Walk uprightly

I greet and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. The blessed word that God has given for you today, is from the book of Numbers 24: 5-6,” How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, Your Dwellings, O Israel like Valleys that stretch out like gardens by the river side, like Aloes planted by the Lord, like Cedars beside the waters.””

From the above context we understand that Balaam was delighted to see the tents of the Israelites all arranged according to their tribes and neatly set up in order pitched in the plains of Moab. He breaks forth into admiration of their beautiful order as they lay ranged under their several standards. They look like gardens pleasant and fruitful and secured by a fence. Like a sweet-smelling tree in a garden yielding shade and shelter to man and beast.  The tents are temporary living quarters while dwelling implies a permanent living space.

Prophet Balaam was hired to curse Israel.  Balak    the   King of Moab said to Balaam, “ I know that whomever you bless is blessed. And whomever you curse is cursed.”  He called upon the services of Balaam, who had a reputation for powerful, divining. Balak wanted to put a curse upon the Israelites so as to overpower them and drive them out of Egypt.  But God said to Balaam, “You shall not go with them, you shall not curse the people for they are blessed.” When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, He raised his eyes and saw Israel, encamped according to their tribes. And the spirit of God came upon him and uttered words of praise over Israel. “How lovely are your tents O Jacob.  Your Dwellings O Israel, Like Valleys, that stretch out like gardens by the river side. Like Aloes planted by the Lord.  Like Cedars beside the waters.”

“The episode of the defeat of the counsels of Balak and Balaam against Israel, was not by might nor by power but by the spirit of the Lord of Hosts. The Bible says, “The Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you because the Lord your God loves you.” The Dwellings refer to the house in which you live. God is keen in blessing you and your family. He wants to bless your house with all good things. If you allow Jesus to enter into your house then your dwellings will be lovely like Cedars beside the waters. And like aloes planted by the Lord.  He wants to decorate your house with all good things.  Peace, joy, happiness, good health, wealth and prosperity. God says, “The generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and Riches will be in his house and his descendants will be mighty on earth.”  

Do you wish to acquire these blessings, do you want to live in a house like gardens, by the river side? Then you need to fear the Lord, and walk uprightly, for the faithful man abounds with blessings. The blessings of the Lord make one rich and does not cause sorrow. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving Heavenly  Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, we thank you for turning our curse into a blessing.  Help us to live in houses that are like well watered garden.    May we fear the Lord at all times and walk uprightly to inherit His blessings. Help us to be like sweet smelling trees that spreads the fragrance of Christ in our lives. May we be a channel of blessing to others.

 In Jesus name we pray.


God Saves His People

I greet and bless everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The blessed word that  God  has  given  for  you  today  is  from the book of  Exodus 6:6 ,“ I will rescue you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgement.”      

From the above context we learn that God spoke through Moses to the children of Israel. “I am the Lord, Eternal in his being, immutable in his counsels, faithful to his covenant, and able to fulfil it; and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians; which lay heavy on them, and made them sigh and groan: and I will rid you out of their bondage; in which they were kept, and by which their lives were made bitter: and I will redeem you with an out stretched arm; from heaven to earth. He stretched his arm upon the enemies of his people, and   delivered them out of their hands:  with great judgments; by sending, many sore plagues and punishments inflicted upon the Egyptians. Thus, the Lord commanded Moses to say to His people.  God claims He is Lord over all creation and tells them what plans He has to do for them.  He is the One who will redeem them, and it is by this powerful name,  “Yahweh” that Israel is going to be delivered. The Lord, then described the things He was about to do for them.  

Firstly He said, that He will bring them out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, to get relief from the terrible oppression of labour imposed by the Egyptians. They will leave Egypt and go to the Promised Land.  Secondly, He will deliver them, from their bondage; it implies physical separation from the place of danger or oppression. The Lord promised here that the Israelites will be separated from Egyptian slavery. Thirdly, He will also redeem them, with an outstretched arm and with great judgments,   shows how the Lord, will accomplish this deliverance.   The Lord, said, that He will rescue Israel with an outstretched arm. Fourthly He said that He will make them His people, because “They were bought with a price,” asserting that His people belong to Him because of His death on the cross. Finally the Lord    stated that He will   be their God

God saved His people from the bondage, under the Egyptians   Task Masters. God will save you also from your bondages. No matter what kind of bondages you are caught up with. Some of you might have been caught in debts, some in gambling, some in drugs, some may be caught up in   unwanted issues. Some may be engaged in some sinful   activity.  Are you caught up in an incurable disease?   May be in court case, or in theft, whatever  may be the bondage  in which you are caught up,   God is going to deliver all of you from such issues.  Someone   might have done sorcery  or  witchcraft over you or your family. God will rescue you.   He will   come suddenly when all your hope is lost and will deliver you from your terrible situation.  Rely on God, He will deliver you. 

What is the problem that you are facing   at this point of time? Don’t worry, Just as He saved His People Israel from their cruel task masters, God will descend upon you,   from   His Holy mountain to help you and deliver you from your bondage. Jesus Said, “My judgement is just.” Righteousness and Justice are the foundations of God’s throne. So God will do justice to you also as he has promised. For He is the Rock, His work is perfect, for all His ways are justice. A  God of truth, and without injustice. Righteous and upright is He. When we have such   a God, why worry. Take your problems before the Lord in prayer and He will cause you to be victorious in life. God bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Thank you for telling us from the scripture, how great a God You are.  You are awesome, You are wonderful, You are Mighty, You are all powerful. You do wonders beyond numbers.  Teach us to depend upon You   for all our needs.  Help us not to get trapped, in any unwanted issues?   Prevent us from being caught up in bondages. Deliver us from all our   unrighteous   activities,   and help us to be just and honest in our lives.

In Jesus name we pray.


Give Us the Desire to Pray.    

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Job 22:27, “You will pray to Him, and He will hear you.”

My Dear children, today we shall ponder about our prayer life, in the initial stage of receiving Jesus as your personal saviour you would have spent half an hour or at least one hour in prayer, but now maybe your prayer life has become limited to instant prayer or for ten seconds only, you must have changed your attitude to prayer due to the pressure of other work but you must understand that the more you pray, you will be victorious both in the worldly life and in your spiritual life. Prayer changes the situation, and also it brings victory, therefore, I urge everyone who reads this message to begin to pray systematically at a particular time, place and improve the quality of prayer in such a manner so as to move the heart of the Lord and receive an answer to your prayers.

The Bible says, ‘His grace is new every morning’, stand in the presence of the Lord, as a family everyday and receive blessings  from His hands. In case you do not do family prayer please begin today. Pray in the morning and night with your family, praying together will build your family with much love, understanding and improve your relationship. Petty quarrels that often creep up in the family can be cancelled because of family prayer. At prayer time, read the Bible, sing and praise the Lord and if possible, you can share what you have read from the Bible and end by prayer and thanksgiving. God will be so pleased, with you and your family and you will experience heaven on earth, surely your home will be a blessing.

The Word of God says, “You will pray to Him and He will hear you”, the Lord’s ears are not closed to hear your cry or answer your prayers.  Some might say, Brother, I asked the Lord, but I did not receive an answer to my prayers? Then what must you do? Why didn’t God answer your prayers? this must be your doubt about God. The Bible clearly says, that your sins have been a hindrance between God and you. You should ask God to show you what is wrong with you or to tell you what is lacking in you, surely God will reveal the mistake in your life and when He reveals, immediately you should reconcile with God, ask for His forgiveness and give up all your sinful habits, your evil practice, and live a life that is pleasing unto God. Then God will answer your prayers. If you follow the advice which the Lord is giving you as you read this message, then I can assure you that by the end of this year, you will be increased a thousandfold. You will increase spiritually, materially and be blessed in your family, at your workplace or business, and also in your ministry. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, I pray that a special spirit of prayer is poured upon all those who are reading this message. When they are stuck without words to pray, Lord please help them to pray through the support of the Holy Spirit. Forgive all their iniquities, that are hindering them from receiving an answer to their prayers. Be merciful to them, may they have the desires of their heart. Remove all the obstacles that stand in their way to progress. Let them enjoy many auspicious events in their families.

In Jesus Name We pray.


You will be a blessing.

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

God says, “All people on the earth shall be blessed by you”. This means that you are going to be a blessing to others around you, your family, your street, and your neighbourhood will be blessed through you.

Some of you are saying, “Brother I have not been blessed until today, then how can I be a blessing to others?”

If the Lord has promised to bless the people through you then He will surely fulfil His promise because He is a God of Promise. Firstly, God will bless you and He will exalt you to such a height, then He will make you be a blessing to others. By blessing you, a branch or river will go forth out of you and spread all around you to bless others.

At the beginning of the verse, God has said, that He will bless all those who bless you, then in the same verse, the Lord has also said, that He is going to bless people through you. What a great assurance this is?  Many would have kept you aside, in your family, they might have told you that you are good for nothing and you are of no use in the family. My dear children of God, all their words are going to be in vain. The words of the Lord will surely come to pass, you are going to be a blessing to all of them who rejected you, who spurned you and who hated you for no reason..

 The Lord chose Joseph among all his siblings as he was a kind-hearted, generous person and a man of excellent spirit. The Lord blessed Joseph and made him be a blessing to his siblings though they were against him and also, he was a blessing to entire Egypt and other surrounding nations during the time of famine, through Joseph, the Lord fed them, till the end. Whoever is reading this message and if you have the quality of Joseph then God will surely bless you and cause you to be an overflowing cup, so that you may be a blessing to others through various channels. God Bless you.

Prayer:  Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, you have said that my children would be a blessing to others. We thank You for the assurance that You have given to us today. Lord, please bless them, and expand the borders of their territory. Give your children an overflowing blessing and let this overflowing blessing reach their relatives, friends, neighbours, poor and needy people, orphans, downtrodden, old aged people and those forsaken.  We thank you for the overflowing blessing that you have granted to them. Let the people around them see that they are blessed. For those who say that they have not been blessed, until this day, I pray that they will be a blessing to the entire land, in order that other nations may see it.  

In Jesus Name We pray.


The Lord Fights  For You

My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of  “Exodus 14;14, “ Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

My Dear Children of God, the Lord will fight for you when you go through troubles or trials or when you are targeted by your own people who come against you, it may be due to a land dispute, distribution of shares among your siblings in the family, or any other matter. God will fight for you, provided you be honest and faithful to him and you need only to be still. All these days you have fought many battles in your lives by your own strength and you had never considered that God would fight for you.   As a result, you have failed miserably and you might have lost many good things in life and your battle was in vain. You did not win the battle but lost the little peace that you had, Isn’t it so? therefore, you are going to make a decision today, that you are not going to fight with anyone or argue with anyone that leads to battle. Whatever troubles you face in the future, you will just transfer them to the Lord and you will remain quiet. For the Lord has said, “I will fight for you. I will do everything for you. You be still and know that I am God.” The Lord is advising you, as to how you need to face challenges through His life-giving word of God.  All you need to do is to take and apply it in your life when you face storms or battles in your life. Just tell the Lord about your problems, He will fight for you. The Bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

This is what God expects you to do when you are confronted with your enemies. The problem may be with regard to your family life, workplace, in your ministry, or whatever it may be. The Lord says, that those who come against you in one way will flee away through seven directions. You might have had a problem even today, and you did not know how to overcome it and you think that there is no other way but to fight it out. Let us give up on revenge and we have only one way and that is the Lord. The Israelites had to cross the Red Sea that was before them and behind them was the Egyptian army. They did not know what to do, but they had to fight the battle and then cross the sea, that was before them. In that terrible situation, Moses told them, “You need not be afraid; Indeed, my Lord is with me, He will guide me.  The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” And so, the Lord began to fight for His people. The Lord did not send any angel to fight and kill them, but the Lord just looked at the army and the wheels in the chariot dismantled and rolled away and so the captain and the men in the army were all drowned into the sea.

They did not know what was happening. The horses were refusing to move forward. The chariots loosened themselves, and hence all the men got drowned in the sea and died. Then the Egyptians feared and said, the God of Israel is fighting for his people, the God whom they worship is powerful. God is fighting for them so let us run away from them. Although they ran back, the Lord did not let them go so easily. He covered the sea and caused them to be drowned in the sea. This is a historical event that took place in the history of Israel. God fought for them as He had promised in His word. In the same way, they who fight with you will see the power of God descend upon you, and your enemies will escape in all directions.   They will recognize that your God is mightier than them and you will surely win over the battle. They will perish but you shall stand erect.

Prayer:   Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, many children who battled with their foes, by their own strength have become exhausted, you will fight for them as you have promised in your word. Let them not lose, but win the battle set before them. May your children tell you of their difficulties and they do not fight alone by themselves, for all their effort will be vain. I pray that all the children of God will not be scared of their enemies but You give them the needed strength and help them to face the battle through the strength of the Lord. Let all the enemies who come against them run away in fear of You.  Let all the children of God live in peace and harmony.

Jesus Name We pray.


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