Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Deuteronomy 31:8, “He is the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you”.
The Lord is the One who goes before you and will be with you. In the Bible, we read that with whomever the Lord was, their life went on well. They were successful. Today the Lord is telling that He will go before you. He is telling two things, that He will be with you and secondly that He will go before you. The reason why the Lord is going before you is that He will face and destroy all the oppositions, dangers, and deadly diseases that come before us and will take you safely. He gives us this assurance through this verse.
It means that if you go for an interview, the Lord will go before you and will decide who must interview you. Today, the Lord has decided as to who is going to sanction your visa. Today, the Lord has decided as to who should sign the Employment transfer order. Today the Lord has decided as to who is going to sanction your child’s admission. If the Lord goes before you, you can go safely. You need not fear. Your God will go before you. Not only that, when He goes before you, all the obstacles in your life will be removed. He will break all the obstacles in your life. He will break the obstacles that are not allowing you to advance in life. He will break the obstacles that are in your business. The Lord will change all the losses to profit in your business. You may go to see an alliance for your son or daughter, though in the past there would have been obstacles, but from this day onward, your journey will succeed because the Lord will be going before you. Not only that, the Lord also says that He will be with you. The Lord is telling that He will always be with you. The Bible says, that as the Lord was with David, he increased day by day. The Lord was with him. When the Lord is with us, we will not face failures. Everything will be a success and through the Lord’s presence, we will advance day by day. Today, the Lord is uniting with you. He is uniting Himself with your business, ministry, education and job.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Thank You Lord, that you are going before us. Thank you, Lord, that You are with us. Go before your children. Break all obstacles and bless them. Go before them and change all their failures to success. You have told that You will be with your children. As you were with David, be with your children and may they increase day by day, as David increased. Grant them success in their lives. May they attain an advancement in their lives. May they see better days in their life.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Isaiah 51:11, “The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing”.
It is said, that “The ransomed of the Lord”. are those who are delivered by the Lord. The Lord is indirectly telling you that you are in some bondage. And the redeemed refers to those people who are delivered from some bondage or captivity. So, what are you tangled in? What did the Lord redeem you from? The Lord would have delivered you from all your sins. The Lord would have delivered you from curses or debts. The Lord would have delivered you from the witchcraft and sorcery done against you. Today is the day of deliverance for those who are thinking about any witchcraft done against you. The Lord will deliver you from all obstacles and disturbances in your life. Some of you are thinking how happy you would be if there were no debts in your life. Today, the Lord will deliver you from your debts. For He knows your sorrow and struggle.
What do Children do when they are redeemed by the Lord’. This means that as soon they are redeemed, they rejoice. It can be the redemption from disease. It can be redemption from witchcraft. This verse says, “The ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing”. We see that there will be happiness, rejoicing and gladness. The Lord will deliver you from all matters, about which you are waiting for the Lord to deliver you. When you are delivered, then you will return to Zion with rejoicing. Why do they come to Zion with singing? It is to testify. There is a Zion in heaven and there is a Zion on this earth. That is the Lord’s temple. It is the place where the children of God gather to worship the Lord. They will come with singing to Zion. Those redeemed by the Lord! The Lord will give you a great deliverance for you to testify of the Lord, before the congregation.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Thank you, Lord, for blessing your children with redemption. Deliver them from those matters that they are waiting for deliverance. You have told, “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed”. Thank you for giving your children complete deliverance. Let there be miracles and breakthroughs in their lives that they may sing joyfully and testify in Zion. Let all the obstacles in their lives be changed. Deliver them from debts, from diseases, from legal disputes. Make them a testimony before all the people.
In Jesus Name, we pray,
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord, for today, is from the book of Joshua 1:3, ‘Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given you as I said to Moses’.
The Lord made a promise to the Israelites. God said, “I will give you and your generation to come, the land on which you set your foot on”. The Lord gave this word, especially to Caleb. As the Lord had said, later when he had taken them to the land of Canaan, Caleb chose his favourite place, Hebron, and said, The Lord has promised to give me and my generation the land where I set my foot on. So, He told Joshua, that he wanted the land that God had promised to give him. Therefore, Joshua gave the land, to Caleb and his generation to come, the land on which he set his foot. Until this day, it is Caleb’s generation that has occupied that place. They have inherited it.
Some of you are saying, “It will be good if I get a small portion of land in this place. It will be good if I built a house there. It will be good if I buy an agricultural land there.” My dear children of God, according to this verse, the Lord will give you the place where you have set your foot. If you step on a place and ask the Lord, Lord I want this house. I want to set up a business place here. I need a place to survive. I need this place to build a prayer tower. I need this place to build a church. If you stand in a place and call unto the Lord like this, the Lord will help you to inherit that place. Many are telling, I am tired of paying rent. I have struggled enough; I asked the Lord to give me my own house. I did not get it until now. If you are in tears saying so, today, the Lord will hear your tearful prayers, and the Lord will show you a place to be registered in your name. Only if the Lord registers your name somewhere, you will be able to register the documents in the worldly register office. Before that, the Lord must favour you. Let the Lord know about your rightful desires. The Lord who said, ‘I will give you the place you set your foot on,’ will surely perform a miracle for you. So be cheerful.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, you have given my children the assurance that you will give them the land they set their feet on. Fulfil that word of assurance to them. Let them receive this blessing without being a hindrance to anyone else. It is said that the Lord’s blessings will bring riches to a man and it will not add sorrow to it. My children must not be in sorrow. The person who sells the land should also be happy to dispose of the land. Let both the seller and the buyer be blessed. Bless and honour them. Fulfil the rightful desires of those who want a house of their own or those who desire to buy a business place in their own space, prayer gardens, prayer towers and churches. Meet all their financial and material needs required to buy or build them. Bless them to inherit all that they desire according to your plan.
In Jesus Name we pray.
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Isaiah 54:10, “My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord who has mercy on you”.
Today, the Lord is giving you this promise-word of faith. Firstly, the Lord is giving you a guarantee that His grace will not leave you. The Bible says, that since the grace of God was taken away from Saul, he died in the battle. When the Lord blessed David, He gave him grace saying that He will not take His grace from David like the way, He took it away from Saul. The Lord will give you such grace. When grace was taken away from Saul, his life came to an end. The Lord does not want your life to come to an end. He wants your life to bloom and wants you to advance in life. Therefore, the Lord is giving you the guarantee that He will not remove His grace from you. The Lord is giving you the same guarantee that He gave to David. Because the Lord gave David grace, he was able to rule Israel for forty years. Though there were wars, he overcame them, all of them and as the Lord’s grace was with David, the Lord continued to bless him.
Today, the Lord is giving you that grace in abundance and is telling that He will not take it away from you. It means that no one can destroy you. They will be shattered, but you will rise. Saul wanted to destroy David but Saul was destroyed. He did not have the grace of God, but David rose. When you have the grace of God, you will be able to overcome all obstacles and miracles will happen. In this verse, the Lord is also telling that His kindness will not depart from you, nor shall His covenant of peace be removed. There is a covenant between God and His children. The Lord is telling that there will be peace within your walls and prosperity within your palaces. If you have peace and prosperity in your homes, then your home will become like a small paradise.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Today, You have told your children about Your grace. Based on Your grace, let your children receive a job, the blessing of a child, a suitable life-partner. Perform miracles for them Lord. You have told that Your covenant of peace will not be removed. Change all the problems that are destroying their peace. From today, let there be peace, happiness and prosperity. Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace, be with your children and lead their family into all truth.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Proverbs 3:27, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so”.
The Lord is teaching us a very good quality. When you have the capacity to do good, do not withhold from doing it for those to whom it is due. There is a Tamil proverb which goes like this, “Know the vessels and give alms”. It means to help those who are really in need of it. The Holy Spirit is advising us to have wisdom in everything we do. Jesus Christ went about doing good to all when He was on this earth. We who follow his footsteps must also do good to all while we are on this earth. We expect others to do good to us and we are not able to bear the evil that others do to us. It does not matter if it is your relatives, friends, or people from outside. You want everyone to do good to you. If so, we too must do good to others. If you have thought any evil to someone, or you have done it, ask the Lord for forgiveness and commit to do good to others.
The blessing we get through this, is what the Bible says, “I will bless those who bless you”. It means that if you do good to others, the Lord will do good to you. If you sow good, you will reap good. If you do good to others, even if you face any trouble through them, it does not matter. Some say that the person he has helped has harmed them in return. We see some lamenting this way. It is our duty to do good. It is not for us to bother about what others do. The Lord is telling that when you do good to others while you can and later face struggles, your reward in heaven will be great. Therefore, we must not go weary in doing good. We should do as much as we can. We are the children of Lord Jesus Christ. There are many around us who are in need. We must take it as a privilege to help those children who are fatherless. Feed the poor, orphans and widows. Only good deeds will come with you to heaven. Today, take a good decision to help others, then goodness will come in search of you. The Lord will change all the evil you faced for the good, you have done to others
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord, We thank you for teaching us this good lesson today. We humble ourselves to be made useful to others. Help us to do good to all just like you did. Give us the wisdom to do good to those who are in due of it. Lord, increase our ability to help many people. Cause the vessels of your children to overflow with abundant blessings, so that their needs and debts will be met and that they may have in abundance to give and help others.
In Jesus Name, we pray,