Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator,  Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of Exodus 3: 7, 8, “The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey. ”

From the above context we learn that God has come in the midst of you to redeem you from the hands of those who persecute you,  like the Egyptian task masters, who tortured the people of Israel for 430 years. You may have gone through bitter experiences and God wants to deliver you from such kind of people and liberate you from fear and threat. Some of you have been troubled by your own husbands. Instead of keeping you happily  they have tortured you. And you have suffered much in their hands.  Today many wives torture their husbands. Many men are suffering silently in their hands, because of family prestige, family respect, and because of their good nature. Both husband and wife should love each other and respect each other,   for what they are. Only then you can enjoy a peaceful family life.  Where there is no unity there arises several problems and as a result the children suffer.

Often I have heard the husband or the wife complain about one another. The husband will say, “I  have been sick but my wife doesn’t care for me.”There should be better understanding between each other, to lead a happy family. The wife might say, “I have been coughing from morning but my husband has ignored me.”My dear children of God, any one may ignore you, but the Lord knows what you are going through. The Lord says, “I will see it.”It does not matter who sees or does not see your problems, God sees your affliction. He hears the cry you make, while you struggle, in the hands of cruel people.  There was a man called Jonah, he was in trouble, so he cried out to God, from  the belly of a huge fish in the deep sea. He says. “Lord I cried out from the belly of hell, You heard me.”That means God will hear you from wherever you cry out for help.  It does not matter if you are in the middle of the deep sea, or you are caught up or stuck in some deadly trap. Since Jonah was inside the belly of the fish, no one could see him.  But the Lord saw him.  And having heard his cry, he caused the fish to vomit him on the shores of the sea.

God in the same manner will hear your cry and answer you speedily. No matter how big your problem might be, He is able to save you to the uttermost. The Lord says, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shall   glorify me.’’  Again, He says, ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’  God will solve all your problems.  Just as God solved the problem of Jonah, God will solve your problem too.  But you need to cry unto the Lord just as he cried from the belly of the fish.  He will not only hear your cry but also rescue you from the difficult situation that you are caught up with. For with God it is a very trivial thing to do for you. God Bless you.

Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father,  we   thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Dear Lord, we thank You for saving Jonah from the belly of the fish.  Teach us to cry out to God when we are in distress. We also remain grateful for saving the children of God from the hands of cruel people. Lord save us from being tortured by our own people. We are unable to share our affliction with others. You are God who hears our cry and also sees our brokenness of heart. Rescue us from those who torment us.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator,  Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the  Lord   has   given   for  you  today  is  from  the  book  of  Psalms 9:18, “For the needy shall not always  be forgotten. The expectation of the poor shall never perish forever. “

From the above passage we see that the expectation of the poor shall never perish nor will God forget the poor and needy.  You are reading this message with great faith that God will meet all your needs.  Yes, the hope of the afflicted will never perish. Everybody lives with hope saying, One day, “I too will become great, I too will get a good job with good salary. One day I too will get married and I too will have children.” These are some of the hope you have for the future. The Lord is telling that your hope will never go in vain. The above verse says, God will never forget the needy.  Your hope will never be destroyed.  May be your relatives would have forgotten you, since many years. They might say, “Look I have a brother in the same   town, or village or in the same city. But I do not know whether he is alive or dead. Corona second wave came, but I don’t know if my elder brother is alive.  Your siblings might have forgotten you and would have failed to inquire your welfare. They would have forgotten that they have a sister or brother like you. But the Lord says, “Even if  your father and mother may  forget you,  I will not forget you. I have engraved  you  in the palm of My hands. And you are in My thoughts always. The Lord loved Ephraim the son of Joseph , so he says, “How will I forget you? How will I forsake you? I am not a God who forgets you. Whoever touches you, will be likened to one who touches  the apple of My   eyes. You are always  in My sight.” The Lord says, “Surely the poor will not be forgotten. Your loved ones may forget you but, I will never forget you, because it is I who sustains you. I am the Lord who leads you. “I know all your needs, and since I know your needs I will help you  at the right time. You may be thinking that there is no one to take you to the doctor. The Lord will take you. He will treat you. He will send His word and heal you of your sickness.  So  He says,  be calm , be still and know that I am God. I am He, who formed you in your mother’s womb. Even before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And Before you were born I sanctified you. “

God says, “ I would send, My word and heal you?  Do not be worried my dear son and daughter.   Some of you are always in the fear of death. But God wants you to throw away that fear of death. There will be no more destruction at your door step. The Lord will be your everlasting light. All those of you who are crying and lamenting in the darkness will see the Light. Your days of sorrow will come to an end. The Psalmist makes a contrast between the wicked men who despise God with the future hope of those that are persecuted for righteousness’ sake and are often abused by their enemies. He highlights the end of those who oppose the Lord and rebel against His truth… and He comforts those who trust in His Word and honour His holy name, by saying,  “The needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.”May the Lord speak to you and comfort you through His word. So throw away the fear of death and look to the everlasting Light, Jesus Christ.  God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father,  We    thank   You   for  this  blessed day. Lord thank you for telling us  that you never forget the needy. Your words  comforts us  Master.  We also thank You for saying, that our hope in You will never go in vain.  And no disaster will befall our doorstep. Help us to come out of darkness and see the marvellous great light.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has   given   for you today is from the book of Proverbs 22:4, “By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches and honour and life.”

From the above context we learn that humility and the fear of the Lord, brings riches, honour and life to   a person.   If you have these good qualities in you, then surely you shall be rewarded, the three gifts of God. The reward for humility, and the fear of the Lord, is riches, honour, and life. You will receive great respect, if you have these qualities, the Lord will bless you with a well settled life.  He   will not only settle you, but the life of your children as well. God will give you a bright future.  All of you reading this message must be longing to have all these blessings. Is it not? No one will refuse to be blessed with such great blessing. We all long to be rich, wealthy, popular, and respected in the society.  We would never like to be put to shame.  We need a good name and fame, to live in a dignified manner. 

May be you are thinking that it is enough if the Lord settles the lives of your children. Today the Lord is going to give you these blessings, in addition to other blessings.  But God is willing to reward you provided, you adhere to one of his conditions. It is an agreement between God and you. The Lord is prepared to give you honour respect, riches and wealth and high position in the society but you need to agree to His   condition.  Namely humbleness in character.  God is expecting good qualities in you.   God expects you to fear Him, to humble yourself and not be proud about anything. The Bible says, they that humble themselves shall be exalted.  God will bring about the changes that you are expecting to happen in your life. I tell you that in the midst of this terrible disease God has kept you and me alive, then God has great plans for you. This is the sign of His tender love, mercy and grace that He has bestowed upon you.

Corona did not carry away people one by one but in clusters.  We were not even able to see them being buried. That was the state   of   our life.   Yet it is amazing to see that God   has preserved our lives that we may walk in the ways of God. He has remembered  both you and me  and  He has added one more year of grace to us  to  obey  His word,  fear Him and magnify  His name by being humble before Him. He does   not   demand something that you cannot do or give to God. He wants your heart, just humbleness in character. Can you obey his condition?  Will you please Him in every way?  Then he will meet all your needs according to His riches, in Christ Jesus. For He who trusts in the Lord will prosper. Then you will have plenty to eat, until you are full. And you will praise the name of the Lord, who has not put you to shame, but has kept you alive. God Bless you. 

Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord we are grateful to you for keeping us alive in spite of the terrible disease.  Lord teach us to be humble in character.  We agree with your condition. So reward us with riches, honour and respect in the society.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord   has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 7:14, “You Shall Be Blessed Above All Peoples;   There shall not be a male, or female, barren among  you.”

He is  a God who blesses the generation of His Children. David says, “The Lions   do lack and hunger but they that fear the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” God does not want His children to lack any good thing. Some of you reading this message are crying as you lack something. You have spent many years of married life. You have taken all kinds of treatment. But all in vain.  You have been living in shame; you are unable to face others. You never like to attend parties or functions. So you say, “Lord remove my reproach and bless me with a child. You are longing to have one child. But God is able to bless you with more than one child .  God wants to show favour to you.

I remember how once a sister came up to me for prayer and poured out her heart to me. She had been married for ten long years but she had no children. I prayed for her saying,    “Lord You will fill her belly with Your hidden treasure, and she shall be satisfied with children.”   And sent  her home saying, “The Lord will soon open your womb and you will conceive. This  sister called me after two weeks and said. “Brother I have conceived. Praise the Lord.”After few weeks she again called me and what she said was surprising. She said, “Brother the Doctor has identified three   foetus   in my uterus. They say through recent mechanism they shall remove two of them and store only one since it had been ten years since I had a child. So I prayed to God regarding her case.  But the Lord replied  saying,  what is written is written. So I asked that sister to leave it as it is, since God will help her to deliver the babies at the appointed time. She delivered the three beautiful babies and brought them to the special Fasting Prayer Meeting which is held every month in Chennai. Called ‘’Anbarin  Padathil  Oru Naal.’’ All who heard her testimony were wonder struck.  God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you think or ask for, is able to perform extraordinary miracle for you.

Many of you are saying, how can God bless me when I have so many loans? When will my loans be cleared? How can I pay my children’s fees?   How shall I pay the rent for my house?   How is it possible for God to do wonders in my life? It is possible to them that believe in the name of Jesus. When Jacob was left alone he held on to God. He battled with the angel of God the whole night and said, “Lord I will not let You go unless and until   You Bless me. ”You too should cling to the Lord when you need His help. God will be merciful to you and show favour to You. He says, “For a moment I had forgotten you but with everlasting love I shall embrace you. ”His anger is for a moment but His mercy is for everlasting, to those who call upon His name. Since Jacob cried to the Lord for blessing God blessed him. He found favour in the sight of His uncles Laban who chased him, to kill him. But God spared his life. When he left his father’s house he went with empty hand with only a staff. But when he returned he came back with two companies. He returned to his father after 20 years as a great   and wealthy man. Won’t God do the same for you? However poor you may be, God is able to lift you up from the ash heap and cause you to be seated among the princes. Just believe. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank   You   for this blessed day. Dear Lord, We thank You for showing favour to Your children who   call upon Your name. Thank You Father for blessing that sister with three children. Help us also to receive double portion of blessing and glorify your name.

In Jesus Name We Pray.



I will watch over you

My beloved children of God, what a great privilege it is that our Lord’s eyes are upon us! When the Lord watches over us there is an expiry date for all our problems. The Bible says:

“the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year”( Deuteronomy 11:12)

In the Old Testament, we read about a woman Hagar who worked in Abraham’s house and suffered a lot of injustice. She was a slave girl. She came as an orphan to work in Abraham’s house. The climax of the cruelty was when she was in distress in the wilderness with her son, totally uncertain of her next step. There was no one to enquire about her wellbeing. When Hagar and her son were at the brink of death without any food or water, the eyes of the Lord fell on them. Our Lord lovingly  enquired, “Hagar What happened to you? Where are you going?” (Genesis 16:7,8;21:9-18).The same loving God is asking you, “Daughter, what is your problem? why are you crying? what happened to you?”.  That day God looked at Hagar, enquired of her wellbeing, solved her problems, opened a well of water and saved her son from the grip of death, and her son survived. In the same way God will open the fountain of life that you and your children require to prosper.   

Are you saying that – all the doors are closed with no way to live, no way to survive, no way to progress? The God who wants to bless you, will open today a fountain for your income, a fountain for your life. “Who will rescue me from this deadly debt?” –  Is this your cry child of God, because you are unable to bear the torture of the creditors, today God will wipe away your tears and help you find favour in the eyes of men. He will give you a permanent job, or a successful business, or a fruitful ministry and bless it so that you will be able to repay all your loans. The Lord who opened the pathway for Hagar’s survival when she was cluelessly wandering in the desert, and beautified her son’s life by making him a leader will do the same for your children. “You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow”.(Deuteronomy 28:12) thus says El Roi, ‘the God who sees you’.

Once a mother brought her young son to me for prayer. With tears in her eyes she shared her story, “Sir, my son is 36 years old, but he is yet to secure a permanent job. Hence his marriage is getting postponed. I am in the 4th stage of cancer, and according to the doctor’s diagnosis I have been informed that I may not survive more than a month. I have one final desire, before I die, I want to see my son’s marriage”. I told her, “Daughter, you have come in search of God’s presence. It is not just the three of us present here in this room, but also El Roi, ‘the God who sees you’ is present as the fourth person amidst us.  It is a simple thing for the Lord to give a job to your son, or to conduct your son’s marriage and to keep you alive. “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord”(Psalms 118:17). He will heal you and give you the grace to raise and nurture your grandchild”, saying this I prayed for her.

What a wonder! Just within 2 weeks, he secured a permanent job in an MNC with good renumeration. And in 30 days, his marriage was held in a very blessed manner. Currently, for the past few years the mother is happily raising the child born to her son. There came an end to her disease. Her son was blessed with a bright future. Child of God who is reading this in faith, may all these blessings come to fruition in your life.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank you for this blessed day. Lord you are the God who sees us. As you blessed Hagar, bless my children. Help them to come out of their difficulties and prosper them. Always watch over your children and bless them. In Jesus name we pray.


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