Beloved children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Bible says, in the prophetic book of Malachi 4:2, says, “But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.”
The “Sun of Righteousness” is one of the identities of God. It reveals our Lord as a just and righteous judge. On whom does the Sun of Righteousness arise? On those children who fear His name, who live in reverence of their conscience. The Sun of Righteousness will arise upon children who live according to the commandments of the Lord. This means the Lord’s Holy Spirit will come and dwell in them. Our Lord Jesus Christ will reside in them as the Sun of Righteousness and will do justice for them.
Today, for all those who have not received justice and are in tears, the Lord says that receiving justice is simple: submit yourself today to live a life in the fear of the Lord. Live in reverence to your conscience. During these days of meditating on the cross, these Lent days, we should examine ourselves deeply in our spiritual lives and use this time to transform ourselves. If you say, “I have not received justice in the court, in my family, at my workplace,” know that today, to receive justice, you must submit yourself to righteous living. Live in the fear of the Lord and have a heart to walk according to His commandments, and the Lord will surely bring justice to you.
Luke 18:7-8 says, “And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.” Today, if your family case is in court, the Lord is saying He will do justice. Whether it is a property case, an ancestral wealth dispute, a workplace issue, or a legal heir job case, no matter the nature of the case, submit yourself to righteous living, and the Lord will perform a miracle.
Sis. Kiruba Rani from Chittoor shared her testimony: “My daughter had severe stomach pain. Though we went to the hospital, the pain did not reduce, and she continued to suffer. During that time, we contacted the God’s Love Ministries prayer center through telephone. I requested them to pray for my daughter’s healing. The prayer warrior prayed earnestly, and from that moment till now, the stomach pain has not returned. She is completely healed. Not only that, but my neighbor also caused many problems against my family, robbing us of our peace and leaving us in great sorrow. I contacted God’s Love Ministries again and requested prayer for these issues. The Lord heard the prayers offered by the prayer warrior and granted us peace. The Lord, the Sun of Righteousness, did justice in the problems that arose against us. He will do the same for you.”
Loving Lord, we thank You. In the name of Jesus, I greet and bless Your children. Transform them into children who live in the fear of the Lord and walk in His ways. Let repentance take place, and may they submit to righteous living. Through this submission, I pray that they receive justice. Wherever they have been denied justice, my Lord, the Righteous Judge, contend and battle for them. Redeem what is rightfully theirs and do justice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Beloved Children of God in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Zephaniah 3:15, “The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst; You shall see disaster no more.”
If the King of Israel is with you, you will neither see nor experience disaster. The Lord did not say you wouldn’t witness challenges, but He promised you would not be harmed. You may have faced many trials and heartbreaks in life, waking up with questions like, “Why am I living?” or “For whom am I living?” But remember what Job said, “When I looked for good, evil came to me.” Yes, evil may have come, but the day arrived when God turned that evil into double blessings.
Consider Joseph’s story: his brothers plotted against him, throwing him into a pit and selling him into slavery. Yet, in the very land where he was taken as a slave, God raised him to become the ruler of Egypt. The evil intended against him became the very path to his greatness. Today, whatever evil has come against you, hold onto the feet of the Lord, who turns evil into good. Trust that He will transform your trials into blessings. You will not see harm.
Testimony of Brother Veeramani from Chennai:
Brother Veeramani felt weak and sought medical attention, only to discover a blockage in his heart valve. In this desperate situation, he attended the “Aruthali Thedi Oru Naal” healing meeting, where he asked Brother Stephen for prayer. As Brother Stephen prayed, he declared, “The Lord Jesus is giving you a new heart; He is removing all the blocks in the valve. Hereafter, you will not see evil.” True to the prayer, when Veeramani returned to the doctor, the medical report showed no blockage. What once seemed like evil turned into a miraculous blessing.
A Prayer of Blessing:
Loving Lord, we thank You for Your promise that we shall see disaster no more. Many of Your children have faced countless trials, feeling shattered by one hardship after another. According to Your word, may they no longer see or experience disaster. Open new doors for them, Lord. In the very place where they faced harm and abuse, make their names great. Just as You transformed Job’s trials into double blessings, do the same for Your children today. Lord, bring forth many good things in their families. Let auspicious events unfold, and may they hear good news. Break every barrier and let miracles happen. Open closed wombs, heal every deadly disease, and bring complete restoration. This very month, may those yearning for children conceive and be blessed with healthy offspring. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
In your life, what are the things you are afraid of? Today, the Lord is promising through His Word that He has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Are you afraid of darkness, exams, interviews, the future, or anything else? As you read this promise today, the Lord is removing all unnecessary fear and blessing you with these three virtues—power, love, and a sound mind—through the Holy Spirit.
From now on, you will receive strength, and you will begin to show love to those you once struggled to love. The Holy Spirit will descend upon you, reside in your heart, and enable you to experience the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, patience, kindness, and self-control.
A sound mind means living peacefully, free from confusion. Do you struggle with making the right decisions? Today, the Lord is granting you clarity and wisdom to choose the right path. Whatever decisions you are struggling with, the Lord will guide you to make the right choice, leading to goodness and blessings.
Testimony from Sister Jebamary, Chennai
“I was haunted by an unknown fear that I couldn’t understand. Because of it, I felt hindered and unable to do anything. In such a situation, I attended the Anabarin Paathathil Fasting Prayer meeting. After the meeting, during the individual prayer session, Brother Stephen prayed for me. The Lord answered that prayer, and the spirit of fear that had been tormenting me left me. I thank the Lord for delivering me from the spirit of fear.” Through this testimony, we can understand that when fear leaves, courage automatically fills your heart. May the Lord remove all the fears from your heart and fill you with His courage. The Lord will do great things in your life.
Loving Lord, we thank You. I pray for Your children who are struggling with fear. Remove every fear from their hearts and fill them with courage. Let the Holy Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind be with them. Bless them to be strong, loving, and wise. Help them make the right decisions without confusion. Just as You honored Daniel for his right choices, may they also be blessed with success and favor. Let all their work prosper, and may they be honored. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Proverbs 21:31, “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.”
As this is the month of March, many of your children have written their exams and are now waiting for their results. During this waiting period, encourage your children to spend time in prayer in the presence of the Lord for good results. Let them pray and prepare themselves to receive the victory in Jesus’ name.
If you are the person who has yet to write your exams or are preparing for an interview, preparation is very important. Even, it is also essential to prepare well before engaging in Lord’s ministry. Without proper preparation, achieving victory is very difficult and may lead to utter failure. So, for the children who are writing or about to write their exams, through today’s promise word, the Lord is saying, “Prepare well.” How much time is left for the exam—1, 2, or 3 days? Prepare well, study, pray, and go for the exam with confidence, and surely, the Lord will grant you victory.
In the Bible, there are many names of our God, one of which is “Jehovah Nissi”, meaning The God of Victory. If you desire victory for your prayer requests, then you need to prepare yourself to receive it from the Lord. How can you prepare yourself? Go to an isolated place, prepare your mind, and get ready to speak to the Lord. Then, pray to Him, saying: “Lord, I come into Your presence with unworthiness. If I hold a grudge against someone, please forgive me and that person, and restore peace between us. Forgive my sins, anoint me, and make me worthy.” As you pray and prepare yourself before the Lord in this manner, you will surely see victory for your prayers.
Even today, you may have faced failure in your business, ministry, or studies. If a lack of preparation is the reason for it, acknowledge your mistake and ask the Lord for forgiveness. If a past interview did not result in a job due to insufficient preparation, seek the Lord’s forgiveness for that as well. The next time, as you prepare and go for an interview, surely, the Lord will perform a miracle.
Testimony from Sister K. Subith Raabi, Kanyakumari
“My younger son had completed his BE final exams and was waiting for the results. He was anxious about the outcome. During that time, as a family, we were listening to a sermon shared by Brother Stephen on Angel TV. During the sermon, the Lord revealed an auspicious word through Brother Stephen, and it felt as though he was looking directly at me and speaking. I claimed that word in faith and prayed. When the results were announced, by the grace of God and through the prophetic prayers offered by Brother Stephen, my son passed with good marks. May God be glorified!”
“Loving Lord, we thank You. Just as a horse must be prepared for battle to win, You have taught us to prepare before doing anything. Help us to work hard, make efforts, and pray so that we may succeed. If anyone who is reading this has faced failures in the past due to a lack of preparation, guide them to prepare well from now on. Let them seek Your presence in prayer before starting anything and receive victory. I pray for those who have written public exams and government job exams—bless their efforts and open doors for a stable income. Help them succeed with good marks and fulfil their heart’s desires. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Beloved children of God in Christ. I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Psalm 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.”
There are three things the Lord is promising today through this verse.
Firstly, God is our refuge. In recent days, what problems have you been struggling to handle or overcome? No matter what the issue is—whether related to your job, ministry, income, or a court case—fall before the Lord, who is your refuge, and submit it to Him. Secondly, God is our strength. To those who say, “I do not even have the strength to speak, lift an object, or walk,” today, the resurrected power of Jesus is descending upon you as you read this message, delivering you from all sickness. Thirdly, in times of trouble, God is a very present help. Whatever is troubling you or putting you in danger, the Lord will help you and show you favor. He will come and stand with you to support you.
The Bible says, “Like birds flying about, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem.” According to this, God not only defends but also delivers His people. On that day, when Jonah was trapped in the belly of the fish, he cried out to the Lord. In that moment of danger, when the fish swallowed him and he was on the verge of death, he looked to God and wailed. He looked to God and pleaded. He looked to God, praised Him, made a vow, and prayed. Because of this, the fish safely vomited him onto the shore.
In his time of trouble, the Lord revealed Himself as a very present help to Jonah. Without any harm, God protected him and brought him ashore. Likewise, in your life, without any harm or loss, the Lord will bring you ashore.
Testimony from Sister Punitha, Chennai
“My husband suffered a stroke, which left one side of his body paralyzed. His hands and legs lost function, and he became very weak. I participated in the Anbarin Paathathil fasting prayer, and after the meeting, Brother Stephen prayed for him. Through that powerful prayer, the Lord heard and answered. Now, my husband’s paralyzed hand and leg are functioning normally, and he is completely healthy. The Lord alone was our very present help in times of trouble—He protected and healed my husband. I give thanks to God!” Even today, according to today’s promise verse, those of you who have come to the Lord for refuge—the Lord will give you new strength, He will be a very present help, and He will do great things in your life.
Loving Lord, we thank You. I thank You for Your merciful hand descending upon the children who are reading this. Thank You for coming to help and support them. Let all their problems be transformed as they seek refuge in You, just as Ruth took refuge in You and received a full reward—a life partner, children, and an abundant life. I pray for those who are sick and weak—Lord, touch and heal them. Let paralyzed hands and legs begin to function again. Let kidneys start functioning well. Let damaged internal organs be restored and work properly. Lord, break every barrier and perform miracles in their lives. Especially, may Your help and protection be upon them during their times of crisis. In Jesus’ name, Amen.