My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The special word of God for you is taken from the book of Joel 2:24, “The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, This morning the Lord is coming into your house to bless each one of you with a word of blessing, by saying that your threshing floors will be filled with much grain and your vats will overflow with new wine and oil. The threshing floor in scripture is a place of separation of grains. A place where the harvest was prepared by separating the grain from the useless straw for the purpose of exposing and collecting the most valuable part of the crop. And Vats is a large container for storing and mixing liquids. So maybe during the past few years you would not have had a good harvest, and you may not have enough wine or oil for your use. And you may be running short of finance as there has not been a good harvest. You may even have incurred much loss because of poor harvest. Therefore, these threshing floors and vats would have been empty without much grains and oil. But today the Lord is saying that these threshing floors will be filled with grains. You will reap a good harvest. Which means you will have plenty of grains to be poured in the threshing floor to be separated from dry and useless straw, and will have plenty of grains to be stored in the barn too. So give thanks unto the Lord for blessing your threshing floor with plenty of grains. Those barns which were empty for so long a period will no longer be empty and will be overflowing with good grains.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God says, He will cause an overflowing harvest in future and your financial needs will be met in a miraculous manner. The places where your business center is and where your shops are situated, the wine and oil which indicate good income will overflow in these areas of your business center. Your money box which had been quite empty will now over flow with lots of revenue. You did pass through a time, when there was not enough money to spend. But in the future God is going to have an overflowing experience in your business or through your sale. In the shop, gather more oil and wine. These two things indicate prosperity. Your Vats will overflow with new wine and oil which indicates blessings of God. The place of your work, your business center and your shops, your ministry will all overflow with wealth and revenue. God is saying that there will be an overflowing blessing in your life. So do not worry about famine, about drought, or debts, or poor income, or very poor harvest because God is going to change all your situation and cause His grace to be poured upon you and will bless you with wealth and prosperity. Your vats will overflow with new wine and oil. Your barns will be full, and you will enjoy a good harvest in the coming days. God is coming into your houses to fill you with much revenue and riches. Trust that the Lord is going to do all this for you in your life. Then things will begin to happen. You shall see with your own eyes the goodness of God in the land of the living.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord, I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord You have said, “The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.” Lord for those who are going through famine, and deficit in their life, I pray that you redeem them all out of this condition and cause them to come out of debts, and set free from all financial crisis. For those who say that their income is insufficient, and not enough to maintain themselves and their family, I pray Lord you will make a way for new income and source of revenue, in their life. For those who say that there is no good harvest I pray that you would provide a better harvest so that they may do well in life. Some are saying they go to jobs, but then they are not paid properly for such kinds of people, I pray that you will bring about an increase in their salary and make them joyful. Lord from this day onwards I pray that you will grant them sufficient salary, or income, good harvest, prosperity in their business, and fullness of wealth and riches. Come into their houses and cause their emptiness, to fullness. As per the word of God which says, “The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.” Remove all emptiness from their life, and also grant them an overflowing blessing in everything that they need. We pray that God breaks everything that causes hindrances to their prosperity and uplift-men in their lives. Do wonders and miracles in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word of God for you is taken from the book of Exodus 15:26 ,“For I am the Lord who heals you. ’’
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God says to each one of you that He is the Healer. Today God has risen as a Healer to all those who are suffering from various sickness or disease. If you look for someone who could heal you of your disease then it is Jesus alone. If there is someone who could help you come out of your debts then it is the same Lord Jesus. Only He can redeem you out of all your debts and set you free from stress and financial crisis. He alone can open a way for you to earn some money and pay off your debts. He is a God who can open doors for you to pay back your debts. Only He can come down for you to help you. So He alone is your Healer who can heal your mind and heart and thoughts that trouble you from worrying over your debts. May be your womb has been closed and you are unable to conceive. You have been to many doctors. But they are of no use. All have failed you. So if you then think that all is over with you, No it is not at all over. God can restart everything for you.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, When God could bless Abraham who was a hundred years of age and his wife Sarah was ninety years with a son in their old age why not He bless you with a child? That Lord is still alive, to perform miracles in your life. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. He is the Lord who heals you, from pain and distress. So, He is the solution to all your problems. He is the answer to all your requirements. If you read the previous portion of this verse you will know exactly what he did for the Egyptians. God says to the people of Israel, “ I will not bring on you any of the diseases, which I brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you. ’’God assures that He will not allow any of the diseases that came upon the Egyptians to attack you. So hold on to this word of God and believe in your heart that God will heal you from all your sicknesses. God is bringing an end to all your sicknesses.
That day, Peter’s mother in law was suffering from severe fever and she was lying in her bed. Jesus went to their house and healed her of her sickness. Within a moment Jesus delivered her from fever and she instantly got up from her bed and began to carry on her daily chores. She began to prepare food for Jesus and others. Therefore you who are unable to get up and walk God is coming to meet you in your house and heal you of your sickness.
May be you are affected by certain disease and your organs are getting affected. God says, that He is the Healer and He will heal all your decaying organs in your body. In some cases we see how certain people like poisonous germs get into the families and start backbiting about one another and spoil the harmony of the family. Thus they cause dispute with each other and ruin the relationship slowly and stealthily. They are so subtle in nature that you cannot identify them within the family. God will destroy such interference of people who have entered into your family like the poisonous germs to spoil and destroy the joy and peace of your family. God will save your family from such treacherous people and restore peace and save your family from being destroyed completely. He is coming as a Healer into your family today.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. You have said, “I am the Lord who heals you.” What an assuring word of God it is! We accept your statement from the depth of our heart. We welcome this word of God given by You. For You are the Healer and great physician. Financier, and a God of counsel, You are a good God, who causes us to live and thrive in this world. May you be the Healer in all our needs and lead us in our lives.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Psalms 23:4, “For You are with me, Your rod and your staff they comfort me.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, David in this psalm considers God as His shepherd. A shepherd usually has a rod and a staff to lead his sheep. So David confesses His faith before the Lord saying, Lord I know that You are there with me all the days of my life. And hence Your rod and your staff they will comfort Me.This psalm is a psalm of great blessing. David says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.” Even little children will be taught to repeat this Psalm by heart. I remember in my childhood days, how I had to say this Psalm in the Sunday school as a little child, and how children would be taught this Psalm in the church also by the Elders. Psalm that parents would like to teach their children, would be this Psalm. 23, And this Psalm will be a great blessing to the children. The most important lines in this psalm are as follows. “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” When is God with you? When you are walking through the darkest valley of death, and His rod and his staff will comfort you. They will encourage you, and strengthen you and even comfort you, from the grip of death. They will cause you to wake up from your dying state and revive your body soul and spirit.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, the Lord says, His rod and His staff, will deliver you from your trouble. When a person is under depression and fails in his life , people will comment saying , “Well that is all, No one can save him.” But it is God who comforts him in his depressed state. Therefore when one goes through the darkest valley of death, he is almost broken. His heart, and mind, will automatically be so troubled and distressed. He would not know when he would come out of depression and when he will be able to lead a normal life like others. He will actually want someone to come and comfort him in that situation. So the Lord tells him that his staff and rod will comfort him and even God’s word will console him while He goes through struggles. God says, “Surely you shall come out of this depressed state of life.’’In case you too are going through the valley of death, in your life because of your severe problems, like the incurable disease and you are afflicted by the pain and agony, you are under the verge of death, may be due to cancer or any other serious illness is slowly dragging you to death, or some kind of virus or germs is slowly eating away your organs, in the body then be sure that God’s staff and His rod, along with His word will surely rescue you, from destruction. You will be safe and secure in your life.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. I pray that today you will redeem the children who are struggling in their lives and are at the verge of death, that you will extend their life and help them to see good days in their life. Let your Rod and Your Staff comfort them and cause them to be revived from their pain and sickness and let them live. We thank You Lord for reviving them from their death bed and granting them life. Let the Rod which represents your verse, and the Staff which is the word of God, revive the children. David says, in one of his psalms “Lord, If it is not for your word then I would have perished long ago. Your Word has been my comfort in my affliction.” Lord comfort them with your word, and heal them and revive them from their dreadful situation, and just as you said that “ I will heal them in order to comfort them.” Heal them and restore them from destruction and bless them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Proverbs 3:26, “For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God says, to you that the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your feet from being caught. This indicates that many of you are caught up in some kind of issues that causes trouble and distress. Knowingly or unknowingly you have been hooked in some unwanted affairs and therefore you are struggling not knowing how to come out of your horrible situation. Your feet have got caught in a harmful environment. Some will say, “My son has got into a matter without knowing the depth of it and has incurred great loss. There are some who will say well not knowing what sort of a boy he is my daughter has got trapped by him. She has put her feet into his hold and now she is not able to get out of his hold. There are still some who will say, well without knowing the difficulties involved in this matter I got caught into it. So the Lord looks at such people and says, that God will be their confidence and He will remove their feet from such dangerous situations. He is bringing you out and fixing you in your original state of life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, many of you have fallen in a state of difficulty because of your own ignorance. Once your feet gets caught in some affair then it is very difficult for you to come out of it. So before getting into it, we should be a bit more alert. In case someone accidently falls into a pool and if he knows swimming then he can slowly come out of the pool. But in case he gets caught into the clay soil that is deep inside the pool then his body gets caught into the wet soil and he will ever be able to come out of the pool so easily. He could only struggle with his feet but both his hands and almost the portion of his body would be immersed into the clay soil. In this case it would be very difficult to come out of the pool. There is a chance for him to die also. Unless and until someone gets into the pool and drags him out of the slushy water he cannot save himself. My dear children of God you should never get into such a situation at any point of time, and thereby endanger your life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Your feet are very important. You should know where to place your feet. That is why the word of God says, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. That is why you ought to be careful while you walk in the darkness. You should not go in the dark and fall anywhere. Though it looks as if there is light, you should not get into the dark areas and be trapped in unwanted issues. You need to hold on to the word of God, every step you take. As it will be a light for you in the dark. The word will tell you exactly whether you can place your feet there or not. The Word of God is a lamp to your feet and a light unto your path. You should walk as children of light. Learn to walk according to the direction that God shows to you rather than taking your own steps. And you should have the faith in the Lord that He will lift you up. God bless you.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord you have said, “I will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.”Thank you Lord for your promise. According to this promise I pray that You will help the children to trust in you and place their confidence in You that You will lift them up and save from their dejected state of life. May they give up all their trust and faith in their personal talents, their own strength and knowledge, and trust in God for their survival. Help them to seek the help of God. For such kind of children I pray that you redeem them from all their sinful life and save them from their difficult situation. Lord they are unable to come out of their horrible condition as they are entangled in huge debts. Release them and bring them out of all their struggles that they go through. Help them to come out of their shameful situations. Cause them to rescue themselves from all kinds of court cases into which they are caught up with. Help them to come out of all their hurdles and may they lead a normal and carefree life in this world.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the
book of 2 Chronicles 7:14, “ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are saying that no good events have taken place in your family. You are quite worried and upset regarding this matter. You say, “We are unable to see any good happenings in our houses. Not able to see any joy in the family. Not able to see any progress in our lives.” You are lamenting over these issues. God has planned to put a stop in this matter. God wants to bring an end to all your lamenting, murmuring, and crying about such issues. God accepts the truth that nothing good has happened in your life. And that you are unable to see any joy in your family. God wants to help you in this regard. But on one condition. He wants you to do one thing. What does He want you to do? He doesn’t want you to do many things. God says, “My People who are called by My name should turn from their wicked ways”, then God will bring about good happenings or healing in your life. It is better for you to give up all your wicked ways, and turn to God, repenting of your sins in order to enjoy the goodness of God.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, You need to give up your anger, your lust of the flesh and your sinful habits, your slavery to wrong relationship, and your wickedness that you may gain God’s goodness in your life. You should not worry about giving up a bad thing for the betterment of your spiritual life, and that of your healing in life. You should do it with much joy. Then God will bring health and healing into your life. But you must first give up all your wrong deeds. Only then you can receive the blessing of God. Give up all the things that displease God.
When you remove all these sort of nature from you then God will bring healing into your life. There will be great joy and peace in your life. So today, you know for yourself what you should give up and how to follow God. Therefore give up all those bad ways of life, bad habits, Come out of it and the Lord shall being healing and blessing into your lives.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have said, “ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’’ You have taught us through your word how to receive healing in our lives But still, there are many children who have failed to receive the healing from the Lord. Today may they receive this healing from You Oh God, by giving up all their wicked ways, that they may lead a happy, blessed, and peaceful life, help them to give up their wrong doings, and lead a life pleasing unto God. Lord I pray that You will help the children to give up all their wicked ways, and return to God and receive the honor of God in their lives. Let them receive the healing of God and thus prosper in their lives.
In Jesus Name We Pray.