My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Psalms 107:20, “He sent His word and healed them.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse the Lord is saying that He will send His word and heal all those who are sick and suffering. God is looking at you and saying that He will send His word and will heal you. His word has life and there is power in His word. Some of you are crying over your sickness and disease and at the same time you are unable to come to the Prayer Tower. You are thinking that your life is almost over, and that you may die of this sickness, to such kind of people the Lord is sending His word and healing you right now.

In the bible we read about a leper in Mark 1:40-45, “A man with leprosy came to Him and begged Him on his knees, ‘If you are willing, you can make me clean.’ He reached out His hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ He said. ‘Be clean!’ Immediately the leprosy left Him, and he was cleansed.”Jesus uttered a word and immediately the leper received a miracle. He believed in Jesus and he received the healing. Today trust the Lord and you will surely be healed.

Once when I went to Tirunelveli, for ministry work, a sister came up to me. She was affected by leprosy so she will always wear a covering to hide the disease. When I held her hand for prayer. She tried to let go of my hand. But I managed to pray for her holding her covered hand. Later she had written to us saying, “Brother, I tried to pull my hand from your hold. But you held me strongly later I discovered that my hand had been healed.”
Yes my dear brothers and sisters don’t be worried about your sickness. God is our healer and He will send His word and will heal you.

Prayer: Lord, we thank You. LordI bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord You said, that you shall send Your word and heal us from all kinds of sickness and disease. Today heal my children who are sick and fear that their sickness may lead to death. Bless them with good health. Let miracles and wonders happen in their lives.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

The comforter

My beloved Children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on April 15th through this daily Auspicious Word program. I trust in the Lord that many happy events happened in your family. Do not lose heart if such occasions didn’t happen, today you will receive a miracle from the Lord.

Take and Read Jeremiah 31:13 “For I will turn their mourning to joy, Will comfort them, And make them rejoice rather than sorrow.” God is going to accomplish several things in succession. First, He is going to turn your grief into joy. The death of a person could have made you sorrowful. A particular loss has made you sorrowful. A certain disappointment has made you sorrowful. A specific illness has made you sorrowful. A failure could have made you sorrowful. Today the Lord is directly addressing you through this auspicious word program. “Your sorrow will turn into joy.” This means in the situation which made you sorrowful, God will do a miracle. He will turn it into joy. Because He does not want you to be destroyed in this sorrow. He is firm that this sorrow should not cause depression or mental illness. Your prayers and your parent’s prayers, “Alas this sorrow should not destroy my children, their life should not be spoilt, this disappointment is taking her into depression!” For this lament, the Lord promises, “Your sorrow will turn into joy.”

Secondly, He says, “Will comfort them.” Some people will say, “That is a hopeless case. Nothing can be done.” Our Lord is one who comforts the ruined. He says, “Will comfort them.” Isaiah 51:3 says, “He will comfort all her waste places.” This means what was rejected as ruins, God will remove the ruins and cause it to prosper. Perhaps your future is ruined, and everyone has rejected you. God will comfort you and as Isaiah 51:3 says, “Joy and gladness will be found in it, Thanksgiving and the voice of melody.” The sound of lament and weeping will be turned into thanksgiving and a voice of melody. So, God will comfort you. Maybe you are ineffective in studies, lacking in wisdom, and have been rejected. The stone which the builders rejected will become the Chief Cornerstone. And God will accomplish great things through you. You will shake the nations.

Next, “And make them rejoice rather than sorrow.” Cast your troubles and pain on the Lord. He will make your heart rejoice. So, many joyous celebrations will take place in your family. Has the marriage not taken place at the appointed time, do not be worried. God will remove this sorrow and do a miracle. Perhaps you do not have the gift of a child, which has troubled your heart. He will open your womb and bless you with a child and cause you to rejoice. The Bible says, “Many will rejoice at his birth.” Whose birth is identified here? An angel declared this about the birth of John the Baptist. May God do a miracle according to this verse.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. “For I will turn their mourning to joy, Will comfort them, And make them rejoice rather than sorrow.” May this word bless them. Let my children who have endured successive bad events experience consecutive joyous celebrations. May my children who have experienced sorrow, from today experience the blessings that they expected and longed for. So that they may rejoice. May the closed wombs be opened. Bless them with a child and may they live with joy and peace. The same God who turned the stone that the builders rejected as the Chief Cornerstone, raise these rejected children, and use them. In Jesus Name. Amen.


My beloved children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day April 14th through this daily auspicious word program. It’s a special day of happiness for all of us. It’s Tamil New Year’s Day. In the Tamil calendar, this is the first day of the first month. We anticipate many new things in New Year.

On this day, God makes a covenant with us. Exodus 34:10 “And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant……For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.” At the beginning of the verse it says Behold, I make a covenant. At the end, it says for it is an awesome thing that I will do with you. As we enter this Tamil New Year, the Lord is going to be with you and do an awesome thing!

The previous year whatever you planned to do, you lost, went through difficulties, got stuck in debts. This year say to the Lord that I will not fight in my flesh. Let not my will happen in my life but I surrender my life into Your hands. Let Your will happen in my life . Today that should be your prayer. Then the Lord says, for what I am going to do with you is awe-inspiring. In an English version it says, “I will do terrible things.” So, a terrific progress, an awesome increase, an amazing growth, a staggering victory, a remarkable prominence God will grant you from today.

In the same place where you hung your head in shame; God will glorify your name in this New Year. Past year you were neck deep in debts. But this year you will receive great wealth. Previously you would have faced failures, but now God will give you a staggering victory. In the past perilous pestilence afflicted you to the point of death, but after today you will have an excellent health. So, stay in faith. God has declared that He is with you, and He will accomplish everything. And He will do an awesome thing. Cling to this verse and pray every day. God will do mighty things.

Dear Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I bless my children. Every disappointment, failures, shocking debt, and dreadful disease in my children’s lives should be removed. And exactly opposite to that a staggering victory, bountiful blessings, remarkable prominence, terrific progress, and awesome benefits should come upon their lives. Thank You for this promise You have given them. In Jesus Name. Amen.

God’s Protection

My beloved Children in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. What auspicious word the Lord has for us today? Let us read Psalms 91:3 “Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.”

A hunter is one who plans a trap to destroy us. If a hunter has observed a bird or an animal, he cunningly plans to trap it so that it cannot escape. He is one who sets a trap. Today many people like the hunter are scheming ways to entrap you. Moreover, satan is plotting ways to trap you with a big snare. Also, there are others who are faking a friendship with you, seeking to ensnare you with a hidden trap. Additionally, there are jealous, annoyed relatives who are feigning love and setting hidden traps to entrap you. But today the Lord promises to deliver you from it all.

If the deer, animal, or bird is aware of the trap it will somehow escape. A snare is a hidden trap. The traps that are hidden from your view are clearly visible to the Lord. That is why God says, You are unaware of the hidden snares, I am destroying the trap and delivering you today. You will not be trapped by it. You must have listened to some saying, that awful boy had an eye on my child, set a trap but the Lord saved her. To destroy my business, he had schemed and set a trap, but the Lord destroyed it and saved me. There is a beautiful verse in the Bible, “The snare is broken, and we have escaped.” The snare is set to destroy our life. Today the Lord is giving a prophecy – The snare is broken, and you have escaped. Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.

On one side the snare kept to destroy us, the other side is pestilence. Satan is looking for ways to destroy us using pestilence. But the Lord will protect you from it. Pestilence includes lung failure, kidney failure, liver failure, cancer, and such fatal diseases. It is very difficult for a man to survive these diseases. These are known as deadly diseases. Being sick is different from having a deadly disease. Everyone falls sick occasionally, but the deadly disease is usually fatal. That is why the Lord says, “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians.” Are you saying, “Brother, the deadly disease has already affected my body. What is the restitution now? God said He won’t allow such diseases, but I am already affected.” The Lord says, “For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.” God will touch and heal you. God bless you.

Dear Lord, we thank You. The snare of the fowler and perilous pestilence. You have promised to deliver from both. I pray for my children who are living with the fear of death, my children who are trapped in a snare, unwanted relationships and unwanted sins. My children are suffering because they are trapped. I pray that you will lead them on a new path. Thank you for saving my children from being destroyed in that trap. Let them receive miracles and wonders. In Jesus Name. Amen.

God Can Do Everything

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Job 42:2, “I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.”

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Job who had experienced great trial in his life, says, Lord I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.”At times in our life certain barriers crop up and we just don’t know what to do. When barriers come and obstruct our progress then we grow weary and upset. Marriage will be almost at the verge of happening but suddenly it may have got cancelled. You have got ready to go out on business, but in the last minute it may have got cancelled and you couldn’t go. You plan to go out for ministry outreach but all of a sudden there arises a quarrel in the family and you have to cancel your programme. You are obstructed from going out for ministry. So what happens, you grow weary and disinterested in life. You might be saying, well we thought that we could go out tomorrow, but unfortunately we couldn’t go out as we had planned in the last minute because of a quarrel that took place in the family. We couldn’t go out in the last minute because someone became ill in the family. Sometimes we couldn’t go out as we thought, because in the last minute we heard sad news from our relative. Thus we see how when there is a barrier or blockade that obstructs our plan or our progress then we become disgusted with life. We become so unhappy and distressed.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, if everything happens as we desire, then we will go away from God. You must think that it is good that barriers and blockades come in your life that you may depend on the Lord completely. It is a simple thing for Me to lift up any one or to make them great. Wealth and honour come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt any one and give strength to all. What does this mean? It means that God is able to do all things. In continuation He says, that no purpose of God, can be withheld from performing, what He has planned to do. What is the inner meaning is that, when there arises a barrier or obstruction from your plan of doing something, and then you should have the spirit of taking it in a good manner rather than become weary and upset that your plan has been disturbed. You need to have a good attitude. Say, Praise the Lord, when there is a blockade in your life because God has some other plan for you. Always, think that the Lord is doing good for you by bringing the barrier. Never show distrust. Take it in good sense. If you do in this manner then God will be pleased with you, and do great things in your life.

Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord You can do everything and no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. Lord when barriers arise help us to realize that it is for our good. Lord in whatever area, barrier has risen from achieving the blessings of God then, the God who breaks all the barrier go before them and cause them to achieve what they desire. Because it is You, Oh Lord who brings the barriers and You alone can break those barriers and make way for them to progress in life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.

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