Be Faithful In Few Things.      

Matthew 25:21, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of  Matthew 25:21, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

From the above context we learn about being faithful in few things. If you are faithful in few things then God will make you in charge of many things. God is looking at you this morning and saying, you have been faithful in few things. So I will put you in charge of many things. May be some of you are saying, “I have very little.  What can I do with the little I have. ” The Lord is going to make an   increase     in your life.  This message as such has come to confirm God’s Blessings upon you, in this New Year.  Although you have very little with you the one who is within you, is much greater. And He does great things   in your life. It is said that one can identify who you are, by the friends you hold. Or what sort of books you read.  If you are in Christ then people will identify you as a child of God.

While making a covenant with Moses the Lord told him that people will see the works of God through him. He said, “The people with whom you live will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord will do, in the midst of you. “God used ordinary and stammering Moses to perform mighty   works among the people of Egypt and Israel. Moses struck the rock and water gushed out from the rock. The Red Sea was split in two by his rod. When he struck the rock water sprang forth.  When the people asked for meat God sent a wind in the lower parts of the sea, and caused many number of quails on the shores of the sea. Thus Moses performed mighty miracles and wonders in the midst of the people of Israel,   and it was said that there would not be another prophet like Moses after him.

Moses had just a rod or staff in his hand, with which the great and awesome God used him to perform many great miracles. Moses had very little in his hand but the Lord who was with him caused him to do a great many things. God was his back up or support. In the same way to those of you who have very little with you, God will be your back up and help you achieve great things in your life.   God will do unimaginable things for you. All you need to exercise is   your strong faith   in God.   Don’t trust man or expect help from unworthy people. Some will say he became great because of this person or that person.  He gained name and fame, because of my friend, or my uncle, or my cousin who is abroad. But in future God   says, He will be your strong support. He will be your backup. So put your trust in the Lord. For the Bible says, “They who put their trust in the Lord shall prosper.” God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for   this   blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank  You for telling us that you will be our backup. As you were with Moses an ordinary, stammering man,  and performed many miracles,    please be with us also and help us to see  and achieve great things in our lives.  May others see the work of God in our lives. 

In  Jesus  Name We Pray.


You Are a Holy Nation

1 peter 2:9, “You are a holy nation and His own special people”.

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The new auspicious word   of the Lord, is taken from   the book of   1 peter 2:9, “You are a holy nation and His own special people”.

My dear children of God, today Jesus is looking at you and saying that you are his children. What joyous news this is. Just think about it for a moment. Instead of saying that you are a President’s relative, or  a  Prime  Minister’s or a Chief Minister’s son or daughter, how great it would be to associate yourself as the child of the creator of the whole universe. You are a child of God. You are bought by His own blood. He has therefore given you the privilege of calling him Abba Father. What else could be better, in the world, than this relationship? Some might say, Though I have my husband, I live like a widow.  Though I have my parents yet I live like an orphan.   In case you are saying this, my dear children of God, today you must realize that God has given you the privilege of calling God as your Father, and so you are the children of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Since you have a father to care for you, hereafter you should not have any worries or fear of being alone. You should have faith and trust that you belong to Jesus. And that you are His special people. If you have such good thoughts in you, then your weariness and fear will disappear.  And you will regain the confidence to move forward in life.

Not only that, you need to be a holy nation as the Lord your God is Holy. God is ever praised by the angels in heaven, as “Holy Holy, Lord God All Mighty.” Children of such a holy God should be a holy nation unto Him. So, to inherit the quality of being called a child of God you need holiness. So do good things in your life. Learn to live according to his precepts. Help people who are in need of help.  Help those who are poor and needy with alms and goods. Being Holy is not a difficult thing. If you put it into practice, then it would be easy to live a life pleasing unto God.  Avoid going to unnecessary places. Then you can save yourself from unnecessary troubles. Avoid speaking vain things. Always think that you are a divine child of God. Check yourself if you are doing the right thing.

In the Bible, we can see that God out of His own good will and desire made Saul the king of Israel but later God regretted having made him the king. His heart was hurt immensely. Because instead of asking God’s counsel. He went after a witch of Endor, as he wanted to use a medium to communicate with him from the dead prophet Samuel. God didn’t like his behaviour and was very disheartened.  Likewise, God shouldn’t regret about you in this manner.    He shouldn’t say, “Well I don’t know why I created him/her. Why did I purchase my child by shedding my precious blood? See to that you make the Lord happy always about yourself. From today there should be a change, in your looks, in your talk, in your practice of life, in your thought, in your belief, in your behaviour, then you will receive the grace of God, to be known as the children of God. Jesus will redeem you from darkness and sin, into his marvellous light,  and gather you into his own relationship, as his own child.

When we take little steps to lead a Holy and acceptable life before God, He will begin to intervene and do great things for you.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “You are a holy nation and His own special people”. We humbly submit ourselves before You.  I pray and bless my children that they may, not speak words of unfaithfulness and the Holy Spirit will also guide them to lead a life pleasing to you. You said, “If you believe you shall see the glory of God.” Let them say “Jesus is my Father ’every moment of their life and let their strong faith in Jesus, cause many miracles to happen in their lives.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


Walk with Jesus!

Psalm 139:24, “See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting”.

My Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The psalmist says in Psalm 139:24, “See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting”.

Dear children of God, it is very important to walk with God in every situation of our life. Do you go to Him only with your struggles and agony or can you boldly declare that you live in Christ?  The Bible says, “To this, you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” (1 Peter 2:21).

Here as Apostle Paul states, the experience of walking with Jesus is keeping Him as our example, following His footsteps and living with an attitude of gratitude no matter what we face. The first step we must take to walk with Jesus is to accept Him as our personal saviour. You should become deeply rooted in Him and be built in Him. “As you, therefore, have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6,7). According to this verse when we walk with Jesus, we will be established in our faith and flourish! Do not be worried!

Secondly, to walk with Jesus we must not only daily read His word but also meditate, obey, and apply it in our lives. Jesus says “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” (John 14:23).

Yes, when we keep God’s word, our heavenly Father will always be pleased with us. He will come and dwell amongst us and lead us in our spiritual path. Be strong!

Dear children of God. instead of idolizing and imitating man, let us submit to follow the footsteps of Jesus all our lives. Only then will you be able to lead a victorious Christian life and walk with Jesus. Will you surrender your lives starting to walk with Jesus? Let us pray.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Father, we want to live a life pleasing in Your sight, so we submit ourselves into Your hands. Accept us Lord and guide us in Your path. Lord, we accept You as our personal saviour. We yield ourselves completely to the plans that you have for our lives. Thank You, Lord, for going before us in and making every crooked path straight. Help us be rooted in You so that Your presence that was with Enoch, Moses, and Joseph will always be with us. We commit ourselves into Your loving hands.

In Jesus name.


Please The Lord Always

”When  a man’s ways  please the Lord. He makes even his enemies, be at peace with him”.

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God for you is taken from the book of Proverbs 16:7, ”When  a man’s ways  please the Lord. He makes even his enemies, be at peace with him”.

My dear children of God, it is said in the verse that God would make even your enemies be at peace with you when your ways please the Lord. Which means God will make your enemies become your friends. And when your enemies become your friend then there will be no one to harm you. There is a way told in the Bible, as to how you can make your enemies become your friends. The Bible says, your ways need to please the Lord. When your life is pleasing unto the Lord then it is the responsibility of God to not allow any enemies in your life. And in case you have enemies then God will handle them. God will deal with them,  God will make them friendly toward you.

As proof, we can read in the Bible, about a man called Jacob. He was a man longing for anointing.  God also loved him much.  He was a hard worker. He was a man pleasing unto God.  In this circumstance, his own uncle, Laban with a large group of people was on his way to attack Jacob who was traveling to Canaan the land of his fathers. Jacob served his uncle for nearly 20 years, and now he wanted to return to his homeland. But his uncle Laban, planned to trouble him and his sons. He wanted to grab all the wealth and possession; Jacob was taking along with him. Laban did not have the heart to let go of him peacefully instead he wanted to cause confusion and chaos to Jacob. Laban was chasing his nephew Jacob who had served him with much fear and was faithful to him all these years. He chased Jacob with a plan to harm him. But knowing the mind of Laban, God, the previous night met Laban and warned him not to hurt Jacob in any way. God instructed Laban to make a peaceful covenant with Jacob and not to trouble him or cause confusion.

God spoke to Laban directly and warned him not to attack Jacob. Laban made a peaceful covenant with Jacob and reconciled with him and continued a friendly relationship. If God did not intervene then  Laban   would have harmed Jacob. He blamed Jacob had earned much by his cunningness and so he wanted to take back all the hard-earned possessions from Jacob. He was jealous of Jacob because he became a very rich man. So, we see that God himself intervened and spoke to Laban in order to avoid further controversy.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, so now looking at our situation, we might have some enemies in our workplace. And sometimes Satan himself would have caused certain cunning plans against you to spoil your life. And we further see how Satan through some people begins to do black magic and witchcraft and sorcery, against your family or your children and cause trouble to you.  We need to put a full stop to all this evil practice. If you should avoid being troubled through witchcraft, sorcery, and black magic by your enemies then you should learn to lead a life pleasing unto God. Only then you will be able to lead a quiet and undisturbed life.

My dear children How do we please God? Accepting the gift of salvation, believing in Him that God will fulfill the promises He makes, fearing Him, and obeying His commandment also when your good deeds and your ways of lifestyle are pleasing unto God, then all your enemies will become at peace with you and in case you are under pressure because of witchcraft, and sorcery. Then I pray in the name of Jesus all such evil things cast upon you, will be nullified.    So, the only decision we need to make is to do that which is pleasing in his sight. Make a decision that you will live a life that is acceptable to God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “When  a man’s ways  please the Lord. He makes even his enemies, be at peace with him.  Dear Lord, you have spoken to my children through a very good life-giving word.   We thank You because You intervened in the life of my children to tell them how they ought to live a life pleasing unto you. You said that when our ways please the Lord then even our enemies will be at peace with us. May God enable all those reading this message to apply your word in their life so that that they may live in peace and harmony. I bless my children that they may live happily without the interference of their enemies.

In Jesus Name we pray.


God will fulfil all our hearts longings

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God for you is taken from the book of Psalm 38:9 “Lord, all my desire is before You; And my sighing is not hidden from You. My heart pants, my strength fails me; As for the light of my eyes, it also has gone from me.”

Beloved children of God,  let us remove any hindrance in our lives that may be stopping our blessings. Perhaps you are depressed and unable to pray because no good thing has happened in your life yet. Let us make known all our longings and yearnings to the Lord just like David. And God will fulfil all our hearts longings. In the Bible we can see that God satisfied the longing of Esther’s and Mordecai’s longings.

Believe, He will satisfy your longings:

First, dismiss the fear in your heart and trust God. Then God will bring you up out of the miry clay and set your feet upon a rock (Psalm 40:2). We are all familiar with the story of Esther, she rose from modest circumstances to become the Queen of that land. God saved the Israelites through Esther and fulfilled His plan. Now Hamman was scheming to annihilate the Israelites. Mordecai instructed Esther to meet the King personally and request him to save the Israelites. The fate for anyone approaching the King without being invited was death (Esther 4:10-12), hence Esther was afraid.  But Mordecai told Esther, “If you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place.”(Esther 4:14). So, Esther gathered all the Jews who are present in Shushan and fasted for three days. What was the result? God saved all the Jews.

Dear children, is the fear of obstacles hindering your intimacy with God? As you demolish that fear in your life, and have faith in God, He will do mighty miracles for you. Do not be worried.

Pray, He will satisfy your longings:

Take all your longings, desires, and yearnings to the Lord in prayer. Esther desired to save the Jews, so she gathered all the Jews present in Shushan and fasted for three days and nights. And God heard her heart’s desire and saved the entire nation of Jews. In the same way God will also help you. What are your fears today? Are you worried if you would succeed in your personal interview, or anxious about which college to take admission, or nervous about selecting the course of study?  Uproot that anxiety and worry and take your desires and longings to the Lord in prayer.

Perhaps you are thinking I am at the bottom most rung of society, how can I tell the Lord the desires of my heart? God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). So put aside your fears and set aside a day for fasting and bring all your desires, longings, and yearnings to the Lord in prayer. He will guide you.

Look at the people of Shushan, the Lord heard their prayer and answered them. Consider Esther she went boldly to the King saying, “If I die, I die!” Esther found favour with the King, and he constituted laws in favour of the Jews and saved them. Moreover, the King condemned Hamaan to be hung instead of Mordecai and honoured Mordecai. All these took place because the people of Shushan fasted and prayed.

My dear children of God, you are facing stiff opposition from people trying to destroy you by creating problems. All of them will be destroyed like Hamaan. Those who revolted against the Jews were completely obliterated. Take all your problems, your obstacles, your pain to the Lord in prayer. Let us abandon our fears and live a life believing in the Lord. Then the Lord will satisfy all our desires and longings and lift us up in the same place where we were put to shame. The Bible says:

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday.” (Psalm 37:4-6).

God will annihilate all your enemies just like he destroyed the enemies of Mordecai, Jews, and Esther. He will gladden your hearts by satisfying all your longing, desires, and yearnings. (Psalms 20:2,4). Rejoice in the Lord!

Prayer: Father God, we thank you for this day. Even now we have come into your presence as young people. All our hearts desires and longing are before you. We cannot hide anything from you. Remove from us all fear and instil in us the desire to tarry in prayer. Satisfy all our longings and desires. Give us the grace to live a life of obedience glorifying your name. Honor us in the place where we were humiliated. Let others see that you are with us.

In Jesus name


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