Abide In God. 

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for  today  is  from  the  book  of   John 15:5, “He who abides in Me and  I in him, bears much fruit.”

This is the experience of being established in the Lord. The Lord will surely be established in us. You need not have any doubt about it.  But are we really established in the Lord? That is the question.  The auspicious word is that we must abide in the Lord, and He in us. Our fruitful life does not alone depend on one’s efforts. You need the Lord’s help and your effort as well. A man can bear fruits only with his hard work and the help of the Lord. Both you and the Lord must go together if you need success in your life. Only then you can bear fruit.    Today, many children, instead of bearing good fruits, are ruining themselves. And therefore they face a lot of shame and failure because of this. They face torment. They may be caught in many cases.  But if you are established in the Lord, God will   not allow you to be caught in any case. The Lord will make you escape from there wisely. The devil will deceive us when we are not established in the Lord, but if  the Lord is near us, the devil  cannot come near us. 

In the Bible we read about   Job. He   was a righteous man and feared the Lord. The devil could not make him fail, because he was established in the Lord. Though he lost everything, he did not lose his righteousness. He preserved it. You must also be established in the Lord at any situation. Trials will come, but you must be established in the Lord. Do you know why the Lord is giving the auspicious word every day? It is for you to be strengthened. It is for you to bear a lot of good fruits. The words you hear every day must bring changes in your life. So, in who are you established? What are you established in? Put a question and check yourself on this. The reason for failure and shame for some is that they are rooted in their own understanding. The Bible says, ‘Israel  fell because of  its own understanding’. They did not consider the counsel of God. Only if the counsel of God  is  established in Him, then  that person is established in the Lord. Some are established in their own understanding, some  take   the advice of  their  friends. The Bible says,  Trust in the Lord  with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.  You can bear fruits only if you are established in the Lord. Then you will grow and all that pertains to you will yield great fruits. 

Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! On this day, help your children to make a good, decision, that is to be established in the Lord and bear good fruits. In the past, they would have made their own decisions out of their own understanding and would have failed. If they have been  caught in debts, in legal cases, please deliver them. Help them to be established in the Lord, in Your word and bear good fruits.

In Jesus Name we pray,



Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord,  for  today  is  from  the  book  of  Psalm 40:17, “But I am poor and needy, yet the Lord thinks on me. “

You were once rich and wealthy.  But today you have become poor as  you had lost in your business.   It means that everyone has forgotten   you  after you  have become poor and needy. But my Lord did not forget you, even in that state, says the psalmist. Even during his struggles, the Lord remembered David. It does not matter in whose heart you remain or not, but the Lord remembers you in whatever state you may be in. You are in his heart. It does not matter who forgets you, be it your family or relatives or any known person. You may be lamenting that many have forgotten you or don’t even bother about you, but the Lord is saying, not to worry and that He remembers you. 

The Lord has you in His thoughts, and so you must learn to do all that He likes in the coming days. Many only keep asking from God in their prayers of their needs but fail to reciprocate to the Lord in doing what He desires. Our attitude is that the Lord must give us everything but what do we do for the Lord. If the Lord says that He remembers us, it means that He will rescue us from all struggles. He will help us in our difficulty. When Lord Jesus came to this earth 2000 years ago, He did good to all those who were poor, and those who suffered. He will do the same for you today. 

PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you. Father, You have given an assurance that You think of us even in our lowly state, even if others don’t think of us. As You love Your children, teach them to do what pleases You. Please  grant them the needs and desires of Your children. Honour your children where they were humiliated. Father, open ways for your children to lead their families in happiness and peace. You have told that you remember them and think of them,  though they are poor and needy.  So be  with Your children. Grant them a new phase  of life to advance in their life. Let good events take place in their families. May  the Lord grant   peace and happiness in their lives.

In Jesus Name we pray,



Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ .   The auspicious life giving word of the Lord,  for  today  is  from  the  book  of  Proverbs 1:7, “The  Fear of the Lord   is  the  beginning of wisdom”.

Do   you ever   analyse as to what could be the reason for many of your failures, the answer would be because of  those things you had  done without wisdom. When we put the question ‘why’ to many of the reasons for failures, the answers will lead to things that were not done with wisdom. Things like, unwise foolish behaviour, talking foolishly, behaving   and    doing such things  by  which  we lose and degrade our good positions. If someone wants to live a successful life here on earth, be it, in business or at work or ministry, the most essential thing is wisdom. Money cannot buy wisdom, but the Lord will give it free of cost. The Bible says, “If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of the Lord who gives it in abundance”. This is a great blessing which many of you badly neglect. Many do not pray for wisdom. The Lord is telling that your house must be built on wisdom, that your business and ministry should be built on wisdom. Only then it   will be strong, blessed and permanent. 

So, what must one do to receive this wisdom, which is a blessing that will build your life? Wisdom is a blessing which will brighten up your life. The answer is to fear the Lord. “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. To put it in a simple way, is to “live pleasing to the Lord”. Fearing the Lord is to obey His word, His commands and Instructions. It is to obey the counsel He has given in His word. To regain what you have lost, you require wisdom. You have to ask the Lord who gives it in full. At the same time, repent and ask forgiveness from all of your mistakes and sins that you did wilfully. Submit yourselves to the Lord.  Then God will forgive you and perform   miracles in your life.

 Prayer.  Loving Lord, we thank you! You have told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Restore to your children who have lost work, business, house, name & fame which   they have lost without wisdom. Bless them with wisdom and understanding. Let their thoughts, speech and actions be wise. Please forgive their sins that they have committed without wisdom. May they live their lives in the fear of the Lord, obeying the word of God and living according to it . Lord   we thank you for hearing our prayers.  Bless them Lord with wisdom , knowledge and good understanding.

 In Jesus Name we pray.



Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of James 1:5, “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

From the above context we learn that recognising our lack of wisdom is a   wise step towards understanding. Scripture qualifies this by reminding us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy One brings understanding. Life is full of pitfalls and snares, and we often make wrong choices, but it is comforting to know that no matter what trials we may be called upon to face, or what foolish choices we have made in the past, we can go to the Lord and ask Him for godly insight and spiritual understanding, and He has promised to give us all that is needed for the betterment of our life. In this passage, James, speaks about the wisdom we need, when we are surrounded   by the various difficulties we encounter in our everyday lives and the tough choices we are all required to make. James a bond servant of Jesus Christ, lacked wisdom. But he made an attempt to gain godly wisdom and spiritual understanding. James learnt that the suffering of this life produces patient endurance, which will furnish us with spiritual maturity. “However,” he continues, “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, Who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

There are times when we do not know what to do or which way to turn, when we are   surrounded with problems especially, when we deal with our own family, wife, husband and children.  At such times we need to seek the face of the Lord for guidance.  James   knows that trusting the Lord for godly wisdom as we travel through life, is a tool the Lord uses to test and strengthen our faith in Him, and which helps to produce in us the patient endurance that is so needful for our daily life.   We all need God’s heavenly wisdom in the tests and trials of life’s disappointments and difficulties, which are so much a part of our everyday lives. How much we need His guidance in the choices we have to make, a willingness to admit our faults, a readiness to learn the lessons God desires to teach us, and an eagerness to put into practice the truth we have learned. God knows that we are weak and frail and He knows that the testing of our faith can cause us to complain or murmur or to become unsteady in our Christian walk.  But God provides all the wisdom we need to maintain a steady heart, patient endurance, and an unwavering, uncompromised faith in Him. God delights to give generously to all who ask – but we must be prepared to ask Him, to listen to His voice, and to obey His Word.

Have you the knowledge and wisdom to deal all your problems, with regarding to your business, at your work spot, while dealing with your boss and other co workers, in your neighbourhood, when dealing with problematic neighbours or when you deal with your own children, who do not   do well in their studies. Do you get annoyed with them, or do you tolerate them patiently. My dear children of God, you need wisdom and knowledge to deal all the issues that you face in everyday life. We often fail to understand our own family members. That is why God insists us to ask of Him,  wisdom and knowledge for when we ask for knowledge God gives wisdom without any partiality. So be prepared to ask Him and you will find peace and calmness in your life. God bless you.  

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we   thank   You   for   this   blessed day. Dear Lord, as the pressures of life are pressing down hard on us, we   want to hold fast to the faith and patiently endure all the problems that confront us in our daily lives.   Give us the wisdom   we need to face the future with all joy, knowing   very   well   that our life   is hid with Christ in God. Help us   to grow in grace and in wisdom as we depend in Your love and trust in Your Word.

In Jesus Name We Pray. 


God Will Strengthen You.

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 41:10, “I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you, with My righteous right hand.”’

Dear Children of God, many of you are disappointed.  Maybe you would have approached someone from your family or your friends to help you, but they have denied you and ill-treated you. When you seek the help of worldly men, most of your experiences would have been bitter. Today God comforts you by saying “I will strengthen you and help you.”

Maybe you are financially or physically weak and sometimes spiritually weak too. God who knows your weakness, is ready to strengthen you. From today onward, the Lord is going to strengthen you physically, spiritually, and also financially. God will not only strengthen you but also help you meet your needs in a miraculous way. Our God who decides to lift you, will not do it in a normal manner, but ‘He will lift you up from the miry clay and set you on a rock and put a new song into your mouth’. He will make you sit at an elevated level and admire you.

In the Bible, we can see David was the one who was going after his father’s sheep. But God admired him and made him the king of Israel. God promoted Daniel, who was thrown into Lion’s den, as the collector of Babylon.  God made Joseph the son of Jacob, as the Governor of Egypt, who was once put into the prison by Potiphar, with a false accusation.  These people who were so helpless became great in life only because God helped them.  You might wonder if God would help you also and make you great. Surely, He will lift you up and cause you to become great because our God has another name, known as Ebenezer.   It means, “The Lord Who Helps.” You may be seriously expecting God to help you, in your distressed state of life. The moment you look up to heaven and call upon His name, He will come running to help you.

Many children are caught up in various problems and they are unable to come out of it and thus they are badly in need of help. Those of you who are anxiously waiting for help and saying “Lord, who will come forward to help me in this juncture? Who will lift me in this horrible state of misery? Who will lift up my children to a better position?” The Lord says, “Don’t worry, even if nobody helps you, I am there to help you.”  What a good God we have!

Our Lord is one who made the bitter waters of Marah turn sweet water for the people of Israel to drink. Our God who enlightened the heart of Naomi brought happiness into her life, and lifted her head high in society will also lift you up. Our Lord who gave another life for Ruth and who helped her to find favour in the eyes of Boaz, will He not help you? 

God will solve all your family disputes between husband and wife. He will help you and bring peace and harmony into your lives.  He will open the windows of heaven, and let the income flow from His holy sanctuary. So, you shall have a good income and you will be able to pay back your debts. Whether your need is, be it your medical expense, your children’s education, or your family matters, God is able to help you. As you read this message the Lord will pour out His blessings. And you are going to receive a miracle from God. You will live in peace and joy. God bless you all.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. You said that You will strengthen and help us. Look at my children who are badly in need of help, and stretch out your helping hand to them.  They have come to You for help as there is no one to help them.  Perform miracles for them who have stretched out their hands to you for help. They should never stretch out their hands, to any worldly men. Have mercy on them and help them. So that they may know your power.

In Jesus Name We pray.


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