My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of the Lord is taken from the book of 2 Chronicles’ 7:14, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
In this verse God Calls us, “My people”, what a privilege to be “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). We must always remember who we are. On this 1st of November, the Lord wants to bless His people with Good Fortune. We are all anxiously waiting for God to bless us with fortune in our lives, in our children’s lives, in our business, and in our ministry. This auspicious word of God is truly good news, as we will receive Good Fortune in our life. Good Fortune represents all the blessings of this world. Good health, wealth, and prosperity.
What does God expect us to do to receive this blessing of Good Fortune? We need to humble ourselves before God. When we are humble, we will receive grace from the Lord. Secondly, you need to live a life of prayer and the life that pleases God. You need to look up to God and pray. ‘God says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray’, seeking God’s face opens us up to the answers and direction we need during prayer.
Finally, you need to give up all your wicked ways, you need to repent of all your sinful life, and truly repent of all your wrongdoings. The Bible clearly says, ‘But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear you’. So only if you give up all your wicked ways in life, God will bless you. Give up all ways leading to sin and keep yourself blameless. As you enter into a new month, you must desire to start a new life altogether. God will give you more than what you think, ask, or pray for. Then surely God will lead you to the land destined for you. God will bless you with a good job, He will bless you with a good family life, and thus bless you with a generation. Good fortune will come once you give up your wicked ways, and many good things will begin to happen in your life.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through today’s promise verse. Lord, may this word come true in the life of all those who read this message. May they inherit the nature of humbleness in their life. Let them give up all their sinful ways, and repent of their wicked ways so that they may receive and enjoy a good and peaceful life. I bless them all from the depth of my heart so that they may enjoy the blessings of Good Fortune. Break all the barriers that obstruct their progress, in their personal life, family life, in their business and their ministry and also in the life of their children, and in their education. Let many good things happen in their families. Let your hand of protection be upon them throughout this month.
In Jesus name we pray.
James 4: 6, “God gives grace to the humble”.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of the Lord is taken from the book of James 4: 6, “God gives grace to the humble”.
Grace is very important in the life of a man. Grace is something, given by God, to a person, who doesn’t deserve to receive any good thing. This is the sheer grace of God. He gives you grace because He loves you.
To whom does God give grace? Grace is the gift of God and it is given to those who humble themselves before God. If one wishes to live life to the fullest and move forward in life and enjoy the goodness of God, then he should have the grace of God, which is very important in life. The Bible says, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore, you need to remove all the pride from your heart. You should discard all things about which you are proud of. You should give up this pride from your heart and be humble.
We can read in the Bible about Mary the mother of Jesus, who said to the angel, in a humble manner, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38). She was so humble that God decided that she should give birth to Jesus the Saviour of the World. The angel appeared before Mary and said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour or grace with God’.
For Jesus to be born in the womb of Mary was the plan and will of God the Father. Mary received the grace of God to conceive and bring forth a male child and call His name JESUS. That Is why the angel tells Mary, ‘You have received favour from God’. God had given Mary the grace to beget the saviour of this world. God had made her qualified to conceive Jesus in her womb even though she was a virgin. Isn’t it wonderful!
My dearly beloved, God is looking at you today and saying that, “My grace will help you to live”. You have been saved by God through His grace to lead your life. Today God is placing that anointing of grace upon your head. God Bless you!
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse, “God gives grace to the humble”. May they receive the grace of God and make them qualified to obtain the blessing. Let this grace help them to obtain their preferred job, own house, good life partner. May the grace of God, cause them to receive the Visa for their children to go abroad. Let this grace help them to conceive and bear a child. Honour all those who are waiting for a gift of a child, by helping them to conceive and bring forth a child. Lord, you have said, “For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed, But My grace shall not depart from you. Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed”. May the peace of God abide with them.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of the Lord is taken from the book of Isaiah 51:22, “See, I have taken out of your hand, The cup of trembling.”
Many of you are holding the cup of trembling in your hand. Trembling in your hand means struggles that you face in your life. Nobody would like to struggle in life. Some would say, “ I am struggling in the deep sea.” It may be a struggle with death, struggle in famine, in a draught, in debts, in disease; all these indicate the cup of trembling in your hands. But today the Lord is saying, to you, “Look I will remove the cup of trembling from your hands”. Which means God does not want you to struggle anymore. There is a kind of trembling darkness in your hand. There is something in you that keep on pulling you towards trouble, causing a struggle in life. God is looking at such kind of people who are trembling in life, “I will take the cup of trembling from your hand and I shall give you the cup of peace”. God is bringing an end to all the struggles, pain, and agony, in your life. God wants to bring joy into your life instead of sorrow.
God wants you to live in peace and harmony in future. You shall not struggle anymore. God will help you to maintain your family smoothly hereafter. You will clear all your debts. God says, you who are struggling in debt will no more struggle but the Lord will safely lead you to the shore. You are thinking you will never be able to reach the shore. You are thinking that you cannot be redeemed from your struggles. God who leads you to the shore is with you. So, take courage, and don’t grow weary.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse, “I will take away the cup of trembling from your hands.” Lord, whatever may be the reason that has caused my children to have a cup of trembling in their hand, I pray that You will pull out their problems from the root and redeem them from the depression that they are going through. Help them to enjoy many good things in their families. Let many good events take place in their lives. I bless them all from the depth of my heart. I thank You, Lord, for breaking all the barriers that block their progress and helping them to move forward in life. Let them enjoy fullness in life.
In Jesus name we pray.
Zechariah 2:10, “I am coming and will live among you”.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of the Lord is taken from the book of Zechariah 2:10, “I am coming and will live among you”.
My dear children of God, What a word of assurance the Lord has given us today. Isn’t it an encouraging word? In this world, when we get an assurance from a person saying I will come and help you, we become encouraged; we are comforted by his word of assurance. Sometimes he may fail to help due to various situations. But our God’s assurance will never fail. He says, “Are you in trouble, well I will come and see to it. I will come and solve your problem”. Today, Lord is assuring you that He will come and live in the midst of you.
Maybe there had been a great loss in your life since the Lord was not with you in the past. You suffered from debts, and you went through shame and dishonour. You got entangled in many unwanted affairs, and you are now standing in despair. Today God is looking at you as you have lifted your eyes towards heaven with tears. God says, I will come and live in the midst of you.
What will really happen if the Lord comes in the midst of you?
Firstly, He will destroy all the weapons formed against you. When God comes and lives in the midst of you and your family, He will drive away all the works of the evil spirit. The schemes of witchcraft, black magic, and divination will be wiped away and destroyed completely. So do not fear. For if God is with you, who can be against you.
Secondly, your poverty will disappear, because He is a God of riches. God will bless the works of your hands. He will prosper you in your work or business that you are doing. He will give you success thus you will be able to clear all your commitments. You will no more suffer poverty but will enjoy the blessings of God.
If you are doing ministry when God comes and lives with you, you will see a growth in your ministry. Where ever you go and minister, you will see God performing miracles in the lives of the people. Thus your ministry will flourish.
Hence my beloved, do not be shaken in your life. All things are possible with God. He will make all the crooked paths straight in your life.
God bless you.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “I am coming and will live among you”. Lord, it is enough if you come into our lives. If you come then all the poverty and famine of my children will disappear. All diseases will be healed. From today onwards my children will live a life free from debts. They will live a healthy and peaceful life. Help them to live a life of fullness. Honour my children and let them shine in their life as you live in the midst of them. Give them name and fame.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Proverbs 23:18, “There is surely a future and hope for you and your hope will not be cut off’.”
I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Proverbs 23:18, “There is surely a future and hope for you and your hope will not be cut off’.”
Sometimes, when others disregard us, we say, ‘There will come a time for me as well” One day something good will happen to me’. We see that there is faith in this word. Surely a time will come for me. ‘Surely one day, I will receive a promotion’. I do not know if we talk such things knowingly or just speak words out of boldness. If you are speaking in this manner, boldly, you must remember that the Lord is listening to this. Even if you have spoken out of anxiousness, ‘Surely there will come a time for you.”. Surely one day you will have advancement’ in your life. The Lord has recorded these words which you have spoken in faith. That is why today, the Lord is telling, ‘Surely there is an end to your problems’. Your debts will come to an end. Your disease will come to an end. Your shame and failure will come to an end. Your hope will never be cut off. The Lord is telling that your hope will not go in vain.
When you are broken hearted, the Holy Spirit that gives courage from deep within has made you speak words of hope. The Lord will perform a miracle in that matter. Are you unable to finish something you have started? Has your house construction stopped halfway through? Is your case regarding your property stopped halfway through? Has your Visa, which you had applied for still withheld for certain reason, Is your education or ministry hindered halfway through? What is standing halfway through? Has your engagement and marriage hindered halfway? Do you have no money? Do not worry? Today the Lord will help you to finish what you are unable to finish and will help you start, a new beginning in your life. The Lord will perform great things for you in your life in the coming days. So be bold and never lose hope in the Lord. Because your hope will never be lost.
Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! Many of Your children are worried because they could not complete what they had decided to finish at the appointed time. The Lord is telling, ‘Surely there will be an end to that problem. God will bring an end to all your problems. God will finish all that is unfinished in your life. Surely there is an end. Your hope will not be cut off. You have said, that , “ Even if you have faith as small as the mustard seed and tell the mountain to throw itself into the sea, it will be done.” ‘Faith works miracles. . Your children have unshakeable faith in you. Fulfil all the desires of their heart. Let all their obstacles be broken. Let all the problems and court cases come to an end, Father, God. Let good things happen and may they be blessed in their life.
In Jesus Name we pray,