Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 60:15, “Whereas you have been forsaken and hated, So that no one went through you, I will make you an external excellence. A joy of many generation. ”
Dearly Beloved, God is saying that you have been despised and rejected by all. No one likes you at your work spot; No one likes you in the place where you do your ministry. Even in the place of your study no one likes you. Those who see you go away from you. One of the reasons may be because you don’t look beautiful. Or you may not be admirable in the sight of others with regards to your style of dressing. Or you may be because of your dark complexion, you don’t look so appealing, your poor appearance may be another reason for others to dislike you. Even your simple way of talking without much exaggeration, might cause others to dislike you. You may be frank of speech, but others may not like your frankness. Somehow you have been ignored by all.
The Bible says, that when Jacob returned to his father’s home in Canaan from his uncle’s house after 20 years, with his wife and children and all his cattle, servants and all his goods he was rather scared to meet his brother Esau whom he had cheated and got, not only his birthright but also all the blessings from his father . Now in order to pacify his brother he sent all his wives and children and cattle and servants and also much gifts to soften his brothers heart towards him. He was left alone by the side of river Jordan. He was all alone, there was no one to comfort or console him. His wives, his children and even all his servants were on the other side of the river. He was left alone to meet the consequence of his life. So God in his mercy came down to comfort him as Jacob was struggling by himself, that night. God had already promised to be with him on his way to Canaan. God came and sat near Jacob. Halleluiah! So Jacob held on to God and would not let Him go, until He blessed him. He wanted God to bless and assure him, that he will be safe and that God’s hand of protection will be with him and his brother will not harm him in anyway. Jacob also sent word to his brother, saying “I have sojourned with Laban and stayed there until now. I have oxen, donkeys, flocks, and male and female, servants, and I request my Lord that I might find favour in your sight.”Though he had sent word to his brother through his servants yet he feared that his brother would take revenge and kill him so he was afraid to meet him. Therefore he pleaded God to bless him. He said to the Lord, “Deliver me I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I fear him, least he come and attack me and the mother with the children.” And God in the form of man wrestled with him until the breaking of day, until the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint. God blessed Jacob.
As a result of the blessing of God, the next day his meeting with his brother turned out to be favourable. Esau embraced him and kissed him to express his joy and love for his brother Jacob. Thus we see the reunion of the brothers. They did not fight or quarrel with each other. They did not hit each other, rather embraced each other and shared their love for one another. God changed the mind of Esau towards Jacob and he had not only forgiven but also had forgotten the incident that happened several years ago. Are you left in such a situation, neglected by all your dear ones. Have they deserted you. Are you alone? Struggling to yourself? Never mind, God is in control of your life. Think it is good for you. Take the situation in a positive attitude, since you have the mighty God with you. Never fear He is with you. This is an occasion for you to be with God. Cast all your burden upon God. He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved. Humanly speaking it is a painful thing to be rejected and left alone. Paul told God three times, to remove the thorn from his body, but God did not say he will take away the thorn instead he said, “My grace is sufficient for you. For My strength is made perfect in your weakness.” God knows what is best for you. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank you for being with Jacob in his journey back to his father’s house. Lord we thank you for changing the mind set of Esau towards his brother Jacob. Thank You Father for helping them to reunite amicably. May we not take revenge against those who do evil to us. Give us the spirit of forgiveness. Let there be joy and happiness in our families.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dear Brother and Sister in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and Ever Unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Luke 5:5, “But Simon answered and said, to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing , nevertheless at Your Word, I will let down the net.”
My Dear Brother And Sister, From the above context we see how Peter went out fishing. Jesus got into the boat of Simon Peter, and sat down and began to teach the multitude from the boat. After he had stopped speaking to the multitude he looked at Peter and said, “Launch out into the deep. And let down your nets for a catch.”But then Simon said to Jesus,“Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing , nevertheless at Your Word, I will let down the net.” And when they had done this they caught a great number of fish. And their net was breaking. So they called the men in the neighbouring boat, to come and help them. And they filled both the boats, and they were almost sinking. Peter couldn’t believe his eyes. He immediately fell down at Jesus’ knees. For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken.
My Dear Brother And Sister, Alone we may not receive victory but with Jesus we have victory. Peter obeyed Jesus and so he was blessed. That is why apostle Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. “ Though Peter was an expert in fishing yet he couldn’t catch any fish, even though he tried the entire night to catch fish in the deep sea. But the moment he obeyed Jesus, he found a good catch. God is looking at you and saying, are you going through great loss in your business, or in your financial situation, are you paying the workers from your purse? Are you unable to pay your rent, are you worried that you couldn’t catch anything like Peter? God says, you will catch. You will find. Don’t be worried. The Blessing of the Lord will surely descend upon you if you will only obey His word and live according to His commandments.
My Dear Brother And Sister, On that day when Peter went to catch fish, he returned as a failure. But the next morning with the blessings of God and with the counsel of God, he threw the net where Jesus had directed him to throw, and he caught great many fish. Jesus turned his failure into success. The Bible says, The young lions do lack and hunger but they that seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. God does not withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly. Let not the book of law depart from your mouth. But you shall meditate in it day and night, and observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, thank You for teaching us not to be like Peter who went away from God. But to be drawn close to God. Teach us to listen to the voice of God and walk according to His word. May we realize the importance of being with God and be directed by Him in all our ways, so that we may inherit His blessings.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 52:1, “Awake Awake Put On Your Strength, O Zion, Put On Your Beautiful Garment, O Jerusalem, the Holy City. For the Uncircumcised and the Unclean shall no longer come to you.”
May be until today you have been living in the midst of unclean surroundings. May be you are caught up in some kind of sinful life, that you are not able to come out, of it or overcome it. Although you want to come out of it, because of your sinful deeds, you are unable to come out of it. Therefore, God wants to give you deliverance, in that area of your life. The Lord is promising you that the uncircumcised, and the unclean, people shall no longer, come in your way.
That means from today the Lord is going to deliver you from the interference of satan that has kept you in bondage over your life. We often find parents beat and abuse such kind of children, who do wrong things and go in the wrong way. Some parents lock up their children, as if in a prison, to avoid, their children from causing trouble, to them. They stop sending them to school or even colleges. Some stop them from going to their job. But what is God saying? He says that by just beating or abusing them or keeping them locked inside, they cannot come out of their sinful life.
They need a deliverance from the evil and unclean spirit, that has taken hold of them. Even if you keep them locked, they will still remain sinful, because of the unclean spirit that is present, inside of them. Therefore you should not stand against, such children. You need to stand against the evil spirit that remains within them and torments them, to do wrong things. The Bible says, “Resist the Devil and He shall flee from you.”In case you stand against your children, then we often see that such children tend to run away from home. Therefore God says, “Do not stand against your children, but the evil spirit, that operates from within your children.
You should not remain relaxed, until you deliver your children, from the unclean spirit. For when children are caught up in such evil practice, then you need to deal wisely with them in this regard. If not you might have to lose your children. In the same way if your husband, has been caught up in some evil and unclean behaviour, then you got to handle the situation very carefully and very wisely. In case you stand against your husband, in the worldly sense, or worldly wisdom, then you might sometimes have to fore go your husband, or he might even leave you forever. You need to deal these issues in a spiritual way. Only then you will be able to save them, without blemish. What should we do then?
We need to rise up before God and pray for your husband and your children, to save them from their unclean spirit. We ought to pray that they must rise out of this situation, that is why God is speaking through Prophet Isaiah, saying, “Arise , Arise, Awake” he says, to those who are sleeping or sitting idly. May be you are caught up in some wrong relationship. You are lying and sleeping there, not realizing the seriousness of your life. This is not the time for you to sleep anymore. You need to rise up and stand. It is time for you to run. That Is why God is saying “Arise, Arise you Zion, Put on your power.” The power to resist the Devil. Power to overcome all worldly and unclean things in life. I urge you to put on this power that God has kept inside of you and fight all the evil of this world and live a Godly and Righteous life, and then your husband and children will live a happy and peaceful life. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for telling us how we need to deal with our children and our husband. Help us to pray for them sincerely. Teach us to deal wisely and gently with our spouse and our children. Give them the grace that they may not involve themselves in evil and unclean deeds. Bless them to lead a life of harmony.
In Jesus name we pray,
My Dear Brother and Sister, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Job 1:1 “Job was perfect and upright. He was blameless and one that feared God and shunned evil.”
My Dear Brother and Sister, from the above context we see the character of Job. He was a very righteous man. So God was confident that he will not waver in his faith. He allowed Satan to test him, fully knowing that Job will never deny God at any cost. Job lived in the land of Uz, he was a good man who feared the Lord and turned away from evil. Later we come to know that he was a wealthy man. He was highly esteemed by all and he was blessed with ten children. He was a man of prayer. Reverence for the Lord is a distinctive feature of Job. He had a desire for godly understanding. “For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One gives understanding”.
My Dear Brother and Sister, Later we learn that he was severely tested by Satan and we gain knowledge of his own attitude towards God, But his friends believed that God’s blessing exclusively fell on the righteous, while His punishment only touched wicked men. Their doctrine was incorrect. Their entire conversation exposes this misconception, for “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes from the Father of lights, Who never changes..” “for the Lord causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous”.
My Dear Brother and Sister, we learn many lessons from the character of Job, We see how Job maintained faith in God’s word, and that brought honour to His name. Satan tries to shipwreck our faith. But Faith in God provides us with an understanding of how God relates to man and His long-suffering and kindness towards us. Job demonstrates the immense impact a godly man can have on others and it shows the importance of intercession and prayer for family and friends. It helps to answer the question which is in the minds of many men. ‘Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do God’s servants have to suffer when the ungodly seem to have a comfortable life? And this often confirms that God’s blessings fall exclusively on the righteous while retribution only touches wicked men.
My Dear Brother and Sister, God is always good, and evil is always a result of sin, but God is not the author of sin. He is the Creator of all that is good and wholesome, and it is God’s sovereign right to bless whosoever He chooses. And although He promises to bless those who trust Him, He does not promise that evil will never befall them. He will turn evil to good for those that love Him because He works in our lives from an eternal perspective.
My Dear Brother and Sister, are you going through trouble like Job. Have you lost your loved one because of Corona or by some other disease? Are you crying over the loss of your dear one? Are you suffering with a disabled child? Is there an economic problem? Have you lost your house and all your goods because of heavy rains? Are you going through a terrible loss in your business? Is there a problem at your work spot? Is someone causing unnecessary confusion in your life? Have you lost your job? What is your problem? Don’t waver in your faith. Be like Job who was strong in his faith. The Bible says, in spite of all his affliction he never committed sin with his lips. He tells his wife “Shall we indeed accept good from God and shall we not accept adversity? In all this Job did not sin with his lips. If you also will remain like Job blameless, and righteous when you go through affliction, then you too will enjoy a double portion of blessing like Job. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank You Lord for the many lessons we learn from the character of Job. Thank You for Your goodness and grace; Your forbearance and mercy; Your wisdom and strength and Your kindness and favour toward us all. Thank You that You commended Your love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ died for us. Help us to come to a deeper knowledge and understanding of who You are and help us to live our life in a way that honours You.
In Jesus’ name we pray,
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Psalms 128:1,2 “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways. When you eat the labour of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you “.
From the above context we learn that God blesses all those who fear him, and who walk in His ways. It shall be well with you when you eat the labour of your hands. And you shall be happy in the Lord. Blessed is every one that fears Jehovah and walks in his ways. Faith and patience are like the twin sisters that accompany a man or woman of God along their journey of life. They are the two ‘fruit-of-the-Spirit’ that exemplify the one that fears the Lord and walks in His ways. A reverence for our Almighty God and obedience to our Father’s voice results in an abundance of spiritual fruit and a wealth of spiritual blessings. Therefore the Bible says, “Blessed indeed is the one who fears the Lord and assuredly blessed is the one who walks in His ways.”
The temporal rewards in which the world delights are useless, which enchant the senses for a brief moment. Then they wane away, before evaporating forever into an ocean of dissatisfaction. The eternal blessings that flow from the Lord are the product of the secret growth of God’s grace in our ‘new-life-in-Christ’. They are the budding, blossoming, unfolding and fruiting of the cherished ‘fruit-of-the-Spirit’ , which shine like so many jewels in the crown of our heavenly King. The ‘way-of-the-Cross’ may not be easy but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and all who walk in His ways are blessed indeed, doubly blessed with a multitude of blessings that have an eternal perspective. Though we are in God’s hands we are to be supported by our own hands. He will give us daily bread, but it must be made by our own labour. All kinds of labour are included here; one may toil by the sweat of his brow, and another may toil by the sweat of his brain, there is no difference in the blessings. Without God it would be vain to labour; but when we are labourers together with God a promise is set before us. The promise is that labour shall be fruitful, and that he who performs it shall himself enjoy the recompense of it.
It is a grievously ill, for a man to slave his life away that is to work tirelessly from dawn to dusk and receive no fair remuneration for his toil: But God’s servants escape from such bondage and claim their own, and receive it: at any rate, “The labourer is worthy of his hire.” Thus the chosen people could see this promise literally fulfilled; but when evil rulers oppressed them, their earnings were withheld by their rude masters, and their harvests were snatched away from them by their proprietors. Had they walked in the fear of the Lord they would never have known such great evils. Some men never enjoy their labour, for they give themselves no time for rest. Eagerness to get more, snatches away from them, the ability to enjoy. Surely, if it is worthwhile to labour, it is worthwhile to eat of that labour. “Happy shall you be.” Is a statement that belongs to that man who fears the Lord. He is happy, and he shall be happy in a thousand ways. When all is well with us and we are happy then our family life will also be blessed.
So strive hard to prosper in life. There is a proverb which says, “Make hay while the sun shines.”God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father God, we believe that You are our God and our Saviour. Thank You Lord, for your free gift of grace, which we receive by faith. May we reverence Your name forever and walk in Your ways all the days of our life – that all will be well with us and our family. Let the labour of our hands be pleasing in your sight. Help us to have a closer walk with You, be true to You and have much regard for Your instructions. Teach us to walk according to Your word and fear God at all times.
In Jesus Name We Pray.