Dearly Beloved in Christ,    I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of   Proverbs 15:6, “In the house of the righteous there is much treasure.”

The Lord through the above verse says that in the house of the righteous there will be much treasure.   Treasure means wealth. Various types of wealth are considered to be treasures. Priceless wealth is called treasure. Some of you are thinking that there is no proper mat or pillow to sleep on  in my house,  Not even a plastic chair to sit.  Then where will I go for treasures? Since many of you don’t have such things in your home, this   word of God comes to comfort you. You know very well that you don’t have these essential things in your home. So God is sending you this living word of God to make you feel rich and wealthy. The Lord will first give you a word. After that he will fulfil what He has spoken by his mouth through His hands. So the Lord is going to pour great wealth into your homes to help you reset up a great treasury.  You have been taking great measure to improve the status of your life. But those efforts did not support you. So today the Lord wants you   to do well in life and   hence He has come down to support you. Therefore take hold of his helping hands and move on to your business centre, to  the place of your ministry , your work  spot, your schools, college , or for any  other purpose, Because  God is waiting to assist you through someone that you might do well in life.  Glorious things will happen.

 There is a saying which goes  like this, “ If God wants to give you wealth, then he will tear the roof of your house and pour it in. ” But  Only the righteous will receive the wealth from God because the verse says,  “Great treasures will be there in the house of the righteous.”  What will happen when the treasures will come into the house of the righteous? There will be no debts. There will be surplus income. There will be extraordinary blessings. The righteous person in turn will give the needy. 

There is a proverb in the midst of our people which says,  that the well from which we draw water,  the more we draw water from it, springs of water will keep flowing from the well. That means we must keep drawing water out of the well and give it to others. Only then the level of water in the well will keep rising. Likewise share your blessings with others, the poor,  the widow and the fatherless.  Always support all those who struggle in their life.  Then  you shall receive treasures from heaven.  So from today the Lord will cause your treasury to overflow. And will thus enable you to help others. Until today you have stretched out your hand to receive from others. But hereafter the Lord will help you to stretch out your hand to help others.

Prayer: Holy Father, I  whole    heartedly bless my children  to have a prosperous future. You said that there is great treasures in the house of the righteous.   So let the children become more righteous and leave all their wicked ways, and help them to preserve their treasures. May they learn to help the poor from their wealth, income and treasures. Give them good intentions that it is not enough for them to enjoy the wealth God has given them but that they should help others. I bless them to inherit the goodness of the Lord, and also receive the blessing of the Lord. Please perform miracles for them. 

In Jesus Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today is from the book of Jeremiah 31:13, “ For I will turn their mourning to joy. I will comfort them and make them rejoice, rather than sorrow.”

Dear Child , sorrowful incidents may have happened in your family in the past. You may be helpless with no one to comfort you. Today, the Lord is comforting you with His word. The Lord is telling, ‘ I will turn your sorrows to joy and will comfort you’. A man can only tell words of comfort to another, but only God can actually comfort a man. The Bible says, ‘The Lord will comfort Zion’. If your sorrows must be turned to joy, the God of comfort must interfere and turn about the sorrowful incident into a joyous one or must bring a happy incident in your family to comfort you. Through that, God will comfort you. If the Lord is turning your sorrows to joy, it means that the Lord is interfering with the incident that causes you sorrow. You have been thinking, ‘I do not have a job. It has been several years since I lost my job’. Are you depressed and staying at home? Today, the Lord is going to open a new door. I worked faithfully. I did my ministry faithfully. But why did I face this loss? Sometimes, you may face several problems and even losses when the Lord is testing your faith. But the Lord will restore double to you. Job in the bible says, ‘ I received evil for good’. However, God turned the evil into a double portion of blessings. Even today, if you are in a state where you lost much, if that is the reason for your sorrow, the Lord will give a double portion of it and will establish you on this earth. You must be joyful always, and not brood in sorrow. The Lord asked his disciples who were on their way to Emmaus, ‘Why are you in sorrow?. Today, He is telling, ‘Do not worry, I am there for you’. I will turn your sorrows into joy. The Lord is going to revive all the blessings that are dead and will turn your sorrows into joy.

Prayer: Loving Father, we thank you! Lord, perform a miracle in the area, in which my children have been sorrowful, make them rejoice. If the loss of their job has caused them depression, agony and dejection, give them a better job with a better salary. Lord, some are ageing and not getting married, let all the obstacles be removed and let weddings happen. Meet all their needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

In Jesus Name we pray.


The Lord Your God Teaches You.  

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 48:17, “This is what the Lord  says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God,  who teaches you what is best for you,  who directs you in the way you should go.”

Only God can teach you what is useful for you. God says, “I will teach you what is useful for your life and I am the Lord, who will show you the way, that you should walk.” My Dear children of God, do you know what will happen when God teaches, what is useful for you. Then your life will be settled. Many are worried about their life. Saying, “I have not settled in life as yet. I am growing old, I have not completed my degree, nor have I secured a job, I am still unmarried. When will I settle in life?  All my friends are doing well, they have secured jobs and have married and settled in life. But I am still waiting to be settled.” Today God is speaking to you through this message. Firstly, you need to have the desire to listen to someone when they preach or counsel you. Only then can you improve your life. The teachings of God will lead you on the right track. And God desires that you be seated in the highest place in society. He wants to settle you in life, and he will never leave you to be unsettled.

The counselling of men would ensnare your life. It would trap you and cause you to fall, you need to listen to those who preach what is useful for you. You need to hold on to Jesus, who will teach you good things that will be useful for your life. The teachings of God will penetrate deep into your heart, and direct your steps. Then you will not   falter or stumble in your way, you will not suffer from any loss or any other worse problem. You will not face any failure in your life. God knows what is necessary for you and your family. Accordingly, He will feed you with His word.

God knows what he should do for you? So, God is willing to impart such kind of words that would comfort you in your trials and temptations. David said, “Lord help me to do what is pleasing to you.” So, ask God to teach you what is necessary for your life.  Always ask God, what you should do  to benefit your family, your   neighbourhood, your country. You should always think on these lines. Take counselling from God, put it in  practice, and also apply it in your life for the benefit of your well being. If you follow the footsteps of God,   and walk according to his counselling  then you shall not slip in your pathway. Your effort will not go waste, and you shall win victory in everything you do. God Bless you.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord,  teach us   what is useful for us and lead us in the way we should go. Lord in the past we listened to the counselling of ungodly people and faced much loss and failure in our life. We have not been benefitted in any way.  So today we humbly submit ourselves and our family before You, accept our gratitude towards you. May the Lord who is our counsellor, counsel us and direct us in the way in which we should go. Lord fulfil the desires of our heart and meet all the needs of your children, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Bless them, keep them and cause Your face to shine upon them.

 In Jesus Name We Pray.


The  People of God.     

Dearly beloved in Christ! I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for    today   is   from  the  book  of Joel 2:26, ‘My people shall never be put to shame’.

Today , you may be put to shame by everybody in your family. You may be a laughingstock before everyone at your workplace. Job said, ‘I became a song and saying to many’. People who once exalted and praised him began to degrade him. The reason was that he was going through tribulation. He says, ‘Everyone talks about me’. Likewise, you would have earned a great shame regarding you or your children. Or although everything was fine, people would have pushed you towards earning a bad name. People would have told all unwanted and unnecessary things about you and would have led you towards shame in the society. Whatever it may be, today, the Lord is telling, ‘My people will never be put to shame’. You may be ashamed before the debtors. You may not have the blessing of a child. As a result, great shame would have surrounded you. For some, of you, since your marriage was hindered,  shame would have surrounded you.  Great shame would have surrounded you as you returned from where you went to settle.

It does not matter whatever it may be. The Lord is going to search for what is behind that shame and is going to perform a miracle for you.  The beginning of this verse says, ‘You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the Name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you’. And my people shall never be put to shame’. It means that the incident that led you to be put to shame and made people disregard you, in that matter, the Lord will cause a wonder in such a way as to   let others   known about  that incident  that put you to shame and therefore people who  disregarded you will regret for putting you to shame. They might even come in terms with you. Your shameful situation will be changed. You will see better days in life. And others will see  you  being exalted  in the same place where you had been put to shame. God Bless You.

Prayer: Holy Father,  we thank you! Lord, “ I place this verse on your children and bless them saying, ‘My people shall never be put to shame’. In whatever situation they may have been put to shame, and  the  reason for which people are looking at them  as a matter of mockery, the  Lord  will  interfere in that matter and perform a miracle   for them.  Lord   cause your children to stand tall with their heads held high in the future. May others see their progress in their  life.

 In Jesus Name we pray



Dearly Beloved in Christ , I greet and bless you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The auspicious life giving word of the Lord, for today  is  from  the  book  of Revelation 2:10, “Be faithful even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”.

What will the Lord give, when you remain faithful till the end?  He will give the Victor’s crown. When will He give it? He will give it when you are faithful until death. It is not living seasonally and living your own way on the other days. You must be faithful until the Lord’s coming, until death. You must make a right decision today. Then you will receive the victor’s crown. Even if we leave this world, the Lord is waiting for us in heaven with the victor’s crown. You must be faithful until death to receive this victor’s crown. Some are saying, but this is after death, so why worry about that day let it happen, on that day.  They say, “What happens after death is secondary, who knows what will happen after death.”  They fail to believe the truth. They say, “I am suffering, today. What is the remedy for me?  You  may be  thinking in your mind  in the same way,  but the auspicious word for this day  is that If you are true until death,  while you live on this earth,  and as long as you are faithful here  you  will   receive  a   crown of life. The Bible says, ‘A faithful man abounds with blessings’.  If you live faithfully during your lifetime on this earth, you will receive rich blessings from the Lord in Heaven.   You will receive it both in this world and in the world to come. 

So children of God who are experiencing various curses, a cursed life, cursed diseases, the Lord is looking at you and is telling that as the Lord has loved you, the Lord bore all the curses on the cross to change all your curses into blessings. You will be blessed so that this curse will not be carried to next generation. But you must be faithful to preserve this. You need to be truthful in your speech, actions, in your business, in prayer, ministry, in your studies. If you are faithful in all that you do, the Lord will richly bless you. Some of you are already thinking about the next month, but heaven is opening its gates and will bless the month of June.    Many get worried once the month of June comes, the schools and colleges will reopen, and then they have to pay the fees for their children.  You may say, well “I have plenty of commitments, this month I don’t know how to manage.”   Do not worry. Set right certain habits that need to be corrected. Be truthful in your life and the Lord will bless you. The Lord will be with you. The Lord who told that if you are true in little things, He will make you ruler over many things.   He will cause you to be in authority over many things.   The Lord will give you the victor’s crown and will honour you, in due season. 

Prayer: Holy Father,  we thank you! My children have a lot of commitments next month but let them sanctify themselves today. Perform miracles for them. Lord, we thank you for putting a hedge around my children to preserve them from debts, disease, or medical expenses. Bring an end to the many problems that they are facing. Bring an end to their debts and diseases. Let there be an end to all those problems that have not come to an end. Bless them in all things. Let there be sound of praise in their homes. 

In Jesus Name, we pray.


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