My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   The auspicious word of God that comes to you for today, is taken from the book of Jeremiah 30:18, “Behold I will bring back the captivity of Jacob’s tents, And have mercy on his dwelling places.”

My Dear children of God, before you enter the New Year, God wants to bring an end to all your captivity and bondage. God doesn’t want you to live again in the New Year with the same bondages and struggles. He wants to liberate you from all your bad circumstances. God wants you to enjoy yourself as a free bird in the New Year. That is why we read in the above verse that, “God would bring back the captivity of Jacob’s tent, And have mercy on his dwelling places”.

What are the bondages you are caught up today? Are you caught up in a sin, or maybe you are caught up in a bad habit, like smoking, tobacco, and other things and you are unable to come out of that habit? God wants to liberate, you from all your sinful habits and help you enter into the new year as a clean person.

You need to give your heart to Him and ask God to help you come out of all these bad habits. Say, “Lord deliver me from all these bondages. Release my mind from all these wrongdoings and thinking. My Mind is tied up O Lord, You please release my mind. I am not able to think well or correctly about any issues, that rise up in my day-to-day activities. Even without my knowledge I commit sin. Lord bring me out of these bondages.” If you ask God in this way, God will surely help you and deliver you.  God will come straightaway and redeem you from all your sinful nature, and all your captivities and He will have mercy on your dwelling places.  Which means your family life, your business, and ministry, whatever you may be doing, God will help you to succeed. God says He will be merciful to you in all that you undertake. How many of you are ready to accept the mercy of God as you enter into this New Year.

My Dear children of God, How many of you are ready to give up all the old and evil practices of your life. God wants you to be a new creation to enter into the new-year. For the Bible says, “Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth.” God will renew and cleanse you by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  God be with you, keep you and bless you in all walks of your life.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, we thank you for talking to us through this verse. Dear Lord, let the thoughts of my children be renewed. Let their thinking be changed. Let all their actions be acceptable in your sight. Give them the thought of Christ, may they consider things above and not below on the things of this world. As a result, make their future bright and cause it to shine in all its glory.

In Jesus Name I pray.



My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   The auspicious word of God that comes to you today is taken from the book of Isaiah 9:2, “The People who walked in darkness, have seen a great light”.

From this verse, we come to understand that people were walking in the darkness, and they saw a great light “Jesus”. All darkness was dispelled.  And the Light shone all around.  Many people who were walking in the darkness suddenly saw a great light through the birth of Jesus. The Lord said, “I am the true light”. He came as a great light into this dark world to enlighten the people. There shone a bright star when Jesus was born. The star led the three wise men to the place of the birth of Jesus Who was wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a stable.   Light, Brightness, and Star all of these lead to Jesus. One who walks in the light will be able to reach the heaven where the Lord is seated on His throne. If one goes into the darkness, then he is bound to go into the everlasting pit, called Hell. There is no relation between light and darkness. As soon as the sun shines the moon disappears.  Today in the midst of darkness in your life, Jesus came to give you a bright light. He who said, “I am the true Light,” has come into your life to transform your darkened life into brightened future. He is being born in your life.

My dear children of God, you also need to give this light to others. You are thinking I myself have not been in light then how can I give light to others?  I myself am in the dark. I have not seen a bright future. How can I give light and brighten others? If you begin to shine for Christ then the life of many others will begin to shine.  You may be saying, Lord, I haven’t got a job as yet,  and therefore my life is still in the dark. Today the Lord is not only giving you a job, a ministry and a business, but He is going to brighten up the life of many others who are still in the dark because of your hard effort and your faith in Christ.  All those people will be fed by you. Many people will be employed under you and you will make their payment. The Bible says all things are possible to them that believe in his name.  If you believe you shall see the glory of God.  You will give life to many others, God will surely help you to be a  great blessing to others. 

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for talking to us through this verse. Lord, you said that people in the dark saw a great light. The Lord who said, that You are the true light, was born to give light to others. All the children who are crying that they have not been able to shine in their life, I pray that you help them to get up and shine in their life in whichever field they may be in. Let all darkness disappear from them. Let them come out of the life of darkness of sin and help them to come into the marvellous light. Grant them a bright future and help them to prosper in all the work of their hands and honour them before others.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


The Lord was with Joseph

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. One of the most blessed truths that is revealed in the holy scriptures of the Bible is that God has a special purpose to fulfil through the lives of His faithful servants. In the Bible we read about the life of Joseph, who was raised from the pit to the palace.
Jacob had 12 sons. And Joseph used to snitch about his brothers to his father Jacob. Now Jacob loved Joseph more than all his children, and he made him a tunic of many colours (Genesis 37:3). Then Joseph told his brothers about the dreams he had. He said, “Listen to this dream I had. We were all out in the field gathering bundles of wheat. Suddenly, my bundle stood straight up, and your bundles circled around it and bowed down to mine” (Genesis 37:7). He had another dream and told this one also to his brothers: “I dreamed another dream—the sun and moon and eleven stars bowed down to me!”(Genesis 37:9). When he told the dreams to his brothers, they hated him even more. His brothers had gone off to Shechem where they were pasturing their father’s flocks and so Jacob sent Joseph to enquire about their welfare. They spotted him off in the distance. By the time he got to them they had cooked up a plot to kill him.
“Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!” (Genesis 37:20).
Moreover, they stripped Joseph of his tunic, the tunic of many colours that was on him and cast him into a pit (Genesis 37:24).
Joseph was sold into slavery, the brothers pulled Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit and sold him to the Midianite traders for twenty shekels of silver. And they took Joseph to Egypt (Genesis 37: 28).
After Joseph had been taken to Egypt by the Midianite traders, Potiphar an Egyptian, one of Pharaoh’s officials and the manager of his household, bought him from them (Genesis 39:1).
And the Lord was with Joseph and had made him successful in everything he did.
The Bible says: “The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man” (Genesis 39:2).
Moreover, Joseph was mistakenly thrown in prison. God not only rescued Joseph who was innocent but also made him leader over all of Egypt. Furthermore, the King said to Joseph, “you have greater wisdom and insight than anyone else.” Did Joseph’s dreams die with him in the pit? Not at all. God had a marvellous plan for Joseph and appointed him governor over all Egypt (Genesis 41:41).
My dear children of God, are you suffering due to many challenges just like Joseph? Are you lamenting that there is no one to come to your aid in your loneliness? Are you crying because you cannot see the end of the tunnel? Under such circumstances cling to God like Joseph, He will deliver you from every snare and raise you up. Do not be worried!
When you are a person of integrity in your profession and vocation, God will raise you to high positions! He will bring you up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set your feet upon a rock, and establish your steps (Psalm 40:1,2). Hold firmly to God whatever be your circumstances.
God brought good out of all the trials that Joseph faced. He brought good out of the rejection and betrayal. He brought good out of Joseph’s imprisonment when he was falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife and He brought good out of the seven year famine.This same God can bring good out of any situation, challenge, rejection or betrayal that you may face or are currently facing. All He requires is your love for Him.
Let the Lord cause you to prosper. May He go before you as a Counsellor and make all the crooked paths straight! As you hold onto Him firmly, He will raise you from the pit to the palace just like He did for Joseph!
Prayer: Loving Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day. Lord, be with my children as You we were with Joseph in every part of his life. You will raise my children from the horrible pit and miry clay and set them upon the rock. Be their Counseller and Prince of Peace in the coming New Year and guide them.
In Jesus Name we pray


Dearly Beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
On this Christmas Day, on behalf of God’s Love Ministries, and on behalf of my family, I wish you all a very Happy Christmas. I consider it a great privilege to share God’s word with you on this day. Today’s word is taken from Luke 1: 28, “And having come into the house, the angel said to Mary, “Rejoice highly favoured one the Lord is with You. Blessed are you among women.”
From the above verse we see that God proclaimed a good word from heaven to Mary through the Angel Gabriel and blessed her.
Well, what did the Angel tell Mary? Firstly the Angel said, you have found favour from God. Favour means grace. Grace is a good gift from God to His children.
Why is grace important in our life? The grace of God is very important because the word of God says, “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed. Because His compassions fail not.” Again the Psalmist says, “When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy”. Yes it is God’s grace that protects us. If not for Him , we would have been lost in our lives.
Today as the Angel entered into Mary’s house and shared the good word , God has entered your house to give you a good word and bless you. Hence do not be worried thinking I have no one to support me. Today God’s grace will help you to rise to greater heights in your life.
Secondly the Angel said, “The Lord is with you.” Mary received grace because the Lord was with her. When we see the life of King David, David increased day by day because the Lord was with him. In the same way the Lord will be with you and will bless you as He blessed David. God has promised to be with you, always till the end of this age. So be assured that God will always be with you and you will be never alone.
If God remains with you then you need not fear any harm. He will keep you from all dangers. He will be a shield to you. God said to Abraham , “I am your great shield.’’ If God becomes your shield then He will keep you from all hurdles in life.
Thirdly He says, to Mary, “You are blessed among women.”God says the same words to you and is blessing you, today. People might have said, you are a useless person and you are cursed . People would have disgraced you in such a way. But today during this festive season, God is directly looking at you and saying, “ You are blessed among women and you are blessed among men.”God says, “ I will bless the work of your hands. I will bless your ministry and your business. I will bless your education. ‘’
Many of you in the past were caught up in debts. You are running your life by borrowing money from others. So you are drowning in debts. Some are thinking, “Will I live a life without debts at least in the future.” Will the Lord who is born in this world, bring a change in my life? Today take hold of God who can bless you. The Bible says, one who holds on to God will be kept in perfect peace. God will do great things for you. God bless you.
Prayer: Lord we thank you. During this festive season, just as you sent an angel to tell Mary that she is blessed among all the women, You are passing the same blessing to all those who are reading this message. As the angel entered into the house of Mary , Lord enter into the house of your children and bless them. Let all your promises be yes and amen in their lives. May God lead them in their business in their work spot, in their family life and let all blessings be placed on their heads. Lord be present with my children in all their undertakings. Redeem them from all unnecessary problems and grant them a peaceful life. Since you have blessed them in this season, let them see success in their lives.
In Jesus Name we pray.

Know The Truth

John 8:32, “You shall know the Truth and the Truth will  set you free.”

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the  Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you  for  today is taken from the book of  John 8:32, “You shall know the Truth and the Truth will  set you free.”

Many people are in some captivity or in some bondages. Today, in order to remove all the bondages that cause you to be under some kind of bond, some sort of hold by others. Physically, mentally and bondages through witchcraft, sorcery, and black magic. Whatever hold you have been held for so long must be released.

You need to know the truth. The Truth is the word of God, the Truth will reveal the facts about Jesus and when you learn to know Him and Believe in His word, then you will receive deliverance. And you shall be set free from all kinds of bondages. Jesus alone will liberate through His word which is a powerful tool to transform any person. The words of God will deliver you from your sinful life

Jesus is the Truth (John 14:6). Knowing the Truth will set one at liberty—free from sin, free from condemnation, and free from death (Romans 6:22; 8:1–2). Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the captives (Luke 4:18). “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God” (1 Peter 2:16). In case you are under such bondages then you can be assured that God can deliver if you know the Truth. Because the Bible says, “ You  shall know the truth and the Truth shall set you free.” All the chains that  has bound you will be shattered and you shall be  set free. The Bible says, “ Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven…” and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.’’   The freedom Jesus offers is a spiritual freedom from the bondage of sin that is, release from the lifestyle of habitual lawlessness. Accept Jesus in your personal life and in your family then you will be free from bondage and brought into the family of God.

Prayer: Dear Lord we thank you for the promise verse that you have given us today, “You shall know the truth and the Truth shall set you free.” I pray for all those who have not known the Truth. Let the words of truth depart to their homes daily. The word of God will teach you, and correct you from your daily walk of life toward eternal life. Help my children to observe and preserve these words of God, which might refine them to walk according to the ways of God.

In Jesus Name We  Pray.


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