Live Peacefully

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all today, December 14th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you! Today, what is the auspicious word that God has for us? Let us read: Psalm 128:2 “You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.”

My job, my career, my ministry—God will bless it, and you will reap its reward. In the past, you may have worked hard but reaped little. However, from this day onward, things will change. A beautiful and auspicious word in the Bible says, “There will be an abundance of grain in the earth, on the tops of the mountains; its fruit shall wave like Lebanon” (Psalm 72:16). This means an unshakable blessing is on its way. Until now, you may have sown much and reaped little. Perhaps all your efforts and investments seemed wasted. You might say:

“All my investments are gone.”
“Nature destroyed everything—rain and cyclones wiped out my harvest.”
“I took loans and invested heavily, but the outcome was nothing.”
Some of you may be crying about these losses, wondering where all your hard work has gone. Just like asafoetida melts in water and disappears, your investments might feel like they have vanished. Children of God, do not despair. As a servant of God, I proclaim this promise over you: The fruit of your labor, your work, and your efforts will be blessed, and you will eat its reward. Only if the harvest comes can you enjoy its fruit. From now on, blessings and prosperity will replace poverty and shame.

God’s Word says in Psalm 126:6:
“He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.” This means you will bring in the sheaves of your hard work as a blessing and profit. Maybe you’ve been working without a salary, or perhaps your salary has been delayed. God will open doors for you. If you are waiting for salary arrears, God will speak into the hearts of those responsible, and they will release what is due to you. With this, you will be able to do good works.

Sister C. Uma Maheshwari from Tanjore shared:
“My son-in-law was without a job for 34 months. He had to take loans to manage his life. In this state, my daughter and I attended the Aruthalai Thedi Oru Naal Healing Meeting in Tanjore. After the meeting, I prayed with Bro. Stephen for my son-in-law to get a job. Brother prayed over him with an auspicious word, saying he would get a job.

We returned home with faith. One morning, I was watching God’s message shared by Bro. Stephen on TV. Prophetically, he said: ‘Do not worry if you do not have a job. God has kept the appointment order for you on your table. Go and take it.’ After this, my granddaughter called to inform me that her father had received a job. For 34 months, he had no job and was running his family on loans. But after attending the meeting and hearing the prophetic word on TV, God opened the door for him. Praise the Lord! God’s mercy endures forever.” Even today, those without jobs will receive employment. Those with low salaries will receive an increase. Those who have faced business losses will see profits, and God will restore all that you have lost.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You. The fruit of my children’s labor is going in vain, Lord. Their hard work is yielding no reward. Their investments are being wasted. Today, let my children eat the fruit of their labor. Let the wine they receive from their hard work be theirs to drink. You have said, “Blessings and prosperity will be yours.” Let this word be fulfilled in their lives. Let there be profit and promotions. May all their debts be paid off. Those who have withheld their wages, speak to their hearts and remind them of Your Word. “Surely I will no longer give your grain as food for your enemies; and the sons of foreigners shall not drink your new wine, for which you have labored” (Isaiah 62:8). Redeem their hard work and bless them abundantly. Let them live peacefully, free from debt. Do a miracle, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

God hears you

Beloved Children of God in Christ, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am delighted to connect with you today, December 13th, to share a message of hope and blessing. The auspicious word from the Lord today is: “This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.” (Psalm 34:6)

In this world, the cries of the poor often go unnoticed, but our God is different. He is merciful and compassionate. When we call upon Him, He listens and acts. Just as He stopped for blind Bartimaeus, who cried out on the roadside, He will stop for you. The Lord hears your cries and brings miraculous deliverance, just as He did for Bartimaeus, who received his sight and a new future. As the new year approaches, trust that God will uproot your troubles—be it financial burdens, health issues, or any crisis—and bless you with a fresh and abundant future.

Here is a powerful testimony:
Sister Sangeetha from Thindivanam shared that her mother-in-law, after a spinal surgery, slipped into a coma due to complications. Despite 10 days of treatment, there was no sign of recovery. Sangeetha reached out to God’s Love Ministries for prayer. By God’s grace, her mother-in-law miraculously recovered and is now completely healthy!

This testimony reminds us that God is a deliverer. No matter how critical the situation, He can bring healing and restoration. If you are facing troubles, call upon the Lord with faith. You can also reach out to God’s Love Prayer Towers in Mumbai, Nagercoil, Chennai, or Coimbatore, where we are ready to stand with you in prayer.

Loving Lord, we thank You for Your grace and compassion. Just as You delivered Sangeetha’s mother-in-law, we pray that You deliver Your children from every trouble they are facing. Heal the sick, provide for the needy, and bring peace and joy as we step into a new year. Let this festive season be filled with miracles and testimonies of Your goodness. Amen.

Stay blessed and call upon Him who saves!

God Will Honour You

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all today, December 12th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you. Today, what is the auspicious word that God has for us? Isaiah 61:7 “Instead of your shame, you shall have double honor.”

For many reasons, you might be in a state of shame before people, with your head held down. Perhaps you have faced business losses, betrayal, or lack of progress, which has caused shame. Maybe certain good events didn’t take place at the right time, leading people to think little of you. If, after marriage, you are still without a child, society may have caused you to feel ashamed. Or perhaps continuous failures, low marks, or challenges in specific subjects have surrounded you with reproach.

Whatever the reason—be it poverty or any other circumstance that has made you feel insignificant—God is speaking this word to bring change: “Instead of your shame, you shall have double honor.”

In the very place where your head is held low, God will lift you up and make your name great. He will bless you doubly. If you are in tears because nothing has happened, God will give you surplus blessings. If you are expecting one child, God can bless you with three. If you are hoping for a small salary hike, God will establish you in a way that exceeds your expectations. God knows your needs, and He will never put you to shame. As the Bible says, “My people will never be put to shame.” Instead of shame, God will clothe you in royal garments and cause you to live with honor, your head held high. Just as David’s head was once bowed in shame but later lifted by God, today, He will surely lift your head too.

Let us read a good testimony:
Bro. Chelladurai from Tenkasi “My name is Chelladurai, and my wife’s name is Murugeswari. We have been married for 18 years, yet we didn’t have children. In the 5th year of our marriage, my wife conceived, but it ended in a miscarriage during the 5th month. After that, she didn’t conceive again. We endured much shame and pain, living in tears.

Through a friend, we learned about the Anbarin Paathathil fasting prayer. We attended and were comforted by the prayers of Bro. Stephen. Later, when we heard Brother was coming to the Nagercoil Prayer Tower, we got an appointment, met him in person, and received prayer. Brother Stephen told us, ‘Beyond age and physical limitations, God will perform a miracle—a supernatural miracle.’ God heard his prayers, and as prophesied, my wife conceived. The doctors confirmed she was carrying twins. By the grace of God, we were blessed with twins! We thank God for this double blessing.”

Today’s Verse:
“Instead of your shame, you shall have double honor.” Look at this testimony: for 18 years, they lived in shame without children. Though she conceived once, it ended in loss. But after 18 years, God delivered them from their shame and blessed them with double honor—two children! God will do the same for you. Instead of your shame, you shall have double honor.

Beloved God, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I bless my children. In whatever situation my children are standing with their heads held down in shame, reproach, or dishonor, perform a miracle today. If they are ashamed because of their children, poverty, childlessness, or separation in their families—whatever the cause of their shame—Lord, look into their situation and do a miracle. According to Your promise, grant them double blessings. Honor them in the very place of their shame.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God’s Grace

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you all today, December 11th, through this daily Auspicious Word program. May God bless you abundantly.

What is the auspicious word God has given us today?
Psalm 126:4 “Bring back our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the South.” In the fields, villagers know how to irrigate their land by redirecting streams. They block one side to divert the water to where it is needed, filling one area before turning it smoothly to another field. Those familiar with village life will understand this method. In the same way, God is saying today that He will turn your bondages and lead you into flourishing springs whose waters never fail. He will guide you to green pastures and still waters.

Bondages such as unredeemable debts, witchcraft, or powers of sorcery that hinder your progress, or other burdens like sin, sickness, scarcity, shame, and even imprisonment—God will deliver you from them all. Just as streams are redirected to bring life to the fields, He will turn your captivity into blessings and make you flourish in His still waters. If you are burdened by debt, submit it to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will make you prosper. This Christmas season, if you are heartbroken because of your children’s bondages or sins, submit these concerns to God. You will surely find deliverance.

Today, we will conclude with a powerful testimony.
Brother Kanagaraj from Coimbatore “I have been married for 23 years. Before and after my marriage, I struggled with an addiction to alcohol and smoking for a total of 39 years. One day, I came across Bro. Stephen’s message on YouTube. As I listened, faith began to arise in me, and I felt a deep conviction to leave my sinful habits. Every word spoken by Bro. Stephen touched my heart, and I began to cry without realizing it. From that day onward, I lost all desire for alcohol and smoking.

Soon after, I lost my job unexpectedly. However, I attended the Erode meeting in October and prayed with Bro. Stephen during the individual prayer session. He prophetically declared that I would regain my job, and, to my amazement, the very same workplace recalled me. I rejoined my job, and now my family is happy and at peace. From 39 years of captivity to sin, alcohol, and smoking, God’s Word has transformed me, and my life is now settled. The greatest blessing of all is salvation and repentance. This Christmas season, let us not be destroyers of fruit but bearers of fruit.”

Dear Lord, we thank You.
In the name of Jesus, I bless my dear children. Lord, turn back their captivity as the streams in the South. Just as streams are redirected to bring life to fields, turn their bondages of sin, curses, sickness, debt, and every other captivity into blessings. Lead them into flourishing springs and lush green pastures. Your Word says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.” Let this Word be fulfilled in their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am delighted to meet you on this day, December 10th, through this daily auspicious message. May God bless you! Today, what is the auspicious word that the Lord has kept for us? Psalm 23:2 “He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.”

Our Lord leads us to green pastures and still waters. He does not lead us to dry lands but to places of abundance and peace. Green pastures symbolize prosperity—a good income, a flourishing career, and a stable job with a satisfying salary. God will bless you with such a provision and guide you to it. The still waters represent peace and calmness in family life. Together, green pastures and still waters signify a life of financial stability and a harmonious family. This is what God promises to grant His children today. He will break all hindrances blocking these blessings.

For those who are currently without a job, God is preparing a breakthrough before the new year. This December, in the few days left, you will receive a job, and in January, you will be drawing your salary. Not February—this very December will mark the turning point! If you are a businessperson, expect a significant expansion, a big order, or a large project that brings abundant income. God is making a way for you to enter the new year free from debt, with peace and joy for you and your family. He is opening doors no man can shut, breaking bronze gates and cutting iron bars. Hidden treasures and riches stored in secret places will be revealed to you by the grace of God.

Let us hear a testimony that glorifies His name!
Testimony of Bro. Manjunath Ramasamy and Sis. Subulakshmi from Mumbai
They sent a prayer request to God’s Love Ministries for their son, who was struggling to find a job in the United States. After receiving an auspicious word, God worked a miracle. Their son was blessed with a job offering an annual salary of $115,000—far beyond their expectations! This is nearly 10 lakhs per month—a tremendous blessing! When they approached God’s Love Ministries, they were filled with hope and faith. We prayed and sent an auspicious word, and by God’s grace, the miracle occurred. Today, their son is well-settled and thriving. They have sent this testimony letter to glorify God. “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters.” Indeed, this verse has come to life in their situation!

Dear Lord, we thank You! Lord, just as You worked a miracle for them, may all those who hear this auspicious word also experience wondrous miracles today. Let every financial issue be resolved. Bless them with stable, prosperous jobs in green pastures. Establish their businesses and ministries in places of abundance. Grant Your children peace in their families—lead them beside the still waters. Be merciful to them and let their lives reflect Your grace and glory.
In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.

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