Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Joshua 24:15, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”.
We see in the above verse that Joshua takes an oath here. When Moses, the great leader of Israel died, the leadership was handed over to Joshua. The Lord entrusted Joshua the great responsibility of leading the people of Israel into the Promised Land. It was this Joshua who declared that as for him and his family, they will serve the Lord alone. Children who follow and serve the Lord will be honoured by the Lord. The Lord will entrust them with great responsibilities. The Bible says that Joshua waited at the gate of the Lord’s tabernacle. He was always in the presence of the Lord. As he was always close to the Lord, the Lord entrusted him the responsibility of becoming a leader.
Likewise, you also should be close to the Lord. The Lord will do great things for you in your life. The Lord will trust in you. Do not separate yourselves from the Lord. When you work along with the Lord, you will be able to see victory in your life. Joshua found great joy and content in serving the Lord. Together, he and his family submitted themselves to serving the Lord. Likewise, even today, submit yourself and your entire family to the Lord’s presence. You may wonder how to serve the Lord. Your life of testimony in living in Christ is serving the Lord. Serving the Lord is not in preaching alone, but every believer living in Christ as a testimony is a servant of God. It is one’s testimonial life that matters. From today, just like how Joshua never departed from the Lord’s presence, wherever you may live, submit yourself and all that you do to the Lord. The Lord will make you victorious. Though Joshua faced many challenges, the Lord gave him victory. The Lord even made the Sun to stand still when Joshua asked God to stop the movement of the sun and the moon, while the battle was going through. So, when you remain united with the Lord, He will perform supernatural miracles in your life too.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! We learn from the scripture that Joshua never separated himself from the temple gates of the tabernacle. He always lived in Your presence, and You entrusted him with the great responsibility of leading the people to the promised land. As Joshua declared, let your children also submit themselves and their families to You. As they live in your presence and lead a testimonial life, let supernatural miracles and blessings happen in their lives. Let them be victorious in their life just as Joshua was, during his time.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Psalm 119:72, “The Law from Your mouth is more precious to me. Than thousands of coins of gold and silver”.
As a King, David saw thousands of gold and silver coins, and he saw the word of God as well. He compared both and said, that the word of God is better to him than a thousand pieces of gold and silver. What an amazing verse this is. Children of God who desire silver and gold, I am not telling you not to work for it, we need money, but at the same time, that money will not lead you to heaven. The life-giving words of the Lord will give you life on this earth and in heaven. You must eagerly listen, read and obey the word of God. You must sit in the Lord’s presence. The Psalmist says that he has seen both money and God’s word and has made a final decision that it is the Lord’s word which is more precious to him. Every word in the Bible proceeds from the mouth of God. These words will give you life, open the way to heaven and grant you, blessings here on earth.
Silver and gold will be useful to you for food and to build a house, there is no doubt about that. However, it will not save your life. During the Covid pandemic period, many could not save their lives though they had much wealth. We must understand one thing from this. The Lord’s word surpasses all these. When Lord Jesus spoke to Lazarus in the tomb and said, ‘Lazarus, come out’, those words brought life to him once again. Bible brings life. Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first, then all that you need will be added unto you. Those who meditate on the word day and night will be blessed. That person will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water and will bring forth fruit at the right time and whatever they do shall prosper. The one who loves the Bible, reads it and obeys will prosper.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! The law from Your mouth is better to us than thousands of gold and silver coins. Let Your children also say that Your law gives them life. That the word of Your mouth keeps them alive. Let them testify that it was your word that made them get out of sickness and deathbed. That Your word is a source of comfort. Let them give importance to the Lord’s word and through that let them be established here on earth with blessings. You have said, “Know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free”. As Your children read and obey Your true word, deliver them from their bondage. Deliver them from sickness and debts. Bless Your children to do well in life.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of John 5:24, “He who hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has everlasting life”.
A man’s life is built in faith and the Lord gives more importance to that faith. Lord Jesus is telling that anyone who hears his word and believes in Him who sent Jesus has eternal life. In short, If you believe in the Lord, you will have eternal life. There is life waiting for you in heaven and here on earth the Lord will also give you a good life. The fruit of man being born on this earth is to receive eternal life. But to whom will the Lord give this? The Lord will give eternal life only to those who put trust in Him. Today, many lose faith in the Lord. When they face trouble, they slide away from the Lord. If the Lord grants what you want, then He is a good God, if not then you lose faith. In the Bible, Job says that we who received good from the Lord must also be prepared to receive trouble ordained to us.
We should keep in mind, that even if the Lord has ordained a problem, that problem will lead to something good. At times, the Lord permits troubles so that you will not lose out on your eternal life and the fellowship with the Lord and remember Him. David says that it was good that the Lord permitted trouble in his life because of which he learned the Lord’s commands. You must accept the tribulations given by the Lord as lessons He teaches. You must not speak ill of the Lord in such circumstances. Those who have faith on Lord Jesus and trust in Him will receive eternal life and good life also on earth. You will have a place in heaven. Receiving the eternal life after death is very important. The Lord is giving us that as well as a good life here on earth if we trust in Him for all our needs, desires and circumstances. Remove all disbelief from your hearts. You must never backslide from your faith. Faith and hope in the Lord is what will establish you on this earth. The Lord has said that if we believe, we will see the glory of God. Those who believe and trust in God the Father, will receive eternal life. The Lord will give you a blessed future.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! You have spoken to your children that those who trust in You will have eternal life and bright future here on earth. Today, You have revived your children with your words. May they be full of faith and trust in You only. Let their life be built in faith. Let all their unbelief be removed and faith increase. May they see the glory of God through their faith, in their circumstances. Bless them in their ministry, business, job and family life. that they may enjoy abundant blessings.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Dearly Beloved , I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Zechariah 9:12, ‘Even today, I declare that I will restore double to you’.
Today, you are receiving this word of assurance from the Lord who says that He will restore double to you. It means that you have been expecting something for a long time, and the Lord is going to restore double of what you are expecting. Our Lord is the One who does more than what we expect. He is the One who does more than what we think, ask or pray for. In the Bible, Isaac married Rebekkah when he was 40, but they did not have any child for 20 years. Imagine what distress they would have gone through in such times. However, the scripture says, that when Isaac prayed for his sterile wife, the Lord heard his prayers and caused her to give birth to twins. The Lord gave two children instead of one. Likewise, you too have been waiting for a blessing for several years. You haven’t received it and it is pending for a long time, but the Lord is telling that He will clear every pending blessing and will give it to you as double gift.
Some of you may have written a government exam for a job and have been waiting for a long time. The Lord is telling that you will receive good news and that you will find peace. In the Bible, Job lost everything in his life. He lost it during his difficult circumstances. Likewise, when the breeze of tribulation blew on you, you would have lost all your wealth and earnings, but just like Job, you will receive a season of restoration. Job said that he was waiting for the final day of tribulation ordained to him and he had faith that all his losses would be compensated. To those who are thinking if their losses would ever be compensated, the Lord is telling you that He will restore double to you. The Lord will restore the name, honour, wealth in double measure and will bless you.
PRAYER: Loving Lord, we thank you! For You are the One who does much more than what we can ever think or imagine. Do wonders for your children. Give them the desires of their heart, that they have waited for so long period of time. For those who are in need of children please, bless them with children. Those that need a permanent job, bless them to secure a permanent job. Heal the sick and give them good health. Let every closed door be opened. No one can shut what You have opened. Lord Restore double measure of blessings for your children and bless them, that they may live a happy and content life.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Amen !
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Proverbs 8:35, ‘For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favour from the Lord’.
Finding the Lord is finding life! The Lord will settle the lives of those who find the Lord. For whoever finds the Lord, finds life. The Lord is the One who lifts the person up to high positions, feeds them, and clothes them. There is another verse which says, ‘Those who seek Me diligently will find Me’. The Scripture is life and spirit. The scripture settles a man’s life. When you search the scriptures, you can find the Lord. If you find the Lord, you will receive the Lord’s favour. Amen.
There was a Centurion in the Roman army, whose valued servant was affected by a deadly disease and was on his death bed. The centurion had heard of Jesus perform miracles. So, the Centurion, sent some elders of the Jews to Lord Jesus asking him to come and heal his servant When the elders of the Jews, came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, and told the Lord, that the Centurion was a man who deserves the Lord’s help as he loved Israel though he was Roman and had even built a church for them. The Lord showed favour and eventually the servant was healed and made well. As you seek the Lord, He will favour you and give you favour in all that you need, and also before others, The Lord will revive those who are on the verge of death through you. Those who do not have a job will get a job. The Lord will open new doors for you. Through the favour of God, you will receive a miracle. Your life will bloom and flourish.
Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord You have said, that whoever finds You, finds life. Your children are seeking you through your word, therefore, I pray that You may give them life. Settle the lives of those children who are not settled yet. For those who are seeking life partners, bless them with the right partner. Give good jobs to those who do not have a job. As you favoured the Centurion and his servant, may your favour be upon your children who seek you diligently. Heal them as You healed the Centurion’s servant. Lord they are Your children. Help them to find You and prosper in their lives.
In Jesus Name we pray,