My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of John 16:24, “Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, From the above context we realize that we need to ask God and receive our blessings. When we ask God, He gives us our heart’s desire. On that day the Lord opened a way to Canaan and led the people of Israel safely. They went to the land flowing with milk and honey. They were afflicted and oppressed by the Egyptians for 430 years under the cruel taskmasters. They were asked to make bricks without hay. The Israelites were treated cruelly in Egypt. They were engaged in the construction of huge buildings in Ancient Egypt from stone or mud. They were employed to carry heavy and large stones from one corner to the other.
Pharaoh limited the personal freedom of the Israelites and charged heavy taxes. They were whipped and tortured. They were beaten and smitten by the cruel masters. So the people of Israel cried out to the Lord God of the Fathers. The Lord heard their voice and looked on their affliction, hard labor and oppression. The Lord heard their cry and sent Moses the deliverer to the land of Egypt and delivered the people by performing many signs and wonders. With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm he led the people out of Egypt to the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Maybe you need to go abroad and hence you want citizenship over there. To give you citizenship in a strange land is a trivial thing for the Lord our God. If God wants to place you in a land which you desire, He will surely grant you citizenship for you to settle there. Many of you are in need of Visa, Green card, P.R and other materials for your settlement abroad. God is making every arrangement for you to obtain those documents. Some of you, who are working abroad and are thinking that your project is about to an end, and you need to get your Visa within the stipulated time, if not your stay abroad will get canceled and you might have to return to India. Do not be worried. God is preparing the premium green card for you overnight. Ask the Lord saying, “ You have promised to give me and my descendants the land on which we set our feet upon. Ask God to give you the land you desire to settle down. And He will give you what you desire. God will give you generously the land you want to possess. God promised that He would give the land of Canaan, to Abraham and His descendants. And He fulfilled His promise. He told Caleb, that He would give the land on which he sets his foot upon. So Caleb asked God to give him the mountainous land “Hebron.” So God gave him the land which he asked for and fulfilled his promise.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, God will give you what you ask for. God says,” I will make you glad according to the days wherein you have been afflicted”. Ask God to perform a miracle for you. He will bring an end to your poor state of life. He will beautify the meek. The Bible says, Delight yourself in the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall give you the desires of your heart. He will deliver you from your tight corner situation and liberate you from all your hurdles. He will bring peace and harmony in your life.
Dear Lord, we pray that you will grant us our heart’s desire. Please fulfill Your promise in our lives. Teach us to depend upon You for all our needs. Lord, help my children to get their appointed blessings in their lives. Liberate them from their problems.
In Jesus name, we pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today is taken from the book of Psalms 18:28 “For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.”
The Lord assures you, that He will light your lamp and will also enlighten your darkness. The first part of the verse says, that the Lord will light your lamp. Secondly, He says, that the Lord will enlighten your darkness. What an amazing statement of God this is. We sometimes have heard people say, will someone light the lamp of my son in his life. He is unable to do well in his life. To light the lamp means that in that particular area or in that particular person there is darkness and hence that area has to be lit with a light, only then there will be brightness in that area of the place or in that particular area of his life. Where there is light no one will say that light should be lit there in that place. The verse says, Lord, you will light my lamp. This means that the light was originally put out, so the light had to be lit.
In this verse, we can see that the Psalmist does not call any man to light the lamp but he calls on the name of the Lord to light the lamp that had been put out. So, God is going to light up the lamp that has been put off, due to various reasons. Once God lights up the lamp no one can put off the light. God is going to light up a lamp that cannot be put off forever. If God opens the door no one can close it. The pit of hell or the power of witchcraft cannot overcome you for any reason. No evil power can put off your light that has been lit by the Lord. Some of you regret that your child’s family life had been disrupted because of various reasons. God will reset your children’s life, by lighting the lamp of their family life. In case your business does not go well and the business light has been put off, God will reset your business and light the lamp of your business. And you shall do well in your business. Once God lights up the lamp of your business then it will shine before all others, and your name will be exalted, and your business will become famous in the midst of the people.
Similarly, your ministry will be like the city that is situated on the mountain, just like the lamp that is lit and put up on lamp stand, and not kept covered under a basket. It may be your education, or your marriage life may be in a lifeless situation. But God says, that He will light up your life as he lights up faded wick of a lamp. An untrimmed wick is dim and sometimes smoky. But the Lord will settle your life and help you to live amicably. In case your light is fading away the Lord will cause it to burn brightly. Even though it goes off, the Lord will enlighten your light and let it burn in brightly. So, tell the Lord that your light of education has faded and so ask God to enlighten your education God will hear your request and answer you. He will make you excel. Once the light is lit then brightness will be seen. All darkness will disappear. A new and bright future is awaiting you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord grant light to all your children whose light in their life, had been put off, or has faded due to various reason. Give them a bright future, a bright ministry. a bright business, a bright job and a bright spiritual life. In case someone is lying in depression because of a certain reason, uproot the darkness from them. I pray that all depression will disappear and they will become normal in health. Give peace to their mind. Let the God of light change the mindset and infuse in them with good knowledge and understanding. Take away their faithlessness. And help them to shine brightly.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalm 115:14 says, “May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children.”
God is concerned about your family and your children. Actually the Lord, who came to the earth to seek and to save that which was lost, is concerned about the loss in your family. You might have lost your loved one during the Corona period, The Lord knows how to comfort you in your grief and sorrow. We read in the Bible about Isaac. He lost his mother and was filled with grief and sorrow. He was filled with loneliness. He recollected about the past happenings that took place while his mother was alive. But her memory often troubled his thoughts. So in order to comfort him his father sent his servant Eliezer to look out for a bride for his son. Therefore he sought a girl for Isaac. She was Rebecca. Isaac was happy when Rebecca entered his life. She occupied the place of his dead mother.
Saul was a person who was against God, He is a person who tortured and persecuted the children of God. But God was mindful of him too. One day the Lord met Him, on the way to Damascus. The Lord met him and changed him as Paul. Are there any members like Saul in your family? God is mindful of turning them into people like Apostle Paul who wrote several Epistles in the New Testament. Many parents are crying over such disobedient children. You are frightened as to what might befall your children. Nothing will happen to your children. God will catch them by their own craftiness, and bring them to His fold. Jesus is also known as the good shepherd. Though there were ninety nine sheep in his farm He went in search of the lost sheep. God will bring them into your family. In case they have gone astray. All these days your son’s leg was not stable in your house. You are crying because your younger daughter did not remain firm in your house. The feet of your husband have not remained firm in your house. These have failed to be good in their life. Therefore you are so worried about them and their future. You meet all their needs so they take advantage of you and cause suffering to you. Today your prayer of tears have been accepted by the Lord. Those who are like nomads in the wilderness, will change their character and God will settle them in their homes. What will happen when God thinks about them? The Lord will bless them. First he is mindful of them. Secondly He blesses them. Today , whatever blessings you may be lacking, God is sending all those blessings directly to you. Today every one of you, are going to receive some kind of blessing in your family. There’s going to be blessing for each one of you in your family. God will wipe away your tears permanently.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for sending comfort to us, when we are grief stricken. By Blessing us with new life replacing the dead ones. Teach us to avoid sinful activities. Help us to confide ourselves in the Lord Jesus Christ to receive blessings. Help us never to be a hindrance to obtain our own blessings. Guard us and keep us as the apple of your eye. May we have the willingness to confess our sins to the Lord Jesus Christ and be cleansed of our unrighteousness.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Isaiah 61:7, “Instead of your shame you shall have double honour.”
Through the above verse the Lord is saying that instead of shame God will give you double honour. You may be wondering if God is telling this to you. Yes, God is speaking this to you. Instead of your shame, you shall have double honour. Why is God going to give you double honour? Because you have already suffered much in life. So, in order to compensate for all that you had suffered in the past, God wants to give you a double portion of the blessing.
Isaac got married when he was forty years old. For about twenty years he did not have any children. That means he was waiting for nearly twenty years. Just imagine how much shame he must have experienced during these twenty years. He was quite wealthy and rich. He was flourishing nicely but he did not have a child. But this special blessing was missing in his life. My Dear Children of God, a day came. when Isaac prayed for his wife who was barren. Because he cried unto the Lord God blessed him with a double portion of blessing.
It is written in the Bible that Isaac prayed for his wife, who carried the name of barrenness. He called unto the Lord and pleaded for the gift of a child. God heard his prayer and blessed him with a double portion of blessing. As per the verse which says, “Instead of shame, you shall have double honour.” God blessed him with twin babies. It was compensation for the sufferings, and shame that they had gone through in life for nearly twenty long years. Today as you read this message and if you are going through such a crisis in your life then God will give you a compensation of double portion of the blessing.
According to this verse, God will bless you with a double portion of blessing instead of your shame. Maybe some of you are longing for a child. And you are grieved in your heart, because you are barren. God will soon change this situation. Some might have been deserted by your husband and therefore you are going through shame and humiliation. Or maybe some of you have suddenly lost your job. People would put you to shame because you are jobless. God is not slack concerning His promise. What He says by His mouth He will perform with his hand. Such a God will never forsake you. He will surely look upon your affliction and give you a double portion of blessing.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, you said that instead of shame you will give your children double honour, and lift their name. As per this verse bless your children. Let them enjoy a double portion of the blessing. In whichever place your children have been put to shame, in those areas of life help them to be honoured. Change this situation, God. Help them to lend to others rather than borrow from others. Give them compensation of blessings and honour them. We thank You for changing their situation and also helping them to regain honour.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us read the word from the book of Judges 15: 7-8, “Since you would do a thing like this, I will surely take revenge on you and after that I will cease. And he smote them hip and thigh with a great slaughter: and he went down and dwelt on the top of the rock Etam”.
The bible records the story of Samson. The Philistines wanted to take hold of Samson and kill him because of the atrocities he did in the land of Ashkelon. He set fire to the grain fields and destroyed the crops because his father-in law had cheated him. The father-in-law had given Samson’s wife in marriage to his companion and so he grew furious and burned the crops. As a revenge, the men grew angry and burned his father-in-law and his own wife.
Three thousand men of Judah went up to Samson and arrested him saying that they would not give him into the hands of the Philistines and would not kill him. They bound him with two new ropes and brought him down from the rock. But when he came to Lehi, the Philistines came shouting against him. It was at that time when the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon Samson and the ropes that were on his arms became like flax, and his bonds broke loose from his hands. Judges 15:15 says, “And he found a new jawbone of a donkey, and put forth his hand, and took it, and slew a thousand men there with. He threw the jawbone from his hand and called that place Ramath Lehi”.
After all this he became very thirsty; so he cried out to the LORD and said, “You have given this great deliverance by the hand of Your servant; and now shall I die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?” Samson fell on the ground where there was not a brook or well or spring from where he could drink water and quench his thirst. He was at the verge of death because of severe thirst. He called upon God.
He told God, “It is true that You have been with me so long and strengthened me to fight against the Philistines, but now that I am thirsty; will you let me die in the hands of the uncircumcised?” God heard the cry of Samson and God split the hollow place that was in Lehi, and water came out. He drank and his spirit returned and he was revived. He called that place En-Hakkore meaning, ‘If God had not heard his cry and provided him with water he would have died of thirst. Gods plan in his life would not have been fulfilled’. Water also refers to the Holy Spirit. Believers cannot survive without the Holy Spirit. God hears the cry of his children. Psalm, 34:17 says, ‘The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles’.
The bible tells us of many people who cried out for help. Moses, Hannah, Hezekiah, Ishmael, Jeremiah and many more cried out to the Lord for help and the Lord answered all their prayers.
My dear children of God, are you thinking that there is no one to hear your cry for help? Stop crying. God has heard all your cries. When God was able to hear the cry of His prophets, will He not hear your cry? Cry out all your problems to God. He will answer you. Every drop of tear is being collected in the vessel at the feet of the Lord. You will surely receive answers to every tear that you have shed at the feet of Jesus. Be strong and do not give up.
Our Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. I submit my children into your hands. Lord, may You solve all the problems of my children. You are a God who listens to their cry and answers them. Let them know that You are all powerful and You can meet all their needs. Father, may they experience Your love in their lives.
In Jesus Name we pray,