Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, January 4th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly!
Today’s Auspicious Word:
What is the auspicious word God has for us today? The prophetic book of Zephaniah 3:17 says: “The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save.”
My beloved children of God, the Lord who created us and placed us on this earth is mighty to save. If He is in our midst, no unclean spirit can come near us, and no powers of sorcery can harm us.
Perhaps some of you are saying, “Oh, I don’t know who has done witchcraft against me. My hand is paralyzed, my leg is weak, I cannot sleep at night, or I am not receiving blessings in my life.” This happens because you were vulnerable, and the devil took advantage. But God is saying, “The LORD your God is in your midst.” When He is present with you, the Bible declares, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” No one can stand against you! Even the enemy’s schemes—sorcery, witchcraft, and devilish plans—will be powerless against you when the Lord is with you. He is a powerful God, and before His mighty presence, no opposing force can stand.
Remember the story of David and Goliath. David said to Goliath:
“You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” That declaration of faith gave David victory over the mighty Goliath. Similarly, God desires to be present in your midst—within your family, your business, your ministry, and every aspect of your life. He says, “Open your heart to Me. Do not fear; I will be with you and show My power.”
The Lord’s power is not diminished; He comes to you with His resurrected power. He will save you—from sin, from curses, from sickness, from debt, and from all that oppresses you. He will restore and give you a new life. How many of you today desire to make space for Jesus in your lives and homes? How many of you eagerly await His presence? The Lord will do great things!
A Testimony of Deliverance
Sister Mahalaxmi Kamothy shares:
“For the past 7 months, I was unable to sleep at night due to disturbing dreams, torment by unclean spirits, and unclean thoughts. I was deeply affected and struggling. One night, as I was watching YouTube, I saw the title ‘Auspicious Word.’ Something urged me to watch it for the first time. During Brother Stephen’s sermon, he said, ‘The Lord is giving deliverance to those tormented by unclean spirits hindering their sleep.’ Those words felt as though they were spoken directly to me and brought great peace. After Brother’s prayer, the mighty God saved me. Nowadays, I sleep peacefully at night. The unclean spirits, dreams, and thoughts have completely left me. I thank and praise God for this deliverance.”
A Prayer for Deliverance:
My Loving God, we thank You. The Lord our God, may You arise in our midst. May Your power fill us and heal our diseases. May Your power break every barrier hindering my children. May Your power restore all that my children have lost. Thank You, Lord, for protecting my children from every evil power that tries to come near them. From all that they cannot overcome by their own strength—whether sin, curses, wickedness, sickness, or debt—redeem them. Bless them with peace and a new life. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this January 3rd through today’s Auspicious Message. May God bless you abundantly! In this list of blessings, I too am included, as today is my birthday. I humbly ask you all to remember me in your prayers. By the grace of God, I have been mercifully enabled to complete 61 years and step into my 62nd year. With a heart full of gratitude, I offer a million praises and thanks to the Lord for His goodness and mercy over the past 61 years.
Now, let us meditate on today’s auspicious word: Isaiah 60:3 The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. In the past, perhaps you experienced rejection—no one wanted to associate with you, visit you, or even speak to you. You may have lived in a state of shame and isolation. But today, God declares that nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
This transformation occurs when God, the giver of true light and brightness, dwells within you. When His light shines in you, people will no longer see you but the God within you. Those who once rejected you will come seeking you. They will invite you into their homes, honor your presence, and eagerly await your arrival. Where there was once rejection, God will lift you up. As He blessed Isaac, granting him a hundredfold harvest and making him great, so He will do for you. Kings will seek you, and those who once despised you will acknowledge you as a person of God. You will witness God’s hand restoring your honor and bringing extraordinary blessings into your life.
Let us now hear a testimony: Bro. Karthick, Gopichettipalayam,
“We live as a joint family. Due to a small misunderstanding, my wife decided we should live separately. This led to 1.5 years of separation, and eventually, the situation escalated to talk of divorce. My life was filled with darkness during that time. One day, I attended a meeting at the CSI Church in Gopichettipalayam, where Brother Stephen shared God’s Word and prayed individually for attendees. During prayer, Brother Stephen prophetically said, ‘Your wife will return, and you will live together peacefully.’ By God’s grace, in just a few days, my wife came back home. The darkness in our lives was replaced by God’s brightness. We reunited as a family, and peace was restored. The Word of God fulfilled its promise in our lives!”
Loving Lord, we thank You. You have promised, “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Let Your light and brightness fill Your children. In their businesses, may they see a hundredfold harvest. In their careers, may they experience breakthroughs and divine favor. In their ministries, may there be a hundredfold harvest of souls. Let those who despised and shamed them come to seek their blessings. May financial setbacks be removed, and may they become lenders, not borrowers. Let peace prevail even among their enemies. Thank You for lifting them up and glorifying Your name through their lives. We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this New Year 2025, on this day, January 2nd, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly. To those celebrating their birthdays or wedding anniversaries today, I share this promise from Isaiah 51:16: “I have covered you with the shadow of My hand.” According to this verse, may God bless you throughout the year and guide you with His protection and grace.
Today, let us meditate on the auspicious word that God has given us. Take and read Psalm 1:3, “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” If you feel like nothing you do prospers—if you face constant failures and are unsure of what to do next—this message is for you. God is looking at you today and saying, “Whatever you do will prosper.” But for this to happen, you must first embrace the Word of God—the Bible.
The Bible is God’s treasure for us—a will, a guide to Heaven, and a source of life. When you read and meditate on it daily, even just a portion, a chapter, or a page, it will guide you. These words of life will speak to you, teach you, and direct you. As the Scripture says, “When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you.” No matter your religion or faith, the Bible is a treasure that must be held close. If you do not own a copy and wish to have one, please contact our office, and we will gladly send it to you free of cost. Read a portion daily before heading to school, college, ministry, work, or business. You will see your matters prosper, your efforts succeed, and failures vanish. Try and see that God is good, and His grace endures forever.
Brother Sunder Reshan from Tanjore shared this testimony:
“My son, Sasi Kumar, was struggling to complete his PhD. I sent a prayer request through mail to Brother Stephen, asking him to pray for my son to successfully complete his viva, receive his doctorate, and find a good job. By the grace of God and Brother Stephen’s prayers, my son victoriously completed his PhD, received his doctorate, and secured a job in a laboratory. Thanks be to God, who made everything prosperous for my son!” See how God sent an auspicious word, and through prayers and the daily reading of the Bible, miracles happened. God can do the same for you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I greet and bless my children. Lord, You promised that all they do will prosper. Today, I pray for every area of their lives where they have faced failure—let those areas turn into success. Let their studies prosper, Let their jobs prosper, Let their ministries prosper, Let their marriages prosper, Let all their efforts prosper. Lord, I declare that there will be no more failures, only victory after victory. You are Jehovah Nissi, the God of Victory. I entrust my children into Your hands. Lord, do great and mighty things in their lives. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all this new year, 2025, on this day, January 1st, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you.
On behalf of God’s Love Ministries and my family, we wish you a happy new year from the bottom of our hearts. May God’s hands be with you this whole year, and may He do great things for you. As the minister of God, I wholeheartedly bless you. These words will be fulfilled as such, and God will do great things.
This first day, God is going to look upon you and say a good, auspicious word. A beautiful verse, Deuteronomy 5:29, says: “Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!” Today, God is saying that you and your children will be well. Many of you are saying, “Now I feel peaceful.” You and your children will forever be well if God says this on the first day. Do you know for whom this is a blessing first? For those who do not have children, God will give children. This is the blessing. God says, “Call into existence the things that do not exist and give praise.” You and your children should say, “Lord, we and our children from henceforth until forever will be well.”
Now, you are there but do not have children. In faith, declare this word: “We and our children will be well forever.” Speak this word and give thanks, and next month, the fruit of the womb will be conceived in you. The Biblical formula is: when we call into existence the things that do not exist, they will come into existence. The secret behind it is that you and your children will be well forevermore.
This means that even if the parents have been spoiled, God is rectifying them and making them good this year. He desires to perfect them, establish them, and strengthen them. Till yesterday, you may have said, “My family is a spoiled family.” But today, God is directly telling you, “You and your children will be well.” You will not be spoiled. As God is taking you out of that deep pit, this new day—the 1st—He is lifting you up. From the pit of sin, He is lifting you up. From the pit of debt, He is lifting you up. From the shameful pit, He is lifting you up. And this whole year, you will be well. Not only this year, but for life, you will be well. God is giving this good guarantee on this 1st day as an auspicious word. God is asking you to receive it. First, you and next, your children.
In some families, children may be spoiled. Their lives are not settled yet. There is no proper job for the children, marriage has not yet happened, and the gifts that the children should have received have not yet come. Those who are lamenting so for your children, God is saying that for them to be well, all that they require, He will give. At the right time, He makes all things beautiful. For your children, He will give everything and make them live peacefully on this earth. To run this life, God’s help will be given to them.
In the past days, a family came to see me, and they said, “We are well, but we have 5 children, and all of them, in 5 different ways, are giving us struggles. Five different problems for five children. We do not know what to do.” Saying this, they came to me, wailing. The only thing I said was, “To perfect your children, the only possible way is through God. Submit your 5 children in God’s hands. Lord, I cannot bring up these children. I cannot control them; they all have gone out of my control. For each of them, there are 5 kinds of problems.” They said things I cannot disclose publicly, but you can imagine how much pain those parents must have felt.
I told them, “They have gone out of your control, but they cannot go out of God’s control. Submit your children in Jesus’s hands. You prepare and provide the grain. It is beautifully said in Psalm 65 that He prepares and provides the grain. Lord, correct, prepare, and give my children.” God says, “I will correct them.” After that, I gave them some advice, and I told them to implement it. When they did, all their children were taught by the Lord, and their peace became great. You will see the change. When they came to share their testimony, they said, “We thank You, Lord, that we and the children You gave us are a sign and wonder in Chennai, India.” That was their testimony. In the coming days, you are going to testify, saying, “Thank You, Lord, that we and the children You have given us in the city we are residing are shining like signs and wonders.” God is going to do such a miracle.
Now, let us close our eyes and pray.
Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I greet and bless my children. You are a good God. You have given us this January 1st with a heartwarming word. We and our children will be well forever. For all the efforts You have taken at this moment, we thank You. One day, we will come into Your presence, and we will testify, thanking You, saying, “Lord, we and the children You have given us in the city we reside are shining like signs and wonders.” Be merciful on us and our children. Forgive their past life. In this new year, let new plans come into action. Let new miracles happen. Let the good events that have not yet taken place begin to happen this year. Let barriers be removed. Let wombs be opened. Let doors be opened, and vessels overflow. Deliver my children from the bondages of sickness and give them a disease-free life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, Greetings and blessings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I am delighted to share this message with you on the last day of December. May God’s abundant blessings fill your hearts as we reflect on His goodness. On this final day of the year, let us consider what God desires to speak to us. For those waiting eagerly, perhaps even in tears, take comfort in Psalm 13:6: “I will sing the Lord’s praise, for He has been good to me.”
This is a day to come before the Lord with a thankful heart, refraining from grumbling, and recognizing His faithfulness. Despite the challenges—bitter experiences, sickness, financial burdens, and opposition—you are still standing by His grace. You have sustained through trials and are alive today because of His mercy. As you prepare to step into the new year, do so by holding onto the hand of Jesus. Regardless of whether your journey feels like a leap or a steady stride, crossing into the new year with Him will be your greatest blessing. Reflect on the good things He has done in your life: the breath in your lungs, the food on your table, the clothes you wear, and the shelter over your head.
Many in this world live without these basic provisions. Yet, God has been gracious to you. Think about His kindness, and cultivate a heart of gratitude. Even when the enemy meant harm, God turned it into good, just as Joseph declared in Genesis 50:20: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.” How many times did despair creep in? How often did thoughts of defeat overwhelm you? But God lifted you out of the depths, saving you and sustaining you because He has a purpose for your life. He desires to transform your shame into honor and your defeat into victory.
As you step into the new year, remember His promise in Psalm 89:21: “With whom My hand shall be established; also My arm shall strengthen him.” His hand will guide you, and His strength will uphold you. Whether you feel weak physically, financially, or spiritually, God is your strength. Enter the new year declaring: “His hand is established on me, and His arm strengthens me.” Walk with God’s companionship into the new season, trusting Him to fulfill His plans for your life.
Loving Lord, we thank You! In Jesus’ name, I bless Your children. You are a great and miraculous God, doing more than we can ask or imagine. Today, we fall at Your feet, offering gratitude for the blessings, mercies, healing, strength, provision, and ministry You have given us throughout the year. We lift up our thanks and praise to You, preparing our hearts for the new year. Bless the prophetic meeting tomorrow. May the weather be favorable, and may Your presence guide us into this new season. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.