My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 48:17, “This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”
Only God can teach you what is useful for you. God says, “I will teach you what is useful for your life and I am the Lord, who will show you the way, that you should walk.” My Dear children of God, do you know what will happen when God teaches, what is useful for you. Then your life will be settled. Many are worried about their life. Saying, “I have not settled in life as yet. I am growing old, I have not completed my degree, nor have I secured a job, I am still unmarried. When will I settle in life? All my friends are doing well, they have secured jobs and have married and settled in life. But I am still waiting to be settled.” Today God is speaking to you through this message. Firstly, you need to have the desire to listen to someone when they preach or counsel you. Only then can you improve your life. The teachings of God will lead you on the right track. And God desires that you be seated in the highest place in society. He wants to settle you in life, and he will never leave you to be unsettled.
The counselling of men would ensnare your life. It would trap you and cause you to fall, you need to listen to those who preach what is useful for you. You need to hold on to Jesus, who will teach you good things that will be useful for your life. The teachings of God will penetrate deep into your heart, and direct your steps. Then you will not falter or stumble in your way, you will not suffer from any loss or any other worse problem. You will not face any failure in your life. God knows what is necessary for you and your family. Accordingly, He will feed you with His word.
God knows what he should do for you? So, God is willing to impart such kind of words that would comfort you in your trials and temptations. David said, “Lord help me to do what is pleasing to you.” So, ask God to teach you what is necessary for your life. Always ask God, what you should do to benefit your family, your neighbourhood, your country. You should always think on these lines. Take counselling from God, put it in practice, and also apply it in your life for the benefit of your well being. If you follow the footsteps of God, and walk according to his counselling then you shall not slip in your pathway. Your effort will not go waste, and you shall win victory in everything you do. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, teach us what is useful for us and lead us in the way we should go. Lord in the past we listened to the counselling of ungodly people and faced much loss and failure in our life. We have not been benefitted in any way. So today we humbly submit ourselves and our family before You, accept our gratitude towards you. May the Lord who is our counsellor, counsel us and direct us in the way in which we should go. Lord fulfil the desires of our heart and meet all the needs of your children, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Bless them, keep them and cause Your face to shine upon them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
Psalm 91:7, “A Thousand shall fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not come near you.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The word of God is taken from the book of Psalm 91:7, “A Thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not come near you.”
What does this verse mean? If any destruction surrounds you on all sides, in front of you, behind you and at your sides, such destruction will not come near you. What must you do to safeguard yourself from destruction? This is what the Lord wants to tell you through this message. The Bible says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Highest shall abide under the shadow, of the Almighty”. Whatever destruction may come, and many perish but you shall be safe, if you abide under the shadow of the Almighty. If you remain under the coverage of God, then such destruction will not enter your homes or it will not enter your family. The Bible says God is a shade of protection. Just as the shade follows behind us, God follows you everywhere you go like a shade.
My dear children of God, Under the Almighty shade of God there is protection, good counselling and there are blessings too. If you leave Him then you will miss on these, and you will fall into destruction. We can see in the Bible, that David admonishes his son, Solomon, saying, “If you seek God He will be found”. But if you fail to seek God then He too will leave you. So, we need to search for God every day of our life. We need to search for His kingdom, and His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you. You need to check for yourself if God is with you or not.
We see how God left Samson even without his knowledge, because of his evil behaviour. Samson revealed the secret to the source of his strength to Delilah, after putting Samson to sleep she called a Philistine man and shaved of Samson’s hair, because of this God had departed from him as he revealed the secret. Delilah decieved and betrayed him. When the Philistines charged at him, and he could not fight against them as he had lost all his strength and Samson realized that God had left him.With God, he emerged powerful. But without God, he proved a failure. He who was known for his strength now appeared as a weak man. Nowadays, we see a lot of destruction surrounding us. Destruction attacks us in many forms. Therefore, what we need to do is protect ourselves under the shade of God. We should hide in the presence of God all the time. Then you shall be safe from destruction. Dedicate your home into the hand of God, to be like small heaven.
PRAYER: Our loving heavenly Father, as you said in your word today that Psalm 91:7, “A Thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not come near you”. We claim it in Jesus Name in our life. I submit my children under the shade of the Almighty. Let their homes, family, children and the house in which they dwell, be well protected from all dangers and harm. Let them live a peaceful life on this earth. Let many good things happen in their homes. Take charge of all things and lead them safely. Let them stay safe under the shade of your wings, I submit them to you. Let their homes and families be like a small heaven.
In Jesus Name we pray.
Revelation 21:5, “ Behold I make all things new.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today God comes searching for you with His word at your doorstep with an auspicious word from the book of Revelation 21:5, “ Behold I make all things new.”
When does a man expect a new thing? When old things do not give him joy, when old things cause pain, and when the old things fail to work. Then we will expect a change or a new thing to happen in our life. God says,“ I will make all things new.” When old things give way or disappear, then new things will begin to happen. Then even your sinful life should change. You need to have a new heart.
Firstly, we need to change as a new creation, the Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation’ only those who are saved, those who are in Christ are a new creation. If you have truly believed in Jesus Christ to be your Saviour and you have made Him the Lord of your life, you have become a new creation.
Before we were saved, we were controlled by our old nature, and we were all slaves to sin. Sin dominated our thoughts and actions like a hard and cruel taskmaster and we were helplessly under its control. We served sin and suffered all the unpleasant effects that came with it: hatred, bitterness, deceit, strife, jealousy, rebellion, pride, and lust. But all that has changed for those who are in Christ. Through His power, we are liberated and delivered from the power of sin. Although sin may still be present in our lives, its power over us is now broken.
Those who are not in Christ yet cannot enjoy such freedom from the power of sin. The old sinful nature is still very much alive in them and they cannot succeed to live the new life, no matter how hard they may try, because they are still under the power of sin.
Therefore, as the apostle Paul told the Corinthian Church we likewise need to: “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?” (2 Corinthians 13:5) If you are truly walking in the newness of life, you will respond to the Word of God. You will listen to God when He speaks to you through His Word. You will be ready to do His will and take His Word seriously. Those who walk in newness of life will be moved and convicted by God’s Word. And they respond to that Word with prayer, trust and obedience. They are not just hearers of the Word, but also doers of the Word.
My Dear children of God, today God is going to do miracles in your life. He is going to make all things new. God will bless you with a new job, anointing, power, spiritual gifts, bussiness, house, and organs in your body. He will replace all your old things with new so that you may enjoy newness in life.
PRAYER: Our loving heavenly Father, as you said in your word today that you will make all things new. We claim it in Jesus Name in our lives. Transform the life of my children. Let them receive the new gift of power, the spirit of prayer, let them enjoy a new experience in their life, a new job, plenty of wealth and a new house, and every good thing, and honor them. Let them see wonders in their life. Bless them with peace and happiness.
In Jesus name we pray ,
James 4:10, “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, And He will lift you up.”
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today God comes searching for you with His word at your doorstep with an auspicious word from the book of James 4:10, “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, And He will lift you up.”
My dear children of God, everyone desires to prosper, grow and move forward in life. But what is the way to achieve Your goal? That is what God wants to tell you through this verse. He is showing a route and if you follow this route then you will be blessed. What is the way? It is to humble yourselves before God. This means that you should not have pride, ego or be pompous in life, or be very showy. Instead, you should humble yourselves before God and men. When you humble yourselves and ask God, He will be pleased with you, and answer your prayers. So, all you got to do is to humble yourself. Then God will lift you up. And he will adore and admire you.
The Bible says, ‘Whoever humbles himself shall be exalted’. So, for those children who wish to move forward, it is not enough if you work hard, but you need to humble yourself. Humbleness is very important in your life. In the Bible, we can see Pharaoh brought out Joseph from the prison gate and said to him, “I heard that you can interpret dreams and you foretell what is to happen and those things really happen. Is it true?” Here we see that the king himself is talking high of Joseph, who came to Egypt as a slave. Then Joseph said, “It is not so my Lord, not me it is the Lord who is giving you the solution to your problem. It is true that I speak but it is the Lord, who is within me and counsels me as to what and how I should interpret. It is God who foretells the happenings, through me”. Thus Joseph did not boast about himself that he is capable of predicting or interpreting the dream but he glorifies his God before Pharaoh. He transfers his personal exaltation upon God whom he worships, and this is the truth.
Since Joseph humbled himself and exalted God, he was made the governor of Egypt. He held the position next to the Pharaoh himself. See how God exalted Joseph. So, today God has shown you a way to go forward in life. Hold on to His route and move on with a humble attitude then you will be lifted up in your life.
My dear children of God, do not be proud of your caste, your beauty or your colour, your job, or the power and authority that you hold. Throw away all these things. Admit to the Lord saying “ Lord, I achieved all these things only by your grace. And I am thankful for all these things which You have granted to me.”’ Then God will make you sit in the highest position in your life. God will bless you all the more.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for speaking to us through the verse, “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, And He will lift you up.” Lord, you have fed your children with these thoughts today. So, taking these principles let my children grow and be established on the face of this earth. Help them move forward in their education, in their job, and in their business. If there are children who are waiting for many years to be lifted up in their position. Let them throw away all pride, and may they humble themselves and thus move forward in life. Exalt them with honour and glory.
In Jesus Name we pray.
Exodus 15:26, “For I am the Lord who heals you”.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today’s life-giving word is taken from the book of Exodus 15:26, “For I am the Lord who heals you”.
Today many of you are suffering from various diseases. And you are pressed down because you are spending all your income on medical treatment and there are hardly any savings. You are spending all your hard earned money and so crying over it. Therefore, the Lord who is concerned much about you is telling you “I am the Lord who heals you.” By this word, your sickness will be healed and you shall be restored to good health. The verse says, “I will put none of these disease which I have brought on the Egyptians, upon you, For I am the Lord who heals you”. Lord looks at you and says, I will not send any of the diseases which I had sent upon the Egyptians, to destroy you. God is so concerned about you and He cares for you.
This word of God will enter into your bodies, and heal you of your sickness. You will be healed as you apply this word of God in your heart. What type of disease do you have? Is it Cancer? Typhoid, Psoriasis, TB, weakness in the heart, do you have diabetics? Today God is going to uproot all these diseases from your body. God, Himself is the healer of your disease. He himself is a great physician. Today. His word will work as a healing agent that will heal you of all your illness. When you are sick call upon His name. He will come and heal you.
My dear children of God, we see that 2000 years ago, when Jesus was on the face of this earth, He healed all those who called upon His name. He delivered all those who came in search of Him, from their problems, no matter, what they suffered from. In the Bible, we can see a woman who had suffered for 12 long years from the issue of blood. She sold all the wealth she had to heal her disease but she could not be healed. She was suffering from hemorrhages and no could cure her. So, she went behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his garment. Immediately her flow of blood was stopped. Thus, God gave her healing. Maybe you are suffering from any kind of disease. Please ask God to heal you of your illness holding on to the word of God. Surely, He will heal you by the power of His might.
Our loving heavenly Father, as you said in your word today that “I am the Lord who heals you. ”, we claim it in Jesus Name in our lives. Let my children be healed from all the diseases. Heal them from their pain and agony. Whatever disease was thought that could not be healed, let them be healed today. People think certain diseases cannot be healed forever. But you heal them by your miracle-working power. Uproot every form of the disease and perform miracles for them. We thank You for touching the lives of Your children.
In Jesus Name we pray.