Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 60:15, “Whereas you have been forsaken and hated, So that no one went through you, I will make you an external excellence. A joy of many generation. ”
Dearly Beloved, God is saying that you have been despised and rejected by all. No one likes you at your work spot; No one likes you in the place where you do your ministry. Even in the place of your study no one likes you. Those who see you go away from you. One of the reasons may be because you don’t look beautiful. Or you may not be admirable in the sight of others with regards to your style of dressing. Or you may be because of your dark complexion, you don’t look so appealing, your poor appearance may be another reason for others to dislike you. Even your simple way of talking without much exaggeration, might cause others to dislike you. You may be frank of speech, but others may not like your frankness. Somehow you have been ignored by all.
The Bible says, that when Jacob returned to his father’s home in Canaan from his uncle’s house after 20 years, with his wife and children and all his cattle, servants and all his goods he was rather scared to meet his brother Esau whom he had cheated and got, not only his birthright but also all the blessings from his father . Now in order to pacify his brother he sent all his wives and children and cattle and servants and also much gifts to soften his brothers heart towards him. He was left alone by the side of river Jordan. He was all alone, there was no one to comfort or console him. His wives, his children and even all his servants were on the other side of the river. He was left alone to meet the consequence of his life. So God in his mercy came down to comfort him as Jacob was struggling by himself, that night. God had already promised to be with him on his way to Canaan. God came and sat near Jacob. Halleluiah! So Jacob held on to God and would not let Him go, until He blessed him. He wanted God to bless and assure him, that he will be safe and that God’s hand of protection will be with him and his brother will not harm him in anyway. Jacob also sent word to his brother, saying “I have sojourned with Laban and stayed there until now. I have oxen, donkeys, flocks, and male and female, servants, and I request my Lord that I might find favour in your sight.”Though he had sent word to his brother through his servants yet he feared that his brother would take revenge and kill him so he was afraid to meet him. Therefore he pleaded God to bless him. He said to the Lord, “Deliver me I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I fear him, least he come and attack me and the mother with the children.” And God in the form of man wrestled with him until the breaking of day, until the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint. God blessed Jacob.
As a result of the blessing of God, the next day his meeting with his brother turned out to be favourable. Esau embraced him and kissed him to express his joy and love for his brother Jacob. Thus we see the reunion of the brothers. They did not fight or quarrel with each other. They did not hit each other, rather embraced each other and shared their love for one another. God changed the mind of Esau towards Jacob and he had not only forgiven but also had forgotten the incident that happened several years ago. Are you left in such a situation, neglected by all your dear ones. Have they deserted you. Are you alone? Struggling to yourself? Never mind, God is in control of your life. Think it is good for you. Take the situation in a positive attitude, since you have the mighty God with you. Never fear He is with you. This is an occasion for you to be with God. Cast all your burden upon God. He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved. Humanly speaking it is a painful thing to be rejected and left alone. Paul told God three times, to remove the thorn from his body, but God did not say he will take away the thorn instead he said, “My grace is sufficient for you. For My strength is made perfect in your weakness.” God knows what is best for you. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for being with Jacob in his journey back to his father’s house. Lord we thank you for changing the mind set of Esau towards his brother Jacob. Thank You Father for helping them to reunite amicably. May we not take revenge against those who do evil to us. Give us the spirit of forgiveness. Let there be joy and happiness in our families.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly beloved , I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Isaiah 62:2, “The gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory”.
Today the Lord is coming to your homes to do righteousness and to honour you. Kings and gentiles will see that and be amazed. This is the assurance that the Lord is giving you. The gentiles will see your righteousness. Some are thinking, the Lord has not done any justice to them. That they have not received justice in all their matters, may be regarding their work or from their relatives, or from the society. But today the Lord is telling that the people will see the righteousness and the justice that He will show to you. Submit those matters in which you did not receive justice and put your trust in Him. He is a judge who does justice. God does not punish anyone even if they do something that is worth punishing. The Lord will give them an opportunity and will deliver them from that situation. He advises us not to do the same mistake again.
Two thousand years ago when Jesus lived on this earth, a woman was caught in adultery and was brought to Him and the men said that she was to be stoned to death. But Jesus did not want to kill her. He wanted to give her another chance of life. So He wrote on the ground, that the one who was blameless could throw the first stone at her. Everyone left and went away. Then Jesus told the woman that He too will not harm her and asked her to go free and sin no more. The Lord gave her one more chance again to live a new life. This is the justice that the Lord does. Secondly, the verse says that Kings will see your glory. You may be thinking that nothing noteworthy has happened in your life. If you are saying so, the Lord will perform a miracle for you. Through this, kings will see your glory. The Lord’s Holy Spirit is telling you directly that kings will see the great works that the Lord will do for you and will be amazed. This means that the Lord will be with you and will do glorious things. You will have a glorious harvest. Auspicious events will take place in your homes. Good and auspicious events are going to take place in your family. So be grateful to God. Praise Him always.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you. Lord your word says, The gentiles will see your righteousness and all kings your glory . Lord, do justice for your children so that everyone would like to see them being exalted, with amazement. Please forgive your children from their sins and mistakes. Give them another chance and help them not to do the same mistake again. Perform miracles in their lives. Judge all their matters and do justice to them. Let good and auspicious events take place in their families, by your abundant grace. Let the glory of God be released in their lives.
In Jesus Name we pray,
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of John 10:9, “I am the door if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved. And will go in and out and find pasture. “
In the above verse God says that He is the door and if anyone enters through this door then he will be saved. The Lord Himself has said, “I am the Door.” If there is a door, then it means that there is a way inside for you to go. Christ is the only door or way that God is referring here in this verse. That is why He says in the Bible, “I am the way and no man shall come unto the Father except through Me.” So, whatever you might do or if you go somewhere on any task, the purpose of your going will be successful and you will return safely. The verse says, “You will go in and out and find pasture”. What does this mean? It speaks about your spiritual life, and the spiritual blessings that God has in store for you. You will also get worldly and external blessings from the Lord. When will you get these blessings? When you enter through the door, Jesus. You need to approach through the door called Jesus in order to obtain all the blessings.
God is teaching you the way to approach him in order to obtain blessings from Him. If you approach through another source, it will be a failure. Why don’t you approach through God? When you go out for a certain purpose, tell the Lord that you are going out for a certain reason and ask Him to bless the purpose of your going out and ask God to come along with you. Say Lord I am going out putting my trust in You. Instead, take the route through Jesus the door to your progress and success.
Once a brother told me his experience saying, that he only practiced one experiment and fortunately they had asked him to perform only that same experiment and he got passed in the interview. That was the favor God had shown to him. He said that God had shown him in advance that this particular experiment was the one he was going to be asked in the interview or exam. Thereby the Lord opened a way for his job opportunity. This is the way God leads his children.
So always approach the Lord for your guidance. God looking at you today says, this is the right way to approach your progress. You shall succeed if you only enter through the Door God has kept for you. It is your choice whether you will go through His door or through some other door. You should never take a shortcut road. It will not be correct. Go through the right channel that is through Jesus. He will guide you with His counsel and lead you to the destination you need to go. If you go through Jesus then you shall receive both worldly and spiritual blessing. Hold on to the word of God and your attempt will be successful. If you take Jesus along with you, your journey will be successful.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, if anyone approaches through Your way then they would be successful in their life. Their purpose of work will be fulfilled. And they will go in and out and find pasture. May your children make use of this way ‘JESUS” to attain progress in their life. May their vessel overflow with blessings. I bless your children from the depth of my heart. Let wonders and miracles happen in their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 28 : 8, “The Lord will command the blessings on you in your store house, and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.”
From the above context we see how the Lord wants to bless His children. Firstly the Lord is going to bless the nation with blessed rain. The Lord shall protect this nation from all harm and danger that could befall this nation. And He will also be of great support to the children of God. He will defend them from their enemies. God is going to bring about a great change in the nation. Finally He will bless the work of your hand. You may be a farmer, a weaver, a tailor, a nurse , a doctor, an engineer or a business man. Whatever it may be God is going to prosper you in the work you do. Hallelujah! God will grant you blessing in all the work of your hands. But God expects clean hands, hands without stain. You should be blameless and spotless for God to bless you.
May be all these years you had been trying all kinds of business. But you never could prosper. You grew variety of crops but they didn’t give you much yield. You felt that you are unlucky and therefore you couldn’t prosper. Some of you have begun to think that it is your fate to suffer. But God says, “From today onwards, I shall bless you.”All these days the work of your hand had not been fruitful. But hereafter, all that you touch will be prosperous. There are times when I heard people say, “He is a poverty stricken person, If you join him then, you also will become poor like him.”But in order to change your poverish state of life, God gave Himself on the cruel cross of cavalry. He shed His precious blood to wash you of all your sins and make your hands clean. Though rich He became poor in order to make you rich. Heleluyah! God says, as prophesy that an end has come to all your poverty state of life. People looking at you will say, in future, “He was a poor, man but now has become a rich and wealthy person. He is no more a poor man begging on the streets. “ That is how the Shunamite woman, was known to be an honourable woman. So long she was a woman of disgrace but suddenly a change came upon her. God changed her situation in a moment. God will change your situation too.
God says, all those who were once rejected and oppressed by others, will prosper in their life. They will become honourable people in the society. They will walk in dignity and respect. People who laughed at their state of life, will begin to praise them. I can feel that some of you are saying that “Good things happen to others not to me.” This thought has been in your mind over a long period of time. But God can change your situation. It is not a hard thing for God to do. It is a trivial thing. Before coming to this meeting The Lord asked me to keep on blessing you from the beginning to the end. God loves you and cares for you. So just as Balaam looked at the multitude of Israelites, and shouted at them saying “I have been sent by God and commanded to bless His children.”Today God has sent me His servant to bless all of you through this message. Therefore never think of the past , forget all that had happened in the past. The more you think of the past you will be pained at heart. God does not want you to suffer anymore. He wants to give you a fresh start of life. Let the past days be gone. The days of your failure. The days of your loss, let it be forgotten and be gone in your life. You should not cry over the past. God will refresh your soul and mind. Don’t be just readers of this message, but also be doers, then your life will be prosperous. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, send us the rain of blessing. We are waiting for the shower of rain. Let the shower of blessing fall upon us. Let it come O Lord we pray thee. Let the rain remove all our poor condition and help us to live a successful and prosperous life. Help us to walk in dignity and respect in the midst of jealous and envious people. Let our life reveal Your glory before them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord has strengthened and guided us thus far. It is impossible to live a righteous life in this sinful, contaminated world with our own strength. Only by the Lord’s strength can we progress. This is what Apostle Paul firmly declares with faith,
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13).
The people of this world undertake various exercises to showcase their strength. They consume several health drinks to acquire strength. These practices strengthen the body, but our inner man is debilitated and restless. It is during such weary times that we need to cry out to God for strength to overcome these diseases and temptations. You will perceive a new strength descending and empowering you. He is a God who gives strength and sustenance to the deprived.
Perhaps Satan’s schemes have incapacitated you, or the losses you have faced have debilitated you, or the sickness you have endured has made you frail. Remember Christ who strengthens you is always with you! He will not let your foot slip! He who watches over you neither slumbers nor sleeps! He will strengthen your tottering knees! David relied totally on the Lord as he says in Psalm 18:1 “O Lord my strength”. Similarly, let us learn to live with the Lord’s strength.
Dear Children of God, we obtain strength by our faith in God, the Bible says “that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:5).
God empowers us when we put our faith in Him. We can achieve great and mighty things by our faith in God. Our faith can help us conquer the world. Believe and you will see the glory of God. The Bible says this about Sarah, “By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.” (Hebrews 11:11).
Her old womb was invigorated by her faith in God. It’s a known fact that it’s impossible for an aged mother to give birth to a child. But Sarah trusted God. And God renewed her strength. Many times, we repeatedly confess our sins during prayer instead we should make faith confessions. Ephesians 1 is filled with such faith confessions. Continually keep confessing them. We read about many heroes of faith in the Bible. You will receive the same strength they acquired. The impossible becomes possible. God has given us a spirit of power! Therefore, be bold! Be strong!
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. May my children inherit blessings as they spend time in your presence. Give them the grace to daily wait in your presence, so that they will mount on wings like the eagle and soar to greater blessings! Let them rejoice in your blessings. Protect them from all evil.
In Jesus name we Pray.