Isaiah 60:19, “The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory”.
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Isaiah 60:19, “The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory”.
In this verse, we see that the Lord has given us a guiding light. It means that the Lord will be your everlasting light. If you want to see the brightness in your life, in your future, in your job, business or anything else, it is only the Lord who can give that. The Lord is your everlasting light, and your God is the One who does glorious things. In the beginning God said, “Let there be light”. The Lord spoke these words when there was only darkness. It was the Lord’s desire and will, that darkness should not be found anywhere. When the Lord said, “Let there be light”, great light spread across this earth. Even now, the Lord is introducing the words’ Let there be light” to you. There will be a great light in your life, in your ministry and other matters.
The Bible says, “The people in the darkness saw a great light”. It was said at the time of the birth of Lord Jesus. It refers us to the Lord who brings us out of darkness to His Marvellous light. A great light is shining upon you today. Darkness will cover the earth and great darkness will cover the people, but in spite of that, the Lord will shine upon you. His glory will dwell with you and will perform glorious things. When the Lord’s light falls upon you, you will not do ordinary things but glorious things. The Lord has decided to perform great things through you since you lamented that you could not do even a little thing by your own strength. He has decided to entrust you with great responsibilities, with great works, ministry and business. The reason is that the Lord’s light is shining on you.
The Lord will be your everlasting light. Some say that they will see a breakthrough only if they remain in the sight of the Lord. The Lord is putting His light on those children who are saying so. The Lord will be your everlasting light. Therefore, you who were crying in the dark will see the light. The Lord’s light is shining on those who are depressed and dejected. Come into the light of the Lord. This light will give you a bright future. Your God will be your glory. In some families you may say that you have faced famine, destruction, losses and failures continuously, but good and joyous events will happen in your homes in the coming days. The King of glory will do glorious things in your lives.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Thank you, Lord, for the blessings which says that the Lord will be our everlasting light and glory. Let your children see the light. May they come out of every darkness and dark situation and see the light of the Lord. In the beginning you declared, “Let there be light’, even today tell your children, that there will be light in their life’ . Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings you are going to give your children. Let your glory shine upon their lives.
In Jesus Name we pray,
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who created us and formed us and one who never ever forgets us. Firstly on behalf of my family, and on behalf of God’s Love Ministries, I wish you all a very Happy New-year 2023. May God help you to begin this New –year with a renewed life, clean and blameless life, casting aside all unwanted and evil ways of your past life. You are all anxiously waiting to hear the Heavenly Manna, for the year 2023; well the promise for you is taken from the book.”Isaiah 58:8, “Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”
Firstly God says, then your light shall break forth like the morning.
Secondly, He says, Your healing shall spring forth like the bright morning light. Thirdly God says, your righteousness shall go forth before you, like the bright morning light, Fourthly God says, like the bright morning light, the glory of the Lord, shall be your rear guard. God has given you four different kinds of blessings for this New- year. To receive these blessings God has laid a condition for you. He will surely grant you all the blessing He has promised but you have to accept them with certain conditions.
We need to do certain things. Share your bread with the hungry. Bring to your home those who are poor and cast aside, and cover those without proper clothing. And do not hide yourself from doing good to those who are badly in need of help. This is the greatest form of thanking God for all his goodness towards you. If you follow all these instructions in the New Year, your light will break forth like the bright morning. God will grant you all the four blessings mentioned in this auspicious word of God.
Firstly God says, “That your light shall break forth like the bright morning, My dear children of God, What does the bright morning represent? It represents the New-year. God desires to lift you up from the fallen state of your life. During the past years you had been pushed to the back. You were kept in the dark. But hereafter you shall be like a city situated on top of the mountain. You shall be seen by all the people of the world. You shall not be hidden anymore.. Isaiah 60:1 says, “Rise and shine for your light is come. ’’ The glory of God is risen upon you.” This new year, there’s going to be an end to all your tears and sorrowful life.
Secondly, your healing shall spring forth like bright morning light. Some of you are young widows struggling in your life and are crying saying that there is no one to care for you, God who gave another life for Ruth to build her family will rebuild your marriage life too. God will bring a Boaz in your life. It is not God’s will that you remain alone all the days of your life. “The virgin of Israel, you shall be rebuilt again.’’ says the Lord. My dear children, the life of your children will spring forth soon. Your business will spring forth. Your job or your ministry will all spring forth soon.
Thirdly the Lord says, your justice shall go before you. This means that in which ever area you had not received justice, God will show justice to you in this New –year. God will give or provide priority to justice, that is to be shown to you. Wherever injustice had been inflicted upon you there the Lord will show justice to you. You are saying that a particular case is prolonging for generation together and you want that case to be dealt soon and justice be granted to you or the verdict of the case must be favourable to you. “How long will I struggle for justice, is your question.” God has seen your struggle and he will bring the case to an end with a favourable verdict from the court this year. You have been a government servant but for various reason you had to face the court case. You think this case should come to an end, so that you can rejoin your service and gain some benefit before your retirement. God will make it to pass. Your hope will not be lost; there is surely an end to all your struggles.
Fourthly God says, the glory of God will follow you from behind and shall be your rearguard. You shall have a protected life. God wants to protect you and your children from the plague and all other diseases that causes death thus inflicts pain and horror in your life. I pray that those who have seen the beginning of this new year should be able to see the end of it also. God assures that He will be a rear guard to you and your children by sending the glory of God behind you as a source of protection. Rearguard means that He will be a backup behind your family. Ever guarding you and your family from behind. Hence be assured of God’s blessings in your life. Once again , wish you a very happy & prosperous New Year.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we have entered the New-year with much hope and enthusiasm, I pray that that my children would have an attitude to help the poor and needy people. Let them take a resolution that they would be of help to others. Help them to give up all unwanted and evil habits and ways of life. Help them to live a new life and then, Your light shall break forth, like the morning, light in their lives. You said that they will rise and shine. Help them to shine in their life. Reunite all broken families together. Remember all the young widows. And give them a new life as you gave Ruth another opportunity to lead a family life. Let all those who have no children be blessed with children. Open their wombs that they may conceive and beget children and produce generation. Help them to grow their children as good children and be a blessing to others. Give them job opportunities. Let their business spring forth speedily. May their ministry be blessed abundantly. Protect them from all harm and danger and from accidents. Keep them safe from natural disaster. Heal all the disease however dangerous it may be. Many are waiting with many expectation, Lord please fulfil all their desires. In Jesus Name we pray.
Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and Ever Unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Joel 2:24—26 “The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten, the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm,, my great army that I sent among you. You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed.”
God is going to lead you, in a miraculous way. Halleluiah! You will have plenty to eat, until you are full and you will praise the name of the Lord, who has done wonders for you. Not the eyes of the strangers but your own eye shall see this. Many would have made fun of you, and laughed at you, since you went through great loss and misery. They would say, “Look you started business but, you went for a toss.”You have come on to the street. “Many would have laughed at you seeing your downfall. But this year the Lord will exalt you and make your name great with fame and praise. For God says, My people will never be put to shame. He will never put you to shame.
This reminds me of a sister who came to our prayer meeting, which is conducted every month in BKN Auditorium Vepery. She has been watching our programmes telecasted in Sathiyam channel and she has been blessed in her business and in her personal life. In one such meeting she gave her testimony. She is not a Believer but a very wealthy lady. She said, by hearing our messages daily she had faith in the Lord . She does business and has wealth, worth crores of rupees. But unfortunately one of her client came to collect his money that she had borrowed to run her business. On that particular day she did not have the required money of 15 lakhs, to return the person from whom she had borrowed. So he disgraced her, spoke ill of her and behaved in a rude manner. He went away hurting her for not returning the money on time. She was badly hurt. She couldn’t bear to think that she was unable to pay the man 15 lakhs, even though she had crores of money. She was humiliated. She felt ashamed. But as usual she began watching the programme, which comforted her the most. The Lord spoke to her through my message, I said, as prophesy, “Tomorrow you shall receive the needed amount to repay the man, who disgraced you.” She was shocked to hear this from my message. Her curiosity was to know how I got to know her problem. But it is the Lord’s way of dealing with people. She thought she would wait to see what miracle would happen the next day. And to her surprise another client who had borrowed 18 lakhs some years ago and had absconded, came back to return the amount he had borrowed from her. He said, he was sorry for cheating her and handed over the amount of Rs, 18 lakhs. She was bewildered and shocked, to see this big amount in her hand, the very next day, as she had heard through my message. She believed in Jesus, that He was a wonder working God. She returned to the man 15 lakhs from whom she had borrowed earlier. This testimony encouraged other business people who had gathered there for the meeting. God who performed miracle for this sister, will He not meet your needs? Trust in Jesus. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. … Remember the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. You will prosper. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, it is amazing to know how You performed a miracle for that sister. It is unimaginable to understand how the man brought back the 18 lakhs of rupees and returned to her. We see the working of God in her life. Lord work in our lives also. Increase our faith in You, that we may grow strong in the Lord. Be gracious to us.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Psalms, 116:12,13 “ What shall I render to the Lord, For all His benefits toward me?I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.’’
We are coming almost to the end of this year. According to the above verse David cries out to God, saying “Lord how shall I thank you for all that you have done for me in my life? I shall take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord. ” If you see the life of David, we can find that the Lord had done great many things in his life. So he wants to show his gratitude towards his God. Therefore he says, “ I will take the cup of salvation and call upon your name.”The Lord has done many benefits for him. God had saved him from the mouth of the death several times. He was almost at the verge of death many times but at the last moment the Lord stretched out his arms and rescued him from his death. That is why in one of his Psalms, He says,“The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.”God not only honoured him but also caused him to be victorious before his enemies. Though King Saul tried to kill him many times God saved his life from his cruel hands. God saved his life from the mouth of wild animals that attacked him while he was tending his father’s sheep. God lifted him up from the low state of shepherding the flock of sheep, and raised him to the level of a king in Israel.
David had tasted the love of God inch by inch. That is why he says, What can I do for all that God has done for me in my life? The Lord has done much help for me whenever I needed His help. How can I compensate for all the blessings that He had done for me. He therefore says, “ I will take the cup of salvation and call upon His holy name and worship Him. ”He thought that if ever he should give something for the Lord then the cup of salvation will be the best gift offering to the Lord. That is what the Lord will expect and be pleased with David too. Cup of salvation indicates the transformation of man into a new creation. God would like the renewed form of man having acknowledged as the Lord and Master of his life. When one receives salvation of God and forgiveness of his sins then there is great rejoicing in heaven about the newly changed person. I will fall at his feet as a man free from all curse and sin and worship Him. If you think that God will be pleased with you in something great then that would be the thanksgiving that you would offer as the highest form of tribute.
As you have come to the end of the year, Instead of entering the New Year with all your old sinful nature, be renewed in the Lord, and enter the New Year as a new creation, a new person fully changed into the newness of God. Worship the Lord with a purified heart. Be sanctified and worship him in truth and in spirit for this will be the kind of worship that could be offered as a form of thanksgiving for all the benefits that you have obtained from the Lord.
Surrender your life to the Lord completely. Ask God to give back the last redemption in Christ in case you have lost your redemption. David also sinned against God. He committed adultery with Bathsheba, He fell in the sin of lust. But after he came to know that he had sinned against God he repented of his sin and asked God to hide His face from his sin, and to blot out all his iniquities. He tells the Lord, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation. ”He was very careful not to lose his salvation. And he cries to the Lord, “ Do not take away the Holy Spirit from me.” But uphold me by Your generous spirit.”He asks God to deliver him from the guilt of bloodshed and praises God with his tongue.” He says, “ My mouth shall show forth Your praise.” This was the kind of experience that David enjoyed in his life and this was a wise thing that he did. We too should adapt ourselves the attitude of David and enter the New Year with renewed spirit. Not a spirit of weariness but spirit of enthusiasm. You also should repent of all your sins and tell God that you have gone far from Him and now you like to draw closer to God. Ask God to give you back the lost salvation. As salvation is very important in your life. He will willingly accept you and bless you as He had blessed David, and the New Year will really be a blessing to you.
Prayer: Lord we thank You. I bless all the children in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Lord for keeping the hand of grace upon them. As per this verse, may your children cry out to God saying, “Lord what shall I give back in return for all the good You have done for me in my life.” Give us a good heart that we may take the cup of salvation and come before your presence with a renewed heart and worship You. Let them worship You in the beauty of Your holiness. Bless all those children who have fallen at Your feet, with more than their expectation than what they think or ask, or pray for. Bless them Lord in the coming year with every good gift and honour them with a successful life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today is taken from the book of Joshua 3:5, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
From the above verse we understand that if God must do wonders in your life then you need to be sanctified by God. You need to be washed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Bible, we can see that the people of Israel too were ready to enter into the land of Canaan. Canaan is right in front of them but they could not inherit the land as they had to cross, the river Jordan which was right in front of them. So only if they cross the river, they can inherit the Promised Land. Now there are only few more days left for you to enter into the land of Canaan, that is the new year 2023’. New Canaan, new life, the New Year 2023 that has been blessed according to His promise is just before you to inherit. The Promised land is very near to you. All you got to do is to inherit it.
But before you inherit the land, in the New Year, you need to get prepared. There may be many challenges in your life during the current year 2022, and you have your own fear as to how the New Year is going to be. The people of Israel too had such fear. They too had many challenges and they had to overcome all those challenges. Before they enter into the land of Canaan. They too had fear as to how the new land which they were going to possess would be. God through Joshua gave them a good guidance, Joshua gathered the people and instructed them, and they asked for forgiveness of their sins and sanctified themselves, with much fear and trembling before God Almighty.
Immediately the next day, the high priests carried the ark of God and stepped into the waters of River Jordan. Only then the waters of river Jordan separated and gave way for them to walk through the waters of river Jordan. The waters went behind. What did the high priest carry along with them? They carried the ark of God. The ark of God represents the presence of God Himself. They carried His word, the Ten Commandments, in the ark. The word that the Lord had given them was carried by the high priests. So, they carried the Lord, which was the word of God and stepped into the water. Jordan was separated into two. The day before the people of Israel sanctified themselves, as a result the next day when the high priests stepped into the water the Lord who breaks all the barriers went before them and separated the water. The Holy God descended upon them and stayed with them and they carried the ark which represented God and since they stepped into the waters the water immediately separated.
Today through this message, God is counselling you. What must you do before entering the New Year is that you need to sanctify yourself. You need to become holy and perfect in your life as much as you can. Just as the high priests carried the ark of God on their shoulders, we also need to carry the Lord Jesus Christ through the reading of God’s word and through prayer and praising God and thanking Him for what He has been to us, during the past year 2022. Then God will be pleased with us, and He will perform a miracle for us. God will open a way for us to enter into the New Year.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for encouraging us through this verse. Lord, give your children an opportunity, to sanctify themselves. Forgive them of all their sins and wrong behaviours. Lord, you forgive them. If you remain in them they will not commit sin. They will live a clean and blameless life. Let your children carry You within their hearts and enter into the new year. Help them to enjoy their life in the land, flowing with milk and honey. In Jesus Name We Pray.