I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Nahum 1:15, ‘No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’.
Through the above verse the Lord is giving you this promise of assurance, this morning. The wicked is the one who desires to destroy us. He is the one who makes all efforts to destroy us. He is the one who plots against us to destroy us. This verse says, ‘No more will the wicked invade you’. Some wicked person would have planned to destroy you. Has he deceived and put you in a net and destroyed your future? You have found his originality, haven’t you? You are crying, to the Lord saying, ‘Lord, please deliver me from the hands of the wicked’. The Lord is telling you, ‘No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’.
There was a young girl who got trapped into a wrong relationship, but later she repented of her mistake, and wanted to come out of this, unwanted relationship. The boy was keen on destroying her. Even if she repented and came, that boy was not willing to let go of her. She was threatened with photos they took together and the phone recordings. One day she came crying to me and said, ‘Uncle, this wicked one must not come my way never again’. I moved with him not knowing that he was wicked. The Lord must somehow deliver me. I asked the Lord, ‘ Lord, this is a rightful desire of hers. So I prayed that Heaven should consider her request. She should never again see the Egyptian (her enemy) whom she saw today’ forever in her life. I prayed a short prayer and sent her home. After some days, the boy met with an accident, but the Lord gave the boy an understanding, that he met with an accident because of the girl’s tears. He cried and said, “Please tell me that you have forgiven me”. I will not interfere with your life again. Your tears, led me to this destruction. I will submit all the photos and the recordings to you. I will not come your way after this. I will not interfere in your life anymore.” So she forgave him and prayed for him. Today, she is living a life pleasing to the Lord with freedom. If your children are caught up with some people not knowing that they are wicked, today is their turn. God will help them to take a U-turn in their lives. This is the good news for the day. No more will the wicked invade you! Some wicked spirits will destroy the fruit of the womb. Some say, “ I felt a snake chasing me, and the following day, I had a miscarriage.” The wicked spirits or animals and reptiles that caused such miscarriages will not invade you anymore. The Lord has brought you to the path of life from the path of destruction. Halleluiah!
Prayer: Holy Father, we thank you. You have given an auspicious word, saying that, “No more will the wicked invade you, they will be completely destroyed’. According to this word, let miracles happen to everyone. Lord cut off all the connections they had with the wicked and give them the grace to hold the hands of the loving Lord and walk. Through this let them have a bright future. I bless my children wholeheartedly in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit! They must never see the Egyptian ( the enemy)whom they saw today never again in their life. They must never see this cruel disease, or this black magic cast over them by the wicked, or the works of the evil spirit, which they saw today ever again. Perform miracles for them Lord. May they see the power of God, through the miracles you perform for them and help them to take Jesus as their Saviour. Let them enjoy a peaceful life.
In Jesus Name we pray,
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Many of you have several questions in your mind. May be you don’t know what is happening around you and where you are heading to. You don’t know what you are going to do. You don’t even know what your future holds. You are having many such questions. As an answer to all your questions, God is speaking to you through His word. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book Jeremiah 29: 13, “And you will seek Me and find Me, When you search for Me, with all your heart. ”
Today God is showing a good way for you to do well in life. That is, you should seek God, with your whole heart. God says, “You will find Me, if you seek Me with all your heart”, therefore come into the presence of God with your whole heart. God says, “If you will search for Me you will find Me.” Once we find God in our lives, or if we come in contact with God then, that means an end has come to all our problems.
We can read in the Bible about the woman of the city of Nain, who was going to bury her only son. As she was going on her way to the burial ground, Jesus took notice of the widow, and she too found Jesus on her way. And you all know what happened to her. Already she had lost her husband and she was a widow. Now her only son was also dead. You can realize how sorrowful she must have been. She did not know what exactly she should do. Where to go, what to do, and what will be the future of her life, without her husband and son? But God who met her on the way made a new way for her future. The Lord had compassion on her and comforted her not to weep. He looked at the dead body of her son and said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” So, he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And the Lord presented him to his mother. Thus, the Lord made way for the widow who thought that she had no way to go and did not know what her future was. God by raising life into the dead body made a new way for the young man also to live happily with his mother.
So, today for those of you who are saying that you have no way at all, God is creating a new way for you. And if you want God to open a way for you then you must go in search of Him. You will surely find Him. My dear children, you may think about how to search for God. Well through prayer you can speak to Him and you shall come in contact with God. When you read and meditate on the word of God, then you will explore deep things of God. And this will help you to draw close to God. Thus, you can search and find God.
Zacchaeus went in search of God, salvation came into His house. Zacchaeus received salvation. Likewise, Bartimaeus the blind beggar came in contact with Jesus. Immediately Jesus looked at him, heard his cry, and gave him eyesight. Thus, Bartimaeus received sight. He made a way for him to earn his living. All those who searched for God found him and received the blessing. We see that all those who had a question in their mind were cleared of all their doubt. Likewise, place all your questions in the feet of the Lord and seek him, surely you will find Him and He will answer you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, You said, that those who seek you will find you. My children are in search of You this morning. You have said, that those who will search for you in the morning will find you. Hope they will find you, Lord. Don’t hide your face from them and reveal yourself to them. And show them the way to move forward in life. Whatever may be their problem, Lord help them to find you. May they come in contact with you. Please settle their lives in a wonderful manner. As an ambassador of God, I bless them all. Perform miracles for them.
In Jesus name we pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Deuteronomy 15:6, “For the Lord your God will bless you just as He promised you; you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow; you shall reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over you.”
In the past, you must have experienced many losses, shame, horror, fear, and all such unpleasant situations. You may have experienced tight corner situations. You were in terrible poverty and financial stress. But from all these situations God is going to deliver you in the coming days. You had been caught up in huge debts. You have been waiting to know when all these debts will come to an end? Well, God is going to set you free from all these struggles in your life.
So who will open the door for you to close down all your debts? The verse says it is the Lord your God whom you worship will open the way for you to close all your debts. It may be a favourable open door for you or you might receive favour from all those with whom you come in contact. It may be a large door opened from heaven, or it may be a good job that could clear all your debts, or very big profit or gain in your business. Through any of these ways, God will help you pay back your debts, and will make you free from financial stress.
God is thus going to bless you in such a way that hereafter you shall not borrow from anyone but you shall lend to others. In the past, you might have borrowed money and you might have stretched out your hand to many people and may be paying only interest all this while. The money lenders would have sucked all your blood by causing you to pay the interest money month on month, and thus ruined your life. I have heard people say, “Brother I don’t think I am working for the benefit of me and my family, but for the financier. Don’t know when I will be delivered from this horrible situation.” Many of you are telling in this manner, aren’t you? God says, hereafter you shall eat the labour of your hands. You shall be happy and it shall be well with you. God is going to open new ways and means for you to clear all your debts and settle amicably and peacefully and He will help you take several baskets left over.
PRAYER: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, my children have been crushed on all sides and they have been stuck in debts. They have lost all their earnings by paying interest alone. They say that the interest they are paying is more than their salary. To those who say such things, and suffer because of debts let them find favour in the sight of the Lord. May the walls of heaven be opened and the storehouses be released with sufficient money to clear all their debts. Open new doors for their job opportunities. Open new doors for their business. As a result, may all their debts be cleared and may they take several baskets of leftovers. May they enjoy the fullness of God. I bless them from the bottom of my heart. They might have been at loss until yesterday but from today let them see profit in their business.
In Jesus Name I pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of 1 Chronicles 16:29, “Worship the Lord in the splendour of His holiness”.
Dearly Beloved , God made seven days and gave them into the hands of man. God had planned the days in such a manner that Man will work for six days and on seventh day will rest in God’s presence . Why did the Lord set apart the seventh day? It is for us to worship Him in holy adornment. Whenever we go to worship Him, He blesses us. This is a special day as the Lord meets His children and blesses them. He is a Holy God. He is always exalted by the angels in heaven. They keep saying “Holy Holy Holy” Lord God all mighty”. None can see the Lord without holiness.
When we go to church, we must not go for name’s sake but we need to worship God in holy splendour. Put an end to your former life. Pray for a new life in the Lord. Ask for forgiveness in the Lord’s presence and go to church with a new heart and worship Him with reverence. The Lord expects only one thing from you. It is for you to worship Him in holy splendour. Go to the Lord’s church and worship Him, in gratitude and reverence. When you return, you will return with miraculous blessings. The Lord will not send you empty-handed. He will bring you to the Father’s house and will cause you to rejoice. Pour out your burdens to the Lord, cast everything in the presence of the Lord. Ask the Lord for His help. Cast all your burdens and needs at the feet of the Lord. When you come out of the church after worshipping the Lord, He will bless you with all that you need. You will receive His blessings. The Bible says, “Great rewards are there for those who take refuge under the wings ofthe Lord”.
PRAYER: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, we worship You with a holy heart. Lord Jesus, I submit my entire family into Your hands. Sanctify us as we submit ourselves in the presence of the Lord. As we worship You, let your will be done in all the circumstances in our lives. Thank You, Lord that You will give us our desires as we submit to you and worship You. Change our troubles and struggles and give us divine peace, harmony and wholeness. Help us to live a life pleasing unto you.
In Jesus Name we pray,
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of 1 Chronicles 16:34, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever”.
Many people have been lamenting from morning to evening. You keep lamenting and tense yourself and others. You must put a full stop to all these odd behaviours of yours. And you must learn to praise the Lord. The secret of how David became a great king, was that by the abundant grace of God, he kept praising the Lord. All his brothers were working in the military. Only David was tending the sheep. However, he never lamented. He praised and worshipped the Lord while tending the sheep and in every situation of His life and this pleased the Lord. The Lord remembered David and blessed him with royal life. At an unexpected time, the Lord made him the king of Israel. Likewise, my children of God, God will lift you up too, if you keep Praising God, instead of lamenting over your problems. From today, you must change all the lamentations in your life and begin to praise the Lord. The Psalmist says, I will praise you as long as I live, my soul; and all my inmost being, praise his holy name. I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
Everyone desires to live a good and royal life, but this will happen only when the Lord desires. The Bible says, 1 Samuel 2:8, “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap”. Only according to the will of God, you will either be lifted up or brought down from your high position. What must you do for that? You must praise the Lord, always. If you wonder what is there for you to praise God, remember that your life itself is a God-given gift. Every aspect of your life is God’s grace. Your shelter, health and all areas of your life are God’s grace. Mention every blessing in your prayers and praise God for that. The Lord has told you that if you are true in little things then He will make you a ruler over many. If you praise the Lord for little things, He will make you ruler over many. So, my dear children of God, do not push away your miracle or push away the royal honour, start praising the Lord from now onwards. Keep praising the Lord and please Him and receive what you want from the Lord. The foremost and important way to please the Lord is to praise Him. The Lord has told, “Praise is what I love and desire”. For the Lord dwells among the praises of His people. He is a good Lord, so you must praise Him. Then His grace will be upon you and your family.
PRAYER: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, You are a good Lord. Your grace endures forever. Give your children the grace to praise you more and more remembering all the miracles and blessings you have given them. Instead of lamenting, let the sound of praise be on their tongue. The Bible says, that the sound of salvation will be in the house of the righteous. From today, let there be a sound of praise in their homes. And as they sing and praise, let their poverty be changed, let their troubles and struggles be changed and let there be joy and happiness in their lives. When they praise in faith for the blessings you have given them, let them receive a good reward, by your grace.
In Jesus Name we pray.