My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalms 128:5, “May the Lord bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, all the days of your life.”
My Dear Children of God, the Lord wants to bless you from Zion, and He wants you to enjoy the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. Our God has another name, “The One who blesses”, in the past, you would have borne many curses and thereby you would have faced a lot of losses, debts, trials, difficulties, troubles, disease, pain, sorrow, etc, this was because of the curses thrust upon you by others for various reasons. Your business has been shattered and because of this, even the lives of your children has been shattered. All the wealth you gathered, through your hard work, has been lost, but today the Lord wants to bless you from Zion and keep you happy since He knows that you have suffered much in the past.
The moment you realize that God wants to bless you, then you must know that all the curses in your life are coming to an end. All those who had cursed you will stop doing any further from this day onwards, for God has taken the cup of fury and turned it over their head. Even the curse of your forefathers, that had been following your life and crushing you down will cease and in turn, they will change into a blessing as the Lord has turned His face towards you. The Bible says, His anger is for a moment, but His mercy is forever. God is going to give you a new beginning. The era of blessing is going to start, from this day onwards.
In the Bible we read about Balaam, who received a bribe from Balak, who was the king of Moab, to curse the people of Israel but the Lord did not permit him to curse His children. So finally, Balaam admitted that he had been sent by God and had also received the command of God to bless Israel and not to curse them. Similarly, until yesterday you would have experienced all kinds of evil in your life, but God who is merciful will change all your curses into blessings. A blessed rain will pour over your family and a blessed wind will blow from all corners towards your house and your family. Then the Lord will bless all the work of your hands, He will open the treasures of heaven to bless you from His storehouse. Then you will not borrow but you shall lend to others. All your debts will be cleared in a miraculous manner and you will be free from debts and emerge as a blessing to others around you. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, I place this blessed word upon the head of each one reading this message. May the Lord bless them from Zion according to your word, which says, “The Blessing of the Lord makes one rich and does not add sorrow”. This day onwards do not allow sorrow in ones life anymore but bless them with wealth and riches, that will bring joy and not sorrow and pain. We thank You for turning all the curses into blessings. May they prosper in all that they do and be a blessing to others..
In Jesus Name We pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Haggai 2:19, “Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until now, the vine and the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit.” From this day on I will bless you.’”
The verse says “I will bless you.” Men might make many promises but they fail to keep them. Our God who is an unchanging God will surely keep His promise, you can trust Him. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. Many husbands, wives and even children fail to keep their promises. While we are living in such a situation, our God promises to say, “I will bless you from this day onward.” Many of you are disheartened saying, “When will a change come into my life?” God will soon bring about a change in your business, in your education, in your family life, in your ministry, in your behavior, in your speech, and in all that you do. Since God is going to bless you to receive God’s blessing, you need to change according to His nature of life.
God has decided to bless you since you have lived a miserable life in the past. You had faced many failures and destruction in your life. You went through shame and humiliation because of debts and other financial problems. Therefore, God has considered your helpless situation and wants to keep you happy and cheerful for the rest of your life. He knows that you have suffered much. At the beginning of this verse, we read that neither the vine, the fig nor the pomegranate or the olive brought forth fruit, yet God out of His mercy has decided to bless you from this day. Since there was no proper yield, you couldn’t do well in life. You had taken several steps to improve your financial status but all was a failure. God has been watching all your pain and struggle that you had gone through, to go up the ladder, but you couldn’t succeed.
You need to understand that although you tried many methods you couldn’t do well because you had been constantly changing from time and again. You were never stable. You never had a steady mind. To prosper you need to have a steady mind. You started with one job but shifted to another for some reason. You never remained in one job permanently, so you couldn’t reach the top and you fell to the bottom. Many do not take the counselling of God, while choosing a business or a job or even in the ministry. They will do random shifting from one ministry to another. Then how can God bless them? Many of you have set goals but instead of achieving your goal, you keep on moving here and there as a result, you could not reach your destination. But the Lord says, “I will lead you in the straight path and help you reach the destination.” May God Bless you in your journey.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, let all the children be blessed wherever they are. We thank you for your words of assurance. You desire to live in our hearts, we open our hearts and welcome You.. Father bring an end to all our sinful life. Life of sin and cheating. A life, causing pain and sorrow to others. Help us to be of some use to others. Change our wicked hearts and give us a new heart. Jesus may Your children experience a change in their bitter situations and enjoy the joy of holding Your hand and walk forward in their life from today onwards.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Job 9:10, “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”
We read in the book of Job that suddenly he lost everything and became poor and had no place to rest. Once he was a wealthy man, now he was in his lowly state. He sat on an ash heap and scratched his body with a shell. That was his poor condition; Later on, since he never sinned during the time of trial, God exalted him. Are you like Job sitting in a rented house or in a hut with no comfort? Is your condition like Job? Hence God has sent this blessed word for you saying, “God is a wonder-working God and He does wonders without numbers”. Have you been pushed into this poor state? Have you lost everything, your house, your business, your job your wealth, and now you might be in a hut, without light and water too? You might have lived in a palatial Bungalow but due to failures, you are compelled to live in a hut. Are you saying that you don’t have a house of your own? You take shelter on the pavement or on the street. You have no place to rest your head peacefully.
The word of God comes directly to you saying, “You have a wonder-working God. And He does wonders beyond numbers. How many of you are willing to receive such a blessing from God? When we face trials and afflictions, we need to bear it patiently. We should not murmur against God. See Job the Bible speaks highly of him. He did not sin with his lips. Even though his wife asked him to curse God and die, he told her that she was speaking like a foolish woman. Thus, Job stood steady in his faith though he struggled in his life. God says, in the Bible, “Humble yourselves in the mighty hand of God and you shall be exalted in due season.” Usually, we see that people become dejected when they go through troubles, they do not have the stability to withstand such struggles in their life. They refuse to live any further and end up their life. This is not the right thing to do. When troubles come many take wrong decisions, but you must remember that after a storm there will be calmness. The stormy wind would have blown over you and shattered your lives, but afterwards, you shall experience quietness.
Today there is going to be an end, to all your struggles, your trials, and all your difficulties. The Bible says I will make you rejoice, according to the years in which you had suffered, pain and torment. Maybe you were living in a poor rented house but the Lord desires to elevate you over the pinnacle, and admire you. This will take place in your life if you have faith. God will perform countless miracles. So, keep expecting your miracle from now onwards. Even as you are reading this message your skin disease will be restored. Some of you are thinking that your life has come to an end, due to some death in the family, or your spouse would have deserted you, therefore, you want to commit suicide. No, that is not the right solution to your problem. God desires that you should live, a successful life. A life of fulfilment. The Lord will grant to you a brand-new life. He will change all your situations. God is reuniting many broken families. There is going to be joy and gladness in your heart. God is going to do miracles for you as He did for Job and it cannot be counted. Just as God blessed Job with a double portion of blessing, God will restore all that you have lost in your life. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord, I bless all the children who are reading this message in Jesus Name. Lord look at those children who had once lived in luxury, but now due to unavoidable reasons, they are compelled to live in poor dwellings. Help them to see better days in life. Lord, you promised this word to Job, who had lost everything in life. May these children also enjoy a double portion of blessing. Restore to them the wealth, job, the anointing of God, name, and fame. Remove all obstacles from their lives. Let all their difficulties and famine, debts, and poverty be eradicated from their lives. Lord, I bless them wholeheartedly, that they may taste the love of God and experience the miracle of God in their lives. Perform miracles for them.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Psalm 144:13, “Our barns will be filled, with every kind of provision. Our sheep will increase by thousands, by tens of thousands in our fields.”
My Dear Children of God, Barns mean –storehouse where we store our grains. Today we see many children are working hard to make their living but they have no savings. In my childhood days, I have seen people having big barns to store their paddy and other grains in long wooden trunks. They would store their paddy, rice and other grains in them it would be filled to the brim but nowadays, homes have become so small that there is no room for barns . People cannot accommodate it anymore because of the less space available.
We see most of the people buy daily half kg or one kg of rice and store them in small bags. Many do not even have a tins to store it. Today, the Lord is bringing an end to such a situation. . The Bible says, your barns will be full, and it will overflow. Do you know how it will overflow? It will overflow with all sorts of provisions. It means that you will be filled with all kinds of blessings. Today God is going to provide you with such kinds of barns. Maybe until now, you had no savings but hereafter you shall be placed in good jobs so that you will make better earnings and you shall be able to save much for you and your family.
Some are thinking, “Brother it is a big thing that we are passing our days without any debts”. The Bible says, “My cup overflows”, repeat this statement every day. My cup overflows, my bank account is overflowing with savings, my treasure is overflowing, my Barn is overflowing, keep repeating these statements by faith, then the Lord will make an increase in your life. When you praise God, for what is not there thinking as though it is there, then God will see your faith and really bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Lord fill all the empty Barns with sufficient grains that they may overflow. Let all the children of God have large Barns to store their grains. Therefore, cause your children to earn well, and make better income, to save the remaining money after they have spent enough for their family. Their Barns should be filled with all sorts of provisions. I bless all the children who are reading this message, in the name of the Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit, that their barns might overflow with plenty of grains and all other provisions. Let their famine and poverty change into prosperity. While they are in the process of overflowing with blessings, they should not face any loss or any death in the family. They should not have medical expenses or suffer from any loss. They should not have any unwanted expenditures. Lord perform a miracle for them. Let them all have an overflowing barn in their homes.
In Jesus Name We Pray.
My dearly beloved in Christ, I greet and bless you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blessed word that the Lord has given for you today is from the book of Proverbs. 10:30, “The Righteous Will Never Be Shaken.’’
As you have grown weary and faint in many things, Satan has shaken you and has caused you to fall. Therefore, you have incurred a great loss in your life. But the Lord is telling you that you should not be shaken. The children of God should stand strong, like an anchor that cannot be easily shaken. The Psalmist says, “As I have kept the Lord always before me, I shall not be shaken”. Those who trust in the Lord shall not be shaken. My dear children of God, as satan has shaken your family, you might have got separated, and your family has been shattered. Maybe the enemy could have brought certain losses in your business centre because of some bad elements, risen against you and therefore, your family has lost peace and finally shattered. But the Lord says, never give up on God. Hold on to Him and do not be shaken even if you go through loss in your business or at your work spot or due to financial crisis, then the Lord will rebuild you and establish you and your family.
Be bold and courageous in the Lord, for God is with you. Be strong in your spiritual life and you should not fall into sin. We see Joseph in the Bible as a strong man who feared the Lord and ran away from sin. He had every opportunity to sin and he could have enjoyed the wealth of Potiphar, but he restrained himself from falling into sin. As a result, God exalted him to the post of the Governor of Egypt. His father and brothers came to him for bread. We should be careful in our lives, just when we are about to rise up in life, we may tend to slip and fall, because satan is prowling about as a roaring lion as to whom he might devour. He will always entice us cunningly and make us fall down and that is his work. If you don’t want satan to trap you then you got to be firm in the word of God. That is why David says, “Thy word have I hidden in my heart, That I should not sin”. If you do not have the word of God in you, then you will tend to fall. Therefore, I urge every one of you with much love and concern that you should stand firm in the word of God.
Only then, when you are tempted by satan you will be able to overcome all the obstacles which he is thrusting upon you, by being reminded by the word of God and checking for yourselves if you are walking on the right track and be victorious in your life. The Lord is looking at you today and saying that you should not fall down in front of your enemies, who actually expected your downfall. You should not give room for it in any way. Children of God should always be strong not only in the word of God but also strong in their mind as the world and the things of this world is so enticing. You should not give room for vain thoughts. Satan is tricky and will easily make you fall by giving you something sweet in the beginning, and later make you fall bringing shame and humiliation before others. Hence hereafter you should not give room for Satan’s advice. Instead, be strong in the word of God, meditate upon the word of God day and night, then you shall not be shaken. God Bless you.
Prayer: Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You for this blessed day. Dear Lord, look upon all the children who have been shaken by Satan and fallen down. Lord, you rebuilt the tent of David, likewise, I pray that you rebuild the families that have been shattered and separated for various reasons. Help them live in unity and harmony. Rebuild their broken tents. May all those who are reading to your word this morning be rejuvenated by the power of the Holy Spirit and be strengthened by the word of God. In order that they may overcome the Cunning plan of Satan. Lord I pray that You remain close to them, guard them, protect them and help them to live a victorious life.
In Jesus Name We Pray.