Dearly Beloved, I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Ruth 1:6.19, “Then she arose with her daughter in law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab, that the Lord had visited His people, by giving them bread.”Now the two of them went until they came to Bethlehem. And it happened, when they had to come to Bethlehem that all the city was excited because of them, and the women said, Is this Naomi. ”
We are in the time of great expectation. Now is the time to rise up and start a new life. For we need to make a bright future. Behold the past has gone the future is yet to begin. The hope of new beginning is about to start. These were the thoughts running in the mind of Naomi and Ruth. So they left Moab and went to Bethlehem because they heard the good news that God is providing food for the people in Bethlehem. While they lived in Moab they came across many unpleasant happenings in their lives. They were drenched in sorrow, pain, agony and remorse. Their life became miserable. It is in Moab that Naomi lost her husband. Ruth also lost her husband at a very young age. Both were widows. Having lost their beloved ones their heart did not permit them to continue in Moab any longer. They expected a change in their life. They were in a state of pain and despair. They expected that a better day would dawn in their life after having endured much struggle.
The good news of God’s provision of bread, in Bethlehem brought hope in them. Bethlehem which is called the house of bread was the native place of Naomi. But she went to Moab for better survival along with her husband and her two sons. There she got her sons married to girls of Moab. Suddenly her husband Elimelech died. And later her sons Mahlon, and Chilion also died. Naomi and Ruth were left bereaved. Naomi experienced great loss one after another. She was broken in spirit and physically, so she was looking forward for a new beginning. Both Naomi and Ruth did not sit and murmur against God, but they thought about taking the next step to move forward in life. This is the time that they heard that Bethlehem was prosperous and God was providing food for the people there. Immediately taking her young widowed daughter in law she walked to Bethlehem. The Bible says, and so they got up and left. They were making an effort to make a better life, after all the problems they had faced in Moab. To those of you reading this message, I think you too might be facing the same situation as Naomi and Ruth. We heard the cry of death carrying away many beloved brothers and sisters during Covid 19, leaving behind young widows, little children and even helpless elderly people. They were all filled with agony at the loss of their sons, daughters, husbands, wives and other relatives. You too might be experiencing great pain and distress. Though Naomi and Ruth lost everything in their life yet they never lost hope and faith in the true and living God.
Some of you might have lost your job, your wealth, your good health, peace of mind, joy and happiness. Well some of you might have lost your business too, or you might have become bankrupt, You may be in a fix, not knowing what to do. Like these two widows you too might be saying will we ever see, good days in our life. Will a bright future dawn in our life? Then you need to have hope and faith like these two women. In spite of all the troubles, they never lost their hope in God. They had great faith in God that He will surely open a new way for them in the land of Bethlehem. So they moved to Bethlehem from Moab. You may be caught up in sin and sinful deeds. God is waiting for you, to return to Him as these women who returned to Bethlehem. He will forgive you of all your sins, if you will get up from your current helpless situation and come up to Him, He will offer you many good things. Will you get up and come to him; Then He will gladly welcome you and make you ruler over many things.
For those of you who have faced only failures in life, you will hereafter experience victory in all that you do. Those of you who are suffering from continuous sickness, you will enjoy good health in future. God will bring healing into your bodies. God will grant you peace and calmness, instead of storm in your life. If Naomi and Ruth did not return to Bethlehem, then Ruth would not have been blessed by Boaz, who offered her another life. And Naomi would not have been able to fondle a blessed baby boy in her arms. God rewarded their faith. Hope in God is the foundation of strong faith in Him. You too will be blessed and God will help you see better days in life if you will return to God and live a life pleasing unto Him. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you for showing us the way to new life, through the character of Naomi. In spite of all the problems she faced, she had great faith in God. Give us this faith Lord. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Teach us to get up from our ordinary and low state of life, to that of rich, upliftment in life. May we too receive such good blessings as Ruth and Naomi received.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture” (John 10:9).
Dear child of God who is eagerly anticipating a bright future, today God is going to bless you! When you come in through our Lord, you will find a suitable life partner and a satisfying job. You will never land an undesirable job or be married to an unsuitable person when you enter through Him. He will reroute you saying, “Come my daughter, come my son for I have a better brighter future planned for you!”
Perhaps you were not successful in an interview. Do not be worried! The fact is, that was not an appropriate place for you. You have ordinary plans regarding your life and future, but our God has extraordinary plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Children of God never be disappointed due to unsuccessful interviews. Persevere with the faith that what God has planned for you, He will grant it to you! The Bible says: “Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared” (Exodus 23:20). God will send His angel to take you to the right place at the right time. The God who declared that He is the door is confirming that He has kept an open door before you! That open door could be an open door for your job, or an open door for a ministry, or an open door for marriage, or an open door for the gift of the child!
The gate of heaven will always be open for you even if the other doors are closed. Jacob discovered that gate. The angels of God were ascending and descending on the ladder that was kept at the gate of heaven (Genesis 28:12,17). Beloved children of God, no one can stop your prayers to God. When you pray, angels descend and take your requests to heaven. The Bible says: “See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it” (Revelations 3:8).
In the Bible, we see, that even after many years of marriage, Rachel was unable to become a mother whereas her sister Leah had many children. Even Rachel’s handmaids had several children. Unable to bear this humiliation Rachel was always fighting with her husband. She told him “Give me children, or else I die!”. Finally, Jacob said, “Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb? God is the door that you should approach” (Genesis 30:2,22-24). So, Rachel prayed to God for a child. Then God remembered Rachel and gave her Joseph.
God declared – I am the door, if anyone goes through me, he will be saved, he will be protected, he will go in and out and find pasture. So, my dear children of God, always seek Him first and He will lead you on a good path and open the door of all goodness in your life.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear God as my children submits them into your hand, open all the doors that have been closed in their life so far. Let there be no more loss or destruction in their path. Remove all the satan’s cunning confusing schemes and break the bondages from their life. May the Lord bless them with a prosperous future. Let my children live well in everything and also be blessed with a long happy life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The blessed word for today is from the book of Isaiah 43:5, “Fear not for I am with you”.
Today we see that fear in a person hinders the growth and progress of his life. But today the Lord is telling to you, “Fear not for I am with you.” God will not leave you halfway and desert you when you go through troubles. When you face difficulties, He will not leave you alone. He will remain with you. He will take part in your troubles, difficulties, and the pain that you go through. He will protect you in times of trouble. Like the bird hovering about, the Lord will deliver and defend you from your problems, and enemies. So, you need not fear or fret regarding your difficult situation.
Many of you reading this message are going through the fear of death, fear of your future and the fear of losing your job. You may have a constant fear that they will take you out of your job, which could even obstruct you from doing your job sincerely. Never mind if they take away your job. God will open new doors for you. He will create new jobs for you. If one door is shut then He will open another door for you. God says in Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
In the Bible, we can see that Mary, was crying over the death of her brother Lazarus. He is the Lord who took part in her sorrow and brought her brother back to life and wiped away her tears. Likewise, The Lord is truthful enough to restore all that you have lost.
The children of God must not go weary. You should be fierce in the spirit and be strong. You will face many challenges in your life, but you must be bold enough to face such challenges. The Lord will give you the needed strength, and ability to overcome those challenges. The Lord has told you that He will be with you always as he was with Moses. He will keep you as a blessing to many. So be happy and cheerful in the Lord.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, you said, “Fear not, I am with you.” I thank you for giving such a powerful word of God to my children. Take away all the spirit of fear from them and give them the spirit of courage. Lord perform a miracle in all those matters, that caused them to fear. And help them to know that you are there with them at all times especially when they are left alone. You were with David, and so he increased day by day. Be with my children and give them an increase day by day. Not only that, Lord you were with Joshua, and his splendour spread across the nation. I bless and pray that my children will become achievers so that their splendour would spread across many nations.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My Dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The blessed word for today is from the book of Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”
My dear children of God, you would have faced a problem for a very long time and you had struggled a lot. You would have made many battles so far but nothing has favored you. Now the Lord is saying to you that “You just have to submit all that you are battling with. Submit them all to Me and I will take care of them. All you got to do is to sit still and know that I am God. You need not battle anymore. For I the Lord will fight for you.’’
Many years ago, when the children of Israel left Egypt, The Red Sea stood like a challenge before them. They could not move forward, and the Egyptian army was coming behind them. At that time, they were petrified for a moment and they could neither move forward nor go back. When they did not know what to do, Moses prayed to God and told the people, “You need not fear the Egyptians. But be still and see what the Lord is going to do.” Do you know what happened? The Lord commanded Moses to stretch out his rod over the Red Sea, and divide it into two. So, Moses stretched out his rod over the Red Sea, and immediately the Red Sea was divided and the waters stood like walls on either side. The people of Israel went forward on dry ground, and behind them, the Egyptian army came chasing them. And just as Moses had said, “You be still and the Lord will battle for you.” Moses told them to be still. Now the Presence of the Lord which went before them now came behind them and stood in between the Israelites and the Egyptian army. So that they will not be attacked or destroyed completely, by the army.
The God of Israel fought for the Israelites. The Israelites did not fight, they just kept walking. The Lord told them, “You keep going, I will block them so that they cannot come beyond this.” Once all the Israelites reached the other side of the shore safely. The Lord closed the Red Sea. The entire army was destroyed. Today this is going to happen in your life also. You have struggled all these days, but you were not able to overcome it. You tried all your best to battle. But you couldn’t do anything about it. So now, you submit at the feet of the Lord all that you couldn’t overcome. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. When we’re still, we can remember God’s flawless record of faithfulness. Psalm 46:8 says “Come and see what the Lord has done.” My dear Children of God, put your trust in the Lord your God. He will finish all the matters and will establish you in peace.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, You said, “Be still and know that I am God”. Help my children to know that You are God. We submit their problems in which they are struggling and are not able to finish. Deliver them from such problems. Keep them away from struggles and opposition. Let no enemies trouble them in the future. We thank you for opening new doors from whom they had faced opposition in the past. Keep them cheerful and happy all the days of their life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word for today is from the book of Revelation 1:18, “I was dead, and now look, I am alive forevermore.”
Today the Lord is telling to each one of you, see “I was dead, but look I am alive forevermore”. It means that the Lord died but He will never die again. Because He lives with us forever and ever.
My dear children of God, you must be wondering as to what blessing God is going to give you through this verse. You must realize that most of the blessings, that you ought to receive is almost dead that you cannot enjoy. There is no way for you to get those blessings again. You may be saying, “Well My blessings are over.” This may be your situation or you may be thinking in this manner. Yes, your blessings may be dead. But the Lord who said, “I was dead, and now look, I am alive forevermore.” He is able to revive all those blessings back into your life. Therefore, all the blessings that were dead, will be restored forever. Because our Lord is alive even today. Job says, “My Redeemer is alive, I will see Him with my own eyes.” Therefore, all the blessings that were dead will be revived in you today and your own eye will see them.
Maybe some organs in your body may not be functioning properly. The doctors would have told you that you need to do a transplant. If you are in such a situation, and you are reading this message with faith, well these words of God will go into your body, and your life and perform a miracle for you. All the dead organs in your body will begin to function properly, and you will live.
In the Bible, we can see that 2000 years ago the centurion said to Jesus, “Lord you just speak one single word, and my servant who is sick will be healed from the bondage of death and will survive.” Jesus was so pleased with the faith of the centurion. The Lord spoke and the servant was healed. The Lord will send His word even today and heal you from your bondage since you are His children. The Lord will send His word and revive all your dead blessings. His word will cause good things to happen. The Lord who came into this earth, to restore that which was lost, does not wish you to lose the blessings, but retain them forever and ever. The Lord will restore all that you have lost in your life. Your joy, your peace, your health, your family life, your goods, whatever it might be. The Lord will restore all that was dead, lost, and missing. And will bless you, all the days of your life.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, thank you for reviving all the blessings that had been dead all these days. Heal all those who are sick and weary. And let every dead organ in their body, be revived, as they read this message. Let the power of your resurrection get into their body and fill them from head to foot, and heal all their sicknesses. May all their organs be renewed and may they seek happiness. I thank you Lord for making my children live a life of testimony.
In Jesus Name we pray.