Do   Good  To  Others.           

Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord  for today is taken from the book  of Proverbs 3:27, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so”.

The Lord is teaching us a very good quality. When you have the capacity to do good, do not withhold from   doing it for those to whom it is due. There is a Tamil proverb which goes like this, “Know the vessels and give alms”. It means to help those who are really in need of it. The Holy Spirit is advising us to have wisdom in everything we do. Jesus Christ went about doing good to all when He was on this earth. We who follow his footsteps must also do good  to all while we are on this earth. We expect others to do good to us and we are not able to bear the evil that others do to us. It does not matter if it is your   relatives, friends, or people from outside. You want everyone to do good to you. If so, we too must do good to others. If you have thought  any evil to someone,   or  you have  done it, ask the Lord for forgiveness and commit to do good to others. 

The blessing we get through this,  is  what  the Bible says, “I will bless those who bless you”. It means that if you  do  good to others, the Lord will do good to you. If  you  sow  good, you will reap good. If you do  good to others, even if you face any trouble through them, it does not matter. Some say that the person he has helped has harmed them in return. We see some lamenting this way. It is our duty to do good. It is not for us to bother about what others do. The Lord is telling that when you do good to others while you can    and  later  face  struggles, your reward in heaven will be great. Therefore, we must not go weary in doing good. We should do as much as we can. We are the children of Lord Jesus Christ.   There are many around us who are in need. We must take it as a privilege to help those children who are fatherless. Feed the poor, orphans and widows. Only good deeds will come with   you  to heaven. Today, take a good decision to help others, then goodness will come in search of you. The Lord will change all the evil you faced for   the good, you have done to others

PRAYER:  Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord, We thank you for teaching us this good lesson today. We humble ourselves to be made useful to others. Help us to do good to all just like you did. Give us the wisdom to do good to those who are in due of it. Lord, increase our ability to help many people. Cause the vessels of your children to overflow  with abundant  blessings,  so  that their needs and debts will be met and that they may have in abundance to give and help others.

In Jesus Name, we pray,


Path of life

Nahum 1:15, ‘No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’.

I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour   Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Nahum 1:15, ‘No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’.

Through the above verse the Lord is giving you this promise of assurance, this morning. The wicked is the one who desires to destroy us. He is the one who makes all efforts to destroy us. He is the one who plots against us to destroy us. This verse says, ‘No more will the wicked invade you’. Some wicked person would have planned to destroy you. Has he deceived and put you in a net and destroyed your future? You have found his originality, haven’t you? You are crying, to the Lord saying, ‘Lord, please deliver me from the hands of the wicked’. The Lord is telling you, ‘No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’. 

There was a young girl who got trapped into a wrong relationship,   but later she repented of her mistake, and   wanted to come out of this, unwanted relationship. The boy was keen on destroying her. Even if she repented and came, that boy was not willing to let go of her. She was threatened with photos they took together and the phone recordings. One day she came crying to me and said, ‘Uncle, this wicked one must not come my way never again’. I moved with him not knowing that he was wicked. The Lord must somehow deliver me. I asked the Lord, ‘ Lord, this is a rightful desire of hers.  So I prayed that Heaven should consider her request.   She should never again see the Egyptian (her enemy) whom   she saw today’ forever in her life.    I prayed a short prayer and sent her home. After some days, the boy met with an accident, but the Lord gave the boy an understanding, that he met with an accident because of the girl’s tears. He cried and said, “Please tell me that you have forgiven me”. I will not interfere with your life again. Your tears, led me to this destruction. I will submit all the photos and the recordings to you. I will not come your way after this. I will not interfere in your life anymore.” So she forgave him and prayed for him. Today, she is living a life pleasing to the Lord with   freedom. If your children are caught up with some people not knowing that they are wicked, today is their turn. God will help them to take a U-turn in their lives. This is the good news for the day. No more will the wicked invade you! Some wicked spirits will destroy the fruit of the womb. Some say, “ I felt a snake chasing me, and  the following day,   I had a miscarriage.” The wicked spirits or animals and reptiles that caused such miscarriages will not invade you anymore. The Lord has brought you to the path of life from the path of destruction. Halleluiah!

Prayer:  Holy Father, we thank you. You have given an auspicious word, saying that, “No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’. According to this word, let miracles happen to everyone. Lord cut off all the connections they had with the wicked and give them the grace to hold the hands of the loving Lord and walk. Through this let them have a bright future. I bless my children wholeheartedly in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit! They must never see the Egyptian ( the enemy)whom     they saw today never again in their life.  They must never see this cruel  disease, or this  black magic   cast over them by the wicked,  or the works of the evil spirit, which they  saw  today  ever again. Perform miracles  for them Lord.  May they see the power of God, through the miracles you perform for them and help them to take Jesus as their Saviour.   Let them enjoy a peaceful life.  

In Jesus Name we pray


The Lord Is Good

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of the Lord is taken from the book of Lamentation 3;25, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him. To the soul who seeks Him”.

In the above verse, God is saying two things, one is to ‘seek the Lord, and another is to ‘wait for Him’. The Lord God is good to those who seek Him with their whole heart and also wait for Him, The Bible says, “But those who wait on the Lord. Shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like the eagles”
(Isaiah 40:31). When the eagle grows old, it will become weak and unable to fly and would sit up on the cleft of the rock. It will shed off its old wings and new feathers would start growing, once the wings are fully grown and having renewed the original strength it will boldly soar high into the sky. In the same way, the Lord wants to refresh your life, He wants to give you a new beginning and restart your life. So, he wants to remove your withered anointing, your withered strength, and your withered wisdom and fill you with new wisdom, new knowledge, and good understanding.

In the Bible, we read about a man who was lying down in the pool of Bethesda, for 38 long years. Since he was lying down there helplessly and patiently, God knew that he had suffered enough for so long a period of time, so Jesus Himself went to the man and asked him if he wanted to get healed. The man told Jesus that he wanted to be healed. God asked him to take up his bed and walk home. He gladly walked home. Well, if he had lost his patience and had moved out of that place, then he could not have been healed.

Waiting is very important in our life to reach our destiny or achieve our goals. He waited with faith, that something good would happen in life. In order to teach us this lesson of waiting, the Lord went to the pool of Bethesda, and healed the lame man. He is a good God to those who wait. So, whatever may be the problem, you need to wait for the Lord to perform a miracle for you. Never mind if it takes a long period. Wait patiently and you will receive the reward, for waiting. The Bible says, For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. (Habakkuk 2:3)

My dear children of God, your hope will not be lost for surely there is a future. You may be waiting for a long period for a good life partner, the gift of a child. Or you may be waiting for a good government job. Whatever it may be, don’t worry, God is good and will do all things well for you. God says, you will once again rise, like the eagles who flap their wings and soar high, you also will mount up like the eagles. No good thing will He withhold from those that seek the Lord. God will fill all the empty places in your life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him. To the soul who seeks Him”. Lord, I pray that you will answer the request of my children and fulfil the desire of all those who have been waiting for so long time, for things to happen in their life. Let good things happen in their life. Let them receive the Visa for which they have been waiting for a long period. Let them be blessed with good health and strength. Thank you, Lord for performing miracles in their life. Lord, you are good to those who seek you. Lord bless all those who search for you.

In Jesus’ Name we pray.


There Is No Sorcery

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious word of the Lord, is taken from the book of Numbers 23:23 “For there is no Sorcery against Jacob, Nor any divination against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob and of Israel, ‘Oh, what God has done!”.

My dear children of God, you may be in a distressed mind. Though you have everything, you look as if you don’t have anything in life. When you are physically suffering from a certain disease or if you go through severe loss in your business or constant failures then you tend to doubt and think that someone who doesn’t like to see your progress in your life has done witchcraft against you. But the above verse says, “There is no sorcery against Jacob, Nor any divination against Israel. God is in control of your life; then how can such things happen in your life? You are the son of Jacob. You are the daughter of Israel. His word is given to guard you against all evil.

The Bible verse says, “no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent” (Psalm 91:10). You need to believe in the promise of God. When God says, “No” to something, then God will nullify every evil action. If you can proclaim from the heart that the Lord is your refuge and your fortress, and the One in whom you trust and if you are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, then no harm will overtake you.

My dear children of God, as long as you are going about your Godly duties, walking in the way of obedience to His will, the angels are given charge to guard you in all your ways. It is when you take yourself out of that way, out of His care, outside of His will, that you are in danger of falling into the snare of the trapper. Therefore, meditating on God’s Word and walking in faith is so important. The more you meditate on God’s Word, the stronger your roots will become in Jesus, which will protect you against any harm and evil plans.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse, “For there is no Sorcery against Jacob, Nor any divination against Israel. It now must be said of Jacob and of Israel, ‘Oh, what God has done!”. Lord let not the evil deeds such as Witchcraft and sorcery ruin the peace of my children. This has caused much fear and anxiety among my children. You said, if you believe, you shall see the glory of God. Therefore, help them to have faith and be victorious in life. Thank You, Lord, for erecting walls of fire around my children, and for remaining in the midst of my children. Let them not suffer from debts, disease or destruction. Put a hedge of protection around them and be the glory in the midst of them. Honour and prosper them.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


Jesus Saves

Mark 5:36, “Do Not Fear,  Just Believe.”

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   The auspicious word   of the Lord is taken from the book of Mark 5:36, “Do Not Fear,  Just Believe.”

My dear children of God, you seem to be listening to only bad news from all corners. And that would have made you feel sick of life. Having always listened to bad news you seem to be longing to hear good news.   At this period the Lord is saying, “Do not fear, Just Believe.” God always wants to encourage you to be bold and strong in life. In the Bible, we can read that God met a man Jairus, who was the head man of the synagogue. He came to the Lord and pleaded with him to rescue his 12-year-old daughter who was on the verge of death.     So, Jesus along with His disciples was on His way to save the life of the child. But on His way, there was a delay since another woman who was suffering from the issue of blood for 12 long years came to meet Jesus in a big crowd, and without the knowledge of anyone, she touched the hem of His garment. Immediately the flow of blood stopped. We read in the Bible that the woman had spent all her wealth to get her disease cured but she couldn’t, so she tried one last chance by touching the hem of the garment of Jesus. She had great faith that if she touched Him, she would be healed. God honored her faith and healed her of the sickness from which she had endured shame, pain, and agony.

As He spent time for the woman on the way, the bad news was brought to the Headman of the Temple saying, “Your daughter is dead, don’t trouble the Master anymore”. Jairus was stunned to hear this sad news. He thought, “If only Jesus was a bit quicker in his journey, they could have reached his home earlier and his daughter’s life could have been saved”. He almost lost his hope, it was just then, that the Lord looked at him and spoke the good news,   “ Do not fear, Just Believe”. Jesus encouraged him to have faith. Because   Jesus knew that he had become faithless.  Jesus then went to Jairus’s house and said to the people who were crying over her that ‘the girl was only sleeping and she was not dead’. They ridiculed him.  But He looked at the girl and said, “Talitha Cumi”.  Which means ‘little girl rise’. The girl got up and sat down.

My dear children of God, what did the Lord mean by saying, “Do not fear”? For nothing is too hard for the Lord to do. He tells you not to fear, not to fret, and be scared of the situation. However fearful or bad the news might be. Just tell the Lord, humbly and increase your faith and then you shall receive the miracle of God. This is what God expects of you. God is trying to tell you that it is not too late to recover from the deathbed. Even if the girl was dead God could rise her up again from her deathbed. God says, ‘It is not too late for Me to do miracles for you. All you need to do is to believe in Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith and return to Him.  Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. (Zechariah 9:12), May the Lord place this word upon your head and bless you.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “Do Not Fear,  Just Believe.” I thank You, Lord, for filling my children with the glory of God.  Lord in case my children have fallen short of faith in You, I pray that you would resurrect faith in them. As a result, let all those who are only hearing bad news begin to hear good news in the future, which would make them glad.   Perform miracles continually for them. Let separated families be re-joined together.  Let my children recover all their lost property, wealth, health, position, fame, and name. I bless my children wholeheartedly.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


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