God Saves His People

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of  Exodus 6:6 ,“ I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgement.”      

From the above context we learn that God spoke through Moses to the children of Israel. “I am the Lord, Eternal in his being, immutable in his counsels, faithful to his covenant, and able to fulfil it; and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians; which lay heavy on them, and made them sigh and groan: and I will rid you out of their bondage; in which they were kept, and by which their lives were made bitter: and I will redeem you with an out stretched arm; from heaven to earth. He stretched his arm upon the enemies of his people, and   delivered them out of their hands:  with great judgments; by sending, many sore plagues and punishments inflicted upon the Egyptians. Thus, the Lord commanded Moses to say to His people.  God claims He is Lord over all creation and tells them what plans He has to do for them.  He is the One who will redeem them, and it is by this powerful name,  “Yahweh” that Israel is going to be delivered. The Lord, then described the things He was about to do for them.  

Firstly He said, that He will bring them out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, to get relief from the terrible oppression of labour imposed by the Egyptians. They will leave Egypt and go to the Promised Land.  Secondly, He will deliver them, from their bondage; it implies physical separation from the place of danger or oppression. The Lord promised here that the Israelites will be separated from Egyptian slavery. Thirdly, He will also redeem them, with an outstretched arm and with great judgments,   shows how the Lord, will accomplish this deliverance.   The Lord, said, that He will rescue Israel with an outstretched arm. Fourthly He said that He will make them His people, because “They were bought with a price”, asserting that His people belong to Him because of His death on the cross. Finally the Lord    stated that He will   be their God. 

God saved His people from the bondage, under the Egyptians   Task Masters. God will save you also from your bondages. No matter what kind of bondages you are caught up with. Some of you might have been caught in debts, some in gambling, some in drugs, some may be caught up in   unwanted issues. Some may be engaged in some sinful   activity.  Are you caught up in an incurable disease?   May be in court case, or in theft, whatever  may be the bondage  in which you are caught up,   God is going to deliver all of you from such issues.  Someone   might have done sorcery  or  witchcraft over you or your family. God will rescue you.   He will   come suddenly when all your hope is lost and will deliver you from your terrible situation.  Rely on God, He will deliver you.  

What is the problem that you are facing   at this point of time? Don’t worry, Just as He saved His People Israel from their cruel task masters, God will descend upon you,   from   His Holy mountain to help you and deliver you from your bondage. Jesus Said, “My judgement is just.” Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of God’s throne. So God will do justice to you also as he has promised. For He is the Rock, His work is perfect, for all His ways are justice. A  God of truth, and without injustice. Righteous and upright is He. When we have such   a God, why worry. Take your problems before the Lord in prayer and He will cause you to be victorious in life. God bless you. 

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you for telling us from the scripture, how great a God You are.  You are awesome, You are wonderful, You are Mighty, You are all powerful. You do wonders beyond numbers.  Teach us to depend upon You   for all our needs.  Help us not to get trapped, in any unwanted issues?   Prevent us from being caught up in bondages. Deliver us from all our   unrighteous   activities,   and help us to be just and honest in our lives. 

In Jesus name we pray. 


Good Thing

I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today, is from the book of Deuteronomy 33:14,16 “With the best the sun brings forth and the finest the moon can yield;   with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness, and the favour of him who dwelt in the burning bush. Let all these rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the prince among his brothers.”

From the above context we learn that God has considered you and has honoured you because you are precious in His sight, and because He loves you. When God honours you then blessings from all the corner of the earth will gather around you. Today God wants to give you some of the most precious things, as you read this message. Since you are precious in His sight, God wants to bless you with certain riches and wealth and most precious blessings upon you.   You are going to earn wonderful treasures,   and God wants to place them all on your head.  Halleluiah.   As soon as the blessings   of the Lord begin to descend upon you, then all your poverty will come to an end. You will be surprised to know that God has many different kinds of blessings to give you. Firstly God wants to bless you with the fruits that are ripened by the bright Sunlight. Some ripen the fruits through artificial methods, but those fruits will not be tasty.  But the fruits that ripen naturally by Sunlight will look good and also be tasty. Secondly they that are made fine by the moon light. We get many benefits from the moonlight that receives the light from the sun. God is going to bless you with such kinds of blessings that are caused by the moonlight.

Thirdly there are blessings from the hills. God has provided many blessings, through the hills and valleys. So you shall also receive such blessings from the hills. When you work with your hand God will bless you with much good grains that will satisfy you with every good thing. May be all these years, even though you worked with your hands, you had been a failure. Your business may be unsuccessful. Even in your ministry you might have incurred a great loss. You must have faced many failures in your education.  But the Lord says, hereafter the Lord shall bless the work of your hands. You shall be successful in all your endeavour which you undertake. Thus the wealth obtained through the sunlight, the moon light and also from the hills, and valleys   will be bestowed upon your head. The fullness  there  of, that is   the plants and cattle, and all creatures that grow, increase, and flourish in it, for the good will of Him that dwelt in the bush. 

The blessings of God will be poured upon the top of your head. They will include His favour, His mercy, His grace, His love and His honour. Moses was quite old and was about to rest with his fathers, then he called all the twelve tribes of Israel and pronounces blessing upon them. Usually elderly people on their death bed will bless all their children and grand children. They would foretell good happenings on their children and then depart. Similarly, Moses refers this particular blessing upon Joseph. But those good gifts which come down from the Father of lights, through the rising of the Sun of righteousness, and the pouring out of his Spirit like the rain which makes fruitful, are infinitely more precious, as the tokens of his special love. When Moses prays for the good will of Him that dwelt in the bush, he refers to the covenant, on which all our hopes of God’s favour must be founded. Thus whatever our place and business are, it is our wisdom and duty to apply thereto; and it is happiness to be well pleased therewith. We should not only invite others to the service of God, but abound in it. God Bless You.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for   this   blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for the blessings you have stored for us from the sunlight, moonlight and from the hills and valleys. May we obtain the favour and goodwill of God. Lord help us to thrive and flourish with all the blessings which you have bestowed upon our heads.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


Blessed Are the People

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of  Psalms 112:1, “Blessed are those who fear the Lord who find great delight in his commands”.

The Lord is saying, “Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commandments”. If others must say that you are blessed, then we must be people who find great delight in the commandments of the Lord and follow them. You must fear your conscience.   You must not plot evil against others. You must desire for others to do well.  This is something, we can do. Can’t’ we? Just think that everyone must live well. Those are the commandments of God. You must love your enemies. The Lord is saying that if you desire to have these commandments, then you are blessed. 

The Lord wants to keep you on the list of the blessed.  In the Bible, we can see that Mary the mother of Jesus told,  “From now on all generations will call me blessed”. Do you know when she said that statement?  When she received the good news that Jesus was to be born of her womb, she said, ‘I am truly blessed’.  “What greater joy could be there than the Saviour of this world to be born of her? So, she said.  “From now on all generations will call me blessed”.

Today, the Lord is going to implement many blessings around you for everyone to tell that you are blessed. It can be matters concerning your children, your business, work, or ministry. Today, the Lord is going to perform certain supernatural miracles for everyone to tell that you are blessed. So, desire the Lord’s commandments and obey them. The Lord will do glorious things. 

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, you have told that he who desires and obeys the commandments of the Lord is blessed. Father, Your commandments instruct us to do good. Let many good things happen in their family for them to do good and talk good, think good and through that, let them be called blessed. Let auspicious events take place. Let all their obstacles be removed. Grant all that my children need, let my children receive all that is good as yes and amen in Christ so that people will call them blessed. Lord, let others see Christ in them, by seeing the blessings that you have bestowed upon them. 

In Jesus Name we pray. 


Seek The Kingdom of God

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The  auspicious word of God that comes to you  for  today is taken from the book of  Matthew 6:33, “But Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness an  all these things shall  be added unto you.”

My dear children of God, as Christmas is nearing, you all seem to be in need of so many things. You are wondering as to how you will pay the creditors. How you are going to solve your problems, some are thinking, “What shall I do to purchase clothes and other items for the Christmas celebration? Like this you may have several questions, rising in your mind. You are sitting with so many expectations, to happen in your life. God is also waiting to bless you with all that you need and He has a way, as to how you should receive those needs from God. So He advises you to first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then you shall receive  all that you desire  in your life. 

We are giving our priority to worldly things, wealth, riches, job, and so many other things.  But God expects us to give our priority to Him. In this world, yes it is true money is required for certain needs but money should not become our top priority to lead our lives. So, it is necessary to seek the kingdom of God.

My dear children of God, what is the meaning of God’s kingdom? Many are thinking that the kingdom of God can be attained after our death, but this is not true.   A man can enjoy the heavenly kingdom here on this earth while he is alive. In the Bible, we see how Jesus Himself tells his disciples how to pray. He teaches a model prayer for his disciples. “Your kingdom come, and your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. This means that we need to ask God to execute on earth the will of God as it is done in heaven. The plan and purpose of God practiced in heaven should be done on earth, so that you can enjoy heavenly life here on earth while you are alive. God wants you to enjoy heavenly life. Life of peace and joy.  Godly Life of contentment and love. It is God’s plan that His will be done on earth in your life.  So that it can be in tune with the heavenly kingdom, and His righteousness. This is the life we need to search for.

In the kingdom of God, no one will  do  witchcraft, there will be no backbiting, backslapping, making false report against someone.  If you live a life on earth that is pure and clean,  as it is found in heaven then you will enjoy the kingdom of God on this very earth. As a result, all that you desire will be obtained by you from God. He will meet all your needs according to  the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. So from today may, we learn to live a heavenly life. Commit your ways unto the Lord then all other things that you need will come to you of its own accord.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for talking to us through this verse “But Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness an  all these things shall  be added unto you.” Help us to follow your principles. So that we may be blessed with all things.  I pray in the name of Jesus that You will grant my children what they need.  May they sanctify themselves, to obtain what You give them, or bless them with. May my children make a commitment that they will seek first the kingdom of God, and His Righteousness. That they may talk only good things and do only that which is right in the sight of God. Help them to be firm in the decision they make,  so that they may be blessed by God with all that they need.

 In Jesus Name We Pray.



I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of   2 Corinthians 8:9 says, “ For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich became poor so that you through His poverty might become rich.  ”

From the above context we learn, that the Lord Jesus became poor, that we might become rich. He was nailed on the cross that we might live. He was wounded that we might be healed of all our diseases. We read in the Bible that houses and wealth are inherited, from parents. The Bible also instructs that parents must earn and save for their children. It is the responsibility of the parents to secure wealth and riches for their children. Children also should be taught about the hardships that parents take in order to provide them the best.  We read in the Psalms, that the Lord fills the womb of the mother with hidden treasure that enables her to conceive and bring forth children. She is therefore satisfied, with children she had begotten, and from then on she begins to save money for the benefit of her children.  She leaves the rest of  the substance,  for her babies.  She leaves all her possession for her children. She gathers little by little what is left over for her children that they may not live in poverty. This is the quality of a wise mother.

Parents want their children to do well in life so they work hard day and night to provide their needs. Be it education, or in times of illness parents stand as strong support to them. They encourage their children in case they are good in sports. Such that they shine in sports and other co curricular activities like tennis, badminton, swimming and so on. All this needs money. They need to pay the coach. The  only desire,  of the parents,   is to see that their children do well in life .So they work hard. They also help them to secure a job. When it comes to their marriage settlement in life they need to offer them with both  cash, jewels and all other accessories so they  accumulate wealth for their children by all means. It is their foremost responsibility, that they do  for their children. They love their children and are willing to take the extra mile to see that they are happily well settled. Therefore the parent has to be more responsible before the baby is born and not after the baby is born. Parents need to do everything more wisely. If you are wise then you will be able to save from what is left over. “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go.”

May be you were single all these days, now that you are married, you need to be careful. You should not be spendthrift or a gluttonous  only then you can save some small amount of money for your new  baby that is to be born. A wise woman builds her house. You got to be,  all the more careful how you spend your money when a girl child is born.  We have seen how our fore fathers had  saved money for the wellbeing  of their children. They say we have tied our mouth   and  stomach to make some savings. This is wisdom. Only one who is more economic  can  save money. If they are luxurious lovers and spend money like water,  they will end up in financial crisis. I have known of people who have burdened their children with education loan, since as parents they had failed to save money at the earlier stage of their life. As a result they burden their children financially. They  begin  to  shoulder   the responsibility at an early age. As a result this will lead to confusion within the family. So as parents you need to be more careful. Later you should not regret. Sometimes we see children blame their parents. This will cause misunderstanding between the parent and the children.

God promised to teach the people of Israel those things that would benefit them, both in this life, and in the world to come. And He is the same Lord Who has promised to guide   you  into the way of truth, direct   you  through deep valleys of darkness and uphold   you  with His righteous right hand, as you climb the hills of difficulty  in  your earthly path. “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, ‘I am the LORD your God, Who teaches you to profit. I am the One Who leads you in the way you should go.'” The same God Who led the people of Israel through the desert, rained down manna from heaven and opened the Jordan so they could enter the promised land, is the same God Who teaches and trains you in the way you  should go. He guards and guides you during your journey on this earth. This same God will guide   all those who are reading this message, to walk in the ways of God and help you to make profit in your business,    at the place of  your work spot,   in the field of your education,  to   elevate your status   in life,    before your friends , relatives and neighbours. For He is the One who points us to Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who   became poor  by His death on the Cross,  died and rose again so that you   might live  a rich life on this earth. Anyone who has a teachable spirit is the one that the Lord can lead and guide into the way of truth. God Bless you.

Prayer:   Our   loving    heavenly Father,   we    thank You for this blessed day.  Thank You, Father, that You are our Guide and Defender, our Rock and our  Stay. Thank You, that You are the same today as You were when You led the children of Israel through their times of difficulties and oppression. Give us a teachable spirit, listening ears, and an attentive heart so that we   may learn all that Your Holy Spirit desires to teach   us. And continue to guide us,   in the way that  seems  best for us.

In Jesus’ name we pray.   


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