I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has kept for you today is from the book of Psalms 128:1,2 “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways. When you eat the labour of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you “.
From the above context we learn that God blesses all those who fear him, and who walk in His ways. It shall be well with you when you eat the labour of your hands. And you shall be happy in the Lord. Blessed is every one that fears Jehovah and walks in his ways. Faith and patience are like the twin sisters that accompany a man or woman of God along their journey of life. They are the two ‘fruit-of-the-Spirit’ that exemplify the one that fears the Lord and walks in His ways. A reverence for our Almighty God and obedience to our Father’s voice results in an abundance of spiritual fruit and a wealth of spiritual blessings. Therefore the Bible says, “Blessed indeed is the one who fears the Lord and assuredly blessed is the one who walks in His ways.”
The temporal rewards in which the world delights are useless, which enchant the senses for a brief moment. Then they wane away, before evaporating forever into an ocean of dissatisfaction. The eternal blessings that flow from the Lord are the product of the secret growth of God’s grace in our ‘new-life-in-Christ’. They are the budding, blossoming, unfolding and fruiting of the cherished ‘fruit-of-the-Spirit’ , which shine like so many jewels in the crown of our heavenly King. The ‘way-of-the-Cross’ may not be easy but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and all who walk in His ways are blessed indeed, doubly blessed with a multitude of blessings that have an eternal perspective. Though we are in God’s hands we are to be supported by our own hands. He will give us daily bread, but it must be made by our own labour. All kinds of labour are included here; one may toil by the sweat of his brow, and another may toil by the sweat of his brain, there is no difference in the blessings. Without God it would be vain to labour; but when we are labourers together with God a promise is set before us. The promise is that labour shall be fruitful, and that he who performs it shall himself enjoy the recompense of it.
It is a grievously ill, for a man to slave his life away that is to work tirelessly from dawn to dusk and receive no fair remuneration for his toil: But God’s servants escape from such bondage and claim their own, and receive it: at any rate, “The labourer is worthy of his hire.” Thus the chosen people could see this promise literally fulfilled; but when evil rulers oppressed them, their earnings were withheld by their rude masters, and their harvests were snatched away from them by their proprietors. Had they walked in the fear of the Lord they would never have known such great evils. Some men never enjoy their labour, for they give themselves no time for rest. Eagerness to get more, snatches away from them, the ability to enjoy. Surely, if it is worthwhile to labour, it is worthwhile to eat of that labour. “Happy shall you be.” Is a statement that belongs to that man who fears the Lord. He is happy, and he shall be happy in a thousand ways. When all is well with us and we are happy then our family life will also be blessed.
So strive hard to prosper in life. There is a proverb which says, “Make hay while the sun shines.”God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father God, we believe that You are our God and our Saviour. Thank You Lord, for your free gift of grace, which we receive by faith. May we reverence Your name forever and walk in Your ways all the days of our life – that all will be well with us and our family. Let the labour of our hands be pleasing in your sight. Help us to have a closer walk with You, be true to You and have much regard for Your instructions. Teach us to walk according to Your word and fear God at all times.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 40:29, ”He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.”
From the above context, we learn that God gives power to those who are very weak and increases the strength of those who have no might. Weakness is a special weapon that the devil uses to spoil the lives of the children of God. Weakness is a tool that the devil instills in the lives of the children of God, that they do not advance in their life, and therefore they cannot be victorious too. When a man becomes weak he cannot work properly and neither can he concentrate on anything in particular. He falls into depression. His heart is pushed towards weakness; He loses his health and even his trust in himself. As a result, he becomes sick which leads to severe disease. He loses all his sleep. The Lord wants to strengthen those of you who are weak and heavy-laden. God wants to give strength to all those who are weak.
The strength of a person is not in the body but in the heart of a person. When the heart grows weary then the person does not feel like eating or drinking. He is engrossed in his worries, so he is not able to enjoy anything around him. He doesn’t even feel like talking to someone. Weakness cripples a man from all his activities. The organs in his body fail to cooperate with him. They will not be able to do anything. In some families they would have lost their dear one in their family, as a result, they would be filled with sorrow. Relatives might comfort them and ask them to eat and drink something so as to keep their bodies healthy. But they wouldn’t listen to them because of the sorrow they go through. They will not have an appetite to eat anything. Instead they would cry out their sorrows. They would think as to, what is the next step they have to take. Or how will they be able to bring up their children, having lost their husband These are the fears that would keep troubling them at that particular time. Worries will encroach their mind, and they will think of the struggles they would have to go through in the future. That is the time when they will lose their faith in God. But children of God should be careful during such times. They should not shift their faith on anything else but the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says, Cast all your burden upon the Lord Jesus Christ, And He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved.
God says that He gives power to those who are very weak and increases the strength to those who have no might. He refers to the spiritual weakness of the person. The Lord not only wants to stabilize the physical weakness of your body but also wants to stabilize the weakness of your spiritual life. Once a spiritual life of a person, becomes weak, then his prayer life gets hindered. They will not be able to pray properly. They will not like to meet others or speak with others. They will look as if they have been shattered in life and have no interest in anything whatsoever. Today Jesus is going to give strength, to such depressed and sorrowful people. God will give you the strength to regain stability in life. That they may focus on their future, and carry on their regular or routine chores In life. How will God strengthen them? He will make some alternative for the thing that they have lost in their life and, make them joyful in life. We read about Isaac. He was the son of Abraham. He was born when Abraham was 100 years old. He was thus the son of his old age. His mother was fond of him. He too loved her much. But she died and she did not see the marriage of her son. Isaac was filled with grief. He couldn’t bear the loss of his mother Sarah.
Abraham was worried about his son Isaac. He sent his servant Eliezar to his own people to select a bride for his son. But Isaac went to the fields to meditate on the word of God during the evening time. He remembered the past memories of his mother and was kindled with grief all the more. On one such evening, he saw camels coming towards his tent. Eliezer had found a beautiful bride for him and she mounted from the camel, on seeing Isaac. Isaac was filled with great joy. The Bible says,” And Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the evening, and he lifted his eyes and looked, and there, the camels were coming. Then Rebekah lifted her eyes, and when she saw Isaac she dismounted from her camel; for she had said to the servant, “Who is this man walking in the field to meet us?” The servant said, “It is my master.” So she took a veil and covered herself. And the servant told Isaac all the things that he had done. Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death. God substituted Rebekah in the place of Sarah his mother. God will do the same for you also. God will grant you, peace and joy in your life when you meditate on the word of God as Isaac meditated every day in the evening, to forget his sorrow. God will change your sorrow into joy. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank You for giving power to the weak and increasing the strength of those who have no might. Help us not to become weak physically or spiritually. May we be strong and sturdy in life so that we may not fall into depression or give up our prayer life. Teach us to be healthy in mind and body even when we go through hard times. Give us the strength to overcome all the difficulties that we face in our day-to-day life. Grant us peace and joy.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Haggai 1:6 , “You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but you are not satisfied. You drink but you are still thirsty. You put on clothes but cannot keep yourself warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting in pockets filled with holes.”
From the above context we come to know, what happened during the time of prophet Haggai. The Jews actually returned from the Babylonian captivity, under the leadership of Zerubbabel. At first the Hebrews had been anxious to re-establish their religious tradition. They set up the altar of burnt offerings and laid the foundations of the temple. But soon they became discouraged due to opposition, so the work of restoration was suspended.
Prophet Haggai encouraged the people to resume their work on the house of God. But gradually selfish materialism corroded their hearts, and they were more concerned for personal ambitions than the Lord’s interest. They actually neglected the building of God’s house, that they may have more time, and money for worldly affairs. Many good works that had been intended regarding the building of temple, was badly neglected as people considered that the proper time had not come to build the temple. Thus they shirked off their responsibility.
Thus even today believers let slip opportunities of usefulness and sinners delay, the concerns, of their souls. If we labour for the meat that perishes, we are in fear, of losing our labour. That is why Haggai says, You have planted much, but bring in little. You eat much but you are never satisfied. There is much drinking, and not to exhilarate. You put on clothes but you cannot keep yourself warm. As long as sin lasted, so long the punishment. As a result Gods appointment in nature to satisfy, to gladden, and to warm, failed of its effect. Hence it is better and wiser to seek to be blessed by God, who bestowed, on us all things. The Bible says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you Lord for telling us that all our labour will be in vain, if we labour for the meat that perishes. Lord let not selfish materialism corrode our hearts. But teach us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, so that we may inherit the blessings of God.
In Jesus name we pray.
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that God has given for you today is from the book of Jeremiah 51:33, “The God of Israel says, The daughter Babylon is like a threshing floor, at the time it is trampled. In a little while her harvest will come.”
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, from the above context we learn that Babylon is abundant in treasures. Yet neither her waters, nor her wealth shall secure her. Whenever we are in the greatest depths, we are to remember the Lord our God. And especially in the times of the greatest fears and hopes it is most needful to remember the Lord. By the fall of Babylon, all who supported idolatry and superstition were ruined. Then people mourned for their sin and sought the Lord. And the lost sheep of the house of Israel was brought back to the fold of the good shepherd. They shall stray no more.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Similarly God says, your children will be averted from going astray. They who were in sin and engaged in sinful activities will turn from their wrongful ways, and become wise and sensible. Children, who were foolish and unwise until today, will no longer remain the same. They, who had lost their life and bright future due to their stupidity, will regain stability in their life, by recovering sharpness in mind, and being more intelligent. God will sharpen their knowledge, like new threshing sledge with sharp teeth, in order that they may operate carefully and regain what they have lost in life. Every spirit of mental torture will be nullified in the name of Jesus. And God is setting them free from every attack of the evil spirit which led them to depression. God is providing a ray of hope.
Some of your loved ones may be in bondage because they are under depression and are mentally unstable. God is setting them free and giving them freedom. God who delivered the Legion, who was demon possessed, and was hurting himself, is releasing your children too from their bondages. Legion lived in the burial caves. And he was a man who was possessed with many legions. And he begged Jesus to send them into the swine that were feeding near the mountains. At once Jesus gave them permission. Then they immediately entered into the herd of swine, they were nearly two thousand, and the herd ran into the sea, and were drowned in the sea. Later people saw the demon possessed man sitting properly clothed and in his right mind. Do not fret or fear for the Lord will redeem them. They who were once lost in their mind, will be brought back to the fold, with refined thought and mindset. Though they were trampled down, believe that harvest of blessing will come. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. Lord we thank you for this valuable message. We remain grateful for enlightening our spirit and mind. Especially for refining the character, of our children and moulding them to good human beings.
In Jesus name we pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of 1Samuel 9:5,20 ,“When they reached the district of Zuph, Saul said to the servant who was with him, “Come, let’s go back, or my father will stop thinking about the donkeys and become worried about us. But as for your donkeys that were lost three days ago, do not be anxious about them, for they have been found. And [a]on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on you and on all your father’s house?”
From the above context we read how Saul went with his servant in search of his father’s donkeys. They had been searching for the donkeys for many days, but couldn’t find them so they wanted to return home, since their father might not only be worried about the donkeys but also be worried about Saul and his servant. But the servant said, there is a man in this city who can surely say where our donkey is, so let’s go there, perhaps he can show us the way that we should go. So they went to the city where the man of God was. Thus they went in search of Prophet Samuel, to whom God had already told that a young man Saul from the land of Benjamin would be coming to meet him. And God said, “You shall anoint him as the commander over My people, Israel, that he might save My people, from the hand of the Philistines.” So Samuel met Saul and invited him to eat with him, and also told him not to be anxious about his lost donkeys as they all would be found.
The Bible says, the Son of God came to seek that which was lost. Have you lost anything? Are you searching for your lost wealth, property, your health, your job? What is it that you have lost? Don’t worry, for they will be found. Saul’s father bought those donkeys with hard earned money. He cared for the donkeys, so much but now they had been lost. Saul’s father was so worried. He couldn’t afford to lose his donkeys so he sent his son and his servant in search of his donkeys. But Samuel told them not to worry about the donkeys for they were found. Saul and his servant were pleased to hear the report of the lost donkeys. They knew that they would now return home with the donkeys. Many days had passed by in searching for the donkeys. Then Samuel took them into the hall, and made them sit in the seat of honour, along with thirty other head persons. So Saul ate with Samuel that day. Samuel also announced to Saul the good news that God has chosen him to be the commander of His people Israel. Samuel took a flask of oil, and poured it on his head and kissed him . Saul returned home to his father’s house not only with his lost donkeys but as an anointed royal king of Israel. He received double blessings. He who came in search of the donkey returned home as the anointed king.
So don’t be worried, because God will cause you to get back all that you have lost in life. God who considers that which does not exist, as if they existed, will help you get back all that you have lost It is an easy thing for God to do whether it is with the powerful, or with those who are powerless. You might have lost your job, your wealth, your house or your life partner, or your business. Whatever it might be, God is able to do great things, provided you wait on Him for His time. For He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you, ask or think. Therefore to those of you who are reading this message I wish to tell you, that if you lose a particular thing and you are worried about it, God knows your pain and struggle, so he will not only return that which you have lost but also, elevate your life in the society, as he lifted Saul who was from a humble tribe of Benjamin, to that of the king of Israel. God Bless You.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, thank You for telling us that You will help us get back all that we have lost in our life. We see how Saul found his donkeys and how he was anointed as the king of Israel. Thank You Lord for your grace and mercy shown to Saul, an ordinary man from the least tribe of Benjamin. Grant to us the same grace and mercy to find that which we have lost in our life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.