You are a beautiful creation!

My Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour. God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5).  He will never forsake you (Psalm 34:10).

In God’s hands, we are like clay. When we surrender ourselves completely to be moulded according to His will, there is no doubt that He will mould us into a perfect vessel.

Once a couple visited a certain shop in a city. This shop had a good collection of flowerpots, pottery, antique pieces, and multicolored beautiful teacups. The couple were fascinated by these teacups. They wondered how those teacups were designed and fashioned. Noticing their interest, the teacup immediately spoke up saying, “You have no idea about how I was made. The reason for my existence is my master. I haven’t always been this perfect. My master devoted a lot of time in breaking, baking and elegantly fashioning me. The result of his handiwork is the reason I am a beautiful teacup in front of you.

The teacup went on to further elaborate on the process of its creation. The master would first take the clay and pound it well before kneading it. He would keep crushing and kneading the clay over and over again. The teacup would cry, “Please leave me, it’s very painful.” But the master went on to place the pliable clay on the potter’s wheel and swirl it. The clay felt dizzy and queried, “Master is everything over?” But the master replied, “Not yet.” He now placed the teacup in an oven which was burning hot, the teacup cried out unable to bear the heat. After a while, the master removed the teacup and placed it in freezing conditions. Later he started painting the teacup with a brush. The teacup became nauseous at the pungent fumes of the paint and begged the master to stop painting. But the master replied, “You are not ready yet.” Then suddenly he put me back into the oven, not like the first one. This was twice as hot, and I knew I would suffocate. I begged. I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. But the master said, “Just a little more then you will be a finished product. Be patient.” Finally, everything was finished. The master then proudly displayed the teacup to everyone. When the teacup saw itself, it exclaimed, “Look how beautiful I am. Master, you have created me exquisitely!” The master said, “You were patient when I put you through various tests. Now you are a finished product. You are what I had in mind when I first began with you.”

Yes, my dear children of God, as we read in Jeremiah 18:1-6, when we completely surrender ourselves to His will, He will fashion us according to His plans into a beautiful vessel. We are ordinary clay, let us yield ourselves to the master’s plan He will mold us into a useful vessel.  Today believe you will be the perfect beauty of His creation! Let us surrender to Him in prayer.

Prayer: Lord, we thank you for this day. You have performed many good things in my life. Even now as clay in the potter’s hand I yield myself into thy hands. Exquisitely fashion me and mould me into a useful vessel. Help me to be patient to wait on you every day. Guide me in the path of progress so that I will be successful in my life.

In Jesus name.


Rejoice and be glad.

Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Saviour of the world. Today, you are anxiously waiting to read the Living word of God. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Joel 2:21, “Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things.”
Many families put together, forms a village. Many villages joined together, forms a city and many cities joined together forms a Nation. Today God is saying, “Nation, Do Not Fear, Rejoice and Be glad”. God will do great things for you, who dwell in the nation. God is not saying this to the nation but to the people living in the nation. No matter in which nation you live or in which city or town, or village or any hilly region you live, God wants you to rejoice and be glad and not to fear. Even today some of you are grumbling saying that you haven’t received freedom. You are in bonds. You say that you have no freedom of expression, no freedom of writing, no freedom in your work spot, in your business, in the school where you study or in the place where you do your ministry. You are hard pressed from all corners. Though they say you have got freedom you are unable to exercise this freedom in the house where you went to live as your in laws treated you badly. They did not give you the freedom to live happily. The house you went to live, was like a jail with no freedom at all.
While you are grumbling about not enjoying freedom, God is making every way for you to enjoy complete freedom. God is granting you, the grace, as a free gift to every family who are reading this message.
Isaiah 65:8 says, As when juice is still found in a cluster of grapes and people say, ‘Don’t destroy it, there is still a blessing in it,’ so will I do in behalf of my servants; I will not destroy them all.
God says, He will not allow the blessings of God to be destroyed. He says, “By the word which I speak, your life that is being destroyed, will again bloom.”So don’t be afraid, God is bringing a change in your life. In case the place where you are staying at present is causing fear and anxiety. Hereafter you will receive complete freedom. The house in which you are living, would have been a hard situation. But God is changing that uncomfortable situation into a comfortable zone. So don’t fear about anything, God is uprooting all the fear from your heart. Therefore son, rejoice and be glad, O you daughter, rejoice and be glad. Because God is going to do great things for you. He is going to bring about a change in your life. Since He has great plans for you He is going to implement those new plans in your life.
“For if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.’’ You will fly like a free bird, and enjoy much freedom from today onwards.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Let my children be delivered from all their captivity. If the Son makes them free they shall be free indeed. So help my children enjoy true Independence in their lives. May they fly about like birds freely in their lives. Help our nation to move forward, with all freedom and liberty. Remove all the spirit of bondages and slavery from my children by the name of Jesus Christ. Let my children be blessed in every area of their life. May the Lord perform miracles for my children, and bless them. Let the lord lift up my children in the same place where they had been living in bondage and slavery. Let them walk with true freedom. Let them prosper in all areas of their life and be in good health. Deliver them from debts, famine, witchcraft, sorcery, slavery, and , from all kinds of troubles .

In Jesus Name we pray.
Amen and Amen.

God Who Sees

Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 32:9.10, “For the Lord’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance.In a desert land he found him,  in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of His eye. “

From the above context we learn that the people of Israel were the portion of God. And Jacob was His inheritance. God sought for Jacob in a desert land. He protected him, cared for him and guarded him, as the apple of His eye. He was roaming about in the wilderness amidst howling people. Without anybody to care for him he was left alone in the rough desert places. In such a place God found him. In other way we can say, that he was weary and forlorn in his life and in his emptiness God found him. He had nothing for himself, His future was almost uncertain and in such a state of life God found him. Having found him, God himself, made him to realize his state of affairs. God instructed him, encircled him, and protected him as the apple of his eye. As you are reading this message you may be thinking that your life has been shattered like Jacob. And some of you are worried about your children wherever they have gone to settle, and you have no news about them. God is going to search them out for you because of the tears you have been shedding, regarding them. 

Just as God found Hagar in the wilderness, struggling with her son, Ishmael,  who was almost dying out of thirst. Having found her son God did not wish that he should die, of thirst but revived him with a spring of water to quench his thirst.  Hagar was left alone with no one to help her, save her or comfort her. Neither Abraham nor Sarah came in search of her. But God Himself came in search of her. He found her and her son, in the most pitiable condition, and restored them. Abraham’s wife Sarah became jealous and asked her husband to banish them to the desert. Sent away with only small rations of food and water, Hagar and Ishmael were miraculously saved from dying of thirst by an angel. Hagar’s response to the Angel of the Lord’s message: “She gave this name to the Lord, who spoke to her: ‘You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have now seen the One who sees me.’’ Hagar, out of gratitude, gives God a name:  “ El Roi,” the God Who Sees.

Jehovah is a God who sees us in our affliction. He is a God who will find us out.  Wherever we may hide ourselves, God will find us out. God will trace out your son or daughter who has absconded themselves and you are weeping over them. God will look out for them and bring them back to you. You don’t have to worry, just cast your burden upon the Lord. God will not only find out your lost children but also your lost jewels. Your lost property, your lost wealth and your lost document, your locker key too will be recovered. God will let them float before you just as the axe floated when Prophet Elisha chopped a twig and threw it into the river Jordan. Immediately the iron axe began to float, and the man took his lost axe gladly. God knows all about you and all that you have lost in life. He will thoroughly search and find them out for you. May be you are worried as to what is happening behind your back. God will help you find the hidden mystery in your life. Hallelujah! God will send His word to fulfil the purpose for which it was sent and having accomplished its task the word will return back to the Lord. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for   this   blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for finding Jacob in the wilderness.  You found him, protected him and   met all his needs. We also thank You for searching all our lost goods and returning them to us. We pray that You will help us find out the hidden mystery in our life.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


God Strengthens the weary

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today is taken from the book of Isaiah 40: 29, “God gives strength to the weary, and increases the power of the weak.”

God gives strength to the weary and power to the weak. Strength is very essential for one who is weary. And to those who are powerless more power is required.  What does this mean?  God says, through this verse, that He will give you what you are in need of. Tell the Lord what you are in need of. God knows our urgency and acts accordingly. Another verse says, “I know what your need is.” So, God knows what we need more than us. We may have certain needs as far as our eyes could see. That is what we will ask God to provide for us. But there are many things that we may not see with our eyes. But God knows all those needs that cannot be easily seen by us. We know about things that happen before us, but there are many other things that are unseen and unknown to us. They are the works of satan.  He knows all about us from the beginning to the end.

Therefore, through the above verse, the Lord is saying that He gives strength to the weary and power to those who are very weak both physically, mentally and even spiritually. In the Bible, we can see that God blessed king Solomon with what he needed. But at the same time, He gave him what he did not ask for namely riches and wealth. Solomon asked for wisdom to lead the people of Israel. The Lord was pleased with his prayer but since he asked for wisdom to lead the people of Israel wisely with good understanding, God gave him not only wisdom but also great riches and wealth, which he did not ask for. God gave him more than what he expected because God knew very well, what he was in need of. Today God will give us what we need without any doubt.  

My dear children of God, what is your need today?  Do you need strength? Do you need a job?  Or do you need a good life partner? Do you need a child? Do you need a house of your own? Or do you expect a favourable judgement from your court case? Or do you expect to advance your business? Do you need deliverance from your bondages? Are you praying for the salvation of someone? God will do it for you without any hesitation. God who knows your need will perform miracles in your life. He will fulfil your desire.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Lord, you give strength to those who have lost their strength. And you increase the power to those who are weak and powerless. In whatever area they lack, you grant it to them and make them glad. There is nothing hidden from your sight, Bless my children with what they need, more than what they have prayed for, asked for or think about. Give them more than their expectation and honour them and help us to hear many testimonies from them.

In Jesus Name We Pray


God’s Gentleness Is Great

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Psalms 18:35, “You have also given me the shield of Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great. “

The Psalmist says, that God’s gentleness has made him great. Gentleness means kindness or tenderness. He is known for his kindness. He has a tender heart and he is a merciful God. That Is why the psalmist says, that the tenderness of God has made him great. He says, God’s mercy, God’s kindness, has made him great. So, these qualities of God can make you great.

You may be worried that you could not move forward in life. You may be saying that, “I am going backward. I am unable to go forward in my life. I’m growing weaker and weaker day by day. If I go on in this manner. what will happen to me? I will only end up in a deep pit. My life will be ruined.” Today, God’s kindness is falling upon you. Just as the tenderness of God fell upon David who was tending his father’s sheep and by the mercy of God, he became the king of Israel, God’s kindness will touch you .

We can also see Joseph, in the Bible who was put in jail because of a false accusation. But since he interpreted the meaning of the dream of Pharaoh, he became the governor of Egypt. Thus, we see how the gentleness of God lifted him to a higher level. He was suffering punishment in jail for no reason. In fact, he was very honest and faithful to God, but he was thrown into jail by Potiphar as one among the hundred prisoners. But a day came when all of a sudden Joseph was brought before the Pharaoh. Pharaoh had already heard about Joseph, that he was a Hebrew, and he had predicted the dreams of the butler and butcher and their dream came to pass as interpreted by Joseph while they were in the jail.

Joseph was exalted by God as the Governor of Egypt next to the Pharaoh. Joseph when tempted did not yield to sin instead he ran away from committing sin. So, God honoured him in that strange land. He saved the land during the period of acute famine. So, he was highly esteemed by Pharaoh. God exalted him. The reason was because of God’s gentleness. Today the tender eyes of God are falling upon each and every one of You who are reading this message. When God’s eyes fall on you then you all shall be exalted. God will surely make you great. God will make you great in your business, in your ministry, in your education, and in your work spot. Day by day, you shall grow greater and greater and become prosperous.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you. Many of your children are going backward in their life. Those who are going downward and have become weaker and weaker, and for those who are running in famine and poverty, Lord I pray that your tender eyes may fall on such people. As a result, may your children achieve a greater position in their life. In Jesus Name We Pray.


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