Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Proverbs 3:27, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so”.
The Lord is teaching us a very good quality. When you have the capacity to do good, do not withhold from doing it for those to whom it is due. There is a Tamil proverb which goes like this, “Know the vessels and give alms”. It means to help those who are really in need of it. The Holy Spirit is advising us to have wisdom in everything we do. Jesus Christ went about doing good to all when He was on this earth. We who follow his footsteps must also do good to all while we are on this earth. We expect others to do good to us and we are not able to bear the evil that others do to us. It does not matter if it is your relatives, friends, or people from outside. You want everyone to do good to you. If so, we too must do good to others. If you have thought any evil to someone, or you have done it, ask the Lord for forgiveness and commit to do good to others.
The blessing we get through this, is what the Bible says, “I will bless those who bless you”. It means that if you do good to others, the Lord will do good to you. If you sow good, you will reap good. If you do good to others, even if you face any trouble through them, it does not matter. Some say that the person he has helped has harmed them in return. We see some lamenting this way. It is our duty to do good. It is not for us to bother about what others do. The Lord is telling that when you do good to others while you can and later face struggles, your reward in heaven will be great. Therefore, we must not go weary in doing good. We should do as much as we can. We are the children of Lord Jesus Christ. There are many around us who are in need. We must take it as a privilege to help those children who are fatherless. Feed the poor, orphans and widows. Only good deeds will come with you to heaven. Today, take a good decision to help others, then goodness will come in search of you. The Lord will change all the evil you faced for the good, you have done to others
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord, We thank you for teaching us this good lesson today. We humble ourselves to be made useful to others. Help us to do good to all just like you did. Give us the wisdom to do good to those who are in due of it. Lord, increase our ability to help many people. Cause the vessels of your children to overflow with abundant blessings, so that their needs and debts will be met and that they may have in abundance to give and help others.
In Jesus Name, we pray,
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ. On this day, the 01st of March it is a great pleasure to meet you all
through this message. I believe that all of you are happy in the Lord. We hope, and
pray that God will set all things well for you. God says, surely there is an end and your hope will
not be lost. God has planned to do many good things in your life. Your desire will come to pass.
I also wish that you will be blessed in all things and live happily. The auspicious word of God that
comes to you for today, is taken from the book of 2 Chronicles 19:11, “Behave courageously and
the Lord will be with the good.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many of you are thinking that two months have gone by so far
nothing has happened. Will the Lord do something in this third month at least? God
encourages all such people by saying “Behave courageously and the Lord will be with the
good.”All we have to do is to be good and at the same time be courageous. Then things will fall in
place. God wants you to be courageous and steady in mind. Since you failed to have a steady
mind you have not been successful in all that you tried to move forward in life. As a result you
ran into many problems. So today God is going to give you a steady mind. God is telling you be
steady and do all things then all things will work for your good. Never be confused in what you
do. Usually when a person makes a decision or tries to do something while he is confused then
nothing good will happen instead all things will be spoiled. It will only bring failure in life. This is
a simple matter which everyone would know. So it is better to avoid starting or make a decision
while you are in a confused state of mind. Once your mind is steady then you can do your work,
Now you keep quite.This is what people will generally tell you. That is what the Bible also tells
you. That you need to have a steady mind and do your work. Whatever you do there should be
steadiness of mind in what you do.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Another term for steadiness of mind is trust. You need to trust
yourself that you shall be able to do the task before you start doing anything. It all depends on
your mind. How strong or how weak you are in a particular matter with regard to your mind.
The more you are steady minded then your task which you do will be very successful. Today
God is saying you need to be good and righteous before God and do things sincerely with
a steady mind then God will make you successful in all your endeavour. So because of unsteady
mind, you might have incurred great loss, failure and therefore you may be very discouraged
and in deep despair. But God is always ready to encourage you by His word. Saying “Be
courageous.’’ Maybe you have got into huge debts. And you are wondering as to how you will
come out of it. You might be wondering as why did all this happen and then you will realize that
whatever decision you have taken was while you were in a confused state of mind and not when
you were clear about yourself. Today God is removing your attitude of confusion and giving you
a steady mind. A spirit of steadiness is given to you by the Lord today.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is removing from you the cowardliness or timidity of nature
and is giving you the spirit of boldness today. God is giving you a steady mind. Some of the
children will not have a steady mind in their studies. Some will not be steady in their work. Many
servants of God will not be steady in their ministry. They will keep on changing their mind.
Will it be like this or like that, and they may try to reach out to something flying in the sky,
rather than doing what is available to them. So they will be trying many things. This thing and
that thing. Finally they would not have done anything worthwhile. What God is trying to tell
you is that whatever you do, do it well with all your strength. Then you will be successful. Pray
to the Lord and then start working on a project. Once you hold the plough then you should not
turn back, but enter the field and work on it if you desire to do well. If you follow this method
then God will remain with you and help you to do well in life. In whatever field it may be.
Whether, in studies, or in your job, or in your business, in your ministry regarding your
marriage, whatever it may be. Keep your mind steady and do things meticulously. Only then
your life will be steady.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, You might have heard people say, well the life of my son, or
daughter, is still unsteady. They have no steady income. Their job is still not permanent, or
steady in job. All this is because of your unsteady mindset. In case you got a job, do it sincerely
may be your beginning is small, never mind God will help you to expand and bless you in
abundance. Accept your small job and work sincerely, love your work and do it
wholeheartedly ,with much involvement, then God will bless you. Whatever you do, you must
do it with pleasure. Then your work will seem easy and not laborious. Do it with faith in your
heart that God will bless your work. Then you shall be rewarded. God says, “Israel return to
your fortress. God will give you a double portion of blessing and that He will give it today itself.
When you do things with a steady mind then you will receive the support of God. If you are
confused then God cannot support you, as He is not a God of confusion. Therefore you need to
be bold. You need to have godly faith in you. Then God will be with you ,help you and
whatsoever you do, shall prosper. All things will happen.
On this day the 1 st of March, ask God to give you that steady mind. We see in the Bible Gideon was timid.
But God sent him to battle and he emerged successful because he became steady in mind as God himself encouraged him.
Today God is encouraging you to be courageous and bold in what you do. So never be
discouraged by the month that has just completed. Look forward to doing well in the coming
month with a steady mind and positive approach.
Prayer: Lord, we thank you. Lord, I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name
of Jesus. Lord in this new month you have directly spoken saying that we need to have a steady
mind and also be courageous. If we do anything with steadiness of mind trusting that it will
happen and then put up hard effort then the Lord will help us to be successful. . Lord, I pray that you will bless all those who are reading this message. You
have also said that God will be with the person who is good in life. Help all the children to be
good, bold and courageous. If there is someone who has worked in his wicked ways, and had
wasted their money and time, Lord, I pray for such kind of people to have a stable and steady mind
to carry out their work more diligently. Change such wicked people and make them to be good
and righteous before God. Anoint them to be holy and blameless. In case they have been wicked
all these days, then may they realize their wrong doings and turn from their wicked ways and
return to God. Having received the newness in life and having been anointed grant to them a steady
mind and cause them to be successful in life. Help them to have faith and trust in the Lord. May
God be with them in the plans they make and help them to execute their plans more
effectively. Let their education, job, business and their ministry give them profit. They may say we
planted olive tree but it never gave fruit, we then planted the fig tree but that tree also never gave
any fruit. We planted the vine but it never gave any fruit, the pomegranate tree also never
gave fruit. Yet you said that you will bless them. So from today I pray and let blessings rest upon
the head of every individual who is reading this message. Help them to prosper in all that they
do. Let all barriers be broken and may all good and auspicious events take place in their homes.
May they be filled with joy and gladness.
In Jesus Name We pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today is taken from the book of Exodus 34:24, “For I will enlarge the borders.”
You must be thinking that just now the year 2023 had started and by now two months have passed by at express speed. We have come to the last day the 28th of February. God gave many promises to the children of God. If you ask whether all was fulfilled, for some it worked but for others it is still pending, yet to happen in God’s own time. Many of you are worried that nothing happened for you this month. Be patient wait on the Lord, what you expect will come. God is waiting for the right time. God is saying that what you expect is on process. Soon things will be cleared and your expectation will happen. In the above verse God says, that He will enlarge your borders. Exams are going on for some children, which means God is going to expand the borders of their education. To extend the borders of your education God has to extend your knowledge, your intelligence, and your good understanding. Even your memory should be extended. If all these essential things are extended one can really gain victory in his exam. And thus enjoy an extension in his education. Then you can believe. But if you want an extension then both your effort and the effort of God is essential. Both God’s guidance in this matter along with your effort is necessary to receive an extension in your life in any field. The Bible says, Paul sowed, Apollo watered but the increase comes from God. You need to work hard then you need to pray, then the harvest of the Lord will be plenteous.
Today God says, I will extend your borders. You will expand to the right and to the left. You must increase in doing that which is righteous, in experiencing the Holy Spirit of God. The Bible says, one who is righteous continue to be righteous, One who is holy let him continue to be holy. If one is righteous and holy the blessings of God will fill his life abundantly.
Those of you, who are expecting an expansion in your life, are struggling each day. Instead of gaining, you are constantly losing or decreasing in your effort that you take to move forward in life. Your nature of doing good has reduced. Instead of being righteous you have become unrighteous. Instead of becoming more holy you are becoming ungodly. If only you open your heart to live a good spiritual life, then God will open the windows of heaven and pour blessings upon you from above. Then there will be an expansion in all the worldly blessings. You shall be blessed like the way God blessed Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with wealth and riches. You will receive a double portion of blessing like that of Job. You will increase greater and greater, day by day like David, who got back all that he had lost. You too will get back all that you have lost in life if you live a life pleasing unto God. All the wealth and riches will come in search of you. Think of Daniel who went as a refugee to Babylon, there the Lord exalted him. It is his holiness that expanded his borders. Since he decided not to defile his body with the food that was offered to the king God exalted him. The Kings food was rich with drinks and meat and all other rich food. But Daniel refused to eat the King’s food. He ate ordinary simple food and glorified God. As a result God made him to sit with Kings and princes. He did not want to defile his body in which the Lord dwelt therefore God honoured his stand for God even in very hard circumstances.
In a single night he was made the collector of Babylon. God even shut the mouth of the Loins when he was thrown into the lion’s den. He became the district collector of Babylon. He held a highest position in Babylon. Thus we see how the borders of Daniel were extended within a night because he testified that he was a true man of God before the heathen community. The previous day he was just an ordinary cup bearer. But immediately his borders were expanded and he became the collector of Babylon. God exalted him with bright future, a good position, as an honourable man in the society. All those who despised him and degraded him, began to respect him. What is the reason? It is his holiness, his flawless life, his righteousness. His faith in Yaveh the God of Israel. His holiness gave him the power of the Spirit of God. He had the capacity to interpret the dream of the king and thus the king Darius was very pleased with him and from then on he announced that the God of Daniel was the true God. God’s name was thus glorified through his character. You must be faithful to God and also grow in your spiritual life. Previously those who were praying for one hour have reduced the time of prayer to just five minutes then how can you expect God to perform miracles in your life? You need to sit in the presence of God and pray for long hours to receive the blessing of God. You cannot enjoy the world and at the same time try to be godly. This will not work. Only if you extend your spiritual life, then God will extend your borders. God will expand your days of life and also expand the borders of your health.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. I bless your children in the name of Jesus. Lord You have promised to extend the borders of your children. Lord expand the borders of their income. Expand the anointing of God in their life. Lord increase their anointing of the holy spirit, the gifts of the holy spirit, their life span, expand their prayer life, their income, their health, their business, their job, their ministry, The holiness of their prayer life. Let there be an extension in the growth of their generation, may there be an expansion in their health condition. May they experience an expansion in their life span and in accumulating wealth and riches. I bless all the children reading this message from the bottom of my heart. Perform miracles and wonders in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God says, surely there is an end and your hope will not be lost. God has planned to
do many good things in your life. Your desire will come to pass. I too wish that you be
blessed in all things and live happily. God Himself is coming into your house
through this auspicious word to inquire about your problems. He will sort it out for you
and help you live amicably by performing a miracle for you. The auspicious word of
God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Psalms 121:8, “The Lord
shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even
From the above verse the Lord says, that the
Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in. He will come along
with you wherever you go or while you return. Today you might have planned
to go out somewhere. Or you might have decided to return home from
where you had gone out. Your going out and your coming in from hereafter,
the Lord shall accompany you for evermore. When a man decides to go out it
it is God’s grace that he reaches there safely. Today we see how people face
many accidents in their journey. So many face sickness and disease, as a
result they meet death. Death due to accidents. We have heard of those being
robbed in their journey. There is no safety for those who go out or return.
People are injured and become wounded. There is bloodshed on the roads and
streets. Suddenly people are attacked, we see cars getting burnt. Many
unhappy events take place in the surroundings. You get hurt for no reason.
Many of you are facing such difficulties. Seeing all these circumstances the
Lord is giving you a very good promise for you. “The Lord shall preserve your
going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore.”
So according to this verse God promises to take care of
you wherever you go or come hereafter. God will cause his angels to take care of you
that your feet may not be hurt. God will take you very carefully and bring you back
safely to your home. So He is a God who will take complete care of you and guard and
lead you wherever you may go or come. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under
his wings you shall take refuge. Surely He shall deliver you from all the problems that
you may have to experience while you are in a journey. Such is the nature of our God.
He says, “ You are the apple of his eyes, and nobody will be able to touch you.” If
anyone touches you then it will be as if they are touching God’s own eyes. So be
assured that God will safeguard you. Maybe you could have encountered some danger
in your life , in the form of accidents. And thereby you might have been, disturbed in
your mind, But God, has saved you because of His grace from being destroyed
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, David says, “ Lord when my foot slipped, It was your
grace that held me up.’ So we see how the grace of God saves our life from danger and
harm. You might have slipped and fallen from your bike or while walking on the
roadside. But God has saved your life from being destroyed. You need to thank the
Lord for His grace that saved you from destruction . Even while you were in your
mother’s womb God saved the foetus within the womb so that it should not be destroyed.
Though the devil tried ways and means to destroy the foetus within your mother’s
womb, the Lord saved it, by His grace without being destroyed. God who protected the
foetus in your mother’s womb, will He not protect you in your going out and your
coming in. He will save you now and forevermore. So if you have planned to go to the
interview you will be successful in the interview. In case you are going out to look for a
bride or bridegroom God will help you to select the right person. In case you are going
for a medical check up then all the reports would be perfect regarding your health. Or in
if you are going in order that you might hear some good report, then you will return
with the expected favourable result. May the Lord Bless you all.
Heavenly Father, we thank You. Lord You have promised to preserve our going out and our coming in from this time forth and
even forevermore. And so we thank You Lord, for your promise. I submit the entire
families of all those who are reading this message. If the husband goes out or the wife
goes out or even if their children go out I pray in the name of Jesus that you will guard
them and keep them as the apple of your eyes, and help them to have a safe and secured
journey. Whether little children or elderly people of their families go out, Lord I pray
for their safety and security. Guard them and protect them from all danger and harm
that could befall them in their journey that they undertake. May they go out safely in
this dangerous world and return to their homes safely. Lord, I pray that you will go
along with them and cause them to both go and return safely. Bless all the work of their
hands. Let them be successful in all the endeavours they undertake. May they return
home safely and happily. May the angels who are engaged as spirits to serve your
children be with them in their going out and coming in. May peace prevail in all of their homes.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in
the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for
today, it is taken from the book of Isaiah 43:1 says, “Fear not for I have
redeemed you, I have called you by your name. You are mine.’’
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above verse we see what God has
to say about you. He says, Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have called
you by your name. You are mine.’’ Yes you belong to God. He has
purchased you by His precious blood. Since you belong to God, He asks you
not to be afraid. Today we find many children are filled with fear. For
some, if exams come then they are filled with fear. Some are afraid of the
future. For some if they think of the disease in their body then they are
filled with fear. Some children are afraid of the work which they do
because it is very strenuous. They think, we are going to work but how
are we going to do our work.’ Will we be able to do the work properly to
the expectation of those in authority. Thus their work gives them fear.
Some will be afraid of the creditors, who knock at their door to collect the
pending money. Since all are afraid of many such things, God is comforting
all of them by saying, “Do not be afraid, I have redeemed you.” God has
redeemed you from fear. God has redeemed you from all those things
which cause you fear and anxiety. God has redeemed you from all shame
and humiliation. He is our Redeemer.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, No matter what problems you get
entangled with, there is a Redeemer to redeem you from all such problems. So
why should you fear unnecessarily? But we need to look up to God and
call upon His name. In case you have got caught in some kind of problem
then all you need to do is to call upon Him. And the moment you call upon
Him, He will answer you. He will willingly come down and redeem you
from all your problems. Like Birds hovering over its young ones, the Lord
will come down to fight for you. God will not only defend you but also
deliver you out of your problems. Today in what situation have you been
caught up? Is it debt? You are unable to come out of your debts. God will
redeem you out of all your debts. He will make new ways for you to earn
well and thus pay all your dues. Then no creditor will come and trouble
you hereafter. God says, in this verse “ I have Redeemed you.” He has
already redeemed you so never be afraid. Hold on to this verse. Are you
caught up in some court case? Are you thinking that you will not be able
to come out of the court case, well the Lord is saying that He will redeem
you out of the case. You are expecting bail from the court. God says
that He is going to redeem you from the court case permanently and bring
justice to you.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Maybe you are caught up in some kind of
sin and you are unable to come out of that bad habit. You realised that you
are wrong but you are unable to come out of it. God will redeem you from
that sinful habit, if you really repent of your sinful life. You are now saying
that you have been caught up under some man or woman who is very
treacherous and you are unable to come out of their hold. You want to be
set free from their hands but you are unable to do so. You are crying
saying that you have got caught into their hands without your knowledge,
or by mistake. Now you want to be redeemed. You are saying if only you
knew that these people were treacherous, then you would not have joined
them. Whether you got caught in their hands knowingly or unknowingly,
all you need to do is to call upon the name of Jesus. He will redeem you.
Yes, God will redeem you from their hands, if you only call upon Him. He
is your redeemer. He will redeem you and celebrate over your redemption.
He will also cleanse you by His precious blood and purify you so that you
may not fall into any sinful habit, or in the hands of sinful people. He will
carry you upon His shoulders, and bring you out of all your struggles and
help you live a joyous life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters He will be with you wherever you go or come
and carrying you on his shoulder He will lift you up and take you to a
higher level that you may enjoy a bright future. He will lead you all the way
in your future.Not only that, the verse says, He has called you by your
name. He assures that He has named you Israel. God has named you to
shower upon your individual attribution that belongs to you. He wants to
give you Unique power, and therefore he says, “You are mine’. By saying
that you belong to Him God is enjoying ownership of you. Just imagine
how valuable it is to think that the God of the Universe who created the
earth and the heaven should call you, by your name and tell you, “You
are Mine.”How great a privilege it is for you to belong to such a mighty
God. So hold on to this word of God and live a peaceful life. God will do
great things in your life.
Prayer: Heavenly Father , I bless all the children who are reading this
message in the name of Jesus. Lord You have said, “ You are Mine and
thereby You have made me your possession.”You said that you have named
me, and by this You show great love and concern for me. I thank You Lord
because You have made us Your Child. I pray that God will give to all those children who desire,
for a closer walk with God to be granted. Help them to draw close with You O Lord. Keep them
close to you. Hold them by your arms. Remove all fear from all the children
and redeem them from the clutches of evil people. Redeem them from all
kinds of bondages they are caught up in. Be it debts, court cases, bad
relationships, or due to any kind of evil forces. It may be from sin and worldly
pleasure whatever it may be , Lord you said, you will redeem them because
you are the Redeemer, So bring them out of all their captivity and restore
to them a calm and peaceful life. Thank You Lord for Redeeming them and
may they enjoy a life of deliverance.
In Jesus Name We pray.