Isaiah 41:13, “Fear not, I will help you. ”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you is taken from the book of Isaiah 41:13, “Fear not, I will help you. ”
Today many children are living in fear and that fear does not help them to move forward and has stopped their success in life. Fear has obstructed their bright future and even ruins their health, it causes wounds in the mind of a person. For those of you who are reading this message and if you are filled with such kind of fear, may the Lord help you to overcome this fear and cause peace in your heart and fill you with boldness and courage.
Some of you are saying there is no one to help me, injustly the entire village or town has come against me, my own family has come against me, and I am left all alone. Today anyone may come against you, but the Lord will be your help and support you in such circumstances. When the people of Israel cried out to the Lord saying, Lord, we are struggling on seeing the red sea before us, the Lord stood in favour of them and immediately stretched out His hands and divided the sea making way for them to pass. When the Egyptian army tried to overcome them, the Lord, overcame them by closing the division of the red sea. So, the Egyptian army was destroyed and overcome by the water of the red sea.
He who helped the people of Israel who struggled on seeing the red sea as an obstacle to proceed, will He not help you? The Bible says God fought against the Egyptians, for the sake of His people. So if you commit your life to God’s hand and if you call upon the name of the Lord, He will surely come to help you. Similarly, God will fight against your enemies in favour of You. You will search for them but you shall never be able to find them anymore. Those who caused you to fear, those who threatened you, those who provoked you to anger, or those who were planning to destroy you. You will not find the person who threatened you even if you search for him. Because the Lord has promised to help you and support you. If God is at your side then who can come against you? says Apostle Paul, in the book of Romans. So be cheerful in the Lord for He is your helper and strong support.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “Fear not, I will help you”. Lord help my children who are in so much fear about something in their lives. Lord help them and support them with your power and strength. Lord fight for them and grant them peace. Remove the spirit of fear from them, and grant them the spirit of power, and sound mind. Let their future be bright and may they recover all that they had lost in their life. I thank you, Lord for helping them to live their life successfully.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Joel 3:16, “But the Lord will be a shelter for his people, And the strength of the children of Israel.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you is taken from the book of Joel 3:16, “But the Lord will be a shelter for his people, And the strength of the children of Israel.”
My dear children, The Lord promises to go before you and straighten all that is crooked, but for that, we need to learn to depend upon Him and trust Him with our future. The moment you tell the Lord, that you desire to be His child and submit your life to be obedient to Him. He will take complete control of your life. Therefore, you need not worry. It is very important that we learn to trust the Lord with our whole heart which means to completely and wholeheartedly trust that His power and sovereignty will meet all our needs. This is a type of child-like trust in believing that our heavenly father will provide all our needs. We should never lean on our understanding but in all our ways learn to acknowledge Him, then surely God will direct our paths and lead us in a blessed way.
My dear children of God, the Lord assures you today that God will be a shelter to you and your family. He will not only be a shelter but also be your strength, as you are the chosen children of Israel. Today as you commit your lives to Him, He is receiving you as His children. God is giving you a special blessing, by acknowledging you as His precious children. He will accompany you wherever you go. He will be a shelter to you and a fortress to protect you from all danger and harm in the places you go to. He will destroy all the weapons formed against you. The sorcery and witchcraft formed against you will be completely destroyed by God because you are precious in his sight so, do not fear. The Lord will lead you and your family. He will form you and make you bold; make you walk on a new path with a bright future.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “But the Lord will be a shelter for his people, And the strength of the children of Israel”. Dear Lord, I pray that there should be no barriers in the life of my children in moving forward in their life. Let them live joyfully as their soul prospers. Let them make an increase from the East and West and multiply in their strength and number. Destroy all the works of the evil one and every form of witchcraft and sorcery. Let miracles happen in their life such that they may proclaim all good things that happened in their lives as testimonies to others.
In Jesus Name We Pray
Proverbs 15:8, “The Prayer of the upright is His delight.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of God that comes to you is taken from the book of Proverbs 15:8, “The Prayer of the upright is His delight.”
In Bible from Genesis to Revelation, we find believers praying to the Lord. Abraham, Joseph, David, and Daniel offer wonderful examples of believers bringing needs and praises before the Lord. They did so consistently, even if it meant personal risk. Prayer was a priority for them. We can assume that one of the critical reasons for their deep spirituality was that prayer had a place of priority in their lives.
My dear children of God, how many of you are making an effort to do things that please God? The Psalmist says, ‘Lord teach me to do what is pleasing to you’. Our prayers should be in a way that pleases the Lord. The verse says that ‘the prayer of the upright is His delight’. Firstly, we need to be upright in our character. If you want to please the Lord, then you need to pray with an upright heart. You should pray to the Lord with the assurance that you have been saved and that you have been forgiven of your sins. You need to pray with a pure heart. Then your prayer will be answered. Many of you have this question, “As to why my prayer has not been answered.” God says, today you sanctify yourself, and tomorrow you shall see the wonders of God.” Earnestly ask God to sanctify you and purify you and make you fit before Him that He would be willing to hear your prayer, and answer you and bless you.
If you humble yourself before God, seeking His face and turning from your wicked ways, then God will hear your prayer from heaven and will forgive your sins and heal your land, and grant you good fortune. When God is pleased with your behaviour then God will begin to do all that is pleasing for you. Say, “Lord help me to tell a prayer that pleases you. Teach me, Lord, to do that which is pleasing in your sight. Never to be hypocritical in my prayer, but be filled with the spirit of God. May I live a life of Godliness, a life of righteousness, and that which is pleasing unto God. Also say, Lord, I have decided to live for you and your glory. To live a life that is pleasing to God. Ask God to forgive you, of all your sins and sinful nature. God will then do great and mighty things for you in your life.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “The Prayer of the upright is His delight”. Lord, Help my children to pray in the way that pleases you. I pray for those children who cry out to God to be gracious and merciful, be merciful to them and may your power be exhibited to them by the miracles you do for them. Lord let your ears be opened to their prayers and also let your eyes be opened to see the affliction that they go through and thus answer their prayers. Let many miracles be performed for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray
Psalm 122:7, “Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces”.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Psalm 122:7, “Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces”.
Today, the Lord is telling you that, firstly there will be peace within your walls which means inside your house! To those who are lamenting that there is no peace in their house, the Lord is going to bless your home today with peace within your walls. Some take extreme measures in destroying their lives since they have lost all hope and peace. They think that no one can save them. Today, the Lord is expelling all the spirits that disturb the peace from your house. Jehovah Shalom the God of peace has come into your house today. Until yesterday, it was the work of Satan, it was the reign of darkness, but as you read these words, the Lord is causing a spirit of light to shine upon you.
It means that the Lord of Comfort will come into your house and will change all tears, gnashing of teeth, and the disturbance of the peace. Firstly, the Lord is bringing everything under His control and is ruling your house. Your children will be taught by the Lord. Their peace will be great.The Lord will remove your shame and make you live in peace. If sickness has caused a lack of peace, the Lord will heal you and give you peace.
Secondly, it is said that there will be prosperity within your palace. It means that the Lord is breaking all curses in your house. Everything is like an empty vessel. Jesus went to the house in Cana for the wedding. There were empty jars before Him. There was no wine but only plain water and there was an urgent need of wine for the wedding festival. However, the Lord turned plain water into tasty wine. Today, Lord who filled the empty jars with wine will fill your empty jars too. There is going to be great prosperity in your life in the coming future. The Lord will bless you with overflowing blessings.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord, you have told, “Let Peace be within yourwalls, and Prosperity within your palaces”. May the peace of God dwell in the houses of your children. May wealth and prosperity remain in their house. May they enjoy good health. Let your word be fulfilled in their lives. May Your peace abide with them.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Mark 9:23, “Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God for you, is taken from the book of Mark 9:23, “Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
A man’s life is based on his faith. It is his trust that he is able to establish his life. If he loses his faith in any particular thing then he cannot do or achieve anything in his life, and even his physical health will be badly affected. His mind gets affected, and he becomes very weary and sick. Everything comes to an end for him. But faith encourages him to raise up again.
I have good counseling for children who are saying “Nothing good has happened in my life so far”. Today, Increase your faith in God. Because all things are possible to those who believe in God. So, all you got to do is to have faith in God and also have faith in yourself because you belong to God. Then you can achieve everything in life.
In the Bible we can see, a father brought his young son to Jesus, and the father told Jesus that his son was suffering from a very small age. And the evil spirit in him was pushing him into fire or water in order to kill him. The Devil was only looking for a chance to kill him. The father had suffered immensely because of the young boy. The father had heard of Jesus. So, he knew that if he approached the Lord Jesus Christ, then he would get a solution to his problem. So having faith in Jesus he brought his young son to Him. He did not know any other way but to come to Jesus. The Father believed that Jesus was the only way, and so he came to Him. At that time Jesus said to him, “If you believe then you shall see the glory of God.”
By saying this Jesus was trying to tell the father, that if he believed then his son would be delivered from the clutches of the evil spirit. So, the father replied to Jesus, “Lord I believe but in case I fail to believe, then I pray that You will help my unbelief.” So, he prayed to the Lord to help him have faith in God. And because he prayed, and admitted his weakness to the Lord, God delivered his son from the hold of the evil spirit. God delivered the young man from fits that caused him to fall into fire and water. The boy was delivered from his suicidal attempt. God immediately delivered the boy from the grip of the evil spirit and handed him over to his father. But when did Jesus do that? When the father prayed to the Lord to save him from his unbelief. He said, that he believed that Jesus, could deliver his son, but then in case he failed to believe or have faith, then he cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord help my unbelief.”
Today most of you are praying for various things, to get a car, to get a house, to secure a job, to get married, for the blessing of a child, but how many of you are praying to the Lord, to save you from your unbelief or to help you have more faith in God. When you pray to the Lord, that God should save you from all your unbelief then the Lord will perform miracles in your life, God will strengthen your faith, and you shall be delivered from all your unbelief. Because all things are possible to them that believe in His name. So have faith in the word of God, then the request you pray for shall be answered.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. Lord, help my children not to be unfaithful. I pray that they will be more faithful to God. Let all unbelief be removed from their heart and mind. Help my children see the glory of God. Let every plan of the evil spirit be uprooted from their life. Deliver them and bless them to live a life that pleases You.
In Jesus Name we pray.