I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is taken from the book of Isaiah 45:3, ‘I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who call you by your name’.
He is a God who calls you by your name. If anyone who calls us by name, we will not neglect them. We will turn back and see who that person is. They may call us to give us some information to alert us. Today, the Lord is calling you by your name. He is telling you that He is the Lord your God, who is calling you by name. One day the Lord called the little boy Samuel by his name, Samuel, Samuel! Initially the boy did not know that it was the Lord who called him. He went and told Eli, the High priest that someone called him by his name in his sleep. The High priest knew who had called the little boy, So he told the little boy that if someone called him the next time, he should say, “‘Lord, here I am’.
Our God calls us by our name. The Lord will talk about things not only to alert us but also to alert others. One day the Lord called Moses and gave him the responsibility, power and anointing to deliver the people of Isarel from Egypt. The people were eventually delivered. If the Lord calls, you then something good will happen. One day the Lord called Abraham and promised him that He will be his shield and great strength. When Abraham was concerned that he was childless and had no one to carry out his inheritance. The Lord called him outside and told him to count the stars and promised that his inheritance would be so many like the stars. What we should understand from this is that when the Lord calls you by name, something good is going to happen or Lord is going to deliver and protect you from some disaster. Today, the Lord has called you by name. Listen to the Lord calling your name, with your ears of faith. You will be protected. You will receive many miracles.
Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! For You are the Lord who called Your Children by their names and gave them a breakthrough. Even today, from Your word, You have given an assurance that You are the God who calls us by name. Call your children by their name and give them the good and perfect gift they need and cause them to shine in their lives. From today, let them prosper in all things. When you call them by name, let them know that You are calling them to grant them their needs. Grant them all that they need and bless them.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord, for today, is from the book of Isaiah 44:22, ‘Return to me, for I have redeemed you’.
In the above verse, we see the Lord inviting us saying, ‘Return to me’. Do you know when someone gets into trouble? It is when they move away from the Lord, that satan drags them into some trouble. It is the plan and habit of satan to put people into trouble. But the Lord pities us when we are entangled in some sin or problem. To bring you out of the problem that you may be in. He is telling you to return to Him. If the verse says, ‘Turn to me’ it means you have gone away from the Lord, but instead, the Lord is saying, ‘Return to me’. How many of you are telling, that you will return to the Lord once again? That you will submit yourself to do His will in your life? When you return, the Lord will redeem you from all the problems that you are in and will help you to lead your life in the right way. You will be able to come out of your sin, sorrow, and shame.
My Dear Children of God, return to the Lord for He has redeemed you. It means He has given His life for you and has already taken you out of your sins, curses, and iniquities. He is stretching out both his hands and is calling out to you. You should reciprocate by returning to the Lord. The Lord will deliver you from all the tangles and problems in your life.
Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! Thank you for the opportunity that you are giving for your children to return to you again. Make your children Holy and acceptable to you. Deliver them from all the tangles they are caught up in. Deliver them from unwanted sin, sorrow, and debts. Stretch forth your hands and redeem them. Lord. Give them a peaceful life. Father, Bless them with a good experience of walking with the Lord.
In Jesus Name we pray,
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life-giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Psalm 134:3, “The Lord who made heaven and earth, bless you from Zion”.
We have seen that Zion is a major theme throughout these psalms. Zion represents the place where God meets with his people, that is where God’s blessing is found. God’s blessing starts from Zion but then it goes wherever you go, because he is the Maker of heaven and earth, and the whole earth belongs to him. His blessing is not just for heaven, but for every day you live here on earth as well.
The Lord loves to bless you. People surrounding you may curse you, but Jesus loves to bless you. In the Bible, we can see that the last thing which the Lord Jesus did after He has risen from the dead, and before he was taken up to heaven, was that He took his beloved disciples to the top of a mountain in the village of Bethany and there He stretched out his hands to bless them, Later He was taken up to heaven. All the disciples saw Him being lifted up to heaven. Today, the Lord is stretching out his hands to bless you. A great blessing and anointing is coming from His hands and some are being delivered, healed, some are getting a new life, some are receiving a clear mind, promotions and so on. It is all coming from His hands. His blessed hands are stretched towards you. It is said that blessings will rest upon the heads of the righteous. From now, on all the blessings that you require, and that which will remain with you always, are being placed upon you. The Lord is not going to give you blessings that will remain for a short while and then disappear, but the blessings will remain, with you forever. Today, the Lord will give you all the blessings that you long waited for and had not received as yet.
Prayer: Holy Father, we thank you! Many of my children are ready to receive Your blessing today. You have promised to bless my children from Zion. Let the God of blessings, bless my children with a permanent blessing, and let it remain forever. Let them receive a blessing that heals and the blessing that performs miracles. Let them get the blessing of a life partner, the blessings of a government job, the blessing of profit, the blessing of a child, and the blessing of a house of their own, the blessing of a promotion, the blessing of a favourable judgement, the blessing of peace and happiness rest upon their heads, as Yes and Amen! in Christ Jesus.
In Jesus Name, we pray,
Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Philippines 4:13, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’.
This is a word of assurance. Make a confession of faith, that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. In this verse we see Apostle Paul gives importance to Christ who strengthens him. To say plainly, ‘If the Lord is with you, then you will be able to do everything’. The Lord is the one who strengthens us. He encourages us like no one else. We desire to do everything and make everything a success. For this, we make every worldly effort to succeed. We make a lot of physical efforts by our intelligence. But if you see, whether all these are successful, it is not. But today, the Lord is telling you that He will give an idea to help you make it successful. He says, ‘Keep me with you. I am Christ who strengthens you. ‘If you keep me with you, I will give you the strength to do everything’.
You may say that you are unable to do anything or to complete something and others are disregarding you because of this. But from today, you are going to accomplish great things. The Lord who makes you accomplish is giving you strength and encouragement. This is a great word of faith. . All who want to become achievers should keep Christ near and along with them. Only then, He can lift you up. There is another verse which says that only God can lift and strengthen anyone. Keep the Lord as your background and backbone. He has told that He is the shadow that protects you. Therefore today, the Lord will give you the strength and power to do all things. For the Bible says, “The Lord will be a shelter for His people, and the strength of the children of Israel.”
Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you. Just like apostle Paul we too make the confession of faith that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Give your children the strength to do all things through Christ. Let Christ who strengthens dwell in them permanently. Perform great things for them. Make them achievers. Open ways for them to exalt You, through their performance.
In Jesus Name we pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Psalm 146:8, ‘The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down’.
Who are those who are bowed down? They are the downtrodden, the poor and the needy. They are those who have been pushed apart from others. The Lord lifts up the outcast. Many of you are hurt because others pushed you down and kept you as an outcast and degraded you. Children of God, those of you who are disheartened by thinking so, today the Lord is going to lift you before them. That is the miracle the Lord is going to perform for you today. Do not worry. The Lord will lift you up before all those who cast you out, and degraded you. They will watch your uplift ment , saying, how did he advance so fast? How did his life get settled? They may think that you would have been destroyed by depression or by debts or any other problem, but the Lord will perform miracles such that everyone will look at you with amazement So, do not be worried about who degrades you. There is a Lord who will lift you up.
We must encourage each other to do the right things. This encouragement will change unbelief and will grow the faith of others. Do not discourage anyone, but inspire and encourage them. The Lord has told that even if we have faith as small as the mustard seed and tell a mountain to move from here to there, it will be done so. You must tell words that instil faith in others. So, today, the Lord is telling that He is lifting you who were downtrodden, outcast by all and discouraged. The Lord will lift your business, your ministry your profession, and your family as such. The Lord will lift you in your workplace. The Lord lifted Daniel up to a high position in Babylon. Such is the nature of our Lord, who will also lift you up. The Lord performs wonders and miracles. It is your turn. Instead of being discouraged, increase your faith in God. Then you will praise the name of the Lord for exalting you.
Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! Lord, you said that you will lift up those who are bowed down’. Let this auspicious word personally speak to each person. Lift your children who are downtrodden and discouraged. Though David was despised by his own brothers, You lifted him up to become King over Israel. Bless your children with such rewards and lift them up Lord. Lift up those who have failed in their business or in their profession, Lift up those who have fallen in sin. May your children understand that you are with them and You are there to lift them up.
In Jesus Name we pray,