Dearly Beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Proverbs 3:26,”The Lord will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught”.
Nowadays, the feet of many are caught in some miry clay, but the Lord is bringing such people out of that pits. In some families, there are some who have gone to places they should not have gone, and they carry diseases that are cursed. Today, the Lord is going to lift them out of such pits and is going to deliver them. Without wisdom, some people’s feet are caught in debts. Some are caught in things that are against the will of God. Because of this, they and their families are suffering. However, today, let our hope be on the Lord. Ask the Lord to deliver you from the miry clay and pit that you are caught in. Parents pray for your children that they do not get caught in any such situations. Pray that the anointing of the Lord will be on children, so they do not get caught in any wrongdoings. Nowadays, the net of deception is spread in the homes through social media, through their mobile phones and other sources.
You can use these social media platforms in a good way, but many nets of deception are also being spread along with it. Some youngsters come to me saying that their lives have been destroyed and ruined because of social media. These platforms are turning into a snare that catch youngsters’ life into its net. In many families, such platforms have entered in the name of gambling and are making them get addicted to it. The games that are published in some websites are making the children get addicted to them. A sister told me that her husband was playing video games on the computer till 4am in the morning and the family life has become miserable. He gets angry and yells at her if she went to tell him anything. She asked me to pray for her husband to be delivered from this addiction of playing video games.
This is what it means that his legs got tangled. He is caught in these sites that give such games and he is not able to come out of it. A group of friends are playing like this from their homes and are wasting their time and life. So, we prayed to the Lord that he should be delivered of this addiction. There was a great change in her husband after that and they are now spending time together as a family. Today, the Lord will tear the net in which the legs of those who are caught in such circumstances and will hand over your children back to you. He will hand over your family and husband back to you. God will keep you foot from getting caught . Cheer Up .God bles you.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank You! According to the verse that says, “Trust in the Lord and He will preserve your legs from being caught in the net”, in which ever net or social media your children’s legs are caught in and whose lives are ruined, Lord, put a fence around your children. Let there be a change in their lives. Let every net be torn off and let there be deliverance. The Bible says, “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed”, may it be so in their lives. Release all the children who are engaged in such evil activities and cause them and their parents to enjoy peace and harmony in their families.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of John 6:37, “Whoever comes to me, I will by no means cast out.”
Today, you may have trusted people and went to them expecting that they will help you, But they were always keen on pushing you down. Many do not like your growth. People gossip about you because of jealousy. They ruin your name. We are forced to live in such situations. We cannot do anything to them. However, we can do just one thing. If we come to God, He will not drive us away. The Lord will not allow man to drive you away because that is the safe zone. We are standing on the promises of the Lord. The Lord will not drive us away nor will He allow anyone to drive us away. No one can push us when we stand with the Lord.
Every day, we must tell the Lord that we are submitting ourselves and our families into the Lord’s hands. We must ask for His presence wherever we go and in what we do. Submitting to the Lord will protect you from failures. We should we think about harming others in their work or business. We should be looking unto the Lord Jesus and focus only about our lives, so that we become a blessing to ourselves and others around us.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Father, you have said that You will not drive away anyone who comes to you. It is a great blessing for us to lean on you, without trusting anyone else. That is a great protection for us too. We submit ourselves and our families into Your hands. All who have been chased away from their family or have been cast away by their loved ones. Lord please perform a miracle for them to reunite together once again. Let there be peace, happiness and advancement in their lives.
In Jesus Name, we pray.
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Matthew 11:28, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”.
God is telling those children who have struggled a lot and are broken hearted to come to Him and that He will give you rest. “All who are weary” refers to those who carry unbearable burdens. The Lord says, “Come unto me, I will help you and give you peace”. The Lord is calling you with a great desire. When the Lord calls, you, please go to Him with all your problems. The Lord will clear all your problems. 2000 years ago, Lord Jesus cleared the problems of all those who came to Him. , Some get into deep anxiety because of all their troubles and are vexed. They get into depression and would struggle with negative thoughts. They say that they feel as if they have come to the end of their life.
You must never ever think such thoughts or say such words. The children of God must only say, “Lord, I desire to live”. “Lord, I want to live a long life and do good for others”. Only words of faith must proceed from your mouth. Negative talks must never come out from your mouth. Therefore, today, the Lord is telling all those who are weary and have struggled much, to approach Him then He would give them rest. He further tells those who are not able to bear the burdens, that He will remove their shame, and prevent all disease that might befall them. God will help you bear your burden. Today the Lord is telling you to cast all the burdens which you cannot carry, and which seems too heavy, upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Then He will give you rest.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord You have said, “Come unto me, all those who are weary, and I will give you rest”. You have given this common invitation. Your children will come to you with all their problems and weariness. Whatever, it may be, please perform miracles in their lives and bless them. Give them your peace. May they live with peace and real happiness. Give them rest to their souls. Open a way for those who are unemployed, for those seeking permanent jobs. Bless those who are waiting for a child. You have told that you will give your children rest, let your peace be upon their lives. We thank you and praise you for all your miracles and blessings.
In Jesus Name we pray
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Ezekiel 47:9 “And wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.”
From the above context we see how the river flows bringing newness in life. Every creature that is found in the place where the river flows become revived and alive. There will be many fish swimming inside the river. When the river reaches the sea then the waters of the sea becomes refreshed. So everything becomes alive wherever the river goes. These waters signify the teachings of Christ, which went forth from Jerusalem, and spread into the countries about; also the gifts and powers of the Holy Spirit, which accompanied it, and produced blessed effects. Christ is the Temple; and he is the Door; from him the living waters flow, out of his pierced side. They are increasing waters. Where the teachings of Christ is preached; they nourish and delight the souls of men; they never fade nor wither, nor are exhausted. Similarly wherever the holy river flows there is healing.
When the river reaches the sea, then the sea waters are healed. And it shall be, that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. And it shall come to pass, that everything that lives, which moves, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great healing. Wherever the stream flows, there will be all kinds of animals and fish. The stream will make the water of the Dead Sea fresh, and wherever it flows, it will be a blessing. My Dear children of God in the same way when the river of blessing flows into your homes and into your families then miracles will happen for you and your family. God will begin to do extraordinary and awesome things for you in your life. I wish to share what God did for a brother who met me for prayer sometimes back.
This brother and his wife were working in Saudi in government hospital. They had a daughter, she was living with her grandmother in her native place in South India. She completed her ninth std and was moving to the tenth std. One day she told her parents that she does not wish to stay in her grandmother’s house, and study and requested her parents to return from Saudi. So the father, immediately returned. He used to take his daughter to school and also send her for tuition. But the whole day he was at home doing nothing. He had no job suitable for him to work, in his native place. He worked as a Dialysis technician in Saudi. He was getting many numbers of offers from Chennai, but there was no dialysis centre in his hometown. So he requested me to pray for him. After a few months, I had a call from him. He called me and said that he had come down to Chennai for an interview. The interview was over and what he told me was very astonishing. The boss who interviewed him had assured him to start a Dialysis centre in his home town and also recruited him as the head of the unit because he had good experience abroad in handling the machines, and other equipment. Within two months, just as the Boss had promised a new dialysis centre had been started, in his hometown and both his boss and this brother are making good income. This is the blessing one receives when the river of blessing flows into your home, from the sanctuary of God. May this testimony be of much encouragement, to all those of you reading this message. Never lose your faith in God. For this incident will motivate you to trust in God rather than man. For He will neither forsake you nor will He forget you. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, or pray. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, We thank You for this blessed day. Lord thank you for the river of blessing that flows into our homes. Lord please open new doors in our lives. New jobs, new business and new project, new hope new assurance and new income so that we also can do well in our lives and thus encourage others in the Lord.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. On this day, it is a great pleasure to meet you all at your home through this message. May the Lord bless you. May the name of the Lord be glorified. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord for today is taken from the book of Psalm 37:5, “Commit your ways to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will bring it to pass. “.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Many are looking at their lives and thinking that they are struggling a lot. That they are trying their best but there is no use. But, from today, all that you do, will prosper. All that you touch will become gold. All that you attempt to do will help you. This will happen when you submit that particular work or business into the hands of the Lord and trust in Him alone. Many of you borrow much money and do investments. Though you make a lot of effort it does not prosper, and you get stuck in debts. Many mortgage their own house documents and land documents for this reason, but in the end, become burdened with debts. So, what must you do to make your efforts prosperous? You must put your trust in the Lord who causes it to happen. You may have several years of experience in a particular field. You would have got into a work or job, trusting your experience. But you need to put your trust in the Lord to do well in life.
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, A brother who visited me said, that he worked very hard for twenty-five years and brought a company to a high standard. But then based on his work experience he wanted to start his own company. So, he resigned from his job and started his own business. He thought that he could fair well based on his experience of 25 years. However, when he started his own company, it did not prosper. He was reasoning for himself, as to why his company became a failure. The Lord clearly told me that this brother started his business on his own self trusting only his experience, but not in the Lord. The Lord revealed to me that this brother did not trust in the Lord who gave him the knowledge for this business. This brought him failure. His hope was on his skills, talents and work experience. I counselled him as the Lord told me that he should commit his work to the Lord, and if he puts his trust in the Lord then his business would succeed. He realised this and submitted to the Lord. He asked for forgiveness from the Lord and made the Lord the owner of his company. The Lord blessed him, and he prospered in his business overcoming all losses. Today, the Lord has made him to lend money to others, instead of being a borrower. The reason, I am saying this to you, is because you should also put your trust in the Lord first and rather than put your trust on your own talents and experience. You must submit your work, your business or your life to the Lord and put your trust in Him. Then the Lord will prosper you.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! Thank You Lord for teaching Your children a valuable lesson. May your children trust in you alone, believing that you would do great things for them. It is the Lord who causes growth and prosperity. Although we put in all our efforts, it is in your hands to cause things to happen and for us to receive an yield. Therefore, may our trust be focused on God our Lord Jesus Christ, and let your children receive good things from your hands.
In Jesus Name we pray.