abundant manner. Do wonders for them in their lives. In Jesus Name We Pray.

God Heard The Prayer

My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in
the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the special
word of God for you is taken from the book of Luke 1:13, “But the Angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above verse we learn that God sent an angel to tell Zacharias that his long time prayer was heard. Zacharias and his wife were both well advanced in age. Elizabeth was barren. But while they were young they had prayed for a child. As they did not have a child. Many years passed by and they had completely forgotten about their prayer request which they had made to God. Zacharias was a priest. Now while he was in the temple, he began to burn incense before the Lord. And a multitude of people were praying outside, at the hour of incense. Then an Angel appeared before him and fear fell upon him and he was troubled. Then the Angel spoke the above words to Zacharias as an answer to his prayer to comfort him. God was very considered about him. So he sent an angel to tell him that his wife who was a barren until then, would conceive and bear a son and he shall be called John. There will be joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters. On that day God sent His angel to tell the auspicious word to Zacharias. For many days, you have been praying for a particular matter. But you haven’t got an answer to your prayer request. And therefore you are very depressed and worried. You think that you may not receive an answer to your prayer. But God has risen to answer your prayer after a long period. It may be your marriage settlement. The delay may be due to your age. Or you got married but no child and therefore you are worried. Or the delay in getting a Government job. Something must be worrying you as your prayer has not been answered. May be your current situation, is causing panic day by day. Or not getting a child must have made you to come to the conclusion that your prayer will not be answered, and so you would not expect anything more or dream about it anymore. Saying so you may be trying to underestimate yourself. But God will not fail to bless you, or delay His promise to you in answering your prayer according to His will. Today, God is saying to you, “ Your prayer has been answered.” What you have been waiting for a long time will be offered to you like the tree of life.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message. Lord you have said to the children, “Do not fear about your age, or your poorness, or your famine, or poverty for as the God of miracles, I tell you that your prayer has been answered.” Thank You Lord for placing this word of promise and blessing the children. On that day you spoke these words to Zacharias, and just as you said, his wife conceived and brought forth a son and they called his name John. In the same way I pray that God will open the closed doors for thjose who are waiting for job opportunity, Lord open the door of income, open the closed door for the Visa, Open the door for promotion, Open the closed door for transfer, Open the closed door for marriage settlement, open the closed door for begetting the child, Let the closed door for a house be opened to them. May the Lord open the door of ministry for them. May the Lord do glorious things for them. Do miracles for them and honour them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.


My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day May 1st the last day of this month, through this daily Auspicious Word program. We are all aware that today is celebrated as Labour Day worldwide. On behalf of my family and God’s Love Ministries I wish Happy Labor Day to the workers of every field!’ It is my ardent desire that you flourish in your business. As your spiritual father, I bless you wholeheartedly. For those who are lagging in their business may God raise you to accomplish great feats.

Let us read today’s auspicious word Psalm 128:2, “When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.” Four months have passed by, and you have stepped into the fifth month with hope and this word is given to boost your faith. This is not a word of hope from man but a word of hope from God. You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands, blessing and prosperity will be yours. If the Lord is giving this word today, this indicates until now someone else was enjoying the fruit of your labor. If a man speaks with hidden meaning, there will be destruction. But if God speaks a word, it will be pregnant with blessing! What is the implication – You must enjoy the fruit of your labor. Your family must eat the fruit of your labor. This is a blessing. What is hidden in this verse? Someone else is eating the fruit of your labor!

Today God is promising “I will not give your grain as food for your enemies/foreigners.” The job that is meant for you no one can grab it, your grain will not go to the sons of foreigners. The transfer that I have kept for you no one can bribe and take it away. This is the hope that God is giving you today. Never again will foreigners drink the wine that you worked so hard to produce. The income[wine] that you earned due to your hard labor – you might have lent to someone, or someone borrowed it for a while. All that is stuck with the foreigner and you have not received them yet. Today God says he will get it back for you.

I have seen some people say, “I am greatly distressed, the money I am supposed to get if I receive it that’s enough. You were discussing this casually at home with your wife, children, and friends – God heard this conversation and says, “Never again will foreigners drink the wine that you worked so hard to produce.” He will bring back the wine from the foreigners and blessing and prosperity will be yours on this earth. Every business that was running a loss will yield profit. Every ministry that was unsuccessful will see a huge harvest of souls. Never do your ministry or work in a careless manner. If you want to eat the fruit of your labor the Lord says, “Be vigilant”. Many people are careful when they work for a company as otherwise, they would lose their job. But the moment the Lord makes them an owner, they become casual letting others take the responsibility. When you become an owner your responsibility increases, as you have a commitment to people working under you, who must be paid, you must pay rent, and with the remaining you must do maintenance. Anything left after all this is what you can take home. You can work for 30 days receive a salary and go home happily. After doing business for 30 days if you want to gather your harvest happily, you must be more vigilant than before. The Bible says – Do you see a man diligent in his work? He will stand before kings and he will not stand before obscure men. Whether a ministry, job, or business be careful, be alert! And when you do business like this with God’s help, He will make you the head and not the tail, he will make you first and not the last. You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. God will open ways for securing the visa. He will provide the place for your business. He will open ways for having your own house. He will grant you the health to enjoy the fruit of your labor. He will give you grace and blessing! You and your household will be blessed.

Dear Lord, we thank You. Let there be an end to the days of wasted labor of my children. Loss, damage, debts, interests, medical expenses –the swarming locust, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust have been with us so long. Remove them. You said you will restore the years that they have eaten. Let my children have a good harvest, a good income, and a good promotion, may the gifts of the Holy Spirit be manifested in their ministry, progress in their ministry, and good profit in their business. Let my children have more than enough for their needs. Let them live without any debts. Bless every work of their hands. Lord open the storehouses of heaven and bless them. My children should never borrow, but they should lend to many. Wherever the fruit of their labor is stuck, Lord collect it all and give it to my children. Gladden their hearts, Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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