You Will Receive Power.  

Dearly Beloved in Christ I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today  is  from  the  book  of  Acts 1:8, “ But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has  come upon you and you  shall  be witnesses to Me in  Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

You will be strengthened when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Jesus said, ‘I will send the comforter from heaven’. Likewise, when the disciples were trembling in fear in the upper chamber the Lord made the Holy Spirit come upon them. What will happen when the Holy Spirit comes upon you? You will be strengthened in your soul, in your spirit. The Lord will give new strength to your body, soul, and spirit. The Bible says, the Holy Spirit is the comforter. He is the Lord who comforts you in your   weariness.  He is the Lord who consoles you. He will revive your spirit. 

Today, the Lord is saying, to you, ‘My strength will be sufficient in your weakness’. The other importance of the Holy Spirit is that He will lead you through all the truth. You may not know all the truths of the Bible, but the Holy Spirit will lead you to the truth. Today, the Lord is taking you and your family into His hands to lead them in the truth. The Holy Spirit is the One who takes everything under His control. When the Holy Spirit comes, you will become Holy. You will have His strength to overcome temptation. God bless you.

Prayer:  Loving Father, we thank you for the Holy Spirit. Today, as your children are reading  Your word, let the Holy Spirit who strengthens them, who leads them in all truth come upon them and let them receive a divine strength, in their body,  soul, and spirit.  May the Holy Spirit, lead your children on the path of righteousness. Lead them on the straight path so that they will not fall to the right or to the left. Lead their business, family life, and let them live well in all things. May  they  be  blessed  with  new  strength.

In Jesus Name we pray.


You are precious

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Isaiah 43:4, ‘You are precious in My sight, so you have been honoured.”
What a beautiful verse this is! This is a verse that increases our faith in God. Do you know who is saying this? It is the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. You may be a matter of scorn before others; You may be a matter of disgust to others. None of that is important. How are you in the sight of God? The Lord is describing you as precious in His sight. To such children, the Lord is telling that He will honour them. What you must understand from this is that you must shed the feeling of inferiority from yourself. Today, many have inferiority complex, like ‘what will happen to me? What knowledge or wisdom do I have? Who do I have? I don’t have a good job. I don’t have a house of my own. Many have such inferiority complex. But think as to whose child you are! You are the child of God, the King of kings. Why must you degrade or think low of yourself. Others may judge you wrongly. But the Lord knows you well. He understands you better than any other person.
A brother had said about me in this manner. “Brother does not have any meetings now! So he has to run his family with what he gets from the ministry. He also has to take care of the ministry. The other person said, ‘No brother, it is not so. He has given his business on lease to someone else and he is getting lakhs of rupees every month, from that business. What does he lack? When I heard this news, I thought, never mind, the Lord has kept me in great stature before others. It does not matter whether you are exalted before others or looked down upon. The truth is that “I left the Car business for the sake of the Ministry.” Some said, ‘Wait and see he will come to the street in few days and lose everything’. He could have done business and ministry together. Why does he need to leave the business? But I tell you, none who carries the Bible, and serves the Lord will ever beg for food. The Lord will help them to be a blessing to many others.
This is how worldly man will talk, but do not worry about all this. Life is beyond all this. What is the Lord telling about you? ‘You are precious in my sight! Are you truly worthy of it? If not, change yourselves to be wonderful people before the Lord. Your beauty is in your wonderful testimonial life. That is what will portray you as being wonderful people in the Lord’s sight. The Lord will honour such children. You are worried that many do not respect you. My children, you might say. Brother,” my family don’t respect me.” Do not worry , the Lord is honouring you. Never worry about what others talk about you. You walk diligently before the Lord. Be honest in all that you do. God bless you.

Prayer: Loving Lord, we thank you! You have given a wonderful word of encouragement and have revived us by your saying, ‘You are precious in my sight’. Lord I thank you for placing this word that will rekindle faith in the life of my children. From this day, let them receive honour. Let their name and fame spread throughout the land. Grant them a peaceful life. Let their lives be like sweet smelling aroma, before you, and spread around them wherever they go.

In Jesus Name we pray,


I will not forsake you

Dearly Beloved in Christ! I bless you in the incomparable name of Jesus Christ, the one Who created us, the one who made us and who never forgets us.
It seems like the year has just started and we have come to believe that it is the seventh month after six months have passed. You are faithfully waiting, what the Lord has in store for you this July, and what promise He has in store for you. So, The Lord has come directly to your house today with a good word.
Let’s read 1 Kings 6:13 which says, “And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.”
Israel means the children of God. So the Lord says unto you and me, “I will come to your home and I will dwell with you today So He guarantees that He will come to your house and will stay with you and will never leave you”.
One day the Lord met Jacob and promised him. He tells to Jacob, “Go back to your hometown and settle down in your life so that you can have good influence and good fortune wherever you go”. God took care of Jacob wherever he went, he gave him food to eat and clothes to wear, helped him to earn wealth and inherit gold and silver, many animals, many men and women, and return to the town with his entourage. What did the Lord said? I will not leave you until I have done what I told you to do.
Today the Lord is looking at you and saying to you that I will not leave you nor forsake you until I do like what I did for Jacob. Similarly, all the promises made to you will be fulfilled. Scripture says that all the good words that God spoke to the people of Israel did not fall short.
Everything is accomplished. All the good special words that the Lord has spoken to you today will be fulfilled. A lot of good things auspicious things are going to happen in your family this July. This is the verse that promises us this month that he will not abandon you.
I know a poor brother who is great singer and he had a major accident in Pondicherry area, his whole body was broken, so they brought him and admitted him to a hospital in Chennai. His wife came and saw him and said that he will not be able to maintain a family and he will not able to survive anymore. Even if he survives, it would be very difficult to have a family life and work. She picked up her child and went to her mother’s home. Then she never returned to the hospital. The wife, who promised to be with him in good and bad, in trouble and in loss, left him and ran away. But the Lord did not abandon him. Then I prayed to the Lord for him and by the grace of the Lord he regained his voice. After that again he became a great singer. Our loved ones may abandon us but the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us.
Our Heavenly father, Oh Lord you are the Lord who accepts whoever is being forsaken. The Lord who said even if your father and mother forsake you, I will gather you, now you will come directly to the abandoned children home. Rebuild their lives Lord. Today you do a miracle for my children in the cause for which they have been abandoned. Let my children say in the days to come that my Lord will not forsake me and my Lord will not forget me. Let my children be a great witness that the Lord’s grace is in them to live again. May the lives of my children blossom again. Let my children rise and shine again. Let all the good things that are stagnant happen. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 102:16,  “For the  Lord shall build up Zion, He shall appear in His Glory. He shall regard the prayer of the destitute. And shall not despise their prayer.”

From the above context we see that God approves the prayer of the destitute, and does not despise them. Today you are reading this message with many requests in your mind; will I be able to settle my children?  Can I go abroad? When will flights start operating? Will my son also secure a good job overseas? Will I be able to settle my daughter soon? Such questions and many more,  keep  coming up in your mind often. There is sudden fear about your future. Many, whom you considered, will extend help to you, only disappointed you. But Jesus will never despise you. Neither will He neglect you like men folks. He is a Father to the fatherless and defender of the widows. He knows very well that you are dependent upon Him and   that you do not have anyone besides Him. So He will acknowledge your request and perform a miracle for you. He will heal your disease. He will support you when you call upon His name. He will direct your steps. He will protect you and your children from your enemies; they may be your own relatives. Who take advantage of your helpless state and cause you pain. They may hurt you by their words.  Don’t lose heart. God is near to help you.

Firstly God will build a house for the deprived and will set them free from their bondages. The Bible says, God sets the solitary in families. He releases the prisoners from the prison and redeems those in bondage, The Lord is the father of the fatherless, He is concerned about the widows, and He will bring justice to the widows. Some women will have husband but they will live like widow, Some children will have father or mother but they will live like orphans. This is what is meant to be fatherless. When the earthly father or husband fails to do their responsibility to their wives or their children then God Himself will come down in a marvellous manner and provide their needs. He becomes the Father to the fatherless and widows. We see this in our day to day life. This applies to all those who are suffering. The Lord will be a defender to the widows. He will open ways and means for  your livelihood. He will open the windows of heaven and meet all your needs. When widows cry unto God He will hear their cry from heaven above and will not despise their prayer. He will answer them and   solve their problems. He heard the prayer of both Ruth and Naomi and blessed them as they were widows.

I see in my spirit that many of you are residing in rented house. The landlord often asks you to vacate your house. Then it becomes too difficult for you to look out for a house, as per your budget. You struggle. To such people God says, “I will build a house for you.” David asked God to build a house for him. To provide a house of your own is a simple thing for God  to do. Even people with much wealth may not be able to build a house. Unless God blesses them  with a house,   they  cannot have one. So God has to permit you to build a house. God will not only provide a house for the desolate but also deliver them from the bondages   in which they are caught up with. May be debts, bad habits, witchcraft, or some wrong relationship   or some other issues, whatever it may be God is going to deliver all of you,   who are  reading this message from your bondages. So be cheerful in the Lord. Give Him room in your heart that He might be able to perform miracles in your life. For He will neither leave you nor forget you. God says, “Fear Not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you.  Yes I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”Hold on to His promise.   God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Lord thank You for your kindness towards widows and the fatherless. We thank you for building them a house and also delivering them all from their bondages. You remember us in our lowly state of life.  So we thank You Lord. Help us also to   consider You as our Head, of the family.

In Jesus Name We Pray.


Be Strong

Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today  is  from  the  book  of   Deuteronomy 31:6,  “ Be  strong and of good courage.”

Isn’t the Lord encouraging you  through this verse? The Lord is telling you to be courageous enough and not to lose heart, but to be bold. Today, if the Lord is telling you this, it means you have lost hope in something. You are frightened about something. You might have lost courage, but the Lord is telling you to be strong and courageous. There must be strength in your spirit. Our strength must be in our spirit more than the body. Only if there is strength in the spirit, the body will work. However, strong your body may be,   if your spirit does not cooperate, you will not be able to do anything. The Lord did not tell you to have   a strong body. He is telling you to be courageous in your spirit. You must have hope and not worry about anything. The devil will do many things to dishearten you. But you must be strong and courageous. 

There   is a beautiful verse in the Bible that speaks about Jesus Himself, saying, that ‘The child grew and was strengthened in the spirit, filled with grace and grew in wisdom, He grew up in favour with God and men.” You too   must be strengthened in the spirit. It means that if your inner man is strong, even if his outer body is weak, the inner being will be strong. Only then you can achieve great things in life.  There should be no fear. If you are afraid, then you would not be able to do anything successfully. The devil will try to bring fear. If he instils fear, then fear will cause that person to change the actions. That is why the Lord has told, Be strong and courageous. Keep your mind always strong, with faith and hope, then the devil cannot deceive you. If strength and courage come together, you will able to perform supernatural works too. You will have the strength to do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Do you know why many are depressed? It’s because they grow weary. It’s because they have lost faith. When they face some disappointment, they become depressed. They lose hope. They need faith. The devil leads to make coward decisions. You must never make coward decisions. That is why according to this word, do everything,  by  being strong and courageous. Then the Lord will do great things for you. Even if you have lost  hope, until today, take the next step in faith. Have you failed? Take the next step. Have you lost?  Take the next step. Were you put to shame anywhere? Do not worry, you will be honoured in the same place where you were put to shame.   You can accomplish all great things with the Lord’s help. From today, all   those of you reading this message will become achievers in life.

Prayer:  Loving Lord, we thank you! Give new strength to all those children who are weak. Bless them to be strong and courageous. And those who are physically weak, give them renewed strength in their bodies. Let not anyone lose hope, but be courageous. Let the Holy Spirit always keep them strong in heart.  Victory comes from the Lord. Bless them to be victorious.

In Jesus Name we pray,


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