Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Zachariah 9:12, “Even today, I declare that I will restore double to you.”
God says, He will give you double share of good and not evil. We read in the Bible that Job while he was going through affliction said, “I was waiting for good but I received evil, in return. ’’ Though he said that, yet as days passed on, God blessed him with double share of goodness. Even though he lost all that was good to him due to affliction, God honoured his faith because he never murmured or sinned by his lips, He received double of everything that he had lost in his life. In the same manner God wants to bless you with double portion of blessing. I have heard some people say, “Instead of good I have received much affliction, trouble, and disaster in my life. I am only experiencing sufferings, shame and humiliation.” Yes all these days you might have experienced sufferings, but now the Lord has turned his face towards, you and so he wants to bless you with double portion as compensation for all the evil that you have experienced until this day. God wants you to return to the strong hold that is to God Himself, and if you return to Him, then He will offer you double portion of blessing.
Those of you who are in trouble, with many problems, and therefore you are shedding tears, or you might have been caught up in some kind of tight corner situation and are unable to come out of it, or you are hooked in some kind of wrong relationship, or you may have been involved in some kind of evil spirit and are bound by Satan and his evil tricks. You are unable to come out of such harmful situations, God is asking you to repent of your wrong doings and return to the fort. Then God will bless you with double portion of blessing. God says, Return to the strong hold, you prisoners of hope. You are like prisoners who are caught up in bad or difficult situation, without any hope. So God wants you to return back to Him, that He might bless you. He is a God who wants to bless his children always. He never wants His children to suffer from any kind of trouble.
My dear children of God those of you who have been in bondage under the grip of Satan and His evil plans, get back to Your strong hold the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of your faith. Whether you are put up in the real jail or you are in the prison of sin and sinful deeds. Or in case you are in the prison of debts, or in the prison of being in bondage of Satan. All you need to do is to return to God and repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness, of your past deeds, then He will give you double blessings today itself. He is ever waiting for a change in you, to bless you. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows but gives His blessings to those who come to Him in truth and spirit. God is going to bless you with all these gifts today itself.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Well you are a God, who provides, abundantly above all that we ask or think. You are able to do exceeding abundantly for your children according to the power that works in them. I am standing in the gap for each and every child of God. Bless each one of them. Bring about a change in them physically, mentally and spiritually. Release them from out of their captivity. Help them to return to their strong hold. And grant to them double portion of blessing. Let double anointing be poured upon them. Grant them the power and the anointing like the way that you poured upon Elisha from Elijah. A double portion of anointing that was given to him because he waited patiently and followed the footsteps of Prophet Elijah. In the same manner may your children be blessed with double portion of income, double portion of harvest, and may they be blessed in all the work which they undertake. Help them to walk boldly with head lifted up. Honour them and cause their name to be of fame and praise.
In Jesus Name we pray.
Dearly Beloved in Christ , I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Revelation 2:10, ‘Be faithful even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”.
What will the Lord give, when you remain faithful till the end? He will give the Victor’s crown. When will He give it? He will give it when you are faithful until death. It is not living seasonally and living your own way on the other days. You must be faithful until the Lord’s coming, until death. You must make a right decision today. Then you will receive the victor’s crown. Even if we leave this world, the Lord is waiting for us in heaven with the victor’s crown. You must be faithful until death to receive this victor’s crown. Some are saying, but this is after death, so why worry about that day let it happen, on that day. They say, “What happens after death is secondary, who knows what will happen after death.” They fail to believe the truth. They say, “I am suffering, today. What is the remedy for me? You may be thinking in your mind in the same way, but the auspicious word for this day is that If you are true until death, while you live on this earth, and as long as you are faithful here you will receive a crown of life. The Bible says, ‘A faithful man abounds with blessings’. If you live faithfully during your lifetime on this earth, you will receive rich blessings from the Lord in Heaven. You will receive it both in this world and in the world to come.
So children of God who are experiencing various curses, a cursed life, cursed diseases, the Lord is looking at you and is telling that as the Lord has loved you, the Lord bore all the curses on the cross to change all your curses into blessings. You will be blessed so that this curse will not be carried to next generation. But you must be faithful to preserve this. You need to be truthful in your speech, actions, in your business, in prayer, ministry, in your studies. If you are faithful in all that you do, the Lord will richly bless you. You may say, well “I have plenty of commitments, this month I don’t know how to manage.” Do not worry. Set right certain habits that need to be corrected. Be truthful in your life and the Lord will bless you. The Lord will be with you. The Lord who told that if you are true in little things, He will make you ruler over many things will cause you to be in authority over many things. The Lord will give you the victor’s crown and will honour you, in due season.
Prayer : Heavenly Father, we thank you! My children have a lot of commitments but let them sanctify themselves today. Perform miracles for them. Lord, we thank you for putting a hedge around my children to preserve them from debts, disease, or medical expenses. Bring an end to the many problems that they are facing. Bring an end to their debts and diseases. Bless them in all things. Let there be sound of praise in their homes.
In Jesus Name, we pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God for today is taken from the book of Ecclesiastes3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
The above verse says that all things will happen according to your desire, but it will happen in its time. God has fixed a particular time for everything to happen in your life. Doing is different from doing it beautifully. Why is God doing everything in His time? It is because one has to mature to enjoy God’s blessing. In case God gives you certain blessings you may misuse the blessing, so, He delays. God knows very well when to give you what you desire to have so that it can be of benefit to you. Therefore, the Lord has kept certain blessing in pending list.
So, today we see that our God does all things beautiful in its time. God will perfect all that is concerned about you and then He will bring it to pass. He knows all things about you. He also knows when one will complete his education when he will get a job, which company he will work for. When He will get married or where he will settle in his own house. In which country will he settle, thus you see that God has pre-planned everything for you. There is no one, other than God who can pre plan for your life. But He would have put the shutter and closed everything. When that particular day arrives He will execute all things perfectly. He will open the shutter and you shall receive the blessing.
God is waiting for the appointed time to release your heart’s desire. Then you will be able to prosper in every good thing and live a happy and content life.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your promise verse that you had given us today. You have ascertained that you shall do all things well for your children. Lord whatever my children are eagerly waiting for with much longing, I pray that you will fulfil the desires of their heart. We thank You Lord for making all things ready for them to enjoy in life. Lord, open the doors for them so that they can inherit those hidden blessings. Let it be a door that cannot be shut by anyone. I pray, God, help them to be fit to receive the blessing that you have stored for them. Prepare them to be entitled to obtain the blessing. Let many good things happen in their lives. Help them to live in prosperity and joy.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Psalms 147:14, “He makes peace in your borders, And fills you with the finest wheat.’’
Our God says, in the above verse, that He will make peace in your borders, and will fill you, with the finest wheat. From this we understand that God will make peace in the borders of your business centre. He will make peace in the borders of your work place; He will make peace in the borders of your ministry He will make peace in the borders of your family and fill you with the finest of wheat. There is a difference in the varieties of wheat. There will be a low quality of wheat available in the market. Finest wheat indicates good quality of wheat. So what God says is that He will bless the work of your hands, in the job that you do, in the ministry you undertake, and in the business you do. God will bring about the peace in the borders of your job, business, in the ministry that you do, and will fill you with the finest wheat that you may eat and be satisfied. This means you shall receive finest position in the place of your work, in your business, in your ministry and also receive good reward. Some will say, “Look in his field the yield is plenteous. The lemon or orange in his orchard seems to be very big and large. The coconut plucked from his coconut grove is very big. The brinjal from his garden is very big. It means the finest.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Some farmers will say, my garden has yielded poor or bad quality fruits. You too may have had such poor and bad quality of farming all these years. But in the coming days, you are going to receive finest of wheat. It will be the best quality. God will always provide the best for you. The best output of wheat will be provided for you. To obtain this you need to humble yourselves before God. Only if God is within your borders then there will be peace and prosperity. Allow God to be inside your territory only then God will provide you the finest of wheat. So all these days, whatever worms and caterpillars had eaten away your yield, and failed to give you the finest wheat, will be driven away by the Lord and fresh new wheat will grow and your yield will be in plenty.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, May be until today you might be speaking in this manner. But in future, you would say, “My business is doing very well. My job is excellent. My ministry is very successful. They are all like the finest wheat which God provides to His children. Not only that He makes peace in the borders of their work place, in their business, in their ministry. God has provided good salary. He has kept me very satisfactorily. I am satisfied with my children, My husband is doing good. This will be the manner in which you will be speaking in the coming days. You will say, “My marriage has been successful as per my desire. “ God has blessed me with all that I desire. He has given me the finest wheat. Even anointing is amazing it is like the finest wheat. He has caused me to see wonders in my life.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. I bless your children in the name of Jesus. Lord You have promised, to provide the finest of wheat. I thank the Lord who has made us to be satisfied with the finest of wheat. Make their borders with peace, as you are the God of peace. Descend upon the families of all the children who are reading this message and grant to them complete satisfaction, peace and prosperity. Lord rebuild all the broken edges of their business centres, their employment, and also their ministry which doesn’t seem to be doing well. Help them to attain good harvest and may the Lord come in the midst of their families, in their business centres, in the place of their work spot, and in their ministry. Make their borders to be at peace. Let there be no discontentment, or confusion, or any lacking in any areas of their life. Let them not grumble always about their problems. For such kind of children I pray that you would grant them peace. Grant them good harvest that they may clear all their debts and not have any debts that causes panic and fear in their minds. Let peace prevail in their borders. Let them be fully satisfied with the good harvest that God provides for them. Let them enjoy their life like the finest wheat.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of 2 Corinthians 9:10, “ Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness
In the above verse God says, that He will supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness. For those who say that you have not harvested; He is not only going to supply you with seed but also bring about an increase in your farming. Many sow in plenty, but they get very poor harvest. But today you are going to be liberated from this kind of poor harvest. Some harvest, but they don’t reap anything at all. They go through a lot of financial loss, and mental stress. They invest a lot of money, and they have to pay the workers. So they spend a lot and earn very less. As a result they don’t have any gain. How many times can they invest money on growing crops? Once a brother came up to me and said, that he sold even his daughters ear ring and invested money on farming. But he did not see any profit. The Lord spoke through me that He being a chef cannot do farming. So asked him to go back to his original profession, then I shall bless him. Since he did farming because his friend advised him which was not his original profession he had a great loss. Therefore I prayed for that brother, and he took some effort to work as a chef. He immediately listened to the counselling of God and just started as a vendor initially with some food items on the street. And now he is doing well. He has a restaurant, of his own and he has restored all that he had lost in his life.
So what does God want to say to you through this incident, when you start a business, or when you take a decision or make an effort to begin something new like going abroad, or joining a college, ask for God’s will. Ask God whether you should do this or that. Take the counselling of God. Ask God whether He would support you in your task? If God says, yes. Then you can trust in Him and start in your profession, or task, or business or in whatever thing you desire to do. Then God will support you and help you in all that you do. So don’t worry over the loss you have incurred but switch on to the profession you know thoroughly well. As I said, I can tell you thousands of examples how people approached me and how counselling was given to them from God and how people have emerged successful in their life. In my own eyes and in my own ministry, I have seen great things happen in the life of people. So knowing God’s will is very important.
God taught His disciples to pray. When they asked Him to teach them how to pray, He taught them a model prayer. One part of the prayer goes like this; Lord let your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. The meaning of this is Lord let things happen in our lives as you desire. Let your will be done in our lives as it is done in heaven. He taught His disciples to pray or request God for favour in this manner. Our Father which art in heaven. Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As your will is implemented in heavenly kingdom let the same be done on earth below or in our lives. He taught His disciples to pray or request God for favour in this manner. Your prayer itself should be in accordance with the will of God, and then all things will work out for your good. You should pray that God should do His will in your life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Tell the Lord “Let your will be done in my life.’ God will be pleased with your prayer, and bless you with the right partner. Tell God to provide you with what God desires in your life. Whether it is your marriage settlement or your job, or purchase of a house of your own, or whether you make a trip, or whatever it may be ask God to show you His will in your life. Do everything in your life asking God to decide things for you. If you do so then God will supply and multiply the seed you have sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness. Because in the previous portion of the verse He says, “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food for you, will provide all your needs. So what do we learn from this verse is that you need to take the seed that the Lord gives you and sow in your field to receive a good harvest. Only then the Lord will give an increase in your farm or in any thing you do. Select the field that God has chosen for you and sow the seeds that He provides then you shall receive a good harvest. You shall receive a glorious harvest.
Prayer: Lord we thank you. Lord I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. Lord you have promised to increase the fruits of your righteousness. Many children have lost all that is good and have incurred great loss because they have made their own choice. Lord you have assured to give them their request provided they do all things in accordance to God’s will. May your children listen to your counselling and do all things according to His plan and purpose. Lord I request you to provide your children with whatever they ask in your name and restore all that they have lost in your life. Supply and multiply the seed you have given to them and increase the fruits of your righteousness, that they may not lack anything. You said, “Ask and you shall receive. “ So answer them their request. Keep them from all unwanted troubles and financial loss. Bless them to prosper.
In Jesus Name we pray.