My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Proverbs 21:31, “The horse is made ready for the battle, but the victory comes from the Lord.”
If a man needs a victory, then he definitely needs preparation, that is why the verse says, “The horse is made ready for the battle, but the victory comes from the Lord”. When you do the preparation well, then the Lord will give you victory. If you remain lazy and lethargic and careless then it is hard to obtain victory. Today some children do not prepare well for their exams, some will say, ‘well I have prayed to the Lord, He will give me victory.’ Yes, you need to pray, but at the same time, you need to prepare well to get the victory. God likes hard-working people; some expect victory without studying and putting up any hard work. But the Lord says, “If you want to be victorious in life, then you need to put in a lot of effort.” It may be in your studies, in your business, or even in your own life.
My dear children of God, if you want to reap the fruit of victory, then you must definitely work hard for it. You need to make an effort. Many children work hard to get a job and they earn their salary somewhere in someplace. But when the Lord graciously gives them a job or a business, they stop working hard. They fail to work hard as they used to do before. They gradually move into their comfort zone. Eventually, they get into a lot of trouble and thus end up in great loss. They do not prepare for a long-term victorious life. Life without preparation will be short-lived. They never pray in the morning for the betterment of their life. They get ready in the morning and straight away, go either to school, college, or office. They never pray before leaving their house, to office, work spot, or their business. There is no time for prayer and they take God for granted. You need to pray before you start your work and after you return from work you need to praise and thank God for His mercy in bringing you back home safely. Because life has become so uncertain. So, when you go out you need to pray and when your return you need to thank the Lord. This should be the style of your life. For the Lord says, “You can do nothing without Me.”
Ask the Lord to help you work wisely in your workplace, in your business, even to deal with your children and other family members. You need to have the habit of praying for everything you do. Then you will have peace of mind and be successful in your life.
My dear children, everyone wants to be successful and desires to achieve something. If you want to achieve in life, then preparation is very important. Just as the horse is well prepared for the battle, you need to be prepared. The Lord is speaking to those children who are about to write their exams. Set some time to pray and study your lessons thoroughly well. The paper will be easy for you, whether you write your annual exam, or your exam for your promotion, or departmental exam, or university exams. When you follow these methods, you will surely be successful and you will be the head and not the tail. He will lift you up and He will never let you fail. Victory will be yours, for Jehovah Nissi is God who gives you victory and you will be victorious. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Many children are writing their exams. They may be writing exams for securing a government job, or bank exams or exams to get promotion in their office they work, whatever exams they write I pray You would help them to prepare well. Remove all fear from them and may thy face their exams boldly. Lord, help my children to do good preparation to write their papers. Let them do their work with much fear and dedication. And may they receive the victory they deserve. Father, my children should never be a failure in life. Since You are Jehovah Nissi, who rose victoriously from the grave on the third day, I place the anointing of your victory upon my children’s head and bless them. Keep them from failures and let them live a victorious life.
In Jesus Name we pray.
I greet and bless you in the name of our Creator, Maker, and ever unforgettable Lord Jesus Christ. The Blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 7:14, “You Shall Be Blessed Above All Peoples; There shall not be a male, or female, barren among you.”
He is a God who blesses the generation of His Children. David says, “The Lions do lack and hunger but they that fear the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” God does not want His children to lack any good thing. Some of you reading this message are crying as you lack something. You have spent many years of married life. You have taken all kinds of treatment. But all in vain. You have been living in shame; you are unable to face others. You never like to attend parties or functions. So you say, “Lord remove my reproach and bless me with a child. You are longing to have one child. But God is able to bless you with more than one child . God wants to show favour to you.
I remember how once a sister came up to me for prayer and poured out her heart to me. She had been married for ten long years but she had no children. I prayed for her saying, “Lord You will fill her belly with Your hidden treasure, and she shall be satisfied with children.” And sent her home saying, “The Lord will soon open your womb and you will conceive. This sister called me after two weeks and said. “Brother I have conceived. Praise the Lord.”After few weeks she again called me and what she said was surprising. She said, “Brother the Doctor has identified three foetus in my uterus. They say through recent mechanism they shall remove two of them and store only one since it had been ten years since I had a child. So I prayed to God regarding her case. But the Lord replied saying, what is written is written. So I asked that sister to leave it as it is, since God will help her to deliver the babies at the appointed time. She delivered the three beautiful babies and brought them to the special Fasting Prayer Meeting which is held every month in Chennai. Called ‘’Anbarin Padathil Oru Naal.’’ All who heard her testimony were wonder struck. God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you think or ask for, is able to perform extraordinary miracle for you.
Many of you are saying, how can God bless me when I have so many loans? When will my loans be cleared? How can I pay my children’s fees? How shall I pay the rent for my house? How is it possible for God to do wonders in my life? It is possible to them that believe in the name of Jesus. When Jacob was left alone he held on to God. He battled with the angel of God the whole night and said, “Lord I will not let You go unless and until You Bless me. ”You too should cling to the Lord when you need His help. God will be merciful to you and show favour to You. He says, “For a moment I had forgotten you but with everlasting love I shall embrace you. ”His anger is for a moment but His mercy is for everlasting, to those who call upon His name. Since Jacob cried to the Lord for blessing God blessed him. He found favour in the sight of His uncles Laban who chased him, to kill him. But God spared his life. When he left his father’s house he went with empty hand with only a staff. But when he returned he came back with two companies. He returned to his father after 20 years as a great and wealthy man. Won’t God do the same for you? However poor you may be, God is able to lift you up from the ash heap and cause you to be seated among the princes. Just believe. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, We thank You for showing favour to Your children who call upon Your name. Thank You Father for blessing that sister with three children. Help us also to receive double portion of blessing and glorify your name.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Luke 12: 32, “Do not be afraid, little flock. For your father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.”
In the Bible, we read about Gideon, He was weak and quite afraid. But God looked at him and said, “I am going to do great and mighty things through you. Get up and set out.” Gideon gave many excuses, he said, “Lord I come from the smallest tribe, Manasseh my father, and my family is very small. How can I go and do great things? And I am the youngest of all from my small family, how can I carry out such a great mission? But the Lord said to him, “You will not do but I will do great things through you. So go with the little strength you have, for it is I who sends you.”
Under the support of God, Gideon set out on his mission. He was sent to deliver the people of Israel from the hands of the Midianites. He boldly listened to what God said, followed it, and was able to save the people of Israel from them. My dear children of God do not be afraid, the Lord is going to use you for a good purpose as He used Gideon. Even though you come from a small family or from a small tribe the Lord is going to use you to save the lives of many people. It is God who is sending you and when He sends you, He will give you the needed strength to carry out the mission set for you. All you need is to have a receptive heart and obey God’s commands and when you obey the Lord, He will be with you and do great wonders. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank you for telling us not to be afraid. Take away all the spirit of fear, give your children sound sleep without any disturbances, some are afraid of the future but today you take away all the fear from them. Make them bold in You Lord. Help them to go forward in life like Gideon, who went out with the little strength that he had but became successful in His mission because You helped him. In the same way, I pray Lord that You will help and bless my children. Give my children their heart’s desire and honour them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 41:10, “I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you, with My righteous right hand.”’
Dear Children of God, many of you are disappointed. Maybe you would have approached someone from your family or your friends to help you, but they have denied you and ill-treated you. When you seek the help of worldly men, most of your experiences would have been bitter. Today God comforts you by saying “I will strengthen you and help you.”
Maybe you are financially or physically weak and sometimes spiritually weak too. God who knows your weakness, is ready to strengthen you. From today onward, the Lord is going to strengthen you physically, spiritually, and also financially. God will not only strengthen you but also help you meet your needs in a miraculous way. Our God who decides to lift you, will not do it in a normal manner, but ‘He will lift you up from the miry clay and set you on a rock and put a new song into your mouth’. He will make you sit at an elevated level and admire you.
In the Bible, we can see David was the one who was going after his father’s sheep. But God admired him and made him the king of Israel. God promoted Daniel, who was thrown into Lion’s den, as the collector of Babylon. God made Joseph the son of Jacob, as the Governor of Egypt, who was once put into the prison by Potiphar, with a false accusation. These people who were so helpless became great in life only because God helped them. You might wonder if God would help you also and make you great. Surely, He will lift you up and cause you to become great because our God has another name, known as Ebenezer. It means, “The Lord Who Helps.” You may be seriously expecting God to help you, in your distressed state of life. The moment you look up to heaven and call upon His name, He will come running to help you.
Many children are caught up in various problems and they are unable to come out of it and thus they are badly in need of help. Those of you who are anxiously waiting for help and saying “Lord, who will come forward to help me in this juncture? Who will lift me in this horrible state of misery? Who will lift up my children to a better position?” The Lord says, “Don’t worry, even if nobody helps you, I am there to help you.” What a good God we have!
Our Lord is one who made the bitter waters of Marah turn sweet water for the people of Israel to drink. Our God who enlightened the heart of Naomi brought happiness into her life, and lifted her head high in society will also lift you up. Our Lord who gave another life for Ruth and who helped her to find favour in the eyes of Boaz, will He not help you?
God will solve all your family disputes between husband and wife. He will help you and bring peace and harmony into your lives. He will open the windows of heaven, and let the income flow from His holy sanctuary. So, you shall have a good income and you will be able to pay back your debts. Whether your need is, be it your medical expense, your children’s education, or your family matters, God is able to help you. As you read this message the Lord will pour out His blessings. And you are going to receive a miracle from God. You will live in peace and joy. God bless you all.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. You said that You will strengthen and help us. Look at my children who are badly in need of help, and stretch out your helping hand to them. They have come to You for help as there is no one to help them. Perform miracles for them who have stretched out their hands to you for help.Have mercy on them and help them. So that they may know your power.
In Jesus Name We pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Deuteronomy 28:7 “The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.”
Everyone in this world has enemies and we too have some person in our life who doesn’t like us and who does harmful things against us, maybe that person would be within your family, your neighbours, or at your workplace.
Maybe all these years you have been fighting with your enemies. But all your effort has turned out to be vain. But from today God will defeat your enemies, all you need to do is stay still. You must stop fighting with them and stop arguing with them only then the Lord will make the enemies be defeated before your face. The Lord will prepare a table before your enemies. God will anoint your head with oil and the Lord will favour you to stand tall before them so that they will be put to shame.
The second part of the verse says that your enemies will come against you in one direction, but they will run away in seven different directions. God will make this happen in your life from this day onward, all those who came against you from one direction will flee away from you. Our God is the one who destroys our enemies. Therefore, in future, you need not have to fight against your enemies. Because God will fight for you. The battle is His, all you need is to stand still and see the salvation of God.
At times you might think that you have been returned with evil when you had actually done good to them. So, you might tend to stop doing good. But my children of God, you must never stop doing good, if he is doing evil then God will see to him. Bible says, never grow weary in doing good to others. You must be at peace with all and never harm anyone in return for the wrong they have done to you. The Lord has said, “Love your enemies, and be at peace with them.” Forgive them and pray for them that they should not be punished by God in any way. Then you shall reap the fruit of it in this world.
In Bible, we can see that Stephen was stoned to death, but he prayed for the people and He said, “Let not the curse of this blood fall upon them” and God was with him during that time. Likewise, let us apply this good nature of Stephen in our lives. Pray for your enemies and surely God will honour you and bless you for how you have been. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, you said that our enemies who come against us in one way will run away in seven different ways. You have said in your word that, you shall make our enemies who rise up against us to be defeated, before us. So, we need not fight against them. Let my children hold on to this promise and try not to fight against their enemies. They should not fight or quarrel with anyone. They should be slow to speak and swift to hear. They need to obey the word of God and guard their testimony so that in the coming days, they will prosper, You will prepare a table for my children before their enemies. You shall anoint their head with oil. Let their cup run over with blessings. And may they be exalted before all those who rose up against them. Never forsake them, Oh Lord. Have mercy on them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.