My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 49:16, “See I have engraved you in the palm of My hands. Your walls are ever before Me.”
My dear children of God, you have been engraved in the hand of the Lord, that cannot be erased from His palm and no one can snatch you out of His hands. He holds you within His palm which means you are in control of God and you are safe in the hands of the Lord.
We are in a situation where there are so many destructions and diseases spreading all around the corner and there is no guarantee for life, even in such a situation God protected us and kept us safe.
You may be suffering from disease, debts or any problems, give them all into the hand of God. He healed your disease, your iniquities were forgiven, and all your debts were cleared and every curse of yours was borne by Him and by His blood you have been washed. There is power and strength in His hands therefore, He will protect, raise and elevate you to a higher level and beautify you. Today, commit your ways unto the Lord and He will exalt you at the appointed time of your life.
Secondly, the verse says, “Your walls are ever before Me”, which means that all your problems, debts, and disease are right in front of the Lord and He is aware of what you are going through.
In the Bible, we see that there was a widow in the city of Nain. Her only son died and his body was being carried to the burial ground to be buried. When Jesus saw this helpless woman, his heart was moved for her, He couldn’t bear to see the widow weep over her son dead. He wanted to wipe away her tears, so He stood there for a moment, looked at the dead body of the young man and said “Young Man Wake Up”. The man woke up alive, and he handed him over to his mother and went on his way. This problem stood before the Lord Jesus Christ and He couldn’t bear to see the agony of this woman so he performed a miracle and liberated her with joy and gladness, He gave her son back to her alive. God performed a miracle for her and turned her sorrow into joy. He is a God of compassion, He will never allow you to suffer more than that you can handle, all your requirements are before his sight. Bring your problem before the sight of the Lord and He will solve all your problems however big they may be. It may be serious diseases, debts that cannot be repaid, business problems, family problems, childlessness, and unsettlement. The Lord says, “I have borne it all on the cross, you don’t have to bear it anymore, God will solve all your problems. Be cheerful and rejoice in the Lord always.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, You said, that You have engraved my children in the palm of Your hand and that their walls are ever before You. Solve all the problems of my children that they come across in their business centre, in their work spot, in their family, in their neighbourhood, and in their ministry. All these are now placed before Your sight. I pray that You will lift them up in the society and cause their name to be known, with fame and praise. Break all the obstacles that stand in their way, of progress. Perform miracles for them and turn their sorrows into joy.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:4,5).
Are you lamenting like this – I have patiently waited for so many years, yet my requests have not been fulfilled? Will there ever be an answer to my tears? Will God help me out of this desolate state? There is emptiness in my life. When will my life bloom? The day is fast approaching when the Lord is going to grant all the desires of your heart. Delight yourself in the Lord and receive this Mangala Vaarthai in faith, He will arise and will wipe away your tears by fulfilling your long-awaited requests/desires. Your life will blossom. Hallelujah!
We read in the Bible that King Hezekiah was sick unto death with disease. Prophet Isaiah said to him, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Set your house in order, for you shall die, and not live.’ ”Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall and wept bitterly. The Lord sent word through Isaiah, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you. And I will add to your days fifteen years.”When a cake of figs. was placed on the inflammation, Hezekiah recovered (2 Kings 20:1-7). God answered Hezekiah’s requests instantaneously. Likewise delight yourself in the Lord and cling on to Him, He will heal you.
I am well acquainted with Dr Dilip Kumar’s family in Nagercoil. His wife Dr Ruth Dilip Kumar was suffering continuously from a splitting headache for the past 7 years. No medicine could cure the pain. Despite taking several scans and taking treatment all her efforts proved futile. They came to me for prayer when I had gone to a place called Ayiramthengu in Kumari district for ministry. I asked her. “Sister what do you want me to pray for?” She said, “For the past 7 years I am suffering from this severe headache. Please pray that it should disappear.” I closed my eyes and said a short prayer, “Lord I don’t know what the cause of this headache in the dear sister’s body is. Why is she having these headaches? But today she must be free from it completely. I believe she will be healed if you say one word.” So, I kept my hand on her head and prayed, “Be delivered from your pain and be healed” and sent her home. She called me once she reached me and said, “Brother, the headache that I was suffering with for 7 years has vanished.” Hallelujah!
In the same manner God will heal you and will help you to come out of your troubled situation.
God bless you.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 138:7, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble You will revive me.”
Our Lord is one who revives us when we go through trials and temptations. He is the life-giving Lord, He is the Lord who causes us to live and He is the Lord who lifts us up when we are in trouble, that is why the psalmist says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life.” Your family members or close friends may not help you or be with you when you are in need, but the Lord whom you worship will be with you in your trouble and consider your painful situation. When you call upon Him He will help and deliver you from your terrible situation.
We read about David in the Bible, who got caught by king Saul and his 3000 soldiers. He was surrounded by them while he was hiding on the hills in the wilderness. He did not know what to do and he was left alone with his men. But God loved David and He fought for him. Do you know how God helped David? Well, he gave deep sleep to all the 3000 soldiers who guarded the king and all of them lay asleep as if they were given anesthesia, just imagine 3000 soldiers lying asleep around the hill. By sending deep sleep among the soldiers, God made them powerless and inactive. While they were all asleep, David and his men quietly escaped from there where they had been hiding. This is the miraculous work of the Lord. In the same way, God will deliver you from the trouble which you are going through no matter how difficult it may be. You need to have faith that God is able to deliver you from all such situations. Many of you are entangled in some kind of trouble and do not know how to come out of it but God will make a way for you. Call upon the name of Jesus today like David did and God will answer you and help you come out of all your troubles.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, please look at my children, who are caught up in the midst of trouble and are unable to come out of it. Take a look at my children who are stuck in destruction, in huge debts, in disease, and in a court case, Lord descend upon them and deliver them from their trouble. For you are a God who will come flying like an eagle to protect your children. Please protect such children who are caught up in trouble, bring them out of it and give them new life. Help them to come out of their debts, disease, shame, and humiliation. Please perform miracles for them and reveal your favour and power to them that they may know that You are the living God, who will revive them from their struggles.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Isaiah 41:10, “I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
My dear children of God, you may be in a situation where you would have not got justice among your family members, or at your workplace, or be it any court case that you are going through. Today you should know that God will do justice for you. The Lord’s righteous right hand reaches out to you, to do justice for you.
In the past, you would have been caught up in some cases. Maybe some irrelevant case would have been filed against you or someone would have filed against your property or it could be a divorce case filed against you by your spouse. Whatever the case may be, if you cry out to God, He will hear your cry and bring justice to you. The Lord who turns the heart of the king will turn the heart of the judge that he may write verdict for you. The Lord Himself will sit in the heart of the judge and hold his hand and make him write the correct justice for you and seal it by His authority. Today God will make this happen for you, all you need to do is put your trust in Him.
At times you would have made a mistake and be caught in crossroads, you may have fear as to what might befall you and how your life is going to be in the future. Do not worry, when you sincerely ask God forgiveness and turn away from your wrongdoings no evil shall befall you and God will never put you to shame. Just confess to the Lord and ask God to give you another opportunity.When you cry out to the Lord for forgiveness, He will be merciful and do justice for you.
In Bible we read that the Lord gave another life to the woman who was caught red-handed in the act of adultery and forgave her sins, likewise God will forgive you and give you another life to live.
My dear children of God, The Lord will not only do justice but He will uphold you by His righteous right hand. Until yesterday you would have thought that your husband or your mother or your children will uphold you, but no one had come forward to uphold you. Today the Lord has decided to uphold you, people you trusted would have denied to uphold you but Lord will not only uphold you, but also carry you, protect you, preserve you, and will keep you from all danger and destruction. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, help your children to come out of the case and help them to rejoin their job which they had lost, or make them be united with their family. May they regain their lost wealth and property which had been deprived of them by their relatives. Remove all obstacles that stand in their way from getting justice. Lord, bless them all so that they may enjoy their life. Protect them, guard them keep them, and preserve them for your glory, making them live in peace and harmony.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Genesis 27:28, “May God give you heaven’s dew, and earth’s richness— an abundance of grain and new wine.”
Dear Children, our God is a God who provides and He is known as Jehovah Jireh, which means the Lord shall provide. God gave His only begotten son for mankind since He loved the world so much, and that is His greatest and unconditional love that He has on us. When God gave His only son Jesus Christ, will He not give you the desires of your heart? Surely God will bless you with the ‘dew of heaven’, which means the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that comes down like the dew, and will be placed on the head of each one of you. So those of you who have not received the anointing of the Holy Spirit will receive it. As you are reading this message, the Spirit of God will descend upon you.
Secondly, the Lord will give you the ‘riches of the earth’. All these days you have sowed well but you had never received the yield or harvest as you expected. Instead of receiving in plenteous, you have received only loss and destruction. God will give you the riches of the earth. When you sow hereafter, the Lord will bless you with a hundredfold of blessing, you will reap the better harvest, and thereby you shall be prosperous.
Thirdly, God says He will give you an ‘abundance of grain’. Grains represent ‘income’, the Lord will give you sufficient income from this day onwards. You might wonder as to how this is possible. Well, the Lord will bless you with an increment of salary, or a promotion in your service or your business will suddenly bloom and you will be successful. God has promised you that “He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus”. He will surely provide and you need not doubt His providence. Some of you are saying “Brother, I am below the poverty line. I am not able to manage my family.” The Lord knows all about you and He will suddenly bring an increase in your financial position, and help you to be successful. So just trust Him, for He will beautify the meek.
And lastly, it is said that the generation of Israel is the ‘Lord’s vineyard’. The Grape wine resembles sweet family life. For those of you who do not have a good family life, today the Lord is going to bless you to enjoy good family life. He will rebuild the broken edges of your relationship and enable you to live together in joy and harmony. Because God knows how important family life is and also, He knows the worry and stress that you go through every day without good family life. He will set right all things well for you, you will enjoy a good relationship and there will be a good understanding between husband and wife, and your family life will be blessed. God bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord today You have said that the Holy Spirit will descend upon my children like the heavenly dew. I pray that all of them will receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. May the riches of the earth be placed upon their forehead. Let the work of their hands prosper and let their wealth increase. Lord have mercy upon them and give them an increase in every area of their life. Bless them with grain and wine and honor their family.
In Jesus Name We Pray.