My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Many of you are murmuring, saying that there is no one to care for you. No one to see you, there is no one to attend over you. There is no one to talk to you. There is no one to have a friendship with you. Most of you are lamenting over your condition. I think that the Lord has heard your murmuring and so God comes inside your house with a special auspicious word of God, taken from the book of John 14:18, “I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you. “
My Dear Beloved children of God, Once you come to God He will never allow you to be like the orphans. God says” I will not leave you as orphans. God assures you that He will never leave you alone. He will not forsake you. Today we see how children after growing old age forsake their parents or desert them or even let go of them as orphans. In some places husbands desert their wives. In other cases, the wife deserts her husband, and goes away. All this is happening in the society in which we live. For the sake of debts the wife forsakes her husband and runs away along with her children. There are many men who forsake their wives when some sickness or disease gets hold of them. There are many men like them. Such things should not happen in your life.
My Dear Beloved children of God, It was our wedding day so we went to an old age home, and there we met an elderly person, his looks appeared to be a rich man. He was not poor. He was from a rich family. I asked him, “Sir you look as if you come from a rich family. How did you come into this old age home?”Then he said how he had invested all his income, his insurance money, all his savings and everything he had for his children. He also settled his children. Then he further said that his son was now well settled in a foreign country. He was fine until my wife was there, but now she also had gone. I became alone. Then I told him, ‘’Well if your son desires then he can very well take you to America. But he said, “ Let my son be happy there with his wife and children. I will remain here for I do not know how long I would live. He did not curse his son. I purposely repeated asking questions, and in my discussion, I came to know that he has sacrificed everything for the sake of his son. The sad part is that one week earlier his son had returned from America, and had been to his mother-in-law’s house, but never made a call to him and neither did he visit him in the old age home. But before he could return he called up from the airport, saying daddy sorry “ All my programme, was changed, from what I had planned, and all money had been spent, so when I come the next time I shall visit you.”
My Dear Beloved children of God, Just imagine what pain the father must be going through. He is all alone in the old age home, what else is much more important than visiting his old father. His wife is no more. He should have made the programme to visit him first, and then the rest of the things could have been sorted out. My heart was much distressed. To think how people forsake their loved ones in all this manner. His uncle and his aunty are doing fine in health, the son, had gladly visited them but he had no time, to see his own father. He had no time to go and meet him. Yet the father did not curse his son and said, “Don’t know what problems he is going through.” He took all things very lightly and did not speak rudely about his son, neither did he grumble over his situation. He was very particular that he should not curse his son. Parents love their children but children so easily forget all the good things they have done for them. But today the Lord is saying, “No matter who deserts, you, I will not leave you as orphans.”The spirit of the Lord is telling you that He will never leave you alone. Dear children of God, you may have been forsaken because you have no money. Or you have been affected by some disease, and because of that they think that they will not be able to take care of people who have a serious disease. They don’t want to spend money on them. They know for sure that they are going to die. So why waste money on them.
My Dear Beloved children of God, People will come to me for prayer. They would have been so well off in the past days. But they would be brought by the auto man holding their hands. It would look so painful to see them. I would ask them, “Haven’t your children come along with you? ”They would say, “Our children have all gone to their office. This auto man is very reliable so we have brought him along with us. Wherever we go he takes us. ”Today we see in our society many auto men not only accompany elderly people along with them wherever they go but also give them water to drink and pay more attention for them. Many such people come to our prayer towers with auto men. When we see such things, our heart becomes heavy with grief. It becomes very unbearable. So those of you reading this message should never say that, “I have sent enough money to my father. He will take care of himself.”Instead of saying like this, it would be better that you take good care of your parents. Support them as much as you can in their old age. This is my humble request as an ambassador of God. Then your life will be a great blessing to you. So God himself has come in the midst of you, to give you life, and assures you that He will not leave you alone nor forsake you. He has arrived to do good for you. God bless you.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord hear the voice of those who are saying, Lord I have been deserted by all and I live alone. There is no one to take care of me. There is no one to take me out. No one to enquire whether I have eaten my food or not. When I was doing well all were around me but now I am left alone, because I have grown old and I have no money. Hear the cry of those who are crying over their loneliness. Look upon these children and give them another opportunity to enjoy their life. Lord, You support them and look after them as king and queen and may they live happily for many years to come. Help those who have been deserted by their husbands. Bring back their husbands with good intention that they may show true love for their wives. Help them to run their family lives happily with your blessings. You will guard them and keep them with perfect health and happiness. May all the separated families be reunited in the name of Jesus.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today is taken from the book of Genesis 17:2, “I will multiply you exceedingly.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above verse we understand that God promises to multiply you exceedingly. The word multiply denotes plenty, and exceedingly refers to something all the more in number. In other word plenteous. This verse says that God will increase you to a very higher level, and also make you to be multiplied in very large quantity and still increase you in an exceedingly abundant manner. So He expresses three different measurement of increase in this verse. There is a lot of difference between all these terms that are used to measure the level of quantity. When a man increases in plenty then he is blessed more than what he expects. He will receive exceedingly abundantly above all that he asks, or prays, or thinks. He will be drawn closer to a God who provides him something more than his expectation. God did not look at Abraham and simply say these words to him. He really meant what He said, because His words don’t fall to the ground. And what He says, He will surely accomplish. Abraham was known as the friend of God. So God often visited him and shared His thoughts. They were closely connected with each other. What a great blessing this was to Abraham. The God of the universe was in close relationship with Abraham who was an ordinary man like you and me.
Many of you have the doubt as to how God can speak to Abraham. Will He speaks to us also? Well even you can talk to God if you are closely connected with Him in the reading of God’s word and also in praying and praising Him.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God says this word to Abraham when he had no children at all. God looks at Him and said, “I will multiply you exceedingly.”And Abraham did not raise any question but believed in the Lord God Almighty that God could perform a miracle for him even in his old age. God promised Abraham at the age of 99 that he would have a son. Until then he did not have even a single child. When both Abraham and Sarah had grown much old and had passed the age of begetting children. But the Bible says, “Is anything too hard for the Lord to do.’ God who promised him also fulfilled His promise. God blessed Abraham with the promised son Isaac. So if God promises you then He will fulfil His promise for you too. He is a God of promise.
If you walk with God each day of your life like Abraham, God will multiply you exceedingly. God who blessed Abraham will he not bless you? Draw more close with God. Abraham had an intimate relationship with God. We see how Abraham knelt down on his knees and often prayed to the Lord. He had great fear and respect for God. He promised Abraham and He fulfilled His promise. He was a man of prayer. If He promises you then He will keep His promise. That God who blessed Abraham as He had promised, will also fulfil His promise to you. God bless you.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. All the children have experienced much sorrow in their lives, They expect You to bless them as you have promised in your word that You will multiply and increase them exceedingly. Lord who increases in abundance, multiply their income, wealth and riches. Make an increase in their anointing and in their prayer life too. Increase the spiritual gift for them and also may their descendants be blessed and multiplied in great number. Remove the reproach shame and deception from your children and bless them.
In Jesus Name we pray,
I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today the special word for you is taken from the book of Luke 14:11, “And he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Everyone desires to move forward, to grow and establish themselves. If you are short there are ways for you to grow tall. If your income is very low there are ways and means for you to make a better income. If you have small scale of pay there is way to increase your salary. If you are in a lower position them there is means for you to go to a higher position. There is way for everything. What is the way that God expects from you? He expects you to humble yourself. If you humble yourself then God Himself with exalt you. So the quality of humbleness is very important in the life of a person. What does the word of God say? Put on the nature of humbleness. You need to be humble in your heart. If you have such a good nature in you, then God will take you to a great height, says the Lord. You should not be proud about your beauty or about your education, sometimes God gives certain people a good measure of anointing and you should not be proud about it. If you have such pride then it means, you are falling down. When you see the growth in a man then you will realize that the person is humble in nature.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today if you see the one at the top most level in evangelism is Brother Mohan C. Lazarus. If you wonder how his ministry reached its zenith it is only because of his humble nature. He would be busy doing the ministry here and there, even without rest. Today morning He will be in one location and in the evening he will be elsewhere. Again at night He will come over here. He will keep moving on from one place to another. Not only his hard work but also his humbleness in character made him a great evangelist. God has made him sit in a great height which no one can imagine. God has exalted him in every way. So He has become a role model to many other growing evangelists. Having grown to a great height, you can never see any pride in him. There are many testimonies standing before us. Such testimonies are there in the Bible and you are reading about them, and having faith in them but when you see such humble persons in front of your eyes, then you need to thank God for them. Thus we see that God has exalted him to a great height.
Through this message I would like to tell other upcoming preachers that if you have this quality of humbleness in you and have a check in your character, then God will exalt you also. You need to humble yourselves to the lowest level. Your experience, your pride in knowing English language, or your high post should not make you proud. God’s anointing is above all languages. I know of many preachers, who do not know English and may not be well educated too, yet they are seated in the top most places upon the face of this earth because of their humble nature. When I examine myself, about my qualities, and the growth of my ministry I can surely say that among many things humbleness in me has exalted me to this height, in a very short period. I even now, check myself by looking back at my small beginning. I thank God for His mercy. Today God has exalted me and has made me to be seated at a top position. I thank God a thousand times. Everything happened because of His grace. Even today, I never hesitate to tell my previous position as a waiter in the hotel, washing dishes, or as a mechanic, working as a car driver. Someone asked me, “Why are you like a beggar saying all about your past experience while preaching. You are now at a higher level, a high position. People are looking at you in a higher range”. But I still continue to speak about my past experience because if I forget the past then I will be failing in my conscience.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, The more I speak about my poor and lowly condition of my past life, God’s name will be magnified. It may appear as if I am humbled before the people, but it would be a good testimony, before the Lord about me. It is not important how high I am held by the people but how God estimates me is very important. So it is not only being humble in nature, but also you must never forget your past life. You should never forget the rugged path you had once treaded upon. You may think if I tell about my past people will think very cheap or very low about me. But that doesn’t matter. God’s name will be glorified through your testimony. If you want God to think high about you then you need to humble yourselves to the lowest level. Then your business will grow. Your ministry will grow, you will be at the top level in your studies, in your job, and in all that you do so just humble yourselves.
Ask God to give you the quality of humbleness in you.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have said, that he who humbles himself shall be exalted. Help every child to humble themselves till the lowest level. May they have the nature of humbleness in their deepest heart. Let them wear the quality of humbleness, and lead their life and be a blessing to others in this world. Lord You humbled yourself till the very point of death. You had been a role model to us while you were on the face of this earth. Even today there are many holy men of God, who have set a good example of humbleness before us. Help us also to follow them and humble ourselves so that we may receive the highest position in the heart of God. I bless all the children from the depth of my heart. In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. On this day, the 24th of March it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this message. I believe that all of you are happy in the Lord. We hope, and pray that God will set all things well for you. God says, surely there is an end and your hope will not be lost. God has planned to do many good things in your life. Your desire will come to pass. I too wish that you be blessed in all things and live happily. God Himself is coming into your house through this auspicious word to inquire about your problems. He will sort it out for you and help you live amicably by performing a miracle for you. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from this verse we learn that God does everything beautiful in its time. If we do certain things, it would become a failure. We may not select the right thing . But God says, that He will do all things perfectly and beautifully in its time. He assures you, that He will do all things well at the right time. So you are right now thinking about something that did not happen. It could be the gift of a child. Or it may be the marriage settlement. It may be the need for new and fresh anointing. Or it could be the government job you are looking for. You are expecting for something but you are continually disappointed because you are unable to attain it. This has caused you to suffer distress. So you are saying, Lord why is it continually a disappointment. Why haven’t I got my request ? God has purposely delayed giving you what you request, because if He gives it to you, then you might break it. Why the Lord delays, is because you may not have the maturity to handle the issue. When time of maturity comes then the Lord will start doing things for you at the right time. God purposely delays in doing certain things because, He wants you to become fit to operate certain things in life. That is why it is said, that God does everything beautifully in its time. We should not be in a hurry and spoil, everything God has designed to do for us. So what we need to understand is that you are still very childish to handle the matter.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, therefore God has delayed in granting you what you desire. The maturity in you will be seen in your speech, in your action and other deeds that you do. You should show your hope and trust in the Lord only then He will give you what you need. Initially when I came to Chennai, how many years I patiently washed the dishes in the hotel waiting to be matured in whatever things I need to do. I then became a car mechanic, handling spanner and car parts, and then gradually became a taxi driver, and went round the city. I suffered so much under several people, before I could establish myself. Though I suffered so much I couldn’t shine in any way for several long years. My life was just moving on with no clarity Just eating, sleeping and working and passing on the time. But I had many family responsibilities. I was bent on lifting the family to a higher level but it just couldn’t happen so easily. The door never opened so easily. I had to put up hard work in order to become matured enough to do car business. But a time came, when God began to lift me up in my status, even more than my expectation. Then I asked the Lord, wouldn’t it have been better if God had granted my request five years earlier.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I thought I could have done much more in life, had I been blessed a bit more earlier in life. God then clearly told me that if God had given me the business earlier I could have broken it and all would have turned a waste. I couldn’t have been so successful in life had I handled the business much earlier. God knows when we need and when we can operate properly. So what we learn, is that you need that maturity to handle the situation. When we attain maturity to handle the matter properly God grants our request. God is now making you to be fit for a better purpose, by taking you through tough and rugged path to shape you and make you fit for the purpose. Only when you attain maturity God begins to bless you with your request, so that you may attain a proper passage for you to flourish and bloom in life. All the troubles and afflictions you have gone through will help you to prosper in the latter period of life. All the hardships you have undertaken will make an improvement in managing your future life. So never worry that things have not worked the way you expected it to be. God is actually shaping you for a better purpose. Thus God will do all thing beautifully in its time for you. Once God begins to bless you He will not stop until He has fulfilled His plan and purpose in your life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, He waits for the right time to bless you. See when Mary tells the Lord that the wine in the house was getting over and there was not sufficient wine for the guests, Jesus tells her plainly that His time had not come to perform miracles. But when the time came He asked the disciples to fill the empty jar with water and then He asked them to take and serve to the guests. No one reminded the Lord about the wine running out, in the wedding house. So you must realize that the right time had not come, for God to bless you. As soon as the time comes, He will start blessing you, more than your expectation. Today, His time has come and He has descended upon you to perform miracles for you. He will do all things beautifully for you.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord all the children are waiting for something good to happen in their lives. Until yesterday, nothing had happened for them. So they are all worried and are lamenting over their difficult situation. Lord may they realize that they are being pruned and groomed for a better cause, through such hard circumstances. This could be a kind of comfort for them. Let them know that they have not attained the maturity to receive certain blessings in their lives. So help them to ask God to groom them and make them fit to enjoy such blessings. Hence let all of them who are committed, be made eligible to receive the goodness of God. May the Lord come down in a marvellous manner and do all things beautiful at the appointed time. You said that you will do all things beautiful in its time. So whatever they have spoilt by doing things in a hurry, Lord you perfect them. We thank you for perfecting all that had been spoilt and distorted in their life. If not they might have been a failure in setting things right, Help them to set right all the things, and perfect that which is imperfect. And make all things beautiful in its time. Help them to settle in good families, with good life partner. May they work in good company or in concerns, that are good and prosper in their lives. Let those who did not get a job soon get a job, and settle in life. May doors for Ministry be opened, in good and favourable sectors? Open doors and grant them all the means to start business in good locations. Let all the closed wombs be opened that they may conceive and bring forth children. For those who are crying saying that they cannot conceive I pray in the name of Jesus that their womb will be opened and they will be able to produce children. Since you have said, that You will do all things beautiful in its time. Please help them to make use of the opportunity, for the Lord has descended upon them to do miracles. Lord touch and bless all your children to shine in their life by making all things beautiful in its time. The time to see them in their beauty has come. Remove all their debts and disease from them. May they grow wealthy and prosperous that they may give to others from their plenty. As your ambassador I pray for them and bless them to be victorious in life.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My beloved Children in Christ, I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day. God is good and His mercies endure forever.
Psalms 126:3 “The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad.” From today each one of you will declare this word, as God is going to do a great thing. The Lord will do great things for us. In the past few days, you might have faced terrible losses. Detrimental loss. Irreparable loss. Huge failures. Major illnesses. Great Humiliation. Nothing small, met with a great deal of grief, falling apart, covering your head with your hands crying, “Lord what am I going to do?” Today God says, “According to the years in which you have seen evil.” Which means according to the Detrimental loss. Irreparable loss. Huge failures. Great Humiliation. Major illnesses you faced God will make you glad by doing a great good thing. God will always balance things.
The great plans for your life which evaded you till now will happen, unimaginable things are going to happen. Daniel never imagined that he would become the district collector from the next day for Babylon. A great good thing – District collector! Joseph in prison never thought that he would be the ruler over the entire Egypt the next day. The previous day, a great trial – the prison. The next day – the ruler over Egypt. The same supernatural miracle will take place in your life. However big your failure, debts. Keep saying this verse today. From morning keep confessing in faith, “The Lord has done great things for me, and I am glad.” A miracle is waiting for you before the evening today!
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. In the midst of Detrimental loss, Huge Failures, to give Big Victory, Great good Blessings, and Abundant Wealth the Almighty God has risen in our midst. We thank You! Let all the evil that was with you till yesterday be turned to good. Let yesterday’s failure be changed to victory today. More than my children imagined or expected place them in a very high position! Honor them with the inheritance of Jacob. Each one should say, “The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad.” Remove their grief and guide them to gladness Father. Change their sullen faces to cheerful faces and do miracles. In Jesus name. Amen.