God’s unfailing Love   

My  dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 54:10, “Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, my unfailing love for you will not be shaken,  nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

From the above context, we learn that God promises to comfort you when you go through struggles. He says though the mountains are shaken, and the hills are removed, His love for you will not be shaken neither  His covenant of peace be removed from you. He wants to show His compassion to you as He showed to all those who came to Him 2000  years ago, healing them of their disease, delivering them from being demon-possessed or from their bondages of sin, and  granting them food and water.    He went about doing good to all those who were afflicted in one way or the other. Today God also wants to help you from your problems, through this message by comforting you by His word. Many of you might be  going through trials and pain and agony but Jesus is the one who can changes all your challenges into achievements. He will help you to come out of all your struggles when you call upon His name.

Once a huge giant, Goliath came and  stood challenging the army of Israel. The people of Israel were terrorized, the king himself was scared. The army men who were well trained in the war were filled with  fear and anxiety but. David a small lad, who came to the battleground to see his brothers in the army was surprised to see the giant challenge his people. So he went and stood before the giant boldly.   David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord   Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord  will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down. Just as he said, David killed the giant with a  pebble and brought   great victory to Israel.

My Dearly beloved who is standing before you as the giant   Goliath? When God who brought victory to David is on your side, then you need not fear the face of any man. God will surely bring victory to you and exalt you in the very place you had been put to shame. Are you caught up in great danger in your business due to -business- partners? Has someone hurt you by cruel words that you are unable to sleep peacefully.  Or is your family problem pressing you down  to such an extent that you are   worried and crying over it and wondering as to who will deliver you  to  come out of your problem? The hero of deliverance,  Jesus  Christ  is  ready to help you.  May be till yesterday it was your personal problem. But hereafter, the Lord will be responsible to handle your situation. God has been watching all the struggles that you have been facing. God looks at the agony of your life. The Lord wants to show compassion to you and solve your problem, and grant you His perfect peace. Make a covenant with God and He will be compassionate to you. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our  loving heavenly  Father, we   thank   You for   this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You because You are compassionate  and  desire to help us. Lord, we are helpless and dejected in life due to many problems   we face.    Come  and  rescue  us  from all our financial, family, business problems.  Enlighten our lives, make us live a life of peace and fulfillment.

In   Jesus   Name We Pray.


The Lord will bless your journey

Dearly beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of   Deuteronomy 28:6 , “ Blessed shall you be when you come in. And blessed shall you be when you go out.”

We have come to the last day of this month. Yet many of you are thinking that nothing good has happened in this month. You seemed to be worried because you expected that something new would happen in the beginning of this New Year 2023. God is bringing an end to all your problems. Good things are about to happen soon. Wait on the Lord. He will make it to happen. From the above verse God says, hereafter the Lord will be with you in your going out and when you come in. 

Today the Lord is coming down to break all the barriers that prevent you from returning. The Lord who blesses your going out will also bless your coming in. There is a secret blessing in this verse. If you go out then you will not be stagnant in any place. If you go out you will surely return back. If you come, you will go out safely. You won’t stand half way. Today many of you are hanging half way through. As per this verse the Lord will cause you to either go out or come in, but He will never allow you to hang half way through.  In case your house is half way built, your house will be completed.  In case you are building a prayer tower, and it is half way built, God will help you to complete building it. Whether you will get a job or not will be solved. And your securing the job will be ascertained. You need not have to worry. Your marriage which has been hindered will take place successfully.  God will bless all these things for you.  You shall be blessed in your going out and you shall be blessed in your coming in. One day a brother came to the meeting. God through me was prophesying that someone in your family who has gone out of your house and has lost his way and has not returned. It was the father of this brother who was missing. As he was too old, he did not know his way back to his home. It was because of loss of memory. This meeting was taking place in Bangalore. . The son was distressed over the loss of his father. So when he was listening to my words he understood that the word was for him. I had prophesised saying that he will be found and will come safely.

 After Listening to this message that brother who sat so worried got up from his seat and went away without telling anyone. Next day he came back to the third day meeting and testified before others what really happened to his father. His father got lost in Kangeepuram. But his son was working in Bangalore. He got information that a person is lying down before a catholic church in Bangalore. The priest who came to conduct the early morning service found someone lying by the gate way of the church. The priest inquired the old man about his whereabouts and the elderly person who had lost his memory suddenly began to speak. He asked the priest to tell him where he was currently. The priest told him that he was in Bangalore. Then the elderly man said, well my son is working in Bangalore. When he was further inquired about the details of his son, he correctly told him the phone number and the name of his office. Suddenly he got back his memory and began speaking. It was all so miraculous. So the priest called up his son and informed about his father. The young man rushed to the church and took back his father safely to his home. Similarly if any of you have gone half way and have lost your memory or lost the route to return back to your place the Lord will grant you the grace to remember your location and you who had went out will return back home safely.

That brother was amazed to realize the truth whether God would perform such miracles. Yes it will happen. So many of you who are in tears that many of your work remains incomplete, well God will complete it for you, at the earliest. Month end means completeness. Not half but complete. This day is a completion of many things in your life. All that remains half way through will get completed. So you don’t have to worry. The Bible says, Commit your ways unto the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass.

Prayer: Lord we thank You. Lord today we complete the first month of this year. According to this auspicious word, ‘’Blessed shall you be in your going out and blessed shall you be in your coming in. Those who went out and cannot return or those of you who have come in and are unable to go out,  for such people,  God will help you not to stand half way but will help you to complete your journey. Even all those things which are incomplete will get completed soon. And we thank You Lord for helping us to complete all unfinished commitments.  Lord we thank You for uprooting all the barriers that stand against their progress. Set right all those suffering from memory loss. Help them with good memory and may they be able to reach their destination.  I pray in the name of Jesus that all those barriers will be nullified, and their journey will be successful. Bless them in their going out and bless them in their coming in.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has   given  for you today is from the book of Genesis   50:20,  “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but  God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”

We see that the brothers of Joseph thought to do evil,   but God turned their evil plan in favour of Joseph.    May be you have lost many opportunities because you have taken decision on your own without consulting with God  the Father who created you and has given you life. Yet God has given you another opportunity. So you are expecting a good end. All of you reading this message are expecting a good end for all your problems or for all that you have planned to happen in your life.  You are quite afraid as to where your plans will lead you to. When you surrender your ways to the Lord and according to the ways of the Lord, then you will receive blessing from the Lord.

Dearly Beloved, Joseph had to suffer hardship in the house of Pottiphar during his younger days, in Egypt. The devil had devised an evil plan for his life,   by Pottiphar’s   wife. Satan’s plan was to test his chastity. Satan thought that if Joseph cooperated with Potiphar’s wife to do the evil thing, then he could enjoy all that was available in his master’s house. Satan induced such evil plan in the mind of Joseph, but God remembered Joseph in Egypt. God doesn’t rest when trouble comes in   the lives of His precious children. So when Joseph was troubled by Pottiphar’s wife, God rescued him from her evil plan and he was falsely accused by her and thrown into the prison. Even in the prison God showed him mercy through the Jailor. God allows good times and bad times in the lives of his children, but He puts everything into place to help you grow in the Lord. Even when God allows bad things to happen in your lives, He is able to turn the bad   situation for the good purpose   of your life. God came down in a marvellous manner and stood by his side, and caused him to depart from her presence. God had great plans for Joseph in Egypt. God says, “

I have prosperous plans for you.”Joseph submitted himself in the hands of God to be used for His GREAT purpose.  Though he suffered in the jail for some time suddenly God brought him out of the prison and made him the governor of Egypt because he was able to interpret the dream of the Pharaoh because Joseph provided means of living for the people of Egypt, and saved them from famine.   

Though his beginning was small and insignificant the latter part of his life was awesome. He was blessed abundantly. His life was an example that shows how bad things in life can result in unexpected good outcome. The key is how we handle events that take place in our life   and the choices we make in our lives. Joseph’s brothers did evil to Joseph   by   selling   him to Egyptian   merchants. But there God honoured him since he surrendered his life to the Lord. God will honour you also in the same way. May be you are trapped by someone like Pottiphar’s wife, and you are unable to come out from their hands. But make a good choice not to give room for the devil to   deceive you.  God   will deliver you as he delivered Joseph from her evil plan and save your life. God will intervene on your behalf and save you. He has better plans for you so he will never forsake you. But He will exalt you and make you successful before   the eyes of your enemies. Joseph’s brothers who threw him into the pit and later sold him to the merchants, saw Joseph as the Governor of Egypt and they all bowed down before him and received food grains from Joseph. Joseph became a blessing to his brothers and his father Jacob. May God help you to find favour from   God   and be a blessing to others. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank   You   for this blessed day. Lord thank You for Joseph, who in spite of good opportunity in Pottiphar’s house,   refused to commit evil and departed from doing sin. May we also flee from sin and glorify God physically. Help us to endure troubles patiently and never murmur at God for the sufferings we go through. Help us to realize that everything is a passing phase of life and help us to reach out to the prize of the High calling that is set before us.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


The Lord Works for Good

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour   Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of  Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”.

My dear children of God, all that was evil to you until yesterday, will be turned into good for you in the coming days.  God is the One who does good things for us. Two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ came down to earth and went about doing good to all the people on the earth. Today, the Lord will come down to do good for you.

Do you know when He will come to you? He will come when you love the Lord. How can we love the Lord? How can we show love to Him who is in Heaven? Showing your love to your friends, relatives, brothers, sisters, and colleagues is showing love to God. The Lord will sometimes come to us in the form of human beings.  There is a verse in the Bible that says, “I asked for food, but you did not give me. I had no clothing; you did not give me either. I was in jail, but you did not come to see me.” Many times, the Lord came to us in the form of a human being and went out with disappointment. From this day onwards, we shouldn’t disappoint the Lord. The Bible says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” and it is also said that “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

When you show love to all the people like showing love to the Lord, the Lord will watch that and do good to you. Today, there is good news for you who have experienced a lot of evil and torment. If you carry the Lord in your hearts and go out, Jesus who does good, perform many good things through you, to all the people, whom you come across, there is nothing for us to take away from this world. We did not bring anything when we came nor or we going to take back anything. Do good to everyone as long as you live. Then, the Lord will do good to us.

We do not expect evil from others instead we expect good, don’t we? When we expect good from others then we too must do good for others. We must do to others what we expect them to do for us. They too will expect the same from us. When you do this, the Lord who does good will perform a lot of good things in your house. God will break all the hindrances and you will receive double-fold blessings. So be cheerful always. Love the Lord for who He is. He is the sovereign God and knows all that you need to receive from Him.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we realize that everything happens for good to those who love the Lord.  We thank you for teaching us how to love you. Lord, bless my children, let all the things turn out for the good of my children when they love others and do good to them. I praise you for changing all the evil that they faced until yesterday to be tuned for good. Meet all their needs and keep them happy since they belong to You.

In Jesus Name we pray,


The Lord Will Fight for You.

Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Exodus 14:14,” The Lord Will Fight for You. And You shall Hold Your Peace.” From the above verse the Lord says, He will fight for you, and you will remain quiet and see what God will do for you who believe in His name. Some of you have fought a good fight all this while, but you have faced only failures. You have been defeated by your foes always. So the Lord is now looking at you and saying, “ I will fight for you. You simply hold your peace.” God is assuring you that He will fight your battle. So don’t worry. Rely on Him. You have fought with men folks, with people in authority at your work spot, but you have never won any battles. Having lost all your battles you are simply sitting not knowing what to do. You have fought many battles in your own personal life. You have become a complete failure. You are an utter failure in your education. You are a failure in your Ministry. Many of you reading this message have gone through only failure after failure. You are so depressed and heartbroken because of your current state of life. So, God is saying, “Hereafter you don’t fight, I will fight for you.” You cannot fight alone, all by yourself. Even if you fight, you will only face loss and defeat. Fight or quarrel will always cause enmity. If you remain silent then God will fight for you. All you need to do is to share your problem with Him, tell Him that you are going through certain problems in your life. When God fights for you, He will bring a good solution to your problem.
Dear Beloved, in order to spoil your name, many people could have made several false statements against you. You remain silent and tell the Lord about it. If you fight or quarrel, of your own accord with others, then you are sure to spoil your name and reputation. God is teaching you a good lesson through this message. Learn from Him how you need to handle the situation, in your personal and social life. In the past we see that the Lord Himself fought for the people of Israel, against the Egyptians. When God fights, He does not need sword, knife and other weapons. When the people of Israel were suffering in the midst of the sea, the Lord just gave a sharp look at the Egyptians army. With His very look the chariots and the army were totally distorted and the wheels of the chariots went rolling away into the deep waters. The horses couldn’t move forward. They cannot go forward, because the Look of God was very powerful and frightening. The wheels of the chariots went hither and thither. The army fled helter skelter and finally got drowned into the sea. On seeing all this happening, the Egyptian Army realised that the God of Israel was fighting for His chosen people. So they knew that they will not be able to fight against the Israelites. Therefore, we see that the Egyptian army fled from there for fear of the Israelites. Many were drowned in the sea. So in case you have enemies through different forms, in different locations where you are put up, then remember that the Lord will fight for you. Forgive all of them and allow God to fight for you. Then you shall enjoy peace with all, including the so-called enemies. From today onwards let the Lord fight for you. Never fight with anyone in your study centre, in your business centre, in your neighbourhood, in your place of work, in the place of your ministry or any other place. If you happen to get yourself involved in a petty quarrel then try to calm yourself, and move away from that place, that person. You don’t confront with them. God will fight for you. You hold your peace. Just commit your problem to the Lord. He will make it to pass.

Prayer: Lord we thank you. We believe that there is a God, who will fight and judge and bring justice for us. For which we take pride in our God and also thank Him for His goodness. In case your children have fought with someone and have lost in their battle, and have spoilt their name also, and have gained weakness in their body because of this reason, then I pray that You will forgive them of their wrong doings and enable them to enjoy again a peaceful atmosphere. Give them a family feeling of being knit together. Help them all to have a friendly relationship with all the people in the neighbourhood, however bad they might be. Hereafter help them to submit all their problems in the hands of the Lord and allow You to solve all their hard situations. May the Lord go before and fight for their good cause and do justice for them. Help them to regain all that they have lost in their life.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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