My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of John 6:35, “And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse we know that Jesus is the Bread of life. And those who come to Jesus shall never hunger, and he who believes in Him shall never thirst.”On this particular day, He wiped the feet of all the disciples and demonstrated in action as to how they ought to be humble and meek and treat their fellow men. And he also conducted the last super with his disciples for the first time. He asked them to take the Bread and wine as an indication of remembering His flesh and blood that was wounded and shed on the cross of Calvary. This is what we remember on this Thursday. Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is the day during Holy Week that commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles.
Since God instituted the last supper and because He is the Bread of life, He says, I will not cast away any one who comes to Me with hunger. 2000 years ago the Lord Jesus Christ once went into the wilderness, and did his ministry and a huge crowd of people gathered to hear His teachings. He did not want to send the people away in hunger. When he told the disciples about feeding the people, they showed reluctance. Because it was not so easy to feed the people in the wilderness and even if they purchased bread it wouldn’t be enough to feed such a large crowd of people. So the disciples showed no interest. They told the Lord that it was simply not possible. But Jesus did not want to send the people in hunger. He knew that they may faint on their way as they had to go a long way. They had come to Jesus. And He did not wish to send them away without feeding them. The disciples took the matter very lightly. They wondered as to how they could feed such a large crowd of people. Jesus who said, “I am the Bread of life” , couldn’t send the people away without food. So He turned to the disciples and asked them just one question. What do you have with you? The disciples found a small lad with five loaves and two fishes. He had brought it to eat, when he was hungry. His mother had given him as lunch for him to eat. But the disciples told Jesus that there were five loaves and two fishes, with a little boy. They gave it to Jesus and He took it and blessed it and lifted up to God in prayer, and gave thanks. He told the disciples to make the people to sit in order and they found that there were about 5000 men, besides women and children.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If you notice usually there are more number of women than men who come to listen the word of God. So if there were 5000 men then there would have been more number of women and children. God fed the people with five loaves and two fishes and they collected 12 baskets of food that were remaining. That same God is alive even today. The disciples couldn’t believe their eyes. But Jesus showed to them that He was truly the Bread of life. That same Lord is telling you today, “I am the bread of life. ” Hereafter you shall not lack water and bread. Jesus said, “One who believes in Me shall not thirst.” Anyone who believes in Jesus will not have spiritual thirst. God will fill him with prayer and anointing and make him rich in his spiritual life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God will fill His children with power, and gift of the Holy Spirit. And God will fill their spiritual thirst, and He will also fill the worldly thirst in them. Because He not only gave His flesh but He shed every drop of His blood to restore mankind. They pierced his heart and we see that water and blood gushed out of His body for you and for me. Christ. For those who trust in the Lord, He says, I am the Bread of life.” He further says, that He is the provider of all good things for you. He will provide your food and water. He will provide you with a good job. He says, “ I am the Lord who will meet all your needs. Be it your income, your wealth or your education, or your house to live in, whatever it may be, all things are provided by Me alone.” So I pray that you hold on to this Lord Jesus who is the provider of all things and believe in Him that you may be saved. Be prepared to receive Him as the Lord of your life, then He will neither allow you to thirst or hunger.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have said, that you are the Bread of life. You said, “ I am the God who will provide you with living water. He who believes in Me, shall neither thirst nor hunger.” Today also if there are people who are suffering from want of food and those who do not have even a petty job to earn their living and feed their children. Lord look at such people for one more time. Be merciful to them and lead them. Provide jobs to those who do not have a job to meet their ends. Help them to eat satisfactorily and be content. You are the Lord who was wounded and You gave your very flesh as Bread for us and Gave Your precious blood that we may drink and be filled with water. Your body was torn for our good sake. You allowed your body to be crushed on the cross for us. Therefore today, I pray that you will help all those who hunger for food to eat sufficiently and thus forego their hunger. May they not thirst any more. You have done everything on the cross for us.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. On this day, the 5th of April it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this message. I believe that all of you are happy in the Lord. I am delighted to come daily to your house, and share God’s word with you. Many of you are crying that nothing good has happened in your life as you expected. There are some barriers in your life. Things are happening against your desire. You have not got what you expected until today. Hope deferred has made your heart sick. And since you are crying over these issues, The Lord is giving you a special word for you, to comfort and console you on this day. The auspicious word of God for you is from the book of Genesis 22:17, “Blessing I will bless you , and multiplying I will multiply your descendants. ’’
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse God encourages you with a comforting verse at the right time that you may not grow weary or dejected since things didn’t happen the way you expected. God has many names and one of them is God who blesses. On that day when Jacob asked God to tell him His name the Lord rvealed His name in deeds. He blessed Jacob and went away indicating that He is a God who blesses His people, and therefore His name is ‘God of Blessing”. Jacob fought with God the whole night, and He said to the Lord, ” I will not leave you until You bless me.”Before God could bless Him, he asked God “ What is your name ?” You stayed with me the whole of this night, and you comforted me in my loneliness, who are you? God immediately blessed him and left the place. God did not speak out but He showed it by his action of blessing him. Today you must know that God’s name is Blessing. Today He wants to show you in action, that He is a God who Blesses. By Saying, “Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants. ’’
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, If God needs to bless your descendants then you need to have sound relationship between husband and wife. So God who has promised to bless you with descendants will surely cause all those who are un married and are waiting to be settled in life, over a long period, God is going to perform a miracle, so that you get settled soon with the right partner. God is going to break all the barriers and settle His children with married life. He is going to conduct their marriages by Himself. Some of you are thinking that there is no one to conduct your wedding. Well God Himself will descend and conduct the wedding for you. He is very concerned about you. We see in the Bible that Joseph taken by the merchants to Egypt, and he was almost like an orphan in that strange land. None of his family members, his father or brothers were there with him in that country. There were no relatives. They were all in the land of Canaan. They were in Israel. Yet even though none of his family members were there to conduct his marriage yet God allowed the king Pharaoh to conduct his marriage in a grand and royal manner as he was made the governor of Egypt. You read from the Bible that Pharaoh himself had conducted the wedding of Joseph.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, What does this indicate ? It means for those who have no parents, no relatives to conduct the marriage God Himself comes down and uses someone in His place to conduct the marriages for those who think that they have been deserted by others. So in the same manner good things are going to happen in your houses. How Joseph’s marriage was conducted in a very grand and royal manner by the Pharaoh himself, your marriage also will take place in a grand manner. Even age cannot be a reason to obstruct your marriage. From the verse we read, that God says, “Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants.” God usually has a gift for the married couple who are newly married. It is the most valuable gift that cannot be measured. We will gift someone with five pounds or ten pounds of gold according to our limited capacity. Or we will give some cash as gift for the married couple. Or we might even give an empty cover. But God is not like that. If He gives you in marriage then He will gift you with the most precious gift that is the gift of a child. The Bible clearly says, “Behold children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward.” In the English Bible it is written as God’s gift.
My Dear brothers and Sisters, In case this gift is pending for many years. God is presenting you this gift through this verse. For Abraham this gift was pending for nearly 100 years. Only when he was 100 years of age the Lord blessed him with a son, Isaac. No matter how old you may be, God will bless you with the gift of a child in His own time. So no one need to worry about this because God says, “ And multiplying I will multiply your descendants. ’’Hold on to this promise and claim this promise for yourself. Then the Lord will make it to happen. And multiplying I will multiply, says the Lord. Halleluyah! My Dear children of God, Hannah cried to the Lord, asking for only one son. First God blessed her with a son Samuel. And then Hannah had five children after Samuel. Very surprisingly Hannah experienced joy after joy over the birth of her children. So for those of you who say that you don’t have children, God is going to surprise you with many children. Some have children, but they are suffering from mental disorder. They are unable to walk or they cannot speak. Are such parents struggling with their children, well by the grace of God and the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, just as he grew in wisdom and stature your children too will begin to walk and talk. God will grant your children proper growth in the brain and cause them to be fit both mentally and physically. God will bless your children. You don’t have to worry about them.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have said, “Blessing I will bless you , and multiplying I will multiply your descendants. ’’ Lord you are God, who desires to bless everyone. So we thank you. You have also said in the scripture, that it pleases you to bless Israel. I thank You Lord for blessing your children with great desire to bless them. Lord bless your children with good family life. In case many have grown beyond their age of marriage, may the Lord be merciful to them and help them to get settled. They may be crying over their age, saying we have grown old, yet we have not got married. We have grown old yet we have not secured a good job. For such children Lord You be merciful to them and grant them their request. May the Lord who blesses Israel bless them. Expand the borders of their territory. Expand their generations. Increase their income. Increase their anointing. Increase them with good health. Let your hand be with them and let no evil, or disease or debts or shame, affect them in any way and cause sorrow to them. Just as you blessed Abraham with a son in his old age and extended his generation, Lord I pray from the depth of my heart that you bless your children with the gift of a child. and cause them to be happy. Open their wombs, that are closed that they may conceive and beget children. We pray this to the Lord our God, and instead of the brier, let a myrtle spring up, in their womb. Uproot all forms of fibroid and cyst symptoms formed in their womb and may fruit of the tree of life, bloom within their womb and cause them to be blessed oh Lord.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the Lord is giving you a special word for you, to comfort and console you. The auspicious word of God for you is from the book of Matthew 28:20, “And lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, In this verse God says, that He will be with you always, even to the end of the age. That means to the end of your life. This is the saying, of God. Man cannot say like this to you. If a man says this to you he himself will not live so long to be with you till the end of the age. The man who says this may not be there because he might have completed his race and would have gone to rest, before you. So the only person who is eligible to tell you this statement can be God alone. He is the everlasting Father. God who never change but remains the same yesterday, today and forever. Though he was dead and buried he rose again on the third day and is seated at the right hand of God the father, and this God is with us all the days of our life. He alone can pass this statement “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” A man may say, “I shall stay with you until my death.” But till the end of the age he cannot stay so long. Only Jesus can tell these words. For He has power and authority to speak. God is assuring this word of promise for you today.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, He will be with you during your lifetime. He will continue to be with your children. He will be from age to age. He will be with generation after generation, from your descendants to descendants and He will be with you and bless you. That is why He says, “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” If God remains with you then you shall not have any problem. Once He met Zacchaeus a chief tax-collector at Jericho and Jesus went into his house. And a great change came into his heart. He was a tax collector and many hated him because he collected more money from them. But when Jesus went into his house he confessed to the Lord that he was willing to change by offering half of his belongings to the poor and paying back four times as much to anyone he had cheated. Such a God who said, that ‘I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” If he comes to your house then all those who have not been saved will be saved. A change will come in their hearts and minds.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Not only that He went to the house of the leader of synagogue, and there his daughter about 12 years of age, had already died. People were all sobbing and weeping over her death. But Jesus said to the little girl, “Talitha cumi”, which means “Little girl, get up.” The little girl sat up and he handed her over to her parents. Once, He was on his way, and, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood for twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment: Immediately the flow of blood stopped, and she became healed. What does this mean? He will be with you even to the end of the age. If such a God would come to you then your problems will be solved, and your disease will be healed. Your poverty and famine will come to an end. Good things will happen and you shall be established gloriously.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I pray and bless all the children in the name of Jesus. Lord you said that you will be with us always, even to the end of the age. Hereafter let them not incur any loss, any wastage of money towards expenditure over disease, any failure, May all auspicious events happen in their homes. Let their hearts and eyes be opened to see the spiritual life. May the doors that are shut regarding their jobs and their wombs be opened to beget children. May they receive a fresh anointing that they may rise and shine for the glory of God. Lord as you have promised be with them till the very end of their life and do great things in their life and bless them. You have said, I will be glorified through them. May the Lord be glorified through each one of them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. On this day, the 3rd of April it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this message. I believe that all of you are happy in the Lord. I am delighted to come daily to your house, and share God’s word with you. God says, surely there is an end and your hope will not be lost. God has planned to do many good things in your life. Your desire will come to pass. I too wish that you be blessed in all things and live happily. God Himself is coming into your house through this auspicious word to inquire about your problems. He will sort it out for you and help you live amicably by performing a miracle for you. Today the Lord is giving you a special word for you, to comfort and console you. The auspicious word of God for you is from the book of Psalms 46:11, “ The Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse God encourages us with a meaningful promise. He says, the Lord of hosts is with us. The Lord of hosts means that He is the Lord of a great army, who fights for us. Such a God is with us. Why should the Lord of hosts remain with us? This is because we have to face many enemies in our daily life. There are spiritual enemies and also worldly enemies. There are enemies within our own families. There are enemies in the place where we work. There are enemies in the study centres. Not only all of these but Satan himself, is trying to see , how He might trouble you, how he could kill you. How He could push you down. How He can spoil your name. How He can tie a knot over you. How he can make you unusable. How He might cause your mind to be distorted. So there is a giant like enemy the Satan right in front of you always trying to destroy you. Therefore in order to safeguard yourself from him, you need to have the Lord of Hosts always along with you. The God of army should be ever with us. That is why the Psalmist David says, The Lord of Hosts is with us. He will fight all your enemies. And He will nullify all the wicked and evil plans devised by the Satan against you.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is telling you firmly that God will protect you and the God of Jacob is your great refuge. Each time you are trying to go forward someone pulls you down such that you cannot go forward in your life. God will cast aside such a person who is trying to push you down and will make every possible way to lift you up to a higher position. He will take you higher and higher. That day the Lord of Hosts was with David, and he became greater and greater. The word of God beautifully says, David became greater and greater as the Lord of Hosts was with him. What does this mean? It means since the Lord of the great army was with David, He was able to move forward, and He was placed in the highest tabernacle of refuge of God. Today also those of you who are kept very low, and are in a very low position, and are holding a small job, with very poor income, God is going to raise you up and set you high above in the tabernacle of HIS refuge. And by placing you in a high position He will admire your beauty and exaltation. God wants to support you in your undertaking. Until this day you may have experienced failure in your business. Your business did not support you. But in future you will do well in your business. God will provide a big refuge even in your business. Until yesterday there was not many souls added to your ministry. As a result you had faced a lot of failures. You were pushed down and looked down by others. But hereafter, God will enable to reach a higher standard or higher position in your ministry. You might have faced failure and set back in your work spot and your business until yesterday, but in future God is going to lift you up and admire you in the highest level by granting you great refuge.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God says, that He will join you in your business. He will join you in your work place. On that day we see in the book of Esther, how Mordecai, who sat at the kings gate and was despised by Haman grew higher and higher and finally he who was sitting outside the kings place happened to sit, inside the kings palace. Today God will make you sit in a very high position, exalt you and keep you in the highest position in the earth and admire you. God will distort and uproot all your enemies, and cast them away that there will be no one to trouble you any further. He will make peace on all sides for you to live in peace. God says, I have kept an open door before you. and no one can shut the door, that is kept open for you to go abroad, or secure a good permanent job, or to buy your own house, or enlarge your business, or it may be a door to secure a government job. If God has kept such an open door then no one would be able to shut that door. The Lord will bless you abundantly.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. We are privileged to have the Lord of Hosts as our God, within us. That is why we are still alive. Whatever weapons were formed against us, and the witchcraft and sorcery that were cast upon us and all the power of divination, and black magic, and Satan that came against us were all destroyed by God. And if we are placed in the highest position of God’s great refuge, then we thank the Lord for opening such doors. Lord you said, that you will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies, and anoint our head with oil. And you have lifted us up to a high position in life. Therefore we thank you. Lord make them to sit along with the princes and kings of this earth and exalt them I pray. Remove all their shame and humiliation from their life and honour them and beautify them.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. On this day, the 2nd of April, it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this message. I believe that all of you are happy in the Lord. We hope, and pray that God will set all things well for you. As An Ambassador in Christ I am saying that God will fulfil all the desires of your heart. In case your joy had been snatched off due to certain reasons, well God will again make you to live a life of joy and peace. God will surely perform a miracle for you. I am delighted to come daily to your house, and share God’s word with you. I Bless you all through the word of God. Similarly I wish that many of you are blessing me and are blessing our ministry ? Please offer a small prayer on behalf of my family and our ministry and the Lord will hear your prayer and bless us abundantly for the Glory of God. Please do not forget to pray for us. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Matthew 21:5 “Tell the daughter of Zion, Behold your king is coming to you. Lowly and sitting on a donkey. A colt, the foal of a donkey. ”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse we know that your king the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to you. In this world we have kings, and Ministers, and Chief ministers, and Prime ministers who rule over us. But there is a king of king, who rules over all these worldly rulers. He is our king. Today it is not the worldly king but the heavenly king is coming to you. The most beautiful word used in this context is that, He is a meek king seated on a donkey. A colt, the foal of a donkey. ”The donkey refers to ordinary people, namely the parents. Usually parents are referred to as donkeys. The colt is referred to the child born of these parents. Young ones are mainly children. It shows that Jesus came riding upon the backs of the parents and children, as a meek and mild person. Our Lord Jesus wants to ride over these parents and upon the children too. May we submit ourselves, as donkeys before our king the Lord Jesus Christ, that He might ride over us.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, That day 2000 years ago, as you know today is the Palm Sunday. The people made Jesus as the king, and made him to sit on a colt, a young donkey and brought him riding along the streets of Jerusalem. They were singing the song Hosanna and coming along with their king Jesus. They were going to the temple of Jerusalem. This Palm Sunday is the recollection of those incidents that took place 2000 years ago on the streets of Jerusalem. That day Jesus went to the temple sitting over the young one of the donkey, on the colt and He was our God. But today, God wants to travel over the donkey that is the people and on the young ones of the donkeys that is over our children. As soon as the Lord Jesus sat on the colt and started riding towards the temple of Jerusalem. We see how the people spread on the streets the blankets like palm leaves and other things on the way side for the Lord to ride over. How they welcomed the Lord, seated on the donkey. Until then no one would have taken note of the donkey standing in the corner of the road. But when Jesus sat on the donkey and started riding upon it the donkey was given warm welcome and great respect as the king was sitting on the donkey. Today you too must have been disrespected by all the people and cast aside. And you are in a position where no one can accept you. You look as if you are standing alone on the roadside. Then today you accept or submit yourself to the Lord. Receive Him as your saviour and Lord of your life. Then you shall also receive warm welcome wherever you go.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, In case you have been rejected by all then you are needed by Jesus. You who are standing bound by cords, in the corner of the street, God will send his people to ask for you, like the rejected donkey. God desires you the donkey to ride upon. He wants to ride over you to the temple. Forsaken by all you who are, standing forlorn and lonely rejected and very dejected, God desires that you come unto Him. God asked his disciples to untie the donkey and asked for it to be brought that God might ride over the rejected donkey to the temple on the Palm Sunday. Because God rode over the donkey. Both Jesus and the donkey were welcomed by the people of Jerusalem. Today like the donkey, you submit yourself in the hands of the Lord. And you shall be exalted and people will welcome you as they did to the donkey. Submit yourself and your children to the Lord. And as soon as the Lord sits inside of you, since the king is seated in the throne of your heart, there will be royal welcome for you. You shall receive Royal respect and Royal hospitality by the people.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, in the very place where you have been put to shame and humiliation, there you shall be exalted. God will make your name of fame and praise. God will cause you to rise and shine and also operate you from within your heart. Therefore open your heart to God and he will come and reign inside of you. Just as the donkey received honour and respect from all the people around, you also shall receive honour and respect from all the people around you. You will be considered as the member of a respected family. You will be respected as a dignified person in the town. God will change you as respectful and dignified children or people on the face of this earth. You will be exalted by all the people around you. God will bring about a great change in your life. Will you submit unto Him?
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. As some of the children stand in the corner of the streets, rejected by all in the family, in the society like the rejected donkey. Lord you asked for that particular donkey and brought great respect and honour for the donkey by riding over it , on the streets of Jerusalem. In the same way consider all the children who have been forsaken by their people. I pray that you will release them from being bound and bring them to yourself to be used for your good purpose. Lord you ride over them and operate them for your purpose. Lead them in the right way and help them to live in grand houses of their own and may they acquire riches and wealth and property. Exalt them with good income, with high position and cause them to have the anointing of God and be blessed with the spirit of prayer. And you make your journey by riding over them. Ensure that you are there with them. And may they too receive a red carpet welcome, respect and honour and may they receive power and dignity in the midst of all the people around them. I bless them from the depth of my heart. Wherever your children experienced shame and dishonour there in the same place may they be exalted. Make their name of fame and praise and may the Lord celebrate over all the children. I want you Lord to bless them and take them to the highest position in life and admire them and honour them.
In Jesus Name we pray.