Jesus is born for us.
Jesus is willing to be born in your heart. Will you give your heart?
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, on behalf of God’s Love Ministries, we wish you a Merry Christmas. May God bless you abundantly.
Today, let us reflect on the words of Micah 5:2:
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.”
Israel is a small nation, and Palestine, where it is situated, has many villages. One such small village is Bethlehem. In Micah 5:2, we see that though Bethlehem is small, it holds great pride and glory, for the Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns over the entire world, was born there. He came to bring salvation to all. Jesus, born in the lineage of David, was born to Joseph and Mary in this humble place.
Even today, the Great Lord Jesus is willing to be born in your small heart. Will you give your heart to Him? Perhaps something is hindering His birth in your heart—sin, injustice, iniquity, or uncleanliness. Whatever the hindrance, take a step toward removing it. This Christmas, the true celebration is not in delicious food or parties but in repentance. When a sinner repents, there is great celebration in Heaven. Do not live with the guilt of your sin. Come to Jesus, for He was born for us. Even before His birth, He was destined to be a sacrificial lamb. He knew He would give His life for the salvation of mankind. Through His sacrifice, He offers us redemption.
Jesus wishes to shine in your life. God will transform your life like a shining star. In your family, in your work, you will stand out brighter than the stars of this world. There is one thing you must do: confess and repent. Whether it’s lying, alcoholism, lust, or pride, today, on the birthday of our Savior, who came to redeem you from your sin, seek His forgiveness. God will redeem you and lead you to live a holy life. Your difficult situations will change, and you will step into the New Year with joy.
Sis. Meena from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, shared her testimony. She had been suffering for years with continuous burping, no matter how many medicines she took. She visited the Prayer Tower after watching Bro. Stephen’s TV programs and was prayed for by the prayer warriors. With great burden, they prayed for hours, quoting scripture, and the tormenting spirit left her. The burping stopped completely, and she was delivered, feeling like a new person. God has a solution for your problems. He will deliver you and help you lead a happy life.
Loving Lord, we thank You. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you the Lord who reigns the world is coming forth.” Lord, bless all those reading this message. Be born in them and help them bear Your life. May they overcome trials and tribulations and enter the New Year with Your blessing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, December 24th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly!
Today’s auspicious word for us is from Isaiah 11:1:
“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” What a beautiful and profound word! Jesse was the father of King David, and from his lineage came the Rod — David. From David’s lineage was born Jesus, our Savior. Here, the prophet Isaiah is prophetically announcing the birth of Jesus.
Let us consider the significance of names in this verse. For instance, in a place where there are many people with the same name, we identify them by their lineage. If the name is Stephen, and God specifies “Stephen, son of Thangayan,” it uniquely identifies that individual. Similarly, “David, son of Jesse” emphasizes Jesus’s lineage and fulfillment of prophecy. As we approach this festive season, a question arises: while we clean and decorate our homes, have we cleansed our hearts? The celebration of Christ’s birth should also mean inviting Him to be born in the throne of our hearts. A clean and spotless heart is the throne Jesus desires.
Take a moment today to ask God, “Lord, cleanse my heart with Your precious blood. Make it pure and holy. Come, reign in the throne of my heart and lead my life. For those longing for the gift of a child, Isaiah 11:1 holds a promise. Many barren wombs have been blessed when this verse was prayed over with faith. I remember a couple who had been childless for years. When they came to me, I encouraged them to replace “Jesse” in the verse with the husband’s name and claim the promise.
Later, a significant conflict arose between the husband and wife, leading to separation and thoughts of divorce. When the wife questioned the prophecy, I reminded her, “The word of God never fails. Heaven and earth may pass away, but His word will be fulfilled.” I reassured her that the promise would come to pass. Miraculously, her husband returned, and within the same month, she conceived. God blessed them with a beautiful baby boy. Today, this same promise is for you.
If you are praying for a child, replace “Jesse” with your husband’s name, claim the promise, and believe. A miracle awaits you!
Loving Lord, we thank You for this beautiful day. In the name of Jesus, I bless Your children with the promise of Isaiah 11:1 “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” Jesus, You came into this world to redeem us from sin, curse, and iniquity. Today, let redemption and salvation enter the hearts of Your children. May this Christmas be meaningful as they celebrate with holiness in their hearts, acknowledging You as Lord. Lord, reign in the hearts of Your children. Cleanse them, guide them, and prosper them in all they do. For those with closed wombs, let them receive the blessing of fruitfulness. Let this festive season bring joy, peace, and miracles into their lives. May they attend church, celebrate Your birth, and inherit all the blessings You have promised. Be gracious to them, protect them, and let Your presence guide them always. In Jesus’s mighty name, we pray, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is a delight to meet you all on this day, December 23rd, through this daily Auspicious Message. May God bless you. What is the auspicious word God has for us today? Psalm 37:6 – “He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday.”
Some of you may feel that the Lord has not yet delivered justice for you. You may be crying, saying, “In this matter, I have not received justice.” Today, the Lord says that He will bring forth your righteousness as the light. This means that when God brings justice, those who are in a dark room will be brought to the light. Those who are in captivity will be set free. God is granting you the ability to do your work with righteousness and perfection. He is prophetically speaking to those who feel imprisoned—whether in darkness, captivity, or jail—that He is giving you a new life. Before entering the new year, God will transform you into a responsible son, give you a good job, and place you in a good position in society.
If, as parents, you are worried about your children’s future—perhaps you feel burdened about their lives, especially when they’ve faced difficult circumstances—do not fear. For some, God is prophetically speaking that there will be no trace of the past incident. God will perform wonders and bring forth righteousness like light. God’s justice can sometimes be seen in how He helps you forget the past. The old life is to be forgotten, and He offers you a new opportunity. There is a difference between worldly justice and God’s justice. When God forgives, He forgets. Today, God is desiring to give a new life to His children.
Not only that, but He says, “Your justice I will bring as the noonday.” This means that what was once seen as a dark room—your justice—will now be as clear as the midday sun. For those who have been trapped in a situation, God will do justice for you. If you have lost a job, He will redeem it. If you’ve had issues with property, He will bring justice and restore it. In family cases, God will reunite you and bring peace. He will break the barriers and help you continue your studies. God is righteous and just. As His chosen children, when you call upon Him day and night in your matters, will He not act on your behalf? Though God is patient, He will not delay His justice for you. Your merciful God says, “Very soon, I will do justice for you.”
Testimony from Sister Sharmila Xavier:
In our family, a court case had been ongoing for more than 8 years. Because of this, we lost all peace, tranquillity, and happiness. We lost everything, and our family was shattered. In great sorrow, we didn’t know what to do. In this state, I wrote to Brother Stephen via email, sharing our situation in detail. Brother read it and, with great burden and compassion, prayed and replied. He told us, “Never lose hope, do not worry. Trust in the Lord, and you will see His glory.” A few days after receiving this message and due to Brother Stephen’s prayers, the 8-year-long court case was resolved in our favor by God’s grace. We received victory in the case. What a beautiful testimony! Sometimes it may seem that God is silent, but He works silently in the background. The same God who gave justice in an 8-year court case will also do justice for you.
Dear Lord, we thank You. You said, “You shall bring forth my righteousness as the light, And my justice as the noonday.” For those children who have not yet received justice, let them receive justice. For those who are expecting a new opportunity, let them receive it—whether it is a new job, a new ministry opportunity, an opportunity to go abroad, or the chance to continue their studies. Before they enter the new year, according to Your word, “Behold, I make all things new,” let this new beginning start now. Make all things new for Your children. Bring forth righteousness and justice like the noonday for them. We thank You, Lord. Help them in their cases, fight their battles, and bring justice into their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you today, December 21st, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you abundantly. Today, what is the auspicious word that God has for us. Numbers 24:17 says, “A Star shall come out of Jacob; A Scepter shall rise out of Israel.”
A scepter signifies a ruler who reigns justly. This prophecy refers to Jesus Christ, foretelling His birth long before it happened. The phrase, “A star shall come out of Jacob,” points to Jesus as the great and true Star, who illuminates the whole world. Today, we may hear about many earthly “stars”—celebrities or notable figures who shine for specific communities, countries, or languages. But Jesus Christ is the ultimate Star, the Light for all humankind. He declares, “I am the Light of the world. I am the True Light.” He is coming into your homes today to bring His light.
Beloved, you who may feel insignificant, God is going to make you a shining star in your field. This word is a prophetic declaration over your life: the Star that came from Jacob desires to be born in your life today. If Jesus enters your life, you will gain wisdom and become an achiever. The things you have been unable to accomplish so far, He will enable you to achieve.
The Word says in Psalm 138:8, “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me.” Moreover, the scepter that arises from Israel represents a ruler who brings justice—a symbol of God’s righteous governance over your life. If you have been denied justice, the Lord promises to intervene. He will deliver you and ensure you receive justice.
Now, I wish to share a testimony of God’s faithfulness:
A young boy struggled with his engineering exams, having failed multiple times and accumulated 18 arrears. Despite repeated attempts, he could not pass. Feeling hopeless, he and his mother came to me. He said, “Uncle, I have tried so many times, but I cannot pass even one subject. I have no hope left of completing my engineering degree.”
It was his final chance; if he failed, there would be no further opportunity. I prayed for him and encouraged him, saying, “The Lord who helps—Ebenezer—will be with you. Commit your studies to Him. Work hard, study day and night, and trust that God will take care of the rest. When you go to the exam hall, say, ‘Jesus, come with me.’ The God who gives victory—Jehovah Nissi—will grant you success.” The boy followed this advice, studied diligently, and sought the Lord’s help. By God’s grace, he cleared all 18 arrears in one attempt! The secret to his success was simple: God was with him. Today, if God is with you, He will do great things in your life.
Loving Lord, we thank You for the Star that has come from Jacob to give us a bright future. We praise You for Jesus, the Scepter from Israel, who reigns with justice and righteousness. Lord, we ask that You bring justice to all who have been wronged and make their hearts rejoice. Thank You for being the God who perfects all that concerns us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this blessed day, December 20th, as the festive season approaches, to share this auspicious daily message. May God richly bless you. Today’s auspicious word for us is from Matthew 1:23, “They shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
Before Jesus Christ was born, the prophecy declared by the prophets was: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel.” This prophetic word foretold that Jesus would be called Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” The essence of Christmas is God uniting with His people. The day our Holy Heavenly Father sent His only Son for humanity, who had sinned and lost the image of God, is what we celebrate as Christmas. God is with us, Jesus is with us, and Immanuel is with us.
When Jesus is with us:
Shame will not come, Poverty will not come, Troubles will not come, Debt will not come. Your life will be transformed. Today, Immanuel is coming to your homes, into your lives that may be suffering from troubles, shame, debt, or sickness. He is uniting with you to bring restoration and blessings.
The Bible says:
“David continued to succeed in everything he did, for the LORD was with him.” The secret of David’s success was that God was with him. Similarly, when God is with you, you will succeed day by day and progress in every area of your life. Immanuel will bring victory after victory into your life. Those longing for children, granting them the gift of a child. Your career, with unexpected opportunities and blessings. Your business, workplace, and ministry, with extraordinary breakthroughs. When Jesus unites with you, miracles will happen.
Brother Ravichandran from Coimbatore shares:
“In my home, a tenant stayed for 13 years. The house was in a dilapidated state, so I asked him to vacate, but he refused. Instead, he insisted on buying the house from me, causing me great sorrow. One day, I attended the Anbarin Paathathil Fasting Prayer and submitted my prayer request to Brother Stephen, who prayed earnestly for me. As soon as I stepped out after the prayer, I received a call from the tenant. To my surprise, the man who had adamantly refused to vacate my house suddenly said, ‘I will vacate your house.’ And he did so! This miracle happened because Immanuel was with me. When I sought God, He united with me, spoke to my adversary, and enabled me to reclaim my house. The same God will perform a miracle for you too.”
Dear Lord, we thank You. Immanuel means “God is with us.” For those who have lost Immanuel in their lives and are suffering, forgive them. Be enthroned once again in their hearts and reign over them with wisdom. According to the verse, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me,” we thank You that Christ now lives in them, helping them to thrive. Thank You for coming into our lives and driving out all darkness. We thank You for canceling all the weapons formed against us. We thank You for removing poverty and bringing prosperity to families. Because You have been born in our lives, we thank You for healing all sickness and performing miracles. In Jesus’ Name, we pray,