My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God for you is taken from the book of Psalm 38:9 “Lord, all my desire is before You; And my sighing is not hidden from You. My heart pants, my strength fails me; As for the light of my eyes, it also has gone from me.”
Beloved children of God, let us remove any hindrance in our lives that may be stopping our blessings. Perhaps you are depressed and unable to pray because no good thing has happened in your life yet. Let us make known all our longings and yearnings to the Lord just like David. And God will fulfil all our hearts longings. In the Bible we can see that God satisfied the longing of Esther’s and Mordecai’s longings.
Believe, He will satisfy your longings:
First, dismiss the fear in your heart and trust God. Then God will bring you up out of the miry clay and set your feet upon a rock (Psalm 40:2). We are all familiar with the story of Esther, she rose from modest circumstances to become the Queen of that land. God saved the Israelites through Esther and fulfilled His plan. Now Hamman was scheming to annihilate the Israelites. Mordecai instructed Esther to meet the King personally and request him to save the Israelites. The fate for anyone approaching the King without being invited was death (Esther 4:10-12), hence Esther was afraid. But Mordecai told Esther, “If you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place.”(Esther 4:14). So, Esther gathered all the Jews who are present in Shushan and fasted for three days. What was the result? God saved all the Jews.
Dear children, is the fear of obstacles hindering your intimacy with God? As you demolish that fear in your life, and have faith in God, He will do mighty miracles for you. Do not be worried.
Pray, He will satisfy your longings:
Take all your longings, desires, and yearnings to the Lord in prayer. Esther desired to save the Jews, so she gathered all the Jews present in Shushan and fasted for three days and nights. And God heard her heart’s desire and saved the entire nation of Jews. In the same way God will also help you. What are your fears today? Are you worried if you would succeed in your personal interview, or anxious about which college to take admission, or nervous about selecting the course of study? Uproot that anxiety and worry and take your desires and longings to the Lord in prayer.
Perhaps you are thinking I am at the bottom most rung of society, how can I tell the Lord the desires of my heart? God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). So put aside your fears and set aside a day for fasting and bring all your desires, longings, and yearnings to the Lord in prayer. He will guide you.
Look at the people of Shushan, the Lord heard their prayer and answered them. Consider Esther she went boldly to the King saying, “If I die, I die!” Esther found favour with the King, and he constituted laws in favour of the Jews and saved them. Moreover, the King condemned Hamaan to be hung instead of Mordecai and honoured Mordecai. All these took place because the people of Shushan fasted and prayed.
My dear children of God, you are facing stiff opposition from people trying to destroy you by creating problems. All of them will be destroyed like Hamaan. Those who revolted against the Jews were completely obliterated. Take all your problems, your obstacles, your pain to the Lord in prayer. Let us abandon our fears and live a life believing in the Lord. Then the Lord will satisfy all our desires and longings and lift us up in the same place where we were put to shame. The Bible says:
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday.” (Psalm 37:4-6).
God will annihilate all your enemies just like he destroyed the enemies of Mordecai, Jews, and Esther. He will gladden your hearts by satisfying all your longing, desires, and yearnings. (Psalms 20:2,4). Rejoice in the Lord!
Prayer: Father God, we thank you for this day. Even now we have come into your presence as young people. All our hearts desires and longing are before you. We cannot hide anything from you. Remove from us all fear and instil in us the desire to tarry in prayer. Satisfy all our longings and desires. Give us the grace to live a life of obedience glorifying your name. Honor us in the place where we were humiliated. Let others see that you are with us.
In Jesus name
Galatians 3:13, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us”.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God is taken from the book of Galatians 3:13, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us”.
Jesus came to seek and save what was lost, we were lost because of sin, but by the grace of God through the death of His son Jesus, we are redeemed by His blood. He bore our curses, shame, sins, sickness, failures, and weakness and made us a new creation, and has redeemed us to become His righteous creations.
My Dear children of God, even today many of you are worried because there is continuous loss and financial deficit in your family. You say that your family is going through some kind of curse. So, God is coming to your house today to change all the curses in your family into blessings and thus bring joy into your lives. Some might say, well my problems are going beyond a certain level. My debts are increasing day by day more than my capacity. My illness is beyond my strength. I am unable to bear it. You might be wondering, why this is happening to you, God has said, you will not be tempted more than what you can bear. Then why is everything increasing beyond my strength, beyond what I can bear? There is a difference between curse and testing. If God tests then it will be within your capacity. But if it goes beyond your capacity then it is a curse and you suffer the consequence of a curse in your life that causes pain and sorrow.
Today God is going to uproot all your curses into blessings, for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” “But Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.” Today, identify the areas of lack in your life and pray to the Lord saying, “Lord change my curse into a blessing because I am suffering with this problem for many years.” Then God will listen to your prayers and change your curse into a blessing since the Lord loves you. The Bible says, “But the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.”(Deuteronomy 23:5) Once the curse is gone from your body, mind, and your family, then the blessing will replace all the curses. The blessings will enter your life. For the blessings to return over your lives and for all the curses to be cancelled, all you have to do is to receive Jesus as your personal saviour. Call upon Him, submit to Him, repent from your sinful past and then He will redeem and restore you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us”, Lord You hung on the cross and became a curse for us so that we receive blessing in our lives. Today, we repent from our wrongful doings. Help us to not sin against You. Forgive us and strengthen us day by day to live a life holy and acceptable to you. Even now I pray for all those who call in the name of God to remove all the curses, Lord hear their prayers and turn all their curses into blessings. Let their houses flow with bundles of blessings may there be an end to all the diseases and debts that they suffered due to a curse. Let the new life begin, in the homes of my children. May good things happen in their families.
Jesus Name we Pray.
1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God is taken from the book of 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.”
Many of you might think that there is no one to care about you and you are left alone, but there is one who cares for you and He is our Lord Jesus Christ. As He cares for you, you can boldly cast all your cares upon Him. There is another word of God that says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” So today the Lord is enquiring about you very especially, about your children, about your health condition, about your income, about your weakness.
He is not a God who enquires about you and just goes away, but He is a God who will help you in every situation. In the Bible, we see how the Lord inquired about a lame man, who was lying at the Bethesda pool for 38 years. The Bethesda Pool is a place where many sick people are found to be waiting for an angel to come and stir the water. And while the water is being stirred, if anyone gets into the pool then he will be healed. But there was no one to help the lame man to get into the water. So, he remained there for 38 years. Jesus knew about this lame man and so he inquired if he wanted to be healed. The lame man said that he desired to be healed but there was no one to put him into the pool. On hearing the words of the lame man, Jesus said, “Take up your bed and walk.” Immediately the man got up from his bed and began to walk home. This shows that Jesus cares for everyone. The sufferings of that lame man who was lying down for 38 years got healed in a moment. Thus, Jesus came to enquire and healed him instantly. The sufferings of that man came to an end. God gave him deliverance and sent him home.
My dear children of God, it does not matter how many years, you have been afflicted. No matter how many years you are suffering from debts, or how many years you had been suffering from the disease. Today God is concerned about you, He will ask you “What shall I do for you my daughter, my son? What should I do for you that will make you joyous? What is the reason for your sorrow? Why are you shedding tears? What is the reason behind your crying? Lord will enquire about all the situations that make you sad and worried and He will perform a miracle for you in whatever problem you are going through.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. ” We thank you for performing miracles for your children and for solving their problems. Lord, you inquired about the lame man lying helplessly at Bethesda and made him walk. Some are still suffering for long years being trapped in some problems. Lord, send your word today and deliver them from their problems. May the worries that spread in their heart, be uprooted. Let a miracle happen in that particular area, which has caused them pain and sorrow. Give my children all that they need, and honor them Lord.
In Jesus Name we pray.
Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Mark 9:23,”And Jesus said to him, ” ‘If You can?’ All things are possible to him who believes.”
2000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth went about doing good, through the power of the Holy Spirit, healing all manner of sickness, and delivering all who were oppressed of the devil. His object was not simply a ‘quick-fix’ physical cure for the moment, but a ‘long-term’ spiritual healing, with eternal consequences. When approached by those who desired healing, the Lord Jesus made sure he addressed the ‘faith’ issue, and the healing of the demon-possessed boy demonstrates this in a beautiful way. Jesus clearly says, in the above context that all things are possible to them that believe. When Jesus descended from the mountain , down to the valley there He saw a distressed father, who sought healing for his demon-possessed child. Jesus and the three disciples, Peter, James and John, enjoyed the glimpse of heavenly realm on the mountain, but soon they returned to the stark reality of a groaning creation, life’s seemingly endless problems, and their own limited understanding which depressed their spirit.
A distraught father had come to ask Jesus to heal his son. All Christ’s disciples had been given the power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons, but when attempting to heal this man’s son – they failed miserably. Jesus looked at the man and said, If you can believe all things are possible.” The Father immediately replied to Jesus, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”The devastated man hurriedly said, all that had happened as Jesus drew near. Out of the crowd, the man approached Him, “Teacher,” he pleaded, “I brought my son to You. He has a spirit that makes him unable to speak. Wherever it seizes him, he has convulsions; it throws him down; he foams at the mouth; grinds his teeth and becomes rigid. So I asked Your disciples to drive it out, but they couldn’t.”He further pleaded, “But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us,” was the father’s heartbroken request. The disciples who were empowered to perform mighty miracles in Christ’s name and preach the gospel of the kingdom, were powerless to cast out this dumb spirit and so Jesus rebuked them and said, “This kind, can be cast out only by prayer. … He said to them, “This kind is able to come forth with nothing except with prayer and fasting. Jesus emphasised the need of fasting and praying.
The father had previously heard that Jesus had performed many miracles for the people. And since all his attempt he had taken to save his son from the evil spirit, had been a failure, he approached Jesus. He had faint faith in Jesus, yet he thought that something good would happen to his son. Therefore he came in search of this miracle working God. He said, Lord, I have brought my son to you, he is possessed with a mute spirit, and whenever it seizes him, he throws him down ,he foams, at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. Kindly take pity on us and heal my son, O Lord. When Jesus saw the young man, the spirit convulsed, himself and fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming at the mouth. Jesus asked the father, “ How long, has this been happening to your son? And the father replied, “From childhood days, he has been caught up by an evil spirit. And he is dumb and mute, and deaf.”
But Christ’s compassionate heart quickly turned to the man and his mute son and Jesus gently picked-up on his faltering faith and hesitant entreaty. “If You can?” He said again, “All things are possible to him who believes.” It was not Christ’s ability to heal, was being tested, for He created all things and by Him all things hold together. It was the man’s faith in Christ, that had been severely impacted. It was his faith that Jesus needed to restore. But by God’s grace he was able to cry out, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.” So we see that and he was rewarded. His son was healed and immediately his faith in Jesus also increased. Faith sets no limit on God’s ability, for the one who is ready and willing to trust Him in all things, submit to His will, and not permit mountainous problems or seemingly impossible situations to adversely influence their faith in God’s ability, is the one who will witness great things in their life. For Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and His ability to heal the broken-hearted, cast our demons, set the captive free, make the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak, has never diminished over time. For as Prophet Jeremiah reminds us, “nothing is too difficult for You.” Yes God will do miracles in your life.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons we learn from the man who cried out to the Lord Jesus for help, and was reminded that, “all things are possible to him who believes.” May we never forget that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that Your power to heal and help in every situation is as sure today as it was when You healed the sick and turned water into wine 2000 years ago. Keep us from doubting Your Word, and increase our faith in the days ahead. Lord, we do believe, in You O Lord. Increase our love and trust for You.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Isaiah 65:19, “And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and will be glad in my people and there shall no more be heard in her the voice of weeping, or the voice of crying.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s word of God for you is taken from the book of Isaiah 65:19, “And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and will be glad in my people and there shall no more be heard in her the voice of weeping, or the voice of crying.”
When will God rejoice over us? God will first make you glad, and then He will rejoice over you. The Bible says God was afflicted in all our affliction. When we cry, He too cries. When we are sad, He also becomes sad. But when we are happy then He rejoices over our gladness.
The worldly man will take part in your joy but fail to take part in your sorrow. But God will not only take part in your joy but also take part in your sorrow. In the Bible, we can see that, when the brother of Mary and Martha was dead, Jesus took part in their sorrow. When He saw them cry, He couldn’t bear, their sorrow. And so, He brought Lazarus alive out of the grave and handed him over to the sisters. The Bible says He wept along with them. Because He was filled with grief. Over the death of Lazarus. God who says, I will rejoice over you, will be glad when He sees your sorrow and performs a miracle for you. And makes you feel happy or glad then He rejoices over you.
My dear children of God, today God is going to change all your sorrow into joy. He will turn your tears into joyous laughter. He will change your saddened or grief-stricken house into a house of joy. Go in the presence of God and tell Him about your sorrow, and your grief, tell Him that you are saddened at heart, and tell Him whatever you are in need of. When you share your grief with the Lord, then He will take pity on you and perform a miracle for you in that area that has caused you sorrow and He will make you glad. Then He will rejoice over you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse “And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and will be glad in my people and there shall no more be heard in her the voice of weeping, or the voice of crying.” Turn all the sorrows of my children and make them glad. Let there be a miracle in the area, which has caused sorrow to my children. Help those children who are going through continuous failure, and hence couldn’t secure a job. Open a way for such kind of children, to get a good job, for those who have not been able to settle, in life, and are sad because of this reason I pray that God will create a good family life, and make them happy in their life. May they enjoy peace and joy and let there be praises in their homes, Open the womb of all the barren women and help them live as joyful mothers of children. Some are crying over their debts, change all the sorrows of my children into joy and bring days of liberation in their life.
In Jesus Name we pray.