My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word of God for you is taken from the book of Psalms 139:14, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord is speaking to us through His word, and asserting us that each one of us have been fearfully and wonderfully made. We have been created in a wonderful manner. In this world many scientist have found or discovered many number of things. They find out many new things. But all achievements were possible by them, because of the brain that the Lord had given to them. So we need to thank the Lord for creating the brain with which they are able to discover many new things.
Today, I am in the ministry and through my message and my prayer many people have been blessed. I give them the auspicious word and they receive it and the word operates in them and causes wonders and signs in the midst of them. It reaches out to them as prophesy or as revelation, to them and this in turn creates miracles in their lives, and also delivers them from all their problems and from divination and sorcery. Many thousands and lakhs of people are being benefitted by them. While in the ministry I have seen many testimonies. When I sit and think about the many miracles that take place in the lives of many children I cannot think that it was all because of me. No never, it was the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit within me. So God has made man in a wonderful manner such that He can cause things to happen through prayer and supplication. When the word of God is taken and meditated upon, and when it is delivered to the people, then it produces energy and power in action through the word of God. Since God has helped me to give the word of God to others that becomes a blessing to them. God who has given me the fear of God within me. He has given the mind and intellect to meditate on the word of God, and has given me a heart to love Him. So all the glory goes to God Alone.
Today God is going to do many wonderful things through you for the people. You may have achieved great things in your life. And you should be thankful to God who helped you to achieve such great things in your life. Some of you are thinking that you are not able to achieve anything in life. God says, be thankful that I have created you, as a wonderful being. And as a result you will make use of your talents that are hidden within you, through the revelation of God and you too will be able to achieve many great things in life.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord we come to understand through your word that you have created us in a wonderful manner so that we can in turn be a blessing to many people. To those who are crying that they are unable to achieve anything in life, especially to those who have lost confidence in themselves and have gone out of their faith in God, I pray for them that they too will be able to perform many wonderful things by using the talents given to them by God. In Jesus Name We Pray.
My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God is taken from Psalm 126:6 , “He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Bringing his sheaves with him.”
We find that the Sower is sowing with tears. Why should the Sower sow with tears? The Sower has great responsibility. He has to carry the heavy load taking everything he has to sow; his investment is the seed grain. He sows the seeds with expectation of harvesting a profit. But the field may require more of his attention. He has to water it. He has to protect it from birds and animals. He will be worried about the climate. He has to have the strength to maintain his cultivation. Like this he will be having many reasons to be worried. But when the harvest is ready, the Sower will return with songs of joy as they bring back an abundant harvest. He sowed in tears, but when it yields a harvest of thirty, sixty, hundred, lakhs, crores, he will joyfully carry the sheaves home.
When something leaves our hand or when we face a loss there will be tears, but when it yields a good harvest there are shouts of joy. Today you have invested heavily, and some dead investments are not giving you any returns. Do not be worried. God will help you to reap blessings. Sometimes coveting a high interest , if you have invested in a finance company declaring God will grant you a good harvest; there is no guarantee from the Lord because you were avaricious for high interest. The Lord said to do business with the talents you have. Don’t have unrealistic expectations after investing without hard work. Many are greedy for earning the easy way. Taking a loan on a small interest to invest and get high-interest returns. They will be caught in it with no escape. All this comes out of greed. We should not unnecessarily get caught in this. The next piece of advice that the Lord gives is – Do not sign a guarantee for anyone unnecessarily. If someone asks for monetary help, give it to them as a gift, not as a loan. Many are caught as they took loans for others, even contemplating suicide. So, don’t get stuck. Be vigilant. According to this verse, the Lord will grant a harvest on whatever you have invested. Invest fairly and properly. Don’t get caught in the wrong deeds. To earn by fair means, invest fairly. God will grant a good harvest.
Dear Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus I bless my children. Lord my children have sowed bountifully let them harvest with shouts of joy. Parents have sown lavishly for their children’s education but have not reaped the harvest yet; the children have not yet got a job. Today obliterate every obstacle and open ways for their income and earnings so that they may bloom and blossom. I bless them. Meet the children who are shackled, break every chain, and protect them from problems. In Jesus name. Amen.
My dearly beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Jeremiah 1:8, “Do not be afraid of their faces. For I am with you to deliver you.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today in our day to day life, we see many foes rising up against us and causing trouble in one way or another. But God says, “Do not be afraid of their faces. For I am with you to deliver you.” Therefore don’t be afraid of them. Face them boldly, with the fear of God. If you get scared of them and hide yourself then you will never be able to move forward in your life. In case one who is running in the race looks backward at his counterpart, then he will not be able to progress and reach the goal on time. He will not be able to get the prize. He should not look to the right or left but keep running forward to obtain the goal. Some will talk nicely to you while others will not talk good about you. If you think on these issues then you will be pained at heart and suffer within yourself. And you will not be able to run forward in life. Therefore never give ear to these vain gossip, and be discouraged in life. Some will be flattering you, speaking very high of you. In case you are attracted in his talk then you will not be able to move forward in life. Therefore you need not be flattered or be degraded by someone. Only God must give good report about you.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, One who has ruined your spiritual life may be trying to cause unnecessary friction in your life. They may blackmail you keeping your photo, and threatening you. They may at times keep your voice mail or message and threaten you. God looks at you and says, Don’t be afraid of such people, who threaten you. God will be with you and deliver you from all such wicked and cruel people. In the past you had done some mistake or mischief and so you are scared of such people. But God has forgiven you. He has thrown all your sins committed in the past behind His back and beneath the deep sea. So you need not be afraid of anybody. Only fear the Lord. God will never remember your sins committed in the past. He will forget all your bad deeds. So when God Himself has forgiven you, then you need not be afraid of those men who talk ill of you or threaten you for various reasons. Commit all your ways unto the Lord and keep moving on. He will say, “ I will do this and will do that, and at times he will say that he will die also. “By doing all this he will threaten you. Just because he says that he will die, you shouldn’t go back and fall in sin. God says, “Have confidence in Me. Then no one shall touch you.”
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord, I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. You don’t have to be afraid of him, says the Lord. In order that you should be saved from his hand I am there with you. Lord let this message be like a boost to all those who are reading this message. This is a very great auspicious word of God. For someone who has been threatened by his foe, or one in authority, this word of God will be a source of comfort to him. Such people are thinking of doing wrong, or going back to their old sinful life. No, you should not turn back after having taken the plough to work in the field. God says, “ To keep you away from your foes, I am there with you.” Help all the children who have put their trust in You to be firm in their resolution. I bless all the children to live their life very successfully. Help them to forget the past happenings and may they live a life of new creation.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Leviticus 26:13, “I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you walk upright.”
The Lord is telling you through this verse that He has broken your bondages and has set you free, and made you walk upright with your head lifted up. How is our God and what is He going to do for you? God is saying “I am going to make you walk with your head lifted up. This verse is saying that God is going to break all the bands of your yoke and help you walk with your head lifted up. Yoke means some kind of weight thrust upon your shoulder with which you are unable to lift up your head up. It is pressing your mind, your thoughts, and troubling you. God wants to release you from that yoke which is heavy on your neck. God wants to squeeze and break it asunder. Such pressure that causes pain, stress, sorrow and agony are the works of Satan. I have heard people say, “There is some mental pressure or struggle that keeps troubling me always.” From that struggle God wants to release you. The yoke is pressing your mind, your body, your soul and spirit. These are the works of the devil that causes you to be pressed by the yoke that has been thrust upon your shoulder.
People who are pressed with such kind of pressure even cry out saying that that they are experiencing much pressure on their shoulder, in their body and so on. This pressure is constantly pressing my head, they would say. Therefore God is going to uproot the evil spirit that has pressurised your very life, by sitting on your shoulder as a yoke and creating much trouble to you. And thereby You have lost all your peace. God is going to remove all the spirit of the yoke that has been laid over you and He is going to release you from all the sufferings that you are going through, because of the yoke and he will make you to walk with your head lifted up.
We see in the bible how the woman with infirmity was bent for nearly eighteen years because of the yoke laid upon her by the evil spirit of the devil. This evil spirit was sitting within her and was not allowing her to look up and walk steadily. Instead she was bending her back and never could see the world around her. She led a miserable life until the Lord met her and took pity on her and healed her of her infirmity. Today is a day when the Lord is going to meet you. God said to her, “You have been redeemed from the hold of Satan, therefore you shall no more walk with your bent back , but you shall walk with your head lifted up.”The very next minute her back which had been bent all these years straightened and she was able to lift up her head and turn around. The woman with infirmity jumped with joy at the miracle that the Lord had done for her. Her joy knew no bounds. The bible says, she rejoiced in the Lord and went home glorifying God. Similarly the Lord is going to do a miracle for you and remove the yoke from your shoulder that is constantly pressing you. He is going to straighten your head and make you walk with head lifted up, since all these years you have been pressed by the yoke.
May be some shameful deed would have caused you to bend your head and walk all these years. In that shameful deed the Lord is going to perform a miracle and make you walk upright. The creditors from whom you had borrowed money might have made you to walk in shame all this while by making you pay only the interest. Hereafter God will help you to pay all your dues and set you free from all your debts. God will help you to walk with head lifted up among the people in the society and in the midst of your family members. God will stretch out His hand and help you in this regard. And you shall go rejoicing and glorifying God.
Prayer: Lord we thank you. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. We thank You, Lord for causing us to walk upright. We thank you because you make us to walk with our head lifted up. There are many who are unable to lift up their head and walk boldly in the society because of their debts or due to some shameful incident which has taken place in their lives. Uproot all such problems from their lives, so that they may be able to walk with head lifted up. Remove all the pressure that has mounted upon them due to works of the evil spirit the Devil. Let them lead a happy and peaceful life. We submit all our thanksgivings at the feet of the Lord Jesus, who causes us to walk with our head lifted up.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Today the special word of God for you is taken from the book of Psalms 91:10, No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling,“
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, This morning the Lord is coming into your house to tell you that God is going to do away with Satan, who tries to involve you in evil ways. Since many evil things have happened in your life during the past. And evil incidents have spoiled the harmony and peace of your life, and have almost ruined your life. So hereafter no evil shall befall you neither shall any plague come near your house. God is assuring you of His promise from the word of God. God is not only coming into your house but also entering into your hearts today to remove all evil thoughts from you. God has actually protected you from all evil that was to happen in your life until yesterday. He has delivered you from all kinds of harm and danger and has preserved your life from destruction and has lifted up your head high before others. Secondly He says, No plague shall come into your house. In the past many evil things had happened in your life. You had been badly affected by People who have cast sorcery and witchcraft upon you. Divination and also black magic over you that you may become weak and never lift up your head. The works of the Devil was in operation against you. And has entered into your house and separated your family. The Devil has brought division between wife and husband. And separated you from each other. There had been misunderstanding between parents and children.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Devil had created misunderstanding among all the family members thus causing chaos and confusion in the family. God is driving out all the works of the evil one and God is rising up in the midst of your family thus bringing peace and serenity among the members of your family. In future there will be peace within your walls, and Prosperity within your palaces. Separated families will be reunited and peace will reign in the midst of the family members. Many happy events that did not take place until today for various reasons will begin to happen. God will bring out those children who are in depression and cause them to shine in their life. Just present your house in the hands of the Lord for Him to make all these things happen in your lives. God will then do great things in your life. Just as God dwelt secretly in the house of Job, and put a hedge of protection, over him and all his goods, hereafter God will dwell in your house also in a secret manner, to guard you, protect you and save you from all danger and harm.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord I pray that You will save all the children from all evil that could befall them. And whatever loss or discomfort they had incurred because of these evil happenings, I pray that you will uproot every form of evil from their lives. Let them enjoy peace, joy and happiness, and fulfillment in their lives. Let no evil come near their dwelling place, You operate them as per your plan and purpose. Let them be able to say, “ It is not I who live but Christ lives in me.” May they live gloriously inside their house. Unite every separated families. Help them to avoid unnecessary medical expenses. Remove all kinds of plagues that could affect them. Sprinkle the blood of Jesus over them, and their wall posts. No evil forces or enemies should turn towards them. Cause the angel of death to leave from their houses without harming them. May the Lord of all riches, remain in their homes and drive out every form of famine, financial deficit, and poverty. We thank You Lord for uprooting all sorts of unwanted issues that crop up to destroy the peace of the house. Hereafter may they receive or hear good news, and new report from afar, that would gladden their heart. Do wonders and miracles in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.