God satiates the weary soul

Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Jeremiah 31:25, “For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.”
God says that He will satiate the weary soul, and will replenish every sorrowful soul. Weary soul means, one who is broken hearted. Such people would have lost all hope and are in despair, feeling that there is no chance for them to do better in life. They would have become so disappointed in life. God says that He will satiate such people with fullness in life. Fullness means all kinds of blessings. Spiritual blessings, worldly blessings, physical blessings, if all these are included then you have fullness in life. Today many of you who are aiming to move towards that kind of blessing, namely a life of fullness, a life of completeness, God is going to perform miracles that will transform the very course of your life, so that you may enjoy a life of fullness.

Secondly God is saying that He will replenish every sorrowful soul. God is going to fill such people with new anointing, with new gifts of power and prayer. God is going to fill all your empty vessels. And He will also help you to collect baskets of left over. From today onwards you will experience a new change in your life. God is going to fill you with all these blessings in the days to come, since you have grown weary and sick because of all the misery in your life. The treasure in your business centre will be filled. You will see in future the Lord giving you an overflowing blessing, in all phase of your life. You are going to receive a spectacular blessing from the Lord. Thereby your soul which is weary will be revived. How many of you are ready to receive this kind of blessing. As promised in the above verse God is going to satiate your weary soul and replenish your sorrowful soul.

Prayer: Lord we thank you. Lord I bless everyone who are broken hearted. We thank You Lord for satiating the weary soul and also replenishing the sorrowful soul. Lord I plead You to strengthen their weary heart and then fill them with the fullness of all your blessings in their life. Help them to see better life. Let their hearts be filled with joy, peace and gladness. Grant to them the fullness, in all area of their life. Let them enjoy goodness in their family life, in their business, in their education, in their place of work. And in all that they undertake. May they be blessed with good life partner, with wealth and riches, with own houses and property, land orchards and groves. May they be blessed with happy family life, with all good things physically, materially and spiritually. Help them to be blessed with promotion in their jobs, let there be growth and prosperity in life. We thank You Lord for filling your children with fullness of blessings.
In Jesus Name We Pray.


Dearly beloved in Christ, The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Proverbs 13:12, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.”

Today the Lord is telling you that you should not lose your hope. If you lose your hope then your heart will become sick. But when your desire comes then it will be a tree of life. Having waited for a long time, you might have got mentally tired. But when God gives you what you desire then you will feel as if it is a tree of life. Today what is it that you are waiting for? You have been waiting for many months together, or for many years together.  What is it that you need? In that particular area, God is going to do a miracle for you.  God likes those children who wait on Him. There was a man who waited patiently for 38 years, by the Bethesda pool hoping that he will one day, receive deliverance.  And his patience was rewarded. He knew that he who came as a sickly person will not return home without getting healed. He thought he will get healed one day, and then he will return home. He being a physically handicapped person still hoped in the Lord.  

He was a lame man. He was waiting for 38 years for someone to drop him into the pool when the angel stirred the water. But no one came forward to help him. There was a belief, that when the men got into the pool while the angel stirred the water, then they would get healed. So this man patiently waited hoping that he will surely be delivered from his horrible situation.  God respects this waiting process. God knew that this man had suffered enough for 38 long years. So the Lord himself came to the Bethesda  pool  and asked him if he wanted to get healed. The man then replied that he wanted to get healed   but  there  was no one to  carry him and  put him into the pool when the angel stirred the water. He told Jesus that he was very helpless. My  dear children of God, the Lord looking at his pitiable situation responded to his need. The Lord just said, one word, “Take up your bed and walk. ”The man believed in the word of the Lord and immediately his lame leg gained strength and so he took up his bed and walked homeward. He turned his sorrow into joy.

Have you been waiting for a long period of time for a good life partner? And your marriage is getting delayed for certain reason. Well the Lord who himself came to the Bethesda pool and healed this lame man will also perform a miracle for you and soon settle you with a good life partner. For your good sake the Lord is speaking to you through this auspicious word. And he is going to break all the barriers that stand in your way of getting settled. The Lord will turn your sorrow into joy by bringing in the right partner. And He   himself will come forward and settle you, in a good family and you shall enjoy the freedom of married life. Some of you might have been waiting for a long time for a government job. God will give you success by His grace in the examination you had written and thus help you to secure a good government job. God will make you to sit with princes people of great authority   in the society.

May be you have been waiting for a long period of time praying for the gift of a child. Today is a miraculous day. The Lord who went to the pool of Bethesda and delivered the lame man, and made him to return home joyfully, will also perform a miracle for you today. God will remove all sorrows from your heart and make you joyful.

Prayer: Lord, we thank You.  I bless all the children who are reading this message in the name of Jesus. You are a good God. Lord in whatever matter your children are waiting for, you intervene into their lives, and grant them their requirements. Lord they are longing patiently for a particular thing. Whatever they are waiting for, I pray that you would see their tears, and hear their cry, and perform a miracle for each one of them. May they not lose their hope, and grow weary and sick in their heart. Instead may the desire of their hearts come like a tree of life.  Thank You for breaking all the barriers that obstruct them from moving forward in their life. Make them glad and help them to rejoice by fulfilling the desires of their heart.  

In Jesus Name We Pray.


God is a loving God.

My beloved children of God in Christ, I greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all on this day February 14th through this daily Mangala Vaarthai program. May God bless you. All of you are waiting with your Bible this morning. Please read with me, I Corinthians 13:4 – “Love is patient, love is kind.” God wants this love to flow from your heart. Our God is a loving God. He said, “Love one other as I have loved you.” This love bears all things, endures all things, believes all things, and forgives all things. This love will accomplish great things in your life. Dearly beloved that is the love that God has for man – an immeasurable love. God is pouring that love into your heart today. When your heart overflows with this love, you will be able to love and care for everyone you meet. When this love floods your heart, you will be able to love others unconditionally. The Holy Spirit wants you to forgive all those who betrayed you, hated you and bind them with your love. Do not do evil for evil, but do good for evil. If they fought with you instead of fighting back love them and have fellowship with them. This is the Lord’s commandment, and this is what the Lord expects from you. So, this love is patient and is kind. Today many are not patient, or kind but are filled with anger and irritation. Many are rude, impatient and get angry even before others finish talking. Today God is removing that spirit of anger and is filling you with patience. Good gentle behaviour, you must become gentle like Moses. This will brighten your future. This will crown you in this world and crown you in the next world too. Next let us see what else this love does. It is written this love is kind. Today you will receive this kindness from man and from God. You also must extend kindness to others. There are many blessings written in the Bible, one of it is favour in the eyes of man. This love will help you to receive kindness from men, at the same time it will enable you to be kind towards others. Think of the people who are expecting this kindness from you. Your boss maybe expecting your kindness. As your work and workmanship is like that. Perhaps your wife may be expecting your kindness, your husband might be expecting it, your children may be expecting your kindness. Some may say, “If my father extends kindness, I will receive this..” While we are expecting God’s kindness, God desires that we show kindness to others. Be kind to others. It is our duty to show kindness to other. Whatever they expect from you to the best of your ability try to help them. Kindness means helping others. Even while you are expecting help from others, lend a helping hand to them. In this world whatever you expect from others, you first do it for them. This will fill your life with blessings.
Let us pray.

Dear Lord, we thank You. We read that love is patient, love is kind. You have poured this love generously on my children. Hence from today, let this love change everyone listening to this program to become patient. Let every spirit of cruelty, spirit of argument, spirit of rudeness leave them and let them become an epitome of patience. Let my children be patient enough to show the other cheek when slapped on one cheek. Remove all anger from them and protect them. Moreover, love is kind. As my children expect kindness from others, help them to extend this kindness and help to those expecting it from them. As a result of this let them live a life of peace, harmony, and fulfilment in this world. Do great things Lord.

In Jesus name.


Path of life.

I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Nahum 1:15, ‘No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’.
Through the above verse the Lord is giving you this promise of assurance, this morning. The wicked is the one who desires to destroy us. He is the one who makes all efforts to destroy us. He is the one who plots against us to destroy us. This verse says, ‘No more will the wicked invade you’. Some wicked person would have planned to destroy you. Has he deceived and put you in a net and destroyed your future? You have found his originality, haven’t you? You are crying, to the Lord saying, ‘Lord, please deliver me from the hands of the wicked’. The Lord is telling you, ‘No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’.

There was a young girl who got trapped into a wrong relationship, but later she repented of her mistake, and wanted to come out of this, unwanted relationship. The boy was keen on destroying her. Even if she repented and came, that boy was not willing to let go of her. She was threatened with photos they took together and the phone recordings. One day she came crying to me and said, ‘Uncle, this wicked one must not come my way never again’. I moved with him not knowing that he was wicked. The Lord must somehow deliver me. I asked the Lord, ‘ Lord, this is a rightful desire of hers. So I prayed that Heaven should consider her request. She should never again see the Egyptian (her enemy) whom she saw today’ forever in her life. I prayed a short prayer and sent her home. After some days, the boy met with an accident, but the Lord gave the boy an understanding, that he met with an accident because of the girl’s tears. He cried and said, “Please tell me that you have forgiven me”. I will not interfere with your life again. Your tears, led me to this destruction. I will submit all the photos and the recordings to you. I will not come your way after this. I will not interfere in your life anymore.” So she forgave him and prayed for him. Today, she is living a life pleasing to the Lord with freedom. If your children are caught up with some people not knowing that they are wicked, today is their turn. God will help them to take a U-turn in their lives. This is the good news for the day. No more will the wicked invade you! Some wicked spirits will destroy the fruit of the womb. Some say, “ I felt a snake chasing me, and the following day, I had a miscarriage.” The wicked spirits or animals and reptiles that caused such miscarriages will not invade you anymore. The Lord has brought you to the path of life from the path of destruction. Halleluiah!

Prayer: Holy Father, we thank you. You have given an auspicious word, saying that, “No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’. According to this word, let miracles happen to everyone. Lord cut off all the connections they had with the wicked and give them the grace to hold the hands of the loving Lord and walk. Through this let them have a bright future. I bless my children wholeheartedly in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit! They must never see the Egyptian ( the enemy)whom they saw today never again in their life. They must never see this cruel disease, or this black magic cast over them by the wicked, or the works of the evil spirit, which they saw today ever again. Perform miracles for them Lord. May they see the power of God, through the miracles you perform for them and help them to take Jesus as their Saviour. Let them enjoy a peaceful life.
In Jesus Name we pray,

The power of your testimony

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today  is  from  the  book  of  Exodus 19:6, ‘And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy Nation’.

In many places in the Bible, the Lord has beautifully conveyed the relationship between the Lord and us. Today, what kind of bond do we share with the Lord? The Lord wants us to be a kingdom of priests who do His work. He expects us to do His holy duty. Today, you are with a lot of expectations and the Lord knows this. When we fulfil the Lord’s expectations, He will fulfil ours. That is the hope He has given us. If you seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will add everything else unto you. We must do the work of the priesthood. When we talk about the priesthood.  You may say, ‘I do not know to take the Bible and preach’ You shouldn’t think that preaching and teaching is the only work in the priesthood. Your testimonial actions will reveal the truth of God. Your testimonial life itself is a great ministry. There is a verse in the Bible, ‘By your testimonial walk, and without preaching, others will be saved’. The Lord is advising the wives, there is no need for you to talk to your husband through the Bible, but you will save your husband through your testimonial life. It means that you can do priesthood even without preaching, but through your life of testimony.

On the other hand, you can do priesthood, by doing good to others in the Bible, Jesus went about doing good to all. The most important work Jesus Christ did as part of his priesthood works on this earth was that Jesus  went about doing good to all. That is also a ministry. This is what the Lord expects from us too. Then the Lord will do what you expect from the Lord. Not only that, the other portion of this verse says, ‘a holy nation’. There can be only two groups of people in this world. That is a holy people and the other unholy people. This does not refer to tribes or nations, but our personal deeds. So, how must you be? You who worship the Holy God must be a holy nation. Today, the Lord is expecting certain changes from us. We see in the Bible  that Joshua said,  to  the people of Israel, ‘Sanctify yourselves today, tomorrow a miracle will happen’’. So the base for miracles is holiness. The Lord says, “ Be ye therefore perfect, even as your. Father which is in heaven is perfect. Holy  means to be sanctified, consecrated, and dedicated or to be separated from the world and worldliness. For it is written “Be Holy for I Am Holy.”  May the  Lord  help  you  to  be holy  and  perfect?

Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you for describing your children as a royal priesthood and a holy nation. Children, who have submitted themselves to doing your work according to your will, help them to do the work of a  priesthood and persevere for a holy life. Bless them to be established on this earth through this. When they do this for the kingdom of God and your righteousness, You have told that everything else will be added to them. May it be so in their lives and may they prosper both materially and spiritually.

In Jesus Name, we pray,


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